/TKG/ - Ted Kaczynski General #17 - RIP Linkola Edition

>The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Pentti Linkola edition. Toast to him!

>Essential reading:
->Industrial Society and Its Future (ISAIF):
editions-hache.com/essais/pdf/kaczynski2.pdf (ONLY 30 PAGES)

>Further reading:
->Anti-Tech Revolution (ATRev):
->Technological Society by Ellul
->Ultimo Reducto
->Propaganda: the Formation of Men's Attitudes by Ellul

>Who is Theodore „Ted“ John Kaczynski?
->Confirmed 167 IQ
->Man of Action
->PhD in Mathematics

>Visit our FAQ:

>Visit our /prep/ing list:

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>jewish subversion/guilt by association thread

TOAST TO MY NIGGA LINKOLA! 1932-2020 never forget.

>Last threads:
#7 (300+ replies)
#8 (250+ replies)
#9 (100 replies)
#10 (100+ replies)
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#15 (200+ replies)

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Name one victim of Ted's alleged actions. Without googling. Actions of a THINKER do not discredit his ideas if those ideas are based on solid logic.

the fuck is your problem faggot?

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>Commie shit
Lmao no thanks, another thread for the filter. And I don't filter that many threads.

pretty sure most of them were crusty futurist heebgoblins

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Do you think he requested a sky burial? You probably couldn't get away with it in most of the US but I bet you could in Finland

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nobody cares plebbitor

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Cool man, have fun in /PTG/

Miga!!! Can't wait to have my google data analyzed!

Thanks for the bump.

No wonder everything is 'commie' to you.

>mutt education
>using the FUCK out of filters

Choose one.

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No offense to amerifrens ITT, of course.

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>taking offense
>from argentinian bantz
yeah right lol

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....Still laughing, saved, man.

>6. Almost everyone will agree that we live in a deeply troubled society. One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern society in general. 7. But what is leftism? During the first half of the 20thcentury leftism could have been practically identified with socialism. Today the movement is fragmented and it is not clear who can properly be called a leftist. When we speak of leftists in this article we have in mind mainly socialists, collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. But not everyone who is associated with one of these movements is a leftist. What we are trying to get at in discussing leftism is not so much movement or an ideology as a psychological type, or rather a collection of related types. Thus, what we mean by “leftism” will emerge more clearly in the course of our discussion of leftist psychology.

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Now hold it right there, buddy!!!

We are JUST as white as you, now, you got that????


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>8. Even so, our conception of leftism will remain a good deal less clear than we would wish, but there doesn’t seem to be any remedy for this. All we are trying to do here is indicate in a rough and approximate way the two psychological tendencies that we believe are the main driving force of modern leftism. We by no means claim to be telling the WHOLE truth about leftist psychology. Also, our discussion is meant to apply to modern leftism only. We leave open the question of the extent to which our discussion could be applied to the leftists of the 19th and early 20th centuries. 9. The two psychological tendencies that underlie modern leftism we call “feelings of inferiority” and “over-socialization”. Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of modern leftism as a whole, while over-socialization is characteristic only of a certain segment of modern leftism; but this segment is highly influential.

General question here. It seems like there isnt a whole lot of discussion regarding FRUIT as a step to self sufficiency. Now there is a time barrier to fruit trees (from what I understand they can take 5-10 years to really get going), but I think you can purchase 3-5 foot tall trees that have even begun to bear some small quantity of fruit for around $80 or so.

When people do their vegetable calculations about how much labor will be required for "X" amount of people, needing "X" amount of space and etc... Why are fruit trees not considered to reduce those requirements?

To my understanding depending on climate, apple/orange trees or other varieties can produce tens of thousands of calories yearly with NO MAINTAINENCE required.

checking those digits

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This would be very fitting for him. I could imagine him liking the idea.

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You make a very good point with the whole fruit tree thing, no doubt, but....Ackshyually, fruit trees require quite a bit of maintainance, at least twice a year most of them have to be expertly pruned (except plum trees, those fuckers do their own thing). That includes apple trees, apparently, they degenerate over the years when left to their own device.

Still, this should certainly be addressed in the preplist anons are putting together; it can't NOT be there.

Fruit trees and berry bushes should definitely be staple food crops of anyone's garden. Very high and consistent yield with little to no work. Even one single apple tree produces insane amounts of apple.

Orange trees are for Mediterranean people. I don't think about orange trees a lot. Do you?

What is your opinion about Calhoun's Rat Utopia/Dystopia? Is the contemporary human living in something similar? Could we get out of this situation?

Apple trees degenerate how?

I've had this apple tree for like 10 years without doing anything to it and it seems to do fine. Some years it doesn't produce much, other years a lot. I think that's okay. Not trying to maximize yield but minimize work.

Anybody recognize this?

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This is how I want to go out, feeding other creatures.

Have a couple books on trees n'shieeet, that's what the man said. If you don't prune them properly, they yield less over the years. Lemme look it up, have the book right here.

Sounds like you're skirting the implications that your ideology is entirely rooted in enabling an entity to regulate your life in its entirety.

I often mentally compare peoples desire to urbanize (at the detriment of their physical comfort and mental health) to Calhouns mice who senselessly packed into one quadrant of the habitat instead of spreading out, and began to behave sexually perverse and cannibalize one another.

It's a long time since I read about it but my feeling is that it's ultimately just a ''good story''. Not really an analogy that should be taken to seriously to apply to humans. Humans have since the neolithic revolution lived in conditions that we are not evolved to. After industrialism, the conditions changed even more so and the 21st century Tech life has very little in common with the life that our biology was made for. We don't have to look at rats to decipher that we act very strange - all the mental illness and such. Trannyism. Cutting off your dick. Anxiety. Suicide. Masturbation. Chimps don't masturbate in the wild, only captivity. I've heard. Do humans?

We are for certain Zoo animals, except that ''we'' built this Zoo around us. Maybe it wasn't good. It ultimately won't be good.

The System already does that.
btw this video should be required watching, can it be added to the OP?

Being a Floridian (at least for the time being) I know they tend to grow huge and produce hundreds of oranges yearly with barely any effort.

Nigger, what? You still convinced Ted is some sort of communist, aren't you?

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>Sounds like you're skirting the implications that your ideology is entirely rooted in enabling an entity to regulate your life in its entirety.

Can you clarify this please? I don't understand it.

How to you plan to enact this radical, (and frankly backwards) ideology without the implication of force?

Yeah, maybe if you try to maximize yield over an area it's good to prune them. I'm a believer in the natural no-work method where plants are let do their stuff. I'd rather not do anything but water plants at most. I don't want plants to be dependent on my work.

I got more apples than I can eat anyways.

He hated the progressive left, says so in his book. He even distinctly noted to beware of progressives joining an anti tech movement, as there is some crossover with environmental movements, but environmental movements are constantly self sabatoged by progressives as they just cant help but dilute the message with gay rights and racial equality bullshit.

It must always remain clear that the message is one of anti technology. It has nothing to do with communism. In a post technological world I imagine any number of new systems could emerge.

If growing organes is so easy, why do I have to pay 3€/kg for them? Checkmate.

Not gonna lie slightly jealous I'd definitely grow oranges if they grew in the Sub-Arctic climate.

I'm saying by enforcing this ideology of any means you'd enable a higher power to regulate your life entirely, hence removing the purpose of the movement. Not to mention the irony of posting this on a fucking internet message board. You're more backwards than the garu

I don't understand this post.

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Man I bet he is laughing his ass off now. Look what globalism has done to the world. Look at how the media manipulates well meaning people. Look at how technology is used to violate your most basic rights of privacy and free expression. Whew.

Found the quote. The author's name is Julio Tiscornia, whatever, the book is in Spanish anyways, but the man seems to know his shit:

''Pruning is the main factor for success in the production of the apple tree.''

Furthermore, he states that the lack of pruning or the application of deficient pruning techniques result in the tree developing wasteful suckers all over the place, kind of like the tomato plant when left unattended.

>I'm a believer in the natural no-work method where plants are let do their stuff. I'd rather not do anything but water plants at most. I don't want plants to be dependent on my work.

Absolutely man; and,you kind of guessed it, this book is an old book written for 'professionals', published in the early 70's in Argentina, so for large-scale production, very anti-Ted indeed.

Dont let users like this who obviously arent interested (or have any idea what the fuck they are talking about) detract from the thread. Literally just ignore them.

I hope you all realize Linkola is not anti-tech and Kaczynski would want nothing to do with him. Linkola wants to try and regulate and control tech to make the world more natural (just like the system) which is impossible. Kaczynski simply wants to destroy it.

They are opposing ideologies, because Linkola is essentially a reformist, and reformists are enemies of revolutionaries.

If someone would like to chime in and correct me I'll listen.

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Similar to fruit trees, plant nut trees. Long lived perrenial and nuts can become a staple food in your diet. Great source of calories and other nutrients.
Also, you don't even have to grow them because nuts grow wild. In the eastern USA we can harvest wild hickory nuts, hazelnuts, black walnuts, butternuts, acorns and more. There's a reason that wherever they grew nuts (and particularly acorns) were one of the staple plant foods of the hunter gatherers in that area.

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Are you suggesting that we are trying to build an Ecofascist world state that would control tech from developing or what? Yas Forums is a board of peace and tolerance and obviously we would never want to force anything on anyone. The system is going to fall regardless. Are you prepared or not?

>Not to mention the irony of posting this on a fucking internet message board.
And we pay taxes, and obey the laws. Pretty fucking hypocritical, isn't it? We truly live in a society.

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>Just ignore anyone who has criticism of your goals.
Talks like a leftist, acts like a leftist, speaks like a leftist.
Might just be a leftist. Whats the op here rabbi. Stop the ebbin Yas Forums poster by making them give up their computers?

I'm mostly implicating your ideology of "ecofascism" is about as foolproof and achievable is "anarco-communism"

>enforcing this ideology of any means you'd enable a higher power to regulate your life entirely

can you please clarify this? i'm dead serious and i'm not trolling. I simply don's understand the point. Are you saying that by talking about Kaczynski and anti-tech on these boards we are diluting the revolutionary impact of the ideology and rendering it just another part of the spectacle and thus a tool of the very system we supposedly oppose? Are you thinking something along the lines of that?

He thinks Ted is a commie. And given his comment, he is possibly some kind of lolbertarian or something similar. If you read his comment in that context, his post makes complete sense. His thinking seems to be something like this:

>Woah, you commie, you are almost admitting you are a dirty commie!

Not even trying to shit on the user, but he is SURE Ted is a commie.... This is what /TKG/ is up against......

Yes and know, mostly the grim irony of being anti-tech on a tool that is pure technology. I'd expect you to join a nontechnology commune.

>the tree developing wasteful suckers
Call me a sucker but I trust the wisdom of trees... they know something I don't. Maybe they have a master plan for not maximizing yield for me? Dunno. I'd not bet against the trees.

>Absolutely man; and,you kind of guessed it, this book is an old book written for 'professionals',
Yeah it all depends on what your goal is. A professional who plans on harvesting and selling 2 million apples obviously is going to approach his trees differently than a humble sustainable agriculturalist who only wants to feed himself and his community. Permaculture is definitely not the most cost effective way to grow stuff, no denying that.

Hes implying that a society existing in a pre-industrial state would be ruled over by others who retained technology.

But he is operating under an assumption that the transformation would not be absolute.

>I'm mostly implicating your ideology of "ecofascism" is about as foolproof and achievable is "anarco-communism"

Oh! I agree with this completely! IF you are referring to Linkola exclusively here. Linkola should be totally separate from Kaczynski. Kaczynski is absolutely not anything close to an ecofascist. Kaczynski simply advocates for collapse of the industrial system, whereby linkola advocates for, essentially, a fascist control over the system to "make it better for wild nature."

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His goals are only achievable by absolute submission to authority and trust in their ability to take care of you and prevent others from using the "forbidden fruit" against you.
Otherwise, you are just as trusting as lolbertarian in the assertion that people will just "do the right thing" and not keep their tech and fuck your primiative ass up.

What the heck bros, here goes:

It would be hopeless to try to attack the industrial system without using modern technology, while at the same time attempting to forgo the use of this or that technology.

If one thing is made clear through Ted's works, it is the fact that one cannot pick and choose which technology to use and which technology to ignore within contemporary technological civilization. If nothing else, anti-tech revolutionaries must use the communications media to spread their message.

However, it must be clearly understood that they should use modern technology for one sole purpose: to attack the technological system.

>Kaczynski simply advocates for collapse of the industrial system, whereby linkola advocates for, essentially, a fascist control over the system to "make it better for wild nature."
which is achievable but ultimately already a derivative of the modern left therefore irrelevant, you'll be ask "why not just join the green party"

Pruning = fewer, larger fruits, best for market.
No Pruning = more, smaller fruits, higher total nutrient value.

The idea that 'trees don't produce optimally without pruning' is one of those silly modern human beliefs.

understood. but i don't see anything wrong with occasionally posting here to help propagate the ideas to people who would otherwise not be exposed to them. you are right, that ultimately a non-tech community of revolutionaries would be more robust though.

>Yeah it all depends on what your goal is. A professional who plans on harvesting and selling 2 million apples obviously is going to approach his trees differently than a humble sustainable agriculturalist who only wants to feed himself and his community.

Yes, obviously, absolutely no doubt about it, however it is one of the few books on the matter to be found in actual paper locally.... Second-hand, at that.

>I dont believe in guns, but by god i'll use guns to kill anyone who disagrees!
You're a hypocrite and your ideology is unobtainable and ultimately backwards.

>Stop the ebbin Yas Forums poster by making them give up their computers?
Have we once advocated giving up computers in these generals? Computers are a great source of knowledge. You fundamentally just don't understand our position. What is the alternative to our position? Transhumanism only, to be honest. Which has tons of problems.

We oppose the techno-industrial system. Not the use of technology. Know the difference!

Dont muddy the message.

All technology is inherently destructive and has placed us in this state of losing what it means to be a free human being

Ok, but please understand we are not naive enough to not consider the forces of natural selection and the survival of more tech systems at the expense of less tech systems.

many of us who advocate revolution against the industrial system do so with an understanding that although this process will continue to exist, the complex and interconnected modern global techno-system will have collapsed and will likely never recover. In other words, a collapse of the modern industrial system will lead to a world where there are more technological systems operating adjacent to less technological systems, it's just that due to resource exhaustion and other issues, it will never again be possible to advance in tech as much as we have, and it will be possible for people to live free away from civilization.

Yeah desu I think most gardeners prune their trees only for the aesthetics. I like the look of un-pruned wild trees though.

If you got many trees, I'd recommend experimenting! Time will tell how pruned trees compare with un-pruned trees.

>technology(knowledge) is inherently destructive

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Can someone please address this please