>Nurse quits her job after being forced to work without a facemask
Nurse quits her job after being forced to work without a facemask
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>These are the brave women on the frontlines.
I hope nurses get a 60% cut in pay after this. Make nurses included.
what IS THAT THING????
Kike hospital admins need to resell the masks on the open market. Who gives a fuck about a goy nurse?
Bitch is so fucking ugly
DACA doctors work without mask... ebola isn't real
I would do the same thing. Also who would say to work with no face mask? Unless they mean they ran out of them.
>quitting your job as a nurse during a pandemic
the selfishness of females knows no bounds, women truly are the niggers of the world
I bet the supervisor was a Jew
Bitch knows what she signed up for. Catastrophies happen as does supply shortages as a result of said catastrophies and you agreed to risk your life to save others.
Bitches are literally only needed for emergencies. Emergency happens and they quit because they can't handle emergencies.
Wamen rights were a mistake
That's funny my sister in law wants to quit if she's made TO wear a mask.
she looks like a fucking fish from spongebob mixed with a half nigger mutt
Looks French
>That's funny my sister in law wants to quit if she's made TO wear a mask.
wut lol
people like this dont belong in the medical field.
I hope she has her license pulled
Should have been forced to miss lunch.
Quiet you dumb fat fuck.
>you agreed
No one agreed to work their job without PPE.
Can't blame her. If your government is too incompetent to get you PPE you walk off the job. kys Trumpkikes.
You Americans think you’re so much better than shitholes but you’re not different from 3rd world countries at all. You’re exactly the same.
She doesn't think she should have to wear a mask at work even though it's the front desk at the post office lmao
I work at a warehouse and we only get gloves no mask because all the masks are now going to hospitals which is bullshit.
My fucking (((doctor)) quit his practice indefinitely with no indication of when he's returning.
I thought nurses were our brave heroes on the frontlines of this war against an invisible enemy. Why are they quitting and crying in a corner the moment a supply disruption appears?
This is gonna happen all over. Nurses are gonna start quitting in droves because there's not enough protective equipment. With even fewer providers the ones that stay will be overtaxed and even more susceptible to infection. Woof. I hope we get through the next two weeks.
Arguing on the internet is dumb, but youre a fucking grade A R-tard butterboy
are unironically telling she s in the wrong here? mind explaining you re reasoning
there is literally 0 downside to wearing a mask for what fucking purpuse who she prefer not wearing one
a country is only as good as its genepool
ours is filled with nigs and spics
You're a fucking dumb loser and would do the same. Dont pretend otherwise faggot
is that a worm or just mucus
the cat doesnt seem too troubled so I would assume mucus, but then why cant he pull it out
I know nurses who quit when the outbreak just started. Hope they all get it.
are you unionized
Because the Jewish media amplifies the 1/10,000 cases of nurses quitting to make this whole ordeal seem chaotic
Good for her, she should quit. But she shouldnt be making a show of it
Anyone can get their nursing certification. Nothing special. Most nurses work in literal nursing homes and/or assisted living. Fucking idiots
>t nurse
Here's my reasoning. She is health care worker who has sworn an oath to serve and take care of patients regardless of the circumstances present. It makes no fucking sense that she would be this selfish and just quit because there is no PPE gear for her to use. In crises sometimes you don't have all the equipment you would like and you make due. Male nurses wouldn't do this shit, because males understand duty, valor, sacrifice, and loyalty to ones country that are foreign concepts to women.
Notice how she quits her job and immediately goes on instagram to virtue signal about how hard her life is and all this nonsense. She knows she's fucking stupid and just wants validation from white knights that it's ok that she was a stupid selfish whore when the country needed her the most.
boo hoo go die roastie
Shaun King? Really OP. fuck off with that BS
welcome to essential worker force bitch,
nearly all grocery store workers had to work thru panic buying spreaders without gloves or mask till like couple weeks into the panic.
nurses think they are actual doctors their just glorified dick suckers for the actual medical degree professionals.
She chose the wrong profession.
That’s not what all my puerto rican friends seem to think
>sworn an oath to serve and take care of patients regardless of the circumstances present
Do you actually think health care employees do this?
No, chinks bought up all the masks and now we gotta redirect the rest to hospitals. I don't believe her for a second. I bet you that they ran out momentary and she just didn't want to work.
FYI you can make your own mask, which I did.
What oath do nurses swear in the US?
Good answer
she is lying
she never said that
I'd wanna wear a mask too if i looked like her.
God damn she needs a slap. It kills only .002298% ITS LESS THEN 1 out of 100. GROW SOME BALLS
so cry about it??
great fortitude and maturity and grit youve got there you trio of lukewarm holes
Practical Nurse Pledge", a modern version based on the "Nightingale Pledge"
Before God and those assembled here, I solemnly pledge;
To adhere to the code of ethics of the nursing profession;
To co-operate faithfully with the other members of the nursing team and to carryout [sic] faithfully and to the best of my ability the instructions of the physician or the nurse who may be assigned to supervise my work;
I will not do anything evil or malicious and I will not knowingly give any harmful drug or assist in malpractice.
I will not reveal any confidential information that may come to my knowledge in the course of my work.
And I pledge myself to do all in my power to raise the standards and prestige of the practical nursing;
May my life be devoted to service and to the high ideals of the nursing profession.
That’s besides the points French Symdrone having mother fucker
They dont but they should lol, who shouldn't swear a oath for their work?
hypocritical oath, which means nothing to majority of health care workers.
America, FUCK YEAH
must be nice working in a government coddled industry such as healthcare, These people crack under the first sign of hardship
a lot of f bombs
psychological projection
You really want underpaid nurses? The people who could fuck you over in an instant. Nah
It's just more propaganda. There are no hospitals with shortages so bad the nurses/doctors don't have anything at all to wear. I'm sure it's a stressful time for all medical workers, but she had a breakdown and instead of admitting the truth she turned herself into the victim.
why would u need a mask at a warehouse?
Only a faggot would have a vocabulary bug enough to say this words
Nothing in there says she has to work without PPE.
this 200%
fuck nurses
Can you fags with insta accounts shame
Her into coming back? Like post things such as: becauSe of you lots of little
Girls will die, you are a coward, millions are in worse conditions yet still working etc.
Pledges are fucking stupid.
No you, dumb nigger.
If I have to work with any chlorine product that turns to gas, if my employer says I can't wear a mask I flip them off and walk out.
Retards NEETs like you don't deserve to talk about people quitting their jobs.
I think her patients and her husband would be grateful
Ok, so something you dont have to take. Nor something she ŕeally broke if she did
>regardless of the circumstances present
First rule of emergency healthcare as stated in every ACLS, PALS, and TNCC course I've ever taken is DON'T BECOME A PATIENT. Don't put yourself in harm's way.
masks only prevent you from spreading sickness kike.
even trump says that
Its "Hippocratic" you cretin.
>nearly all grocery store workers had to work thru panic buying spreaders without gloves or mask
Same. No masks, no sanitizers because it's all going to the hospitals.
But fuck you essential workers, we need to consume still.
>who has sworn an oath to serve and take care of patients regardless of the circumstances present.
alright I didnt know that part
>Male nurses wouldn't do this shit
idk be careful not to go too far into stoicism and into complacent cuckery
> and immediately goes on instagram to virtue signal about how hard her life is and all this nonsense.
obliviously, she s also a disgusting mutt, fat, etc plenty of things to say about her
my point is simply that the fact they dont have enough supplies is entirely the fault of the state/the hospital or whoever is supposed to supply people in your weird country (clearly no one did lol)
I dont get the crazy angry reaction at her from other amerimutts, the situation is basically what this leaf said>Kike hospital admins need to resell the masks on the open market. Who gives a fuck about a goy nurse?
she SHOULD have a mask
she shouldnt be asked to do this job without one
the fact her kike bosses force her to put herself in danger by refusing to allow her to use the equipement SHE OWNS is fucking insane
>That’s besides the points
point* singular and no its just really distracting, she is legit one of the ugliest mutts I have ever seen and I have seen a lot
she s like a mexican with white skin nigger lips and eyebrows, everything about her face is uncanny
>There are no hospitals with shortages so bad the nurses/doctors don't have anything at all to wear.
(x) doubt, america is really a shithole
>some voluntary pledge said at some unspecific amount of nursing ceremonies
>all nurses everywhere have taken this pledge
Okay, retard.
>comparing chlorine to human lives
understandable would have done the same tbqh
if you dont have masks to treat covid patients your hospital isn't fit to have them, it is that simple
i'm so sick of these attention-hungry nurses
based. She only got the job cause of the pay or whatever the fuck. The real people in those professions are altruistic as fuck and throw themselves at these situations cause they truly want to help with no regard for themselves. Real heroes. This CUNT deserves nothing.
>hypocritical oath
I know you probably weren't, but please pretend you were being retarded on purpose.
You're retarded
It's fucking assumed that you will serve patients in ANY circumstances. FUCK YOU.
All nurses upon graduation in the US have taken this pledge. retard
ITT: Trumptards now hate the nurse for making their Jew daddy look stupid.
>Her into coming back? Like post things such as: becauSe of you lots of little
>Girls will die, you are a coward, millions are in worse conditions yet still working etc.
who would do that, why arent the people who would say that doing it themselves, imagine calling someone else a coward for not doing what you re not doing either
Yeah thats totally believable
Male ER Nurse here. Most of all the women scatter like rats when there’s a COVID19 Pt. coming in. The pregnant girls NEVER has to take one. Muh equalitys. They’re shit even when they own the profession.
The same faggots who are talking shit about nurses wanting to protect themselves with masks are the same faggots who protect their IPs with VPNs on pol. Coof on you nigger
How dare you not put your life on the line for your employer!
No. They haven't, you lying shitbag.
She's young and has a high chance of survival even if she gets it. She's not willing to put herself at risk even if it means hundreds of others may live. The point here is that it's generally men who are selfless.
We do it to teachers and were a ok. Only doctors really have a say in this matter. But it's ok user your nursing degree will mean something to the citizens of America.
Strong brave powerful etc and most importantly not me
>wearing an N95 in a negative pressure equipped ICU desk
You only need them in the room when there is risk of aerosolization
100% dumb attention whore
I dont understand why her job told her she couldn't wear her own mask. I can understand supply shortages but if she brings her own why can't she use it?
then they'll all quit.
then what, retard?
Where is it "assumed?" Its better health care practice not to expose yourself and spread it more
Easy for you to say Zyklon Buddy.
And no I'm comparing Chloride&Chlorine gas to a dangerous pathogen not human lives. Syntax you fucking subhuman do you understand it.
Nurses dont get paid much. Why wouldn't she able to wear a mask?
She couldn't survive these nutz I kill coronoa virus hysteria traitors to the republic son what it do we out here
Nursing student here. Am I going into a retard profession?
Find the source that all US nurses have to take that pledge
You're full of shit, lol
This is her instagram: instagram.com
Shame that cow
Male ER Nurse here. The women scatter like rats when a COVID19 Pt. comes in. The pregnant girl NEVER has to take one. Muh equality. Women are shit even in professions they own.
Hop off a bridge stupidfag
Why would you have pregnant nurses deal with covid patients? Seema like an incel mentality
>She's young and has a high chance of survival even if she gets it
Ok China shill. Keep telling the public the young people are going to be ok.
Fuck off eat shit and die communist.
Because the hospital doesn't make that rule, the government does. And if the government didn't, you'd have more hospitals using non-regulation cheaper masks to cut costs. Protecting majority vs protecting minority.
particulate you fuckwit
Looks like one of you.
She is just going to spread it to everyone in the hospital
He can't. He is fucking idiot.
>nurses may take a similar oath known as the nightingale pledge
>depending on the policy of their nursing school
Not your private army, Jew.
if she was smart she would have worn her own ppe. if the hospital fired her for it the optics for her would be far better plus she could sue. way better then having a wittle baby boo boo sob fest on the internet for likes, shares and ments
its that white guy that pretends to be black ,shaun king's instagram. so of course the video is fake.