ya all just mad you got diddled by the jew

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Why do white men start balding at 17

Obsessed with cocks.

Why do you write like a nigger speaks?

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Women think circumcised penises are cleaner and sexier.

Femanon here

I prefer cut penises over uncut. It’s not even a debate....who wants to taste dick cheese?

It wasnt my choice and I try to live my life as happily and with as much integrity as I can in spite of my upbringing. Because ultimately the goal of life is not hedonism but fulfilling responsibility as a family man and charitable neighbor in the eyes of our lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

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Angel Number 156 is a message that your determination to positively change your life (eg. career, home, finances etc) is being Divinely guided, so listen to your intuition and the guidance from the angels and pursue the course of action that takes you closer to living your personal truths

Circumcision is the mark of the beast.

women are retarded. i am uncut and every woman i have been with either hasnt noticed at all or was fascinated by it

women SAY they dont like intact dicks, but the reality is that its simply in their biology to be attracted to the smells of it and they like to play with it. thats even if they notice - as I said, a woman probably isnt even going to know because when you are hard, the skin pulls back and it doesnt look that different from a cut dick

I guarantee that almost any woman in America who has had sex with both, will secretly feel like intact is better

The angel number 228 is a reminder from your guardian angels that you deserve all the blessings and success you have in life. This number is an announcement of abundance and wealth coming soon into your life. The angels are asking you to become open to receive the deserved blessings and abundance from the Universe

lies, if 56 percent are white, than the rest are non circumcised.

its ok i accept it now. i like my cut pp

amalgamation of recessive genes

Uncut works better in the vagoo.

I don't know anybody who is having their sons circumcised anymore. I'd be surprised if >10% in 2 generations are cut.

Nah the Jews didn't get my fiveskin. I don't know how/why, but my parents opted against male genital mutilation.

They are indeed “fascinated” by it. Also, remember, fascination can also be a NEGATIVE term. Maybe they’re shocked by how gross it is. That’s considered fascination.

I’m a Femanon btw

My mom's/I's obstetrician's last name was LITERALLY Steinberg.

also, the whole thing about women thinking "sex is supposed to hurt" is almost purely an american phenomenon.

>I don't know anybody who is having their sons circumcised anymore.
Lots of retards that still do it where this stuff isn't really talked about.

dial 8

My son and I are whole. FUTHARK

Tits or GTFO. You know the rules, hole.

You're not supposed to "taste" dick anything you dumbfuck whore.


>I’m a Femanon btw

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Enjoy being sand-pappered by some mutilated dick.

Goddamn it shut up with your cope. You should be mad that you were mutilated, cuck.

every girl I have ever met.

An answer to this post, unless positive, means you're a complete faggot and deserve the shit life you live.

I'm out.

What's he drinking there?

>ya all just mad you got diddled by the jew
How could you look down at your mutilated genitals every day and not be mad? Yes, us all just mad. Literally nothing the jews do or ever have done is as much of an atrocity as the standardization of circumcision.



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He does have tits though

God I am so happy I'm uncut. Women love it (they say it feels better rawdog), I love it.

There are always high fives and lots of laughing and smiling when you find out another guy is uncircumcised.

It's hard to describe, but it's like being in an exclusive club where you feel so blessed and thankful and that you are experiencing something great most others don't get to. I imagine that is what being rich feels like. Because I am rich really, rich in the penis department. THANKS MOM AND DAD!!!! :)


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A healthy amount of testosterone causes male pattern baldness. If you aren't balding you are a onions boy.

>Women think
stopped reading there

kek, why even bother dude, I know for a fact it's only real in your mind.

Only a fag is this obsessed with other men’s dicks.

I prefer uncut. They're more fun to play with and turn me on more. Also it's flavored! Yum! :)

It's always American men pretending to be women who make these posts.

fake and highly gay.

An answer to this post, unless positive, means you're a complete faggot and deserve the shit life you live.

t. cheese dick

>ya all just mad you got diddled by the jew
yes, can we kill them now?

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You are not a woman. Quit LARPing just because you're mad about your dick being snipped.

found some more dick cheese.

Disclaimer: An answer to this post, unless positive, means you're a complete faggot and deserve the shit life you live.

We should purge their Jewishness. Not the physical bodies and not the soul. The soul is still divine and the body deserves to be redesigned to respect mother nature. We should attempt genetic reengineering.

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dunkin donuts, the drink of the chosen people (new englanders)

Would you fucking not be mad?

You should stop sucking niggers off

Lol that's not how speaking works you absolute retard. Did you regress back into childhood to make a disclaimer like that.

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why are white people so obsessed with the "jew stole my foreskin" meme? they know its just a meme right? even niggers arent this obsessed over their dicks

You're too kind, but I'm out of patience

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shit nigga im a minority now
gimme dats!!

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non-circumcised is gross

t. femanon

Enjoy washing your smegma every night.


Im apperently 4% jewish and uncircumcised

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>worthwhile opinions
pick one,
then show tits

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I won't stop you. Let's just be sure that these baby torturing memes and genes never manifest ever again.

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Think positively. You're 96% human being.

Being cut also makes you last longer which equals more pleasure youre able to give to woman

hairlet cope
this is you

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It ironically helped me see that it really is the Jews behind everything.

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>Started balding at 16
Dodged a bullet there bros