why do meds catch it easier
Why do meds catch it easier
Genetically similar to chinks
>>why are meds more honest
who is this semen senorita?
because there are hundreds of thousands of chinks working in Italy.
They own most of the tourist services in areas like venice and rome. They also work in textiles.Those "italian" suits may as well be made in china
They dont, they didnt know it was in the country until it was too late. A lot of chinks go on holiday in the med, that is also why Iran got infected quickly, all Chink holiday destinations!
Italians had a deal with China that allowed chinks to wander freely in Italy, add to that the fact that it got them with their pants down and it's a deadly mix. That's why.
i wonder if a girl like this could stick her entire foot down my throat and choke me to death
She looks southern European to me, what do you mean by med? Israel and Egypt, Libya, are on the Mediterranean but they are arabs not Europeans. Are you trying to say that southern Europeans and arabs are the same? C'mon man.
explain ny and new jersey. Loads of meds.
>Are you trying to say that southern Europeans and arabs are the same?
literally the most diverse place on the planet. you have more mongrels and mutts than sydney does
Ana de Armas is Cuban, dipshits.
still mostly italians here.
>Europeans and arabs are the same
yes, nothing wrong with that
flag checks out
She is 100% Spanish with four spanish grand-parents so she is Spanish you spic-tard!
Don't die of the coof Ana! You have one, maybe two more films to get your tits out for us before the wall takes you.
>Mostly italian
White: 42.67%
Black or African American: 24.27%
Other race: 15.12%
Asian: 13.95%
Two or more races: 3.51%
Native American: 0.43%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.05
south and central americans are also counted as "white"
holy shit he's gorgeous and clean
>why do meds catch it easier
Because they get hit milder by respiratory viruses because of hot summers.
N-Europeans thus build up resistance over a lifetime being exposed, and probably also genes selected to survive respiratory diseases.
I wish. Unfortunately we have just enough white in us to render our more retarded compatriots vulnerable to whatever shit the Left dreams up.
Still superior
Post her feet then.
Meds talk close to each other. Very little social distancing.
Hollywood actress, clean? Oh man...
Iran said it was because Italians were similar to them lmao
Italian women can't resist the Big Chinese Cock.
my friend is half iranian and his professor thought he was italian. I thought jontron was italian too but he's iranian.
>Big Chinese Cock.
You know that from personal experience?
We just happen to have retard governments at the moment. This wouldn't happen under Franco or Mussolini.
>Meds are Asiatic-Persians
I believe it
Italians are mostly Celtic-Germanic & Greek, nothing to do with the Persians!
this is how all cuban women look like
It doesn't add up though, some Nordics are even immune to HIV despite never having been exposed. There is something... different.. about you lads.
But we die of malaria and all the diseases in hot countries. Central America is white mans graveyard.
Italy also has brutal flu seasons
I'm sure this had nothing to do with it. There's no way a Chinese propaganda stunt would hijack white guilt to intentionally spread a virus, that's silly!
Ana is a castizo cuban, nice b8 m8
thought she was italian
They don't retard
They're catching it at exactly the same rate as anyone else
The virus will do to you exactly what it did to them
Try coping less
Whoops... used the normie friendly one lol
Looks like a purebred Roman.
looks arab
>why do meds catch it easier
Because they no longer pray to the Sky Father.
No. She has more refined features. Arabs are generally like malformed blobs by comparison.
This. People who pay for made in italy overmemed crap are getting kiked harder than they could imagine. It's often chinks that make that stuff in italy. So if you are unfortunate enough to have a gf that is dumb enough to fall for (((designer))) stuff, maybe show her some articles.
Also meds are unsanitary niggers who cant into hygiene.
still would think she's arab if i saw her outside
She's clearly Italian or Greek. She'd make good looking children too.
theres nothing wrong with being more closely related to north africans than to other euros. Malta's main haplogroup is more commonly found in the middle east than in europe.
>Explain how subway city got infected
Hey dumb nigger a large portion of people who work in NYC live in NJ. Hell NYC's football teams play in NJ
Speak for yourself, Israeli.
coronachan loves swarthy med lungs for some reason
ok abo
Nords are subhumans therefore they are more immune to diseases that affect human beings.
There we go.
That's a good Jew.
Nice and obedient.
They are afraid of the MED BVLL.
>source: my ass