There is talk of war with China. If there will be no China, there will be no World.
There is talk of war with China. If there will be no China, there will be no World
Fuck off Chang.
Chinas missiles are antiquated, they would be lucky to hit the west US coast if they made it off the ground in time
Shit the fuck up you bat lives matter noodle nigger
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Go away yid
you do know that china shot down one of its own satellites?
Arm the Nips and let them go unit 731 on them
>he doesn't want to cure china of communism
you have to go back to plebbit
There was a world before Jews pushed globalization, we will be fine.
The ruling class who sold us down the river to them, and built this golem in the first place, can go die there first.
The entire world wants you fucking Chinks dead.
China has never been more than a novelty. It has always been a burden on the entire world and should be deleted.
I've never read a more fucking correct statement in all of my life.
>There is talk of war with China. If there will be no China, there will be no World.
We should do this 20 times to each chinese town of more than 12 people.
>there will be no world
at this point I don't even care
Was it an act of disposal, or incompetence?
it was an old weather satellite, the did in in 2007 after the usa refused to sign a non-militarization of space treaty proposed by both russia and china
>no China
>no world
Europeans did fine before we knew China existed. We will be fine, if not better, if China ceased to exist as a nation state.
this is true
who would make our iphones? maybe india?
The world is a little different now
We have a spaceship fleet that can alpha every one of your nuke sites and snipe what you launch from the sky.
What the fuck are you gonna do about it you fucking yellow CHINK?
Ching chong Billy Bing bong
Funny thing about this is how China wasn't doing fine before they knew Europeans existed.
That’s one beautiful American made sunrise right there
So, they shot down their own equipment in a tantrum?
no they shot it down to prove they could you fucking retard.
Mandate of Heaven has been lost; China needs new leadership. But you wouldn't know that dog boy slave of a whore that takes his marching orders from jews.
Cool imma go sign up for the military if this happens and kill me some dog boilers
Yeah, just like the 90s. Anyone else remember when the only thing China made were shitty ninja turtles action figures?
China will kick amerimutts assess back to Dixie unless the mehicanos don't do it first. Fuck america. Bunch of slack jawed faggots. There all deed. Kill em all!!!!
America couldn't even defeat China during the Korean war when they had a technological advantage over them.
Fuck off refugee cocksucker
A dead chink is best chink.
get the fuck over yourself
chinese were literally cannibals a century ago, BEFORE Mao killed all the High IQ people
If anything was going to collapse the "communist" state in recent memory it would have to be this.
Unfortunately their grip is too tight for rebellion.
>implying Chinks and Communism is a superior option
Take your meds Chang.
An created a fuckload of space debris.
Literally the dumbest fucking shit.
>there are people who are unironically loyal to a totalitarian, communist regime
For what purpose, what have the subhumans running china done for (You) lately?
>Literally the dumbest fucking shit
which country spends billions of dollars on overly complicated weapons systems that are completely reliant on satellites to function?
if war with china does happen the first thing they will do before any attack on us assets is launch a couple of dozen rockets filled with gravel in to orbit.
>Take your meds Chang.
We'll always have Russians but I don't see why we need 4 billion chinks
Make Asia Radioactive Again!
Oh look its another pointless MAGA faggot LARP thread
inb4 the same bot replies like every single other of their shill threads
Ching Chong, Tiny Dong!
literally dont give a shit what happens to me as long as i get to KILL ALL THE FUCKING CHINKOIDS
you know that we did that in the 60's with a fucking jet?
That's just about the stupidest statement I've heard today. If China disappeared India is eager to take it's place. Worst case scenario people in first world countries just stop outsourcing and maybe pay a bit more for superior products. Boo hoo.
Not that we should go to war with China, but yes, you're definitely just as replaceable as any other country. Get your head out of your ass, OP.
China is asshore!
And so begins the battle of Armageddon
>your cities
You do know that not really that hard to do for a nation with a missile program right? You do know China has a small nuclear arsenal right? You do know their shit is dated right? Or that China doesn’t have a blue water navy? Or that we have nuclear armed subs off their coast? Or that we became effectively free of nuclear mission attacks last year right? Why do you think the Russians were spearheading a new missile program so hard? They managed to develop something that could “maybe” pass our mission shield with quantity.
If your chink overlord told you to cut your own penis off, you would do it.
again, which dumbass country spends billions of dollars on needlessly complex weapons systems that are entirely reliant on satellites
More empty threats from the new chink overlords.
The world will never let you faggot. The earth revolves around the sun, not the earth around China. Catch up to the rest of the world by about 5k years asshole.
The days of you dating eachother is coming back soon
>missile defense works
You said this exact thing in an earlier thread and it isnt any more true now than it was then.
If there is no China, world will finally be good
Cascade. Like it was said. If there is no China, there will be no World.
shut up ching chong wing ling ping pong eat dog
Chinkland needs to be glassed.