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What’s your opinion of Adam Green and the information he puts out?

I’m certain he isn’t a shill. He is a very authentic and pure hearted guy, and I really respect what he is doing. God bless him. But I have to say, sometimes I think he says stuff that’s really kind of out there. He focuses so much on the divine/mystical religious elements of the ZOG conspiracy, and he has kooky guests on frequently.

I would like to see him focus more on the political situation in the United States. Their social tactics and grand plans like the gay agenda, feminism, social programming, etc need to have more of a spotlight in his content.

What are your thoughts of what he puts out?

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Well, I agree with you re the "divine/mystical religious elements of the ZOG..." and his guests, and I too would like to see him focus more on the political situation in the US. I'll add that it bothers me that he seems to be one of the ones who feel like if you're anti-Jew, you must be pro-Palestinian, and I come away feeling like he and I have different reasons for not liking this element. He's more upset that Israel exists and is a thing - I'm more upset that they are subverting our society and government.

terrible and biased news, he's a terrorist sympathizer

He needs to spend a few hours talking to JR Nyquist

>He's more upset that Israel exists and is a thing - I'm more upset that they are subverting our society and government.
Exactly. He’s so zoned in on the zionists, and their game in the Middle East that he avoids discussing what they are doing to our society here at home.

I’ve binge watched his channel for the past two months, starting with videos as far back as two years ago. I like how he mostly compiles video and audio clips and lets them do the talking for him with minimal commentary. He also interviews people and actually allows them to speak rather than being a know it all and a control freak. I enjoyed his interviews with Bjerknes and Israeli News Live.

I would be very interested if he were to focus more on the federal reserve and America’s past, especially Abraham Lincoln and the real reasons for our civil war.

Terrorism is political theater

He's a disinformation agent. He casts all of the blame on Jews, even though the Talmud Jews are just one group of many that pull the strings. He basically pushes out material to keep people in a hateful mindset.

Also, he thinks Q is a LARP. That should tell you enough.

You guys should watch Handsome Truth then. He used to be friends with Adam Green, but they had a falling out early last year. He talks about EVERYTHING anti-Jew stuff.

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Go away shill. You aren’t welcome here

How the FUCK am I shilling? Are you retarded?

Why did they have a falling out?

Jews did 9/11
USS Liberty
Zionists own the media

You think I am a shill? Really?

lmao imagine saying
>he thinks Q is a LARP. That should tell you enough.
while also saying
>He's a disinformation agent.
You're definitely trolling. 5/10, made me kek.

q is a larp

Go look up Adam Green's ties with the CIA and then we'll see who's shilling.

His goal is demoralization. He offers no hope and that's why he denies QAnon. In fact, he won't even touch it. When asked about it, he will just say, "get help".

But... go on and keep subverting yourself listening to this literal fucking MOSSAD agent as he black pills you. Do whatever the fuck you want to do.

Because Adam went to Israel with a Mormon Shill and both of them were not detained by the Israeli Government despite the fact that they both make content that makes the Jews screech. Another reason is that Adam gives a platform to a lot of Jews on his show.

Also, Adam has a suspicious history possibly working in government intelligence.

Yeah, you're right... there aren't 500+ proofs that Q is connected to the Trump administration...

Handsome Truth found out Adam Green was convicted of obtaining child pornography from Ryan Dawson through the black market (silk road) as you all know Ryan Dawson himself is a convicted baby raper.

>Adam has a suspicious history possibly working in government intelligence
do you have any details?

The info is often good, but he's still a shill.
Look at some of the guests he's had on.
And he's still doing it and not getting banned.

Army spends half a million dollars training troops to fight underground in 2018.
Fast forward to mid Jan 29 2020 a sophisticated Underground Railroad was found going from Mexico to San Diego to smuggle “drugs”.
Put 2 and 2 together. This is the human trafficking Q has been talking about.
The virus is a cover story.
The hospital ships are NOT Covid patients.

>why he denies QAnon.
Both are Bullshit

he's a fraud.
hypes bullshit.
example - seattle 11/3
he's a kike

Case closed, I guess! We should not look into Q anymore. I am going to take a nap now.

Of all the shit NYC has to worry about right now because of a “virus “ and they are inspecting a 1917 tunnel?

Guy is a POS and a disinfo faggot...

I'd watch Steven Crowder before watching this faggot seriously.

He's okay but he should do pre-recorded videos under 20 minutes instead of his 1-2hour streams. I can only stand him for a few minutes, 2 hours is asking way too much. I'd rather watch TruNews

Adam Green is a disinfo agent that works for big tech based out of China. Notice how he's so eager to call out Israel yet never mentions all of the malicious attacks the Chinese have imposed on us Americans. Why is that? Why does Adam Green defend China? Really makes me think..

>His goal is demoralization
This. My impression right from the beginning was that he is one of the least limited of the mossad limited hangouts. He exvlusively presents authentic, factual information but nevertheless deceives and manipulates by selective omission, deliberate myopia, and nihilistic, defeatist signalling. His basic shtick is "look at this real information about ZOG! See how utterly hopeless it all is? Everybody in the entire world is a zionist agent and theres no good people in power left anywhere at all! Theyve already won." Also, he utterly ignores anything involving Illuminati or the 4th reich CoG/SSP.

How fucking low IQ do you have to be at this point to still be listening to Adam Green after he finally just came out and tried to disprove QAnon:

What a fucking idiot. He wants people to stay in a state of fear and hopelessness. He is a demoralization agent.

Trump is taking down the cabal. People are not getting sick of COVID-19, a fucking FLU-LIKE VIRUS. You don't mobilize troops across the States for the fucking flu and put 30K troops across Europe.

Wake up. Adam Green is a shill.

>He focuses so much on the divine/mystical religious elements of the ZOG conspiracy
this. also why he hasnt been shit down. he might be hurting the anti zog movement more than helping it.

>Jews did 9/11
>USS Liberty
>Zionists own the media

I liked Adam at first when I was learning about the Jews, subversion, Zionist control of the media...but then I realize that Adam offers no sort of hope. He offers no solutions at all...just doom and gloom. That's subversion.

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>He used to be friends with Adam Green, but they had a falling out early last year

Internet Kayfabe programmed by Eric Weinstein. The Vince McMahon of the internet.

He's based. Opened my eyes on the nazi-zionist connection. I always thought stormfags were low iq tho.

>Adam Green is a shill.
stfu q shill
>He offers no solutions at all...just doom and gloom. That's subversion.
>stop talking about us before you figure out a solution, goy
you're silly, I'm still not sure if you're serious or not

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This guy is a muslim working for the communist party. Double yikes.

>then I realize that Adam offers no sort of hope.
its not about offering hope. he doesnt have the historical knowledge to properly debate. he just knows the shallow basics of zog. Ryan Dawson is really the only one who can dismantle zog but he is not charismatic or socially skilled enough to fight effectively. most of the zog actual facts people here know about come from dawson.

>How fucking low IQ do you have to be at this point to still be listening to Adam Green after he finally just came out and tried to disprove QAnon:
Q-user is an obvious larp operated by Mossad, Kuchner, and Chabad power brokers. Duh.

>What a fucking idiot. He wants people to stay in a state of fear and hopelessness. He is a demoralization agent.
STOP TALKING ABOUT US! Only silent subservience can save you, goy! Anythin else is demoralization!

Lol. you are a joke.

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he's too obsessed with disinfowars

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I’m still unpersuaded by this that he is comped. I dont buy it. He doesn’t make me feel hopeless, and he even says we need to fight back.

Leaf, if you say Q is real it is going to make most think you are a shill. But please explain to me what the issue with Adam Green actually is other than “muh Q”

>I liked Adam at first when I was learning about the Jews, subversion, Zionist control of the media...but then I realize that Adam offers no sort of hope
Why is he supposed to offer hope? Why do you demand to be entertained and placated instead of informed?

>That's subversion.
No. Demanding people stop investigating topics is subersion.

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Lmao he doesn’t sympathize with jews

Ah nvm you are just a dumbass. Sorry, just ignore my other post and have a good day

>he's too obsessed with disinfowars
His discussions of infowars are extremely entertaining and interesting. It is useful critical angle and the info he has exposed about infowars is undeniable at this point. IMO, of course.

i think he's retarded but decent at hiding it. If you watch him for over 5 minutes you'll see what i mean

It is all jews faggo leaf

>And he's still doing it and not getting banned.
This is by far the most suspicious thing about him.IMO he goes deep into the 2nd layer of this issue and names directly the Chabad L's and related personalities. This is not something common in the jew-supremacy-critical community.

>Handsome Truth found out Adam Green was convicted of obtaining child pornography from Ryan Dawson through the black market (silk road) as you all know Ryan Dawson himself is a convicted baby raper.
Any proof at all of this?

>Go look up Adam Green's ties with the CIA and then we'll see who's shilling.
Any deets on this?

>His goal is demoralization. He offers no hope and that's why he denies QAnon. In fact, he won't even touch it. When asked about it, he will just say, "get help".
This isnt true at all. Adam has several in-depth videos completely dismantling Q.

Adam claims quite directly that he believes Q i a psyop directed by Kuscher, ex-mossad contractors, and others involved in the trump campaign. He justifies this with a slew of evidence.

It is almsot like you have never really watched his videos.

Pls explain

Ya I agree but he’s a talking head, not an analyst or a historian. He’s good at compiling information and presenting it

Believable. Got that Alex Jones vibe. Can't tell if he's just pushing beyond is own genuine opinions for extra sheckels or if he's just straight up controlled opposition.

I'll stick to paranormies and those types.

Ok shill

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best information out there, but he's used to track people from all over the globe who are awake on zionism. whether hes aware of it or not is irrelevant. TTID for project zyphr

>But please explain to me what the issue with Adam Green actually is other than “muh Q”
Adam did a show recently on Q potentially being a psyop, it hurt their feelings a lot

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>What’s your opinion of Adam Green and the information he puts out?
Very unique, very in-depth discussions of a controversial but important topic.

>He focuses so much on the divine/mystical religious elements of the ZOG conspiracy
I thought so at first as well, but after watching more of his videos, I realized that any discussion beyond the surface of 'LOOK HOW OVER REPRESENTED THEY ARE IN POWER AND WEALTH AND THE HORRIBLE SHIT THEY SAY ABOUT GENTILES' and start looking at why this is the case for thousands of years, and who specifically is really brokering power and making moves- you end up on religious rabbit holes and Chabad stuff, which is very religious\kooky. Over time I came to realize Adam actually offers a even-headed and generally Skeptical view of these topics.

I am an atheist and sensitive to overt prostheltizing and religious hokum - Adam does not set that alarm off very often, though it does happen sometimes. This is a real issue in general, and up to each individual to evaluate. Adam does not fall into the mental traps so often present in fedora-hat topics like religion in general.

>I would like to see him focus more on the political situation in the United States.
He has a lot of 2 hour videos. I would say 80% of all the content is solely ofcused on the political situation in USA.

One last note - I think it is possible Adam is funded and to some extent directed by any one of a number of state agencies. He may or may not be aware, or may suspect it but not know. It is incrediably odd he can talk about chabad critically on YouTube. They are basically able to shutdown any type of media discussion they dislike - be it with bribes or threats. Typical mafia BS.

Israel is the real threat that’s why jew

I dont think he really tries to hide it or denies it or anything. He is generally the open-eyed everyman, there for us to learn along with.

Controlled op. He/they knows his audience. Good info regardless but you need to keep going

Most people on here will deny him because he rejects Hitler as a savior like most retards would like you to believe. He gets the most hate in his Bjerknes interviews. The debate he hosted vs Dennis Wise (Greatest Story Never Told) was littered with idiotic Hitler disinfographs and nazi garbage in the bitchute comment section. They oddly resemble posts on here and they were spammed like they’re being paid to do so

Adam is a good boy


He has been critical of china in the recent coronavirus era videos.

Some of them probably are. Others are actual fanatics who made Hitler and the nazis a central pillar of their existence for years and simply can't allow for the notion that they're wrong and it was all a waste of time.

I don’t know who he is but (((green))).

Look it up, its mostly an anglo-saxcon name. I actually googled it the first time I watched one of his videos.

>Most people on here will deny him because he rejects Hitler as a savior like most retards would like you to believe. He gets the most hate in his Bjerknes interviews.
that's actually a huge redpill if you see it enough. I mean why on earth would jews larp as nazis on the internet? that's backwards!

Jewgle green jewish, do you personally know people whose last name is a color?


It reminds me of Jews getting caught drawing graffiti swastikas outside synagogues in New York. They have to keep it alive. They theoretically do so by promoting Hitler on Yas Forums and recruiting more mouthbreathers

Ok, don't look it up, continue to just go on assumptions or whatever. That is why I looked it up, I wanted to know.

Zyphr is fake and gay. Don’t waste your mental energy; it’s a valuable commodity in these trying times.

I went from the basic Yas Forumstard take to Kevin Macdonald. I even read two of his books and subscribed to the Occidental Quarterly, so I suppose my level of understanding with regards to their evolutionary prerogative was already decently high. I actually found Adam after I had discovered Kevin Macdonald. He gave me the news that I couldn’t get from an intellectual like KMac. I am also sensitive to the religious element. I’m starting to get more and more persuaded that their is something to it, but I feel like that may be what (((they))) want you to do. “Look goy it’s just prophecy. You can’t stop us.” Maybe that is the role Adam serves IF he is a shill.

And yes, he talks about the United States. But it is from a foreign policy perspective typically.

Where should I go. I’m looking into Ryan Dawson now. Is that the place to be? I’m really kind of new to watching these kinds of people. I started with books.

Exactly. Hitler\nazi shit is utterly useless to any modern confrontation of jewish supremacy and what appears to be their attempts to openly and proudl;y genocide europe (sounds ridiculous still, even after seeing what can only be considered overlapping evidence from multiple reputable sources)

>why on earth would jews larp as nazis on the internet? that's backwards!
Because if one doesnt exist then the others are monsters

>They have to keep it alive. They theoretically do so by promoting Hitler on Yas Forums and recruiting more mouthbreathers
That's clearly whats happening. Funny Adam points out at least once that the function of the ADL might be to create anger at jews, rather than prevent it. It's been very successful from that angle hasn't it?

I told you to look it up. Are you Jewish?

It's obvious Jew bullshit

123k subscribers 'exposing' jews on jewtube
>not a shill

also he shilled against hitler and adrenochrome

I'm fucking pissed at Crowder and he should be hung for treason, I used to like his war with political correctness a la George Carlin, edginess, and confrontational comedic journalism but he totally downplayed the pandemic at first and instead of giving me hope and attacking trump he made a video shitting on china. I don't give a fuck ab him anymore and I hope Ben Shapiro absorbs him with kaballah