
>medical experts are helpless to save someone from FLUID in their lungs

Couldn't we just turn them upside down and sonicate the fluid out of their lungs? I know vaccuum would be too risk but why not use a resonance frequency to vibrate all the fluid and phlegm out of the person? I know it would look silly as fuck but I don't see why it wouldn't work better that what they're doing now. (Letting people drown to death)

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Yes, I remember that's how they saved your mother after I cummed in her mouth so much she drowned

We could hang them upside down to cure them of a disease they got from a bat.

I don't think think anyone can save op from his own stupidity

They're not dying from fluid in the lungs. They're dying from lack of oxygen absorption in the blood

We have ventilators and maybe a drug. The huge issue is the fact we have practically focused more on cancer and Alzheimer's etc that we kind of forgot about Pneumonia drugs or machine treatments. After this incident I do think we will have better in America and as much options as we do cancer. DNA editing, robotics and yes even nanomachines might lead the way.


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Their lungs are filling with blood jelly. You can't intubate it.

Ask yourself why they are asking for everyone to donate blood for a respiratory disease.


because normies quit going outside to donate blood dumbass

fpbp pack it up boys

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If you start coofing, just sleep face down to prevent the mucus from draining into your lungs while you sleep. That’s when most of the fluid gets in there because you don’t cough it back up nearly as often when sleeping and you’re also not moving much so it just drains away.

t. PhD in common sense

Too much of medicine is focused on pill popping and wonder drugs. We are way behind on basic biomechanical engineering solutions. Perhaps this will finally be the time people wake up and recognize that there are a lot of ways to mechanically mitigate lung damage.

t. Biochemistry Ph.D.

Sonicators have big warnings teling you not to put your finger in them during operation, and you want to sonicate a person's lungs. While other organs such as the heart are also heavily taxed by the disease.
I don't even know why I reply to these fucking threads.

Could a fellow Biologist chip in my thread?

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I thought about a simple cure for the corona as well. You see, people's lungs fill with fluid yes? And fluid, when heated vaporizes, right? So you just gotta boil that shit out. Let's start clinical trials in Africa.

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your lungs aren't just giant cavities. they're not like flesh tanks that hold air. you have bronchi which branch off into terminal bronchioles, which supply aveoli, which are clusters of little fleshy sacs that hold air.

you can't intubate fluids that collect in your aveoli. here bro, take a straw, touch it to a soaked sponge, and suck. what happens? nothing.

Why don’t we just microwave them for a second ? Agitate the water molecules , dry them out , bing bang boom

poppers = cure

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I don't have the coronavirus.

That would liquify organs

We could just stab people in the chest for the fluid to leak out, then patch the wound.

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OP on suicide watch

Don’t even bother patching it. Just get volunteers to blow air into the wounds. Then let them heal on their own.

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>they say corona is paired with a dry cough
>people are dying from fluid in their lungs
Clearly something isn't adding up here. If you had fluid in your lungs from corona, your cough would be moist as your body tries to expel it.

There's a very simple and effective way to cure yourself from the virus. It is passed through respiratory droplets -- every time you cough the virus comes out of your body. There is only a finite amount of the virus cells in your body so just cough them all out and you're cured.

Liberals dont have issues with showing names from shootings to smear gun rights, why the fuck is this any different? No names means nothingburger.


Because the fluid is preventing oxygen absorption you ignorant Lime.

Disturbing photos show body bags lining the hallways of a Brooklyn hospital before being wheeled out to refrigerated trucks as NYC's coronavirus death toll surges past 2,400

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Meh, not as good as advertised judging by the other responses


Truly the only response this thread deserves

They're looking for blood plasma from people who recovered because it contains antibodies that are familiar with the virus. Introduce it to those who lack anti bodies to help them fight the virus.

no treatments only endless suffering and lockdown until you all accept the vaccine + implanted chip. that is the reason for all this so nothing but that acceptance will end it.

They need to put them upside down, that's how BATS survive it !

Everything is coming full circle !


Easier to make a billion off a new pill

The standard to become a doctor should be alittle higher. Most doctors don't even know how the machines work, only how to use them.

Sides are in orbit

This "doctor in scrubs in his kitchen" mentions the first but and the second, strictly sticks with "patients dying of pneumonia" and never mentions the Cytokine. Is there something I'm missing here? The Cytokine wouldn't explain the symptoms he describes and isn't widely known by now? Also, any updates on the brain damage aspect of COVID?


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I raise sheep and this is a fairly common practice if the lamb has fluid in it's airways. Just give it a good swing by its back legs and get the fluid out.

>Because the fluid is preventing oxygen absorption you ignorant Lime.
No, because the tissue in the alveoli are destroyed by virus and just a leaking mess of ooze and pus. The lungs are full of fluid because the alveoli are destroyed.

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No those are children that have been tranqulised. They're transporting them to a rehab clinic.

Because someone has to counter wrong think.

Why not use a breathable liquid to clean out the lungs? Hasn't liquid breathing already been developed for deep sea diving or was that just a movie?

big wew

>he thinks tissue scaring and inflammation is fluid in the lungs

do you even know what disease you are talking about

That was the abyss bro

>The lungs are full of fluid because the alveoli are destroyed.
lmao, you dont know what you are talking about. The lungs are full of fluid because the virus replicates in the cells of the lungs, kills those cells and then starts an inflammatory cascade, which prohibits o2 exchange in the alveoli.

These doctors are literally retarded. Drain the lungs by hanging the victim by the ankles like a bat. Fucking obvious shit. Also, inject them with aquarium cleaner.

Underrated explanation

That was good shit actually I'm going to add it to my pandemic movie list.

They need ECMO, not vents. By the time they’re on vents oxygen exchange isn’t happening at the cellular level due to the amount of fluid in the lungs.

big if true

just inject oxygen into them wtf

NYC hospital

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they pretty much drowned a rat for that scene

I watched that formula 1 racing movie called “Rush”. Apparently Nikki Lauda had fluid routinely sucked out of his lungs after he literally burn them by breathing in fire for over 1 min. Don’t know if true.

Seriously though, can't we hook people up to those blood circulation machines, suck their blood out, mix oxygen into it and pump it back in?

It’s not a lung fluid problem, it’s that the virus prevents oxygen from binding to your blood and all your organs start to fail.
More details here archive.is/ONUmi

lots of ventilators just became available.

Wow look at all those fat fucks

Is there a webm?

Ironically, I heard there's a really good breathing machine that rotates you around even upside down to keep the fluid in your lungs at optimal position for allowing breathing

There is a very thin line between "loosening mucous" and "liquefying lung tissue". One huge part of the problem is that COVID-19 causes extreme lung inflammation that blocks the airways and does not respond well to the mainstay treatments. Acutely its incredibly difficult to do aside from something like ECMO.

My ICU fellowship friend has 3 COVID-19 patients and they are "difficult cases".

t. Pathologist

Yes its possible, feasible for everyone idk.

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>Couldn't we just turn them upside down and sonicate the fluid out of their lungs?
Reminder that we're talking about patients with an average age of 80.

blood transfusion, no?

I saw a video in February on YT about a japanese pathologist, who dissected a Covid-19 victim.
He said the fluid in the lungs is very sticky, like glue. The lungs turned into black, sticky mush.
Sadly the video got taken down.

4 more years

I've seen vids of them flipping patients onto their stomach face down with the ventilators still on so I assume it just doesn't work that well otherwise they would do it more often.

That's called ECMO. It works but it will have massive side effects from chronic use.