Get it while its fresh
Hydroxychloroquine SALT
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fucking disgusting pedocrat psychos
>thinks hydroxychloroquine is a company
the absolute fucking state of things
Why do you keep recommending this drug when you aren't even a doctor? ehhhhhhhhhh
>Slightly mispronounce the name of a drug
>Drink fish tank cleaner because you are too stupid to understand the difference between bleach and a medication
ah yes the one single company that can make hcq lol
isn't this stuff off patent? Literally any pharma company can make it.
Never forget the six million doses
>don't take a well known drug that's been around for 60 years, and might work on coronavirus, goyim
twitter raid
These people are either very stupid or paid to spout this nonsense, no one owns stock in hydroxychloroquine the patent has ended, any drug manufacturer can produce it, and that's what they're mad about, they can't profit off their cure.
Get over this stupid shit. Trump clearly says in the press conference to talk to your doctor. We all know it works.
Why does Mohd not want to send said drug to the US?
>off patent drug
>making money
These are the people that claim to be “intellectual” and say that Trump voters are stupid...
Oh the embarrassment
>i believe in science
they unironically replaced gods with "experts" and other substitutes for the ubermench. its not even as cliche as them worshipping celebrity scientists or anything, they are evangelicals about whatever the elite tell them. its like being an inquisitor with no connection to god. sickening if you ask me
These people don’t care about the truth. They don’t care if the drug helps. They are just obsessed with their hatred.
yep the perfect kind for trump or his associates to sell to their frightened devotees.
look at all these conspiracy theorists
someone should really these schizos to take their meds
They're not even trying. There is no money to be made. Why don't they quit lying?
It’s a cheap drug with an expired patent. Which means any pharmaceutical company can make it. It your brain broken?
all these twitter idiots.
don't tell leftist that it works. Let them die
This is great. All the big pharma shills and idiots who had "inside info" from Fauci and his crew are BTFO eternally. Gates, Buffet, etc. all BTFO.
They're actually going to get their own devotees killed. Clown world.
According to a survey of 6,200 Physicians, the drug Trump talking about is considered the most promising.
They say 6 million but it's more like 80k
let them
we need a culling of low IQ voters
>Hydroxychloroquine was approved for medical use in the United States in 1955.[2] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.[6] In 2017, it was the 128th-most-prescribed medication in the United States, with more than five million prescriptions
There's the fuckin door
Where is Hydroxyclorochan?
80,000 doses? Oy vey what do you need with 40,000 doses? You come and ask me for 20,000 doses and I think you're meshugganah. You'll be hearing from my lawyer about the 10,000 doses you owe me!
there is no profit in it
this is 100% liberal TDS
Can someone ask him to kindly reframe this in the Harry Potter or star wars universe instead? It just doesn't make sense to me to use other movies.
Time to tell them to take their meds schizo incels lmao
sauce on this lady pls
jewgle Alexandra gaier
Imagine if you will a liberal patient infected with the dreaded disease. Their situation continues to worsen. They are moved to ICU and they see the worst of the worst dying patients right along side them. How many people would they have to see directly with their own eyes removing from the disease thanks to that treatment before it would no longer just be anecdotal evidence and there's no study. How many patients recover in front of their own eyes, while their own condition worsens and they approach the point of needing a ventilator, before they decide they've just conducted their own study?
I honestly hope every liberal gets this disease and goes critical, not because I want them to suffer and die, but because I want them to FINALLY think for themselves.
>the stockholders
>of a generic drug manufactured by diverse pharmaceutical companies all over the world
That's written like a shill piece.
probably a PR intern for a megapharma corp.
I love that because they go full double-speak on
As if the shit they put OTC won’t fuck you up, fucking aspirin can kill you
This is pretty eye-opening as to how bad Trump Derangement Syndrome has gotten. A high percentage of doctors all over the world are administering the drugs to their patients and the US media is trying to crucify Trump for mentioning that there is a possible treatment.
You know they were studying chloroquine against SARS as well over a decade ago, it's not that new.
It looks like citation farming. Lead author has somehow already "authored" 14 papers this year and the science is garbage. Conclusions were drawn on 6 patients.
She sucked so much jew dick that it went straight to her brain and she now lies like them nonstop
>it could be dangerous!
>the lupus and arthritis patients need to take it every day, you're taking their supply!
Does this shit even work on coronavirus?
>when a highly effective treatment is a generic drug that's been off -trademark for decades and therefore can't be patented and sold for huge profits
>fishtank drug that has already killed people
>wtf why is there pushback? it's DA JOOZ!!!!11!1!
sigh, there is no magical low cost cure. We're just gonna have to quarantine ourselves in for the next 18 months so we can flatten the curve when the vaccine arrives and have it mandated. It's the only way to save civilization at this point.
Uh, the patent is long since gon on Hydroxychloroquine. Probably not on the z-pak, but they didn't mention the z-pak. You can legally make this shit in your basement and sell it to pharmacies. No one is stopping you.
what's weird is, there is video of Faucci saying hydrocloriquine was effective against SARS back in 2013.
Then why the disinfo about a generic drug that has existed for years and is well known, cheap, and widely available?
This dumb faggot thinks Trump has stocks in a pharamceutical company but is perfectly fine with politicians getting kick backs from Big Pharma for pushing their chemical stew vaccines and opioids. Not to mention most of these Big Pharma manufacturers are probably Chink contractors. I spit on this man's entire being.
Can you link?
Even if that’s the case, it’s possible that sars 2 is just different enough to warrant further investigation, we’re all just armchair epidemiologists
But other countries seem to be combating it just fine with hcq so hopefully we can start on that
Just like literally everything else in wrong doses.
I agree. If you or some of your friends get the coof tell them to not use a drug that helps!
this proves the treatment is effective
Can Hydroxychloroquine even be acquired without a prescription?
your blood is the key apparently. it's part of the reason why you see nonstop blood donor commercials. the type of blood you have may very well save you
they'd rather everyone die than trump be right.