to grab your freedoms? aka COVID-19(84)

I honestly have to admire their genius. How easy it is to turn the normies into sheep. How easy it is to give up your rights and freedoms. Just threaten everyone with death and there you go.

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Other urls found in this thread:


this was fishy as hell from the start. it just never felt right to me. how they were so quick to just shut down everything and how everyone ate it up, not to mention how quickly language like "social distancing" and "flatten the curve" became a part of the public consciousness

Grab what now? This shit is already over in Korea and China. It’ll be over for us by the end of July. It’s not a nothing burger but it’s not an existential threat either.

Truth! NPC won't care.

this board is full of schizos, it kept shilling corona-chan for months and now it claims its an hoax


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It's obviously a real virus but part of a massive global psy op. The question is whose running it and for what end game?

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Covid-19 is a MCI Mass Casualty Incident Drill, they empty the major hospitals, like NY’s Elmhurst hospital, they send home all non emergency patients, and sit with a mostly empty hospital since the number of people sick with flu/pneumonia/”Covid-19” like symptoms is still within the yearly variance for the flu (+/-40k deaths per year in the US). Since there is no extra patients, the hospital is mostly empty, and sits like empty movie set, empty tents, empty ER, hallways, wards etc, waiting for the mass casualty drill.
In the drill the participants including the MSM sign non disclosure agreements, with large fines and jail time if broken. The drills include fake interviews about Covid-19 with the MSM, and simulations with dummies and crisis actors. The participants also go on social media and insist that the Covid-19 drill is not a drill. This is corruption analysis, it is plain to see and no longer theoretical. Lying to the public is legal, as long as its done through the MSM in concert with mass casualty drills run by the government.

Happy Hoax! MSM at the epicenter in Italy passing off dummies on ventilators, the doctors refer to the dummies as patients, the doctor is lying, or the entire video including the interview is a drill.
the doctor says these patients are dying all around her, but they are all dummies, an entire room of them on ventilators, then they blur the face on a rubber dummy(to add realism for gullible NPCs)

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The world masters must be so fucking bored at how easy it is for them to scare us and feed for free with all the loosh we provide

lurk for another 5 years to level up before posting

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anyone can post here, how do you know those shills weren't, well, shills?

This is why I like coming here
It's for the most outlandish takes on an event
>Its not even happening bros

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Well in fact they are so bored they even rub it all in yer face. Unlimited powers grant unlimited powers, like a wise guy once said.

70,000 Americans die every year from opioids, no reaction.
COVID-19 is fake...…...

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>but muh freedoms

Go back to your bunker Archie

My freedom to do what?
I'm sitting here isolated from this nigger-fucking tranny faggot society just like I was before Coronachan started killing all you worthless pieces of shit.

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Literally this. Former illuminati here and part time schizo.

It's literally just a psyop to reduce the world population by making people who are actually ill question to go seek treatment in a hospital. They are so afraid of corona that they stay away and die off instead, instead of seeking treatment. Also fear compromises your immune system. The more you live your life in fear the more often you will get sick and depressed and even commit suicide. This is all just population control. Nothing more.

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I knew this shit was fishy when all at once, on que, the entire democrat media and politicians started pushing the same talking points to smear trump. "Blood on his hands" is their current favorite. Are these people all in a fucking group chat and the DNC just gives them their lines to repeat? Fishier than pelosi's rotten gash

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Reminder that Yas Forums is full of normies that shit up the board all day

Wow, you really are a fucking schizo, my uncle,68 years old, literally died from it, how is it fake? People in my town are dying, people i know.

That's all it is an exercise in social control.
-Radio stations playing positive hippy faggot love your neighbor.
-"But still guys social distancing! But its all about love guys so just believe us.
-You are literally going to kill people if you dont follow our social norms we just fabricated.
-Every senior who has died since march is a coronavirus victim
-Every ailment is somehow related to corona virus
-Guys knee cap the economy quick or else people will die
When will people realize this is all just mind control. This is a giant social experiment. The people who control the culture are the enemy

>your freedoms
What freedoms? I couldn't buy a McNuke then and I can't do eet now.

Your uncle died from a pre existing condition.

Its just kike the ending of Escape from LA where they tell Snake they only infected him with a mild flu. Id really like it if life stopped being a mix of old movies and whatever Alex Jones says.

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OP, what rights, privileges and freedoms have we've given up? Everyone is under a temporary quarantine to stop the spread of a dangerous virus. I still have freedom of speech, I still own a gun, just voted in a primary and I still have my fourth amendment rights and all other constitutional liberties so what the hell are you going on about?

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Dying boomers and spineless zoomers do not care about freedom. Blame your compatriots for not shooting the first officer that said no public gathering

Sorry to hear that pasta bro

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are you sure he wasn't an alcoholic?

World salad. Dint read lolz

They were pretty slow to act desu. I was following covid from the beginning.

Damn, didn’t know I could get a contact opioid overdose.

Watch out for the meth head coof coof

The Patriot Act wasnt made into law the day after 9/11 dipshit. Life will never be the same after this shit. Just like after 9/11

This. It was such an artificial psyop that I feel as if more weird shit is ahead. It was only phase 1.

this is like the shit I want to know. Like the average death statistic compared to corona. How big is the difference? Corona virus has been on this planet for ages. I wonder how many flu deaths in the past have been misdiagnosed and were actually coronachan deaths.

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I'm not convinced its a hoax, or that it's as deadly as it's being made out to be. Looks like a power grab by countries to try and install martial law, or at least make steps towards it. I don't like whats happening to freedoms and liberties in the name of protection.

The pre existing condition being nothing? He was working as an accountant as he always did, one day he got sick, started with a cough, pneumonia, got tubed, tracheostomy, got better, died. All in two weeks and a half from getting sick. They discovered someone had actually infected the office, a younger man who got sick and then recovered.

Another girl i knew wrote me a couple days ago, her dad died, she is 24 just like me and her dad wasnt old or sick. Its not the end of the world nor it is a nothingburger

>Welcome to the human race.

Wuhan was the biggest happening on Yas Forums since December. We all were following this.

Why the fuck are you a part of this discussion, you're goddamned Canadian. Shut up and be glad our military is still on the US side of the border.

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With all the people that die every day, How come news from outside hospitals for just Covid patients dying looks like they are so overburdened with death? When covid is a small part of the bigger picture.

Sorry to hear that. Natural selection is a bitch

He wasnt a drinker, he didnt even smoke, he was a nice guy who did his job everyday and was unlucky to get fucked like this by someone who had a fever and didnt want to lose a day of work

Because they're not wrong, and they're just smarter than you. The fact that you mentioned cities really shows how stupid you really are. As someone who's lived in a rural town for the past 20 years I can tell you, people in the country are fucking retarded. All of them. Me and my sister have tricked so many country boys/girls into giving us dick/pussy, buying things for us, hell we once charged some hillbilly bitch $600/month for our spare room and we would effectively take turns using her body almost every night until we got bored of her and evicted her for not cleaning up after her dog. They'll believe anything you say. We both have MacBooks that we acquired because I work on computers and the owners believed us when we told them the system was fried and wouldn't be worth it to fix it. They gave us the computers because dumb hicks. Moving to the country was the best thing we ever did as college educated city folks, just because of how much we can manipulate these dumb fucking people. If you look sad/act sad, they believe you're sad. And if you act smart, they believe you're smart. We're probably above average in an urban environment, but here we're like Einstein or Hawkings. You're probably one of the smarter rural fucks who thinks you're super intelligent but in reality, you've never been surrounded by truly intelligent people.

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we hoped it was real. it's not. what are ya gonna do?

Hawking *

good point. It's almost like no one is dying of anything but Corona virus these days. It's statistically impossible.


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This + if you question it at all, even a little, you're met with extremely defensive shilling.
When you questioned the mask narrative people called you a retard and got hyper defensive about it all, but now if you bring up how they fucking lied about the masks they'll call you a shill trying to destabilize shit.

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This gave me cancer.

Sounds like you are reallly really bad people.

>got sick
>got better
>then died
Sounds like malpractice to me

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>Life will never be the same after this shit.

The government has always spied on its constituents and the constitution has always had its limits. What else is new? What's going to change after this exactly. I need more details.

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>Yas Forums is one person
Fuck off retard.

You sound like a disgusting piece of shit of a man and your sisters alike, you think you are smart because you got your education in a city? That's the highest point you can think about your intelligence? You have no wits, you are no more that a trained monkey. You can use people just because americans really are the dumbest of the dumb people, still you will remain a pathetic human being with nothing more to prove it than some venereal diseases and a couple of chap apple computers. You are trash, you could live in any other country and people would spit in your face, but you did good, you decided to find the smallest fish tank you could ever imagine and try to act like a big shark in there. It's THAT pathetic i really wanted to express how much I despise you

The real virus was the friends we made along the way.

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Dont fucking threaten me bro. Ill come down there and suck you right off like its nobodys business. Faggot

This will be used to justify greater powers for governments, a raise on taxes to fund future efforts against this kind of thing, new departments that will be black holes for cash, mandatory vaccinations and possibly open up the door to make martial law even easier to impliment.

> People don't do as asked
> People then get told outright, still don't listen
> Government uses this as justification for martial law / something similar, says it will only be used for this
> they backdoor policies / laws making it easier next time anything happens
> every time it's used, the public accept it more

Tip toe to tyranny, nigger.

You know what a tracheostomy is? Basically they cut a hole in your trachea to help you breath better, that means you start to breath, maybe to talk and feel better. What happens next is that the virus cant be treated properly and you die

..........meth isn't an opiate

When all the shortages started even before the "shelter in place" orders. Why exactly would all the stores suddenly be running out of toiletries, meat, medicines and other basics? The supply chain is fine. And the constant push to use hand sanitizer is questionable. At home where everyone is suppose to be, you can just wash your hands with soap and water. You can clean pretty much any surface with soap and water. Why push lysol and other disinfectants? It's overkill.

literally this. With everyone being home why the fuck would all the sanitizers sell out if you never go outside?

The holocaust happened in Europe, why would it shut down the US economy? BTW, 6 million people were not lost, they were killed by Nazis. Let's not pretend otherwise shall we.

As soon as the media went ape shit. I literally operate on the basis of assume the opposite of whatever they say/do.

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