God bless our healthcare workers

They stay there for you.
You stay home for them.

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Fuckin hell I hate these people

Look at these lazy fucks sleeping on the job

Most obnoxious attention whores around with a sheer distaste for doctors

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>faggot neets that have never worked a day in their life talking shit about the people saving lives.

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Doctors are even worse than nurses

they’re bored as fuck because nothing is happening...

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yet they have time to make dancing videos and tiktoks all day... hmm...

>God bless
So why the fuck did he create the virus in the first place? To fuck with his "children's" lives up for fun?
What a faggod

Oh no I have to actually work for once in my life dios mio!!!!

nursing is probably the largest employer of illegal aliens after farming.

>people saving lives

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Shes cute man

I'm a MD and I took sick leave so I can do fuck all at home.

Imagine wanting to help complete strangers.


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Same. The only ones attention whoring are females, its what females do all the time so its whatever.

Making all these tick tock videos I hard work!!

This shit is making me lose respect for anyone who works in a hospital. At least any women who work in a hospital. Fucking adult daycare.

Fuck these dumb whores.

Tired of all the dancing for social media points?

Fuck them. They are exploiters of a state induced monopoly.How hard is it to give me pills and wipe my ass?

>I know the doctor said you had X and should take X
>but he’s fuck stupid, I should know after a year on the job
>let me tell you what you REALLY have with my 2-4 year degree in wiping asses and plugging medical furniture in the wall
>you should just listen to me okay?
>assmad roastie nurse pissed she can’t just camp out at the nurse’s station

Fuck them. They get paid too much. And they do medicine for money not because they give a fuck about anyone.

Women in the workforce was a mistake.

3 dance videos a day!!?! They better pay overtime!!!


The absolute explosion in medical care social media. and 80% of its is this shit. Not busy.

Also majority of doctors work 24h, they are always on call. Real workers already sleep at the office/take naps mid day/work 24/4

No love for these babys.

>fake sleeping on a cart
>99% of all hospitals have board rooms for workers.
>2020 believing this bullshit

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fuck off with your social credit fagbook virtue signaling

no one cares here

>be stuck in COVID-19 fuckville with positive patients on vents
>never post any gay shit about it or take selfies
>dumb cunts who aren't taking care of these patients posting "I CAN'T GO HOME I'M A NURSE" all over social media

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nurses are such colossal drama queens. every nurse i know in real life is constantly complaining and exaggerating and making sure everyone knows how hard and thankless her life is (even before corona)

>as we get paid $75k as an RN
>we should fuck off and make a video

Fuck healthcare workers. Bunch of niggers.

They get $100 an hour. That's what I make in 3 days currently

These new tick tick requirements for nurses are so oppressive!!! I bet drumpf did this!!!!

Every day it amazes me what filth and scum is on here. Christ you are all such subhuman garbage. I bet you guys piss in your own kitchen sinks.

absolute scum. lower than cops or fast food workers


All this waste of money and effort is for niggers.

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>I’m a hero
>Worship me

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>all women
Of course

Go back faggot

>classic medical industry for past 100 years.


What happen to balance?

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I want corona to infect me.
So I may die and leave this cringe world.

Doctors will decide who lives and dies if this pandemic worsens. Show some respect, you nigger

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Lol round here they make $150k with “overtime” and benefits

>doesn't make just enough to get the full trumpbux

They’re all feminists, varying degrees of fat, with an inferiority complex and chip on their shoulder everywhere they go just primed at the ready to show off how smart they aren’t

You make that with travel contracts in rundown shit hospitals desperate to operate while they pile on MODS patients puking/shitting blood, needing 24/7 dialysis, etc. Average pay is $20-40 depending on cost of living. I was tempted by the $10k 60 hour weeks in NYC but I don't want to die from some kike or nigger coofing on me.

I know a guy who is a nurse. He works for the poison control hotline. Makes six figures.

Sounds comfy AF.

The best of us.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pissing in the sink.

Stop shilling kike

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You literally spend your entire youth studying you cunt, ofcourse I want be paid mad cash for working my ass off.

I have in the past yes.

But when you apply logic to the situation.. Whats the difference between toilet and sink? it all goes teh same place.

>filthy mouth breathers
>using under-sink garbage disposal
>more like under sink wuhan street virus lab

In Texas, low CoL, $75k is RN pay. Practitioners make booku bux to LARP as a doctor while he does the final sign-off on everything anyway

They sure seem busy tending to all those patients....

All of the nurses I know are fat pigs who don't know shit about health. They are the medical industrial complex retards

everyday superheros

>tfw wagecuck
>deal with moronic boomers and immigrants completely oblivious to everything going one
>no protection or compensation
>only workers who live with seniors at home allowed to leave without being fired
>parents are just young enough to be considered
>nobody appreciates us at all, corporate higher ups keep coming over to give us and even the franchisee shit for damaging brand image
this life is suffering if somebody in my family dies there will be a price to pay for you fags

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I think women in scrubs are so fucking sexy.

Make it say doncter you shitty memer

>Sleeping on the job
lazy fucks its bad enough they rip you off by charging you for blood or not paying you for your blood when you donate it. Fire their asses and bring in some Flips that will work 36 hour shifts with no breaks

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75k base sure but what about “overtime”(other nurses clock them in) and benefits?

>niggers who eat sugar and grease all day and smoke newports die when they get pneumonia

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These fucks thought the gig would be cruise and make overpriced $ and maybe they would have to actually work for once in icu, albeit temporarily. When shit didn't hit the fan, I.E the past 12 years, these jerkoffs were leaning on keyboards and chatting the entire fucking time.

Good for them. Now they have to earn their money.

t. They answer to me :^)

tbqh this

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>muh arguments from authority and seniority
You literal retard. Leave this place and go bacl to watching cable news.


fuck women

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>fakes staged pictures about sleeping
>look at us
God I hope they all perish

>waste of money and effort is for niggers
That's literally America's only true pastime

Nurse detected. You're wrong faggot i piss in empty steel reserve bottles.

You wouldn’t bless them if you lived in the U.K. and knew that if you die in a hospital of coronavirus the doctors are ordered not to save you. Ur welcome btw U.K. story in ur homes now maybe?

Go back to plebbit

They get all tuckered out from making dance videos?

Me on the right

The spic-nig cycle is the cornerstone of American healthcare

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It's not a fun glamorous power trip anymore.

Nurses are stuck up retarded cunts who do stupid shit like OPs pics for attention. They are barely functioning adults that would have been cosmetologists if nursing didn’t pay more.

bruh, have you really never taken a piss in a sink before? bathroom sinks are the way to go though, not kitchen sinks, as they're usually a little bit lower. perfect place to plop your balls onto when you're draining the lizard

link so I can redpill normies


>works 8 hour shift

>I bet you guys piss in your own kitchen sinks.
yea. like you don't shit in the shower. waffle stomp the turds

look at the one on the middle right, she fucking up hard


Can't watch these... This shit is beyond embarrassing.
Are women actually retarded?

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I piss in my 18 acre pasture.

No idea tbf, I personally don’t care about their retarded 12 hour shifts. I used to do the same time working as a ramp worker with much more work, less pay, and not near as comfy with a biometric clock (hand+PIN)