How would Nazi Germany handle COVID-19?

How would Nazi Germany handle COVID-19?

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"onions milk" yikes brah

Coffee causes irregular heartbeats and lowers testosterone so no I wouldn’t drink it daily


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we'd start by having you gassed

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>How would Nazi Germany handle COVID-19?

I dunno. Why don't you ask them.


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Throw some Jews in the oven

Theyd definitely gas OP the kike

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Like I'd handle that ass.

>"onions milk"
Is there now a filter that changes s.o.y. to onions?

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Nice hair. Must have great pubic hair.

Fine kissable lips.


Wait what? Can you sauce the test lowering thing? I love me some cup of coffee every other day sometimes. Will cut it completely if this is a thing.

>lowers testosterone so no I wouldn’t drink it daily
Proof ?

How would Nazi Germany handle coffee being good for you?

They would probably go full "herd immunity" and prepare to burn massive amounts of bodies instead of isolating and sanitizing.

I noticed that too, sad state of affairs that zoymilk has its own aisle marker.

and in my case causes rush hour on the hershey highway for some reason.

it's been in place for like two years

Well, if you don't cook the beans you can't drink it. Not sure why you would isolate or sanitize coffe beans tho.

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Only for sⲟyboys.

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Yeah we got a shitter on isle 6 again

They wouldn't. The Japanese Empire would've civilized mainlined China and there wouldn't be any peasants eating bat soup or any commie high security labs with poor safety standards.

>doesnt know how to write s○y

Actual abrupt quarantine and martial law. The pandemic would be isolated entirely in a single week.

Stupid kike

Probably invade China and start a war with Russia for no reason while doing it

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I thought that never happened?

Is coffee good for you?


Irene Quinn


Are you a fucking idiot?

OP said literally NOTHING about coffee.

Jesus Christ you're a dumbass.

What is "still water"?

Would be very hard for them to get it because they don't believe in globalism.

There wouldn't have been any disease because there wouldn't be any chinese


newfag or bait



thank you my liege


>How would Nazi Germany handle COVID-19?
Set up camps for the jews, probably invade Poland.

Attached: auschwitz.jpg (1300x956, 233.8K)

' that mayonnaise on the floor??'

6 million dead chinks

Special ingredient for coffee


The same way they handle every problem, Pinky. By rounding up the jews and putting them in camps.


Fuck off idiot.

That anons post had nothing to do with what OP was asking.

He just started talking about coffee for no reason.

If you're not going to contribute to the thread FUCK OFF.

Execute anyone who said it wasn't just a flu for being defeatists, then blame the jews when it inevitably kills everyone.

Her butthole before o
Her butthole after ○

That is one worthy ass

I want to sniff on her brapphole so much it hurts guys

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no seriously, lurk more or kill yourself

Coffee makes me sick, not sure how people drink that shit. Non sugar energy drinks don’t mKe me feel like I’m going to die at any second.

by being based as fuck

Opposite of sparkling water. Aka cis water

Welcome to Yas Forums newfag

How about YOU kill yourself or contribute to the thread.

Its people like you that bring down the quality of this board.

All you do is spout nonsense over and over again.


>low effort nonsense thread
>porn pic
Jew slide thread #38474728

Exactly like China


herd immunity unironically

how can you be such horny If you are in the snow

Well good night Irene, I'll get you in my dreams indeed

we cannot allow a virus number gap!

Her bbc cravings are causing her to present her asscheeks like that to attract a strong dark skinned stud

kill all the jews and commies
and still die

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sup newfag

depends who (((you))) ask

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They would probably have shelter in home orders which people would actually obey since they aren’t niggers.
They would probably also be a lot more aggressive about finding a cure, test drugs rapidly, if 1-5000 people die to bad drugs before a working one is found, that’s still better than 100,000+ from just letting the pandemic go on that much longer. “Ethical testing” is just letting hundreds of thousands die because you are too much of a bitch to potentially sign the death warrant for 1000 yourself, nothing ethical about it, just avoidance of responsibility.

Get with the new memes grandpa

Doesnt know if coffee is good for him or not

but what if coffee actually is good for you


it's free hand soap!

Probably blame the Jews for the millionth fucking time.

Wtf I use a zero!


recovery camps with swimming pools and nightly drama plays for the coronavirus sufferers.

> drops facts against one of the most addictive substances on the face of the planet that is proven to be bad for your health
> tries to stop coffee cartels run by kikes who destroy the earth for more beans
> calls op a kike

Not a good look for you moshe.

max kekers

>slide thread
>ID is literally BBC

no floride filter tho newfren?
Do you know there is a plan to floridate ice-cream, children's icecream?

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kek'd, very subtle

Coffee when drank sparingly won’t have any negative effects on your health. Like anything else the key to consuming coffee in a healthy manner is moderation.

I drink dark roast coffee. Good stuff

Kek’d hard.

Nice one.

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it seems like everything in america is covered in shart and coom. what a disgusting country

Causing it to spread literally everywhere via the squalid conditions of the Nazi concentration camp system i.e. exactly what happened with Typhus.

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LSFTCC. Literally sculpted for tiny Chinese cock

nigger so󠛡y

burn or gas everyone who has it

They would probably be more comfortable closing their borders.


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