Q is a ploy to institute the matrix

Q is the biggest bait and switch in history and whether they launch it now with the virus or some time in the future, this is the eventual plan.

Short version: Q narrative plays out - a group of scapegoat elites are "exposed" as being evil baby eaters (they are, but so are the "good guys" associated with Q). Hidden tech is revealed ushering in a new, relatively utopian age. This generates massive good will in government and they use this good will to launch some form of mass mind control tech, probably sold as life extension tech, or technological "upgrade" to your biology. They're doing it because our organic powers are coming online soon and they need to integrate technologies into our bodies to get a handle on it or the game is over for them.

Attached: corona plan.png (1570x583, 378.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I don’t think we’re quite there yet. What simulated life technology do we have? Videos games still cause uncanny valley I doubt we have the tech yet.

They've been pretty open since at elast the 90's about the fact that black project tech is at least several decades beyond public tech. Remember all those popular science articles about secret stealth aircraft, space ships, and other "speculative" black projects? The reality is likely that the gap is much much greater. Centuries of exponential growth more advanced. They have everything you can imagine and more IMO.

so you don't trust the plan, low t faggot

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ill leave this here

The Matrix, huh?

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We've been at this for a long time, the people behind the curtain are too arrogant to do something that smart, like a double bait and switch.

All these people have their own TV shows, they're political figures, financial figureheads. They enjoy the limelight too much, and so even if there is another curtain behind the first one, then you're still in the situation that the majority of those people have been exposed.

It's way too dangerous to start a grassroots movement like the Q thing and hop to supplant the expectations of people that way.

1. Q is real
2. it's not a ploy
3. we are getting powers. get ready and enjoy!

You're the biggest bait and fag stick there is around here. Get used to losing faggot because we're just gonna keep winning. It's all over from here on out you little faggot.

we get powers ?????

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Yes. If you don't get chipped (or whatever form it actually takes). Meditate. Get in touch with who you truly are so you can't be deceived.

It's not dangerous at all. It's a larger version of what they do all the time. It's just a scapegoat ploy. They do it frequently. What would satisfy the Q followers? It would barely take anything, just a few prominent arrests alone would satisfy most.

>They do it frequently

The only one I can think of is Nazi Germany. Make the bait and switch for a greater Israel. But WW2 is wrapped up in too many conspiratorial layers to make a good call on that.

That could work back then, but there's too much information now. Just look at how many normies find Covid sketchy already.

You're going to run the world by proxy of integrity and honesty through malicious intent?

They do it almost weekly. The most obvious recent one was Weinstein. Blame a scapegoat and pile all of the hatred of the public onto him and the rest go free and slip back into the shadows.

I replied too fast. Didn't read the whole thing.
>That could work back then, but there's too much information now. Just look at how many normies find Covid sketchy already.
That's right. That's why they need to make themselves look beyond reproach first, hence the massive parade of scapegoat arrests and the release of hidden technologies. Almost no one will oppose them after that and anyone who does will be regarded as a totally unreasonable zealot. They're basically going to save the world in a mundane sense, end poverty, war, disease, etc., but in exchange, take a future from you so magnificent we can't even comprehend it right now.

Bruh how cool is higher consciousness really?

Cuz if they can put a Matrix chip in my head that lets me escape into a world that looks and feels real where I can alternate between having orgies on Cheerleader Island and being Superman then I'll take the chip

If you can't imagine anything better than that you're probably suited for the matrix. Try to be better though. That's really sad.

>Q is a ploy to institute the matrix
>institute the matrix
oh you naive fool

If 10^45 luciferbux were released no one would need any kind of tax until the heat death of the universe
He should have chosen a smaller number to make it semi plausible

>Blame a scapegoat and pile all of the hatred of the public onto him and the rest go free and slip back into the shadows

It's too dangerous to do that because of social connections and the implications people draw out. Look how many people have been bought into question over Epstein. Dozens if not hundreds. Same goes for Weinstein.

But let's say the hypothetical of a double bait and switch is true, where do you go from there? Vatican is gone, cartels are gone, royals are gone. The only thing left to push in that sense would be some sort of galactic scope conspiracy.

Who has been developing this tech

>Q tards

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It's way more than galactic. Who knows who or what the highest level string pullers are but the highest ones visible to us through investigation are some kind of non-human, probably "interdimensional" (if that even means anything in the real physics/metaphysics) entities who human elites interact with and take orders from. See John C. Lilly and the Solid State Intelligence.

Militaries of known governments but also probably breakaway groups we haven't heard of. Tech is informed by beings outside the realm (also see John C Lilly and the Solid State Intelligence idea).

you racist bigot, this is how you become a mason

Bingo OP. Glad to see someone else gets it.

Ever heard of the firemen who started the fire? It's the same as the hegelian dialectic. They created the problem so they could offer the solution. The pedowood and Epstein island types are just the baby eaters that have proof of their crimes. This is basic black/white magic occult esoteric bullshit. The Alex Jones and David icke types are the "white magic" types who will act like they are saving us from the problem their master (satan) helped create.

The same is true for the whole greys/pledians ayy lmao larp. They created the evil ayys so the "good" ayys can come down and pretend there here to save us. Its all gigantic trick/larp by the devil to get you to sign away your soul. It's just 2 wings of the same homosexual bird. 2 hands of the same trickster. Get right with Jesus the feces is about to hit the oscillatory ventilation device.

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If that's the case then the whole thing gets a lot bigger. Is there any scripture that details something like that?

i think i played this game

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Your phone is already an extension of yourself

yeah believe the guy who fucked acid dolphins


Read. No need for external beings (although they are mentioned. Natural law.

The eye of the pyramid is the eye of providence. If they've been at it since thousands of years, they do have factual, objective farsight (providence) to rule as they do and always be ahead.

The Epstein island was an obvious blackmail effort. No one ever figured out who was behind it though.

Just as retarded as Qtards
It's a lil psyop coraling the boomers into supporting the war on terror


Israel did 9/11 and if Q and the group behind him knew, they wouldn't be shilling for regime change in Iran.
If Trump knew, he wouldn't be such a zionist lapdog.

They do know and they're part of the cabal

Anti-Christ is somebody the whole world is tricked into following as a savior
Why would the whole world follow a man as somebody that saved them? Unless one man did find a way to make it appear he saved everyone?
Maybe even legit does. If it's all real. He may actually be stopping evil stuff but then set up a Beast System that the whole world follows.
The Anti-Christ system may be setting up.
I honestly don't know which side is setting it up.
They both seem like they could. Except the Q side is the religious side. Which is what the Anti-Christ leads. He leads the religious side and tricks them into following him.

Attached: JustAThought.png (608x606, 202.06K)

we're just as much powerless commoners living under an untouchable empire as the commoners 2,000 years ago were.

this empire is the masonic empire, whose main controllers operate out of britain. they have officials who head various other nations, including the united states.

every western intelligence branch is capped by their agents. this includes the "4th reich".

just think, when they burn the whole world down in a staged apocalypse, the internet will be shut down. there will be no alternative media. there will be no meeting areas for dissidents like Yas Forums or voat or youtube. and that will be that.

their control grid will be as secure as an inverted supermax prison, where there is no way in.

the only sound of a cavalry coming over the hills will come in the sound of their entire upper-echelons dropping to the floor. until that happens, know that we are living in a controlled simulation and all hope is just a generated pacifier.

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Kek wtf

OP I'm perfectly ok with this outcome, i will live in a utopia and join the matrix to be controlled by elites, fucking deal lets do it.

based truthpost

>Hidden tech
Pro-tip: The government doesnt have half the tech they tell you they have, they sure as fuck dont have hidden tech.

>they sure as fuck dont have hidden tech

Attached: ce8.png (621x702, 85.45K)

They have the tech. I've seen one of them, and if one of them exists, then the rest exists because of the propulsion method. It can be applied to everything.

No they dont. They're a bunch of fucking idiots. Elon Musk cant launch of a rocket without a Tesla spontaneously combusting and auto-piloting into the front of a Starbucks.

Is in Elon Musk is in hiding?
Elon Musk does secret work?

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It works off of turn of the century electrical theory and practice. Relativity was introduced for a reason to muffle it out.

>hope is just a generated pacifier

There has to be a limit to it.

this man gets it. the secret illuminati families have twitter accounts they use to condescend to the rest of you. they are brainwashed cattle too. that is what allows for their defeat. you overestimate their awareness and functionality. they are dysfunctional, the money deludes them into thinking they are effective.

as you cut off the arms and legs of the beast, it's magical powers will disintegrate before it's very eyes, and it will stop believing in it's own power and die.

After following all this for 3 years and seeing little change in the world. I'm starting to just not care. Hard to see anything playing out. Even Trump has really disappointed me over the last month.

why does everyone on Yas Forums act like jews have all-knowing omnipotence? im starting to think the JIDF's new tactic is to push jewish supremacy hard af as a demoralization tool instead of trying to combat the posts here. jews aren't even athletic and you're afraid of them LMAO

>divide and conquer
I never mentioned jews. This goes far beyond racial politics or debt manipulation.

Yes, that's a mark of wisdom, I also default to "nothing ever happens". It's obvious that something in a very high place likes the status quo. But since our powers are coming online big changes will have to be instituted at some point to handle that.

Why do you have this saved on your computer?



Very interesting.

Scriptural beings that have been cut off from God that now control the Earth corrupting souls?
>Fallen angels
A technology that will also cut us off from God?
>Mark of the Beast

I dunno, user. There might be one or two things in there

They will rule as "gods."
Exactly what their original goal has been this entire time.
They are going to bring good times that no one alive today can even fathom because no one alive today has lived like that. THAT IS THE POINT.

The antichrist rises by great feats that fool everyone into thinking he is divine.

Next we just have to figure out if the beast dying was all preordained. If not, then we reap the rewards and just have to cleanup the mess.

But if it was, then we have to consider alien intervention or something else that far out, which no one has any information on anyway.

I'd laugh at you but I can't help but feel a sadness when thinking about how empty you must be.

And what do you get by placing that sort of figure on a throne and letting the people below it live in a utopia?

If you really wanna know.
Pedo rings, human organ harvests, human traffic, etc. all exist and will be brought to light.
No public disclosures on corruption of government officials though...Qanon is controlled resistance (how the shit do you people possibly think he could know both sides moves without interruption? Both sides of the same coin). It will all be made to look like the cartels/drugs. This was all a blackmail scheme by Trump to the existing power structure. No hard currency reset except to digital but that's a little bit off. In exchange, Trump's family is secured some spots within govt... specifically Kushner will be placed high ranking among foreign relations committees because there is not stopping Zion unless you burn the world down.

We will move back in to a more nationalist model of business and likely there are shell companies are being set up for Baron to take over now as we speak because Trump will take reelection (this is why Biden is losing his mind...they knew he was bad but Trump has them by the balls so they needed a softball to throw in there). Barron also turns 18 in 4 years so the timing will be perfect. Trump wants a legacy and Barron is youngest (his brothers will initially run it) . Trump will become the modern day Carnegie or Rockefeller this way. A true Titan of US industry celebrated for bringing jobs back.

The "seizure of assets" of human traffickers is why the Fed is pumping dumb amounts into banks right now. Any assets seized are gonna be filtered back to the people they were seized from except funded by the tax payer.

Isn't it interesting that "Q" is also the name of the lost source of the gospels according to some scholars (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_source) and Q is positioning himself as the prophet of the gospel of a new age. The Q tale is literally Neon Genesis Evangelion - the New Century Gospel - the foundation myth for a new empire.

Attached: 235346.jpg (500x363, 76.09K)

The Antichrist destroys the Vatican.
>where do you go from there?
Revelation. This is the end game.

Oh and the economy collapse was just a catalyst to knock China down a peg. Soros saw they were growing to fast to be contained. He's doing to the what he did to Britain...collapse their Yuan, buy it all up, and then the cycle of globalism will repeat except with the Trump family taking over once Soros is gone. The current war on 5G is also cointelpro to further harm Huawei and China. Cisco will win some patent lawsuit and everyone will buy their 5G further bolstering "made in America".

European nation's will go full blown Arab spring so as to move the Arabs further away from their homeland. Israel will move on the weakened state of Iran during this time.
European nation's will go full blown Arab spring so as to move the Arabs further away from their homeland. Israel will move on the weakened state of Iran during this time.

There will be no magic vaccine any time soon and it will NOT be forced. It will be aerosolized so as not to cause civil unrest. Africa was, is, and will continue to be the vaccine test bed. ID2020 is a LARP just like Q to distract you from this massive power play happening

Im gonna habs woplverine powers and slash all tghe bad guys woosh and fly around with professor x and we'll fight the bad guys and then magneto will fight us but we'll win.



ARAB SPRING _____ spontaneous uprising! sure, read the papers! Watch the news!



MAGA ___ illegal domestic PSY-OP!

Q ___ illegal domestic PSY-OP!

TRUMP!!! ___ illegal domestic PSY-OP!




conspiracy to commit treason
aiding in treason

>wuz just following orders, mr judge plz! I have wife and kid. syrians didn't. left/right domestic terrorism victims didn't. you can't just hang a man for just typing shit & manipulating media! under orders! would you hang a guy who wrote text on the paper?