@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/5/20
>War Room Weekly! 4/5/20
>DefSec Esper on ThisWeekABC 4/5/20
>DefSec Esper on (((FakeNews))) 4/5/20
>SG Adams on FoxNewsSun 4/5/20
>SG Adams on MtP 4/5/20
>FDACommr Hahn on SunMornFutures 4/5/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on C-SPAN Q&A 4/5/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FtN 4/5/20
>Bannon on SunMornFutures 4/5/20
>Giuliani on SunMornFutures 4/5/20 (pt1) (pt2)
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Michael Knowles (Lara) 4/5/20
>Give People Hope 3/31/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/4/20
>American Heroes ONLINE! 4/4/20
>LabSec Scalia on F&F 4/4/20
>EnSec Brouillette on JudgeJeanine 4/4/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on JudgeJeanine 4/4/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


indelawoo in the coronavirus

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The American "left" is a fucking joke.
Who ever supports the left in the US needs to be fucking lined up and shot

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Please being not accuse other anons of being other anons thank.

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Why are viruses so racist?

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> to blindly follow
Fucking journofags keep splitting infinitives like there aren't even rules to the language.

But how do you know

>Yes, we can tell several anons in this very thread are on welfare and are vegans.
How could anons

In this very thread

be on welfare

And not have a job

But then claim to bee white and MAGA and right wing though

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How do I become a thicc hater and start to like sticcs. I love giving hugs and thicc are soft and warm unlike sticcs who are bony.

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>when you're such a gorilla nigger you bake late because you have to defend your avatarfagging eceleb thread persona from attack

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>Please being not accuse other anons of being other anons thank.

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>media hacks

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>chicom narratives
not to mention gallons of cum

3:55am: I get out of bed. Five minutes later, I’ve already begun my daily regiment of high-intensity early-morning physical training.

6:00am: I grab my tablet and open a high-definition stream of Morning Joe — I proceed to update myself on the latest news and happenings in the American political sphere; all while consuming a handcrafted, high-calorie breakfast to propel myself into the workday.

9:00am: I’m feeling good. At work, I’m relied upon to crush a variety of business-critical tasks. After organizing my priorities into a well-curated list, I proceed to knock out items one at a time; easily achieving 2-3x the efficiency of my peers.

5:00pm: I log on to the internet and begin to engage in heated debates across a wide range of political subjects. Here, the benefits of having watched Morning Joe become immediately apparent. Leveraging Joe’s morning insights along with the significant tactical advantage of a live @joenbc twitter feed, I am able to deliver a series of well-articulated intellectual killshots as I deftly navigate the social media landscape.

Midnight: I pre-stage tomorrow’s workout clothes and set my alarm to 4:00am. Satisfied with a solid 20 hours of back-to-back wins, I quickly fall into a deep, rejuvenating sleep, fully restoring my body and mind to optimal levels of performance as I prepare to conquer another day.

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Hey, MAGAme #1, let MAGAme #2 know that the jig is up and the goyim know and to shut it down, thanks.

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>But then claim to bee white and MAGA and right wing though
Are you suggesting that there are, right now, in this very thread, nonwhite Persons of Color?

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How can I kill myself?

seeand the gon kill yourself

Attached: 1557810696375.png (610x572, 278.58K)

I'm not gay.

>How could anons
>In this very thread
>be on welfare
>And not have a job
>But then claim to bee white and MAGA and right wing though
I think they're shills probably.

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subways are looking empty

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>speaks Hebrew
Why are you surprised?

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This is the only neighborhood in Chicago to vote for Trump

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Eat fish bowl cleaner.

You don't think he would hide for hours every night under other memeflags because of how quickly people shit on him when he posts under ancap, do you? That would be pretty pathetic, wouldn't it?

>>But then claim to bee white and MAGA and right wing though
>I think they're shills probably.
>But then claim to bee white

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speaking of which, Nazi memeflag ITT

>I'm not a chink, bro

>How can I kill myself?
Go to any major Canadian city and visit a diverse neighborhood. Stand on a street corner looking well-off and unarmed. Apologize as diversity enriches you to death.

>Africans in Africa that take hydroxychloroquine every day are not getting infected
>Africans in America that don't take anything are dying
Fauci is a little bitch for big pharma. Does Bill Gates really think he's going to give everyone the chip with this?

I am indeed suggesting the possiblity that there could be anons in this very thread who are not only white but shills and unMAGA

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i'm just not paying attention to the thread when it's full of retardation
that wasn't even late by any reasonable definition right after a trump appearance. might as well say rallies that aren't strictly at 300 are late

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I didn't like homosex and I'm pretty sure that's the definition of not gay


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>patient dies of exsanguination due to severe trauma from multiple GSW
>ah yes, must be corona then, see how his lungs were filled with fluid
>but doctor that's blood. he was shot in the chest

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I only have 2 dogs. A pug and a boxer

Perish the thought. Also, I heard from a guy the Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States.

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How badly does he want that Asian chick at the far end of the bench to walk over to him and bully him?

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How dare you

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>I am indeed suggesting the possiblity that there could be anons in this very thread who are not only white but shills and unMAGA
This is a break glass moment user. We must raise the banners.

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Doesn’t include communists on the list so I give it a 9/10

>Virgin incel detected. You can't ever get cucked if you never have sex, right?

No, but the last 2 women I had sex with were Jewesses, which might actually be worse. Nice Pound quote btw, there weren't nearly enough fascist sympathizer poets t b h.
Behind the scenes: Trump's coronavirus task force gathered in the White House Situation Room on Saturday at about 1:30pm, according to four sources familiar with the conversation. Vice President Mike Pence sat at the head of the table.

Numerous government officials were at the table, including Fauci, coronavirus response coordinator Deborah Birx, Jared Kushner, acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, and FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn.

Behind them sat staff, including Peter Navarro, tapped by Trump to compel private companies to meet the government's coronavirus needs under the Defense Production Act.

Toward the end of the meeting, Hahn began a discussion of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which Trump believes could be a "game-changer" against the coronavirus.

Hahn gave an update about the drug and what he was seeing in different trials and real-world results.

Then Navarro got up. He brought over a stack of folders and dropped them on the table. People started passing them around.

"And the first words out of his mouth are that the studies that he's seen, I believe they're mostly overseas, show 'clear therapeutic efficacy,'" said a source familiar with the conversation. "Those are the exact words out of his mouth."

Navarro's comments set off a heated exchange about how the Trump administration and the president ought to talk about the malaria drug, which Fauci and other public health officials stress is unproven to combat COVID-19.

Fauci pushed back against Navarro, saying that there was only anecdotal evidence that hydroxychloroquine works against the coronavirus.

Researchers have said studies out of France and China are inadequate because they did not include control groups.

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>I willingly had sex with a man
>I'm not gay
you must choose

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But jannies are based. Especially our resident ancap

Force slut shit manufacturers to stop polluting the environment and start making whatever they can to fight Coronavirus!

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You should die with a purpose
Try maybe stabbing some niggers and jews and shout allah ackbar in minecraft or something

Attached: Ge-ge 41.jpg (1280x1967, 217.42K)

>20% of the thread already filtered
Take your gay federal agent social club elsewhere, faggots.

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>who are not only white
Of course there are white people in this thread. I was wondering if you were suggesting precisely the opposite.

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I see you, fedora.

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Fauci and others have said much more data is needed to prove that hydroxychloroquine is effective against the coronavirus.

As part of his role, Navarro has been trying to source hydroxychloroquine from around the world. He's also been trying to ensure that there are enough domestic production capabilities inside the U.S.

Fauci's mention of anecdotal evidence "just set Peter off," said one of the sources. Navarro pointed to the pile of folders on the desk, which included printouts of studies on hydroxychloroquine from around the world.

Navarro said to Fauci, "That's science, not anecdote," said another of the sources.

Navarro started raising his voice, and at one point accused Fauci of objecting to Trump's travel restrictions, saying, "You were the one who early on objected to the travel restrictions with China," saying that travel restrictions don't work. (Navarro was one of the earliest to push the China travel ban.)

Fauci looked confused, according to a source in the room. After Trump imposed the travel restrictions, Fauci has publicly praised the president's restriction on travel from China.

Pence was trying to moderate the heated discussion. "It was pretty clear that everyone was just trying to get Peter to sit down and stop being so confrontational," said one of the sources.

Eventually, Kushner turned to Navarro and said, "Peter, take yes for an answer," because most everyone agreed, by that time, it was important to surge the supply of the drug to hot zones.

The principals agreed that the administration's public stance should be that the decision to use the drug is between doctors and patients.

Trump ended up announcing at his press conference that he had 29 million doses of hydroxychloroquine in the Strategic National Stockpile.

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Nogs are hypersexual, have no concept of delayed gratification, and are gay at like quintuple the usual rate.
Those fags aren't gonna wait to pound Ta'qearomays ass for more than half an hour, "social distance" be damned.

>Researchers have said studies out of France and China are inadequate because they did not include control groups
So basically, they could have just gotten better on their own because corona virus is a nothingburger

I posted my face and now I want to kill myself but everything is closed

>suspiciously specific denial is suspicious

How did he doxx himself

The thread gains like a whole 2 IQ points when we average things out and geniusanons post though, best time to post.


Let's plan our approach for now. Maybe we should tell people that they need to be responsible and find employment.

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yes we heard that a thousand times

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Which one's your main squeeze?

Nigger was posting 40 times a thread under one ID before the weekend, off the deep end doesn't begin to describe it

>month from now
>country is getting back to normal
>people are sick to death of hearing about the c*r*navirus
>everyone's ready to spend their trumpbux & get the economy moving
>suddenly, a new strain of West Nile Virus is discovered & spreading

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Fauci needs to be fired and replaced with someone who doesn't have such a bias against HCQ.

Missed a not desu

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Go to anime conventions and check out the Ryuuko cosplayers until you see the ones who actually have abs.

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He did worse once.

Attached: misato ftw t. 153 posts by this ID.png (561x143, 36.71K)

Coof coof

Roody walked back his chloroquine cure tonight. Might have been drunk, could barely open his eyes.

Both are retarded bit I like the pug because she doesn't bark as loud when she's excited

Lmao jump off a building faggot

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>dude we can't just use this drug with a 99-100% success rate to treat people with corona because we didn't properly let a few people intentionally die by not giving it to them
(((science))) needs a purge

it ends when the media says its over (nov.3)

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Friendly Reminder that hospitals will inflate their coronavirus number on purpose in order to receive federal funding in the aftermath for recovery.
You already saw a sneak peak of this today with the reporter asking if nurses and doctors will receive federal funding if they become infected.

No they had better outcomes. A lot of people do get better on their own but it's pretty clear this helps.

joe is joe
also, 200k likes? Trump usually doesn't get that many unless it's really popular
I guess its around 1m likes and they just cant go lower than 200k

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-06 06-33-39.png (602x285, 34.02K)

Just march down to your local university and proudly proclaim that you love the white race, and that white people have a legitimate role to play in Canadian society. You'll be beaten to death within minutes.

What should I do (politically) now that I have converted to Christianity(noncuck)?

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Hey, I'm a straight Fed. I do not take kindly to being thrown in with those faggots.

>Maybe we should tell people that they need to be responsible and find employment.
I worry the nonwhites and welfareniggers that infest the thread will not heed such sage advice.

For this they must be forced to toil in the mines and fields.

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Trumpbux forever yay!

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I posted a middle finger to a pussy


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>everything is closed
bullshit go to the nearest convience store, people are still allowed to buy shit right?

i've had annigger flags filtered for like 3 years now

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>ID: G For 1
I guess that checks out.

Find evidence that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton. It works flawlessly every time.

>this is a break glass moment

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>"Peter, take yes for an answer,"
Kush ftw

That's probably bullshit but those digits don't lie

haven't logged into /ptg/ for two days, what's going on?

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their whole agenda against the Hy-C is just too obvious now, basically audible seethes when trump mentions it...


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July 2014
July 2019

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Why did you post your face lmao

Given the data one already has from patients dying like flies during a pandemic, does one really need a control group to test the effectiveness of a treatment regime?

This is fake news. Niggers are immune to Coronavirus.

Big talk for a virgin
Only grocery stores. I could od on Tylenol

Why tho? You're famous now!

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That's Obamaleaf. Idiot posted his face to prove he wasn't a chink.


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You’re the ancap flag retard who has been spamming these threads with asinine bullshit

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When did fedora convert to Islam? Has he always been a sandnigger?

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Ancrap completely demolished, wrecking crews inbound in 20 to clear the anal blockage

oh God that means there's two trapfuckers in the thread, me and ancap

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must be where those guys that assaulted jussie smolett live

you have been awarded with the DUM award.

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Tylenol won't kill you. Why not pray?

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I dont see an issue. Sure some incels are gonna say I'm ugly. Bit I wanted to say fuck you via a picture to a virgin mutt

yfw faucis getting bullied like a little bitch kek behind scenes

What the fuck is this

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Much more than that probably.


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>Tylenol won't kill you.
It will in a high enough dose, especially mixed with booze.

didn't he make a twitter account named @obamaleaf or something?

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>I posted my face

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