Post your redpills and any redpilling experiences you've had on women

Coronavirus spamming on this board is annoying

post infographs, old archived posts, anything about women

>inb4 have sex incel
quiet woman

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Based Rabbi thread

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Holy shit what's the story behind this? Other than a phenomenal ass

>women won't have sex with me so they are dumb

This woman I chat with asked me what I thought about 9/11. This inevitably lead to the Holocaust. She started to look in to it. Facts do the rest.

Story? Did she died?

>that webm
what is the context here?
throwing weights at people is hardly justified

Traveling to a non feminist country will shatter your perceptions of reality. It's not you, it's them.

>On this week's "Things that never happened."

some fag got irrationally angry at thots being thots in "his gym"

how the fuck did that happen?

women do have sex with me, but that's gay to mention on the internet no on cares
>women have sex with because they are dumb
fixed ur statement


Why'd she throw herself to the ground?
It's like a 5 pound weight, she didn't even grab where it hit her after plopping down.

She already wanted to kill the billionaires. It was just a matter of explaining who the billionaires actually were.

I’m just demoralized. There’s just nothing you can do about anything unless you are already a billionaire and at that point you are so individually powerful that there is no reason to rock the boat. Race is real. Sex is real. These have implications on average behavior. People used to understand this implicitly until subversion became so great in the west that the average redditor would believe anything out of an academics mouth no matter how insane. It’s just depressing.

Also, nice trips~

Yeah actually I'm suspicious now.. you can see it's a handheld video, but they didn't pan to include whoever threw the weights?

Dated a girl for 8 years. The month I was going to ask her to marry me, found out she had been cheating on me for a year. Probably cheating on me before that. Loved her with all my heart.
Been 3 years and I still can't trust any woman.

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>redpills about women
The single biggest mistake incels and "loveshy" guys are making is that they want to know how to date a *specific* girl rather than girls generally. When you try to explain how it works, it's usually something they already intrinsically understand as a result of their upbringing and enculturation, but simultaneously know the girl they want will reject it (or has already rejected it).

Another redpill:
A girl may reject you even though she finds you attractive (and is single and wants a guy). Attraction and emotional attachment are two different things, and when mere attraction is present, it can be dispelled pretty easily by basically anything.

Yet another redpill:
Persistence in the face of rejection can work, provided the girl actually did find you attractive in the first place.

Final redpill:
Virgin-chasing is repulsive to virgin women. Having a sexual fetish about virginity, or having moral reasons for preferring virgins isn't virgin-chasing on its own. Virgin-chasing is instead the obsessive insistence that you will only date virgins and using virginity as a threshold criterion for basically anything (e.g., need to know if the girl is a virgin before you ask her on a first date). Virgin women know there are creepy guys out there that just want to deflower them, and acting like a creep is always a good way to get rejected.

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That's definitely a 45. Had you ever stepped foot in a gym before you might have known that.

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Adequate is the word you're looking for

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>Virgin-chasing is repulsive to virgin women.
And why should you give a fuck? You speak of red pills, but here you are being blue-pilled and showing how little you truly understand female nature.

I worked retail around all women. They have a social side but ultimately ruled by their sexual side. I’m a fucking manlet but was balls deep in so many tall, athletic college girls. If they show you any interest, it’s physical so have sex, relationships can come later. If you’re looking for a trad wife, I’d recommend you to become Islamic lmao.

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trips noted
and yeah, i try to redpill post sexual experience cuz they're vulnerable
usually goes something like
>me mentioning some sensitive topic
>you can't say that user
>why not?
>cuz its wrong
>why is it wrong?
and then they realize they don't care. this usually happens with white women

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I paused it and it looked like the bottom half hit her shoulder and the top half hit her head.

Love this Webm. Roastie bashing needs to be normalized

The second one you get a better look at is one of those paper thin ones, and she grabs her neck after getting hit in the shoulder, after gently guiding herself down with her hand.

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You're annoying, we get it, you're a virgin, you have a one track mind and that's fantasizing about pussy you'll never get. People like you are ruining this board.

Coof coof

That’s fucked bro hope you recover

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whew more trips
post more pics like that i need to restock


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fuck i want to get sucked by a toothless snake now

Like where, (insert country)-istan?

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>And why should you give a fuck?
Because it's self-defeating you fucking nitwit. Virgin-chasing is a method of conveying insecurity about yourself (obsessive personality, fear of rejection/failure leading to a need to confront virginity as a threshold issue rather than something that becomes a deal-breaker later on) and repulsing everything with a pulse, except perhaps crazy women who will lie to you about being virgins anyway.

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thanks user

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I have to know how this happened.

Because it’s true

Confirmed. Majority of responses in my experience from women are exactly this. "Because it's wrong."

Snakes and dicks

literally using math and logic to prove why society works as patriarchy

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fugg bros ive been on social isolation for the past month and havent had any poon since like january. you cant keep a healthy 23 year old bull like me coral ed for this long, where the fuck has all the poon gone? college and the fucking bars all are fucking closed and I need me some poon asap or its going to get ugly around here

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>getting sucked by a dick?
are you also into docking?

>Women DO NOT wanna win, they want the winner
>Never say ‘I Love You’ first
>Keep her feeling jealous
>Women are a sidequest, not the goal
>Never play by her rules
>Never give a woman more than 2/3 of ANYTHING she gives you
>Keep them in the dark, they don’t wanna know everything about you
>Always have equal or superior backup girls
>Don’t apologize, admit wrongdoing if you like but don’t apologize
>Inspire their emotions, good or bad
>Ignote her beauty, she knows that’s all she has dangling over your head
>Act with absurd confidence
>Play up your strengths, minimize your weaknesses
>Women will forgive anything you do, except boring them
>Fuck her like a bitch in heat, better too rough than too gentle
>Remain emotionally detached from their whims and moods
>Don’t ever be afraid to leave them

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i cant see it, even the deleting the m thing doenst work FUCK i wanted to read that so bad,

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actually, some women like "dad bods"
which i find freudian and weird

It depends on you reference point. North Americans got hit with the virus first so eastern Euro women seem a 1000 times better. Lots of guys blab about Asian women especially Thai and Philippine ones. Essentially anywhere not North America, Western Europe, or Japan/Korea has nicer women.

if you had ever stepped foot in a gym besides planet fitness you would know that they have plates that are different weights but the same diameter as the 45lb for Olympic lifts

we know this already retard

"Ugly" emphasize

Oh, I've got another one: Sex without emotional attachment is basically an advanced form of masturbation. Men who are obsessed with their own virginity are unlikely to be satisfied by a rushed first sexual experience, such as with a prostitute, and will likely be left feeling empty or even jaded about sex and relationships. What these men are seeking isn't to lose their virginity so much as experiencing what I'll call the "embrace of a woman." That is, a sexual experience with mutual romantic attachment. Penetration needn't be involved to satisfy that urge (though it's likely that men who experience this without penetration will, despite feeling satisfied in what they've done, still wonder about losing their virginity in the literal sense).

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Have sex incel

go back to do the TheDonald you faggot

>hate your men, goyim!
>hate your women, goyim!

Too blurry to read.

i feel this. I look @ my past sexual experiences and whenever i didn't have some sort of attachment to the women emotionally, it was bad and i regret it. I remember some study stating that people in relationships have better sex lives because sex is supposed to be an emotional act as well.

>Coronavirus spamming on this board is annoying

>post incel shit instead

it's your board, this board is for the discussion of relevant topics in politics and other news

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sounds commie and bluepilled

Look into Narcissistic personality disorder. This will heal you user

Shut up crossfit faggot. The only plates that size worth using are 45s. All else are for manlet memes like you

These arent really redpills.
We arent looking for "game" advice or whatever. game is dead, being a player is dead. We dont want to know how to get into any girls pants.

We want to end the whole system.

Switch to desktop view

>tfw did essentially the reverse to my first gf
>tfw we talked about getting married, went ring shopping
>tfw we were gonna move in together and i was gonna get my law license in her jurisdiction
>tfw we spent a week together at her place and at the end of it she let her crazy side out
>tfw i dipped out while she was at work because i wasn't having any of that, and getting yelled at for hours was boring
haven't looked back, best decision i ever made

i only noted this is in american women tho, cuz our education system cares so much about kikes. I had sex with a girl who went to an international school in asia and she didn't really know or care about the holocaust. she was also openly racist which was nice.

>women are dumb

>>angry at thots

Thot detected.

Imagine watching her slowly get down on the ground and lie down, and still think this is real.

Accurate. It's a process.

I’ve seen this meme but honestly kind of think like this, I’ve quit drinking but as I improve in life I get kind of irritated and paranoid at the idea of having to do things for myself in order to please women. The things I do to improve my life ARE for myself of course, but if some bimbo who happened to graduate college is now interested in me because I’m getting my shit together do they really like me? The precedent has been set in the past with good girlfriends who put up with my shit and legit seemed interested in me where others haven’t. I can’t trust any of them now, maybe I should aim down for easier results and better peace of mind. The real redpill is cute or even ugly chubby girls who just want to hang out with you and do cool shit are the real women we should be marrying. I guess I can see somebody bitching about reproducing with someone like that but if she’s cool and you’re a decent man you should be able to handle being an effective dad theoretically if we talk about that. Also you can call it “giving up” but that’s the thing fuck a damn rat race trying keep up with some aging bitches demands and expectations when all you wanna do is relax and be happy after work

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Quarantine redpilled me to how fucking stupid women are:

>Sister won't stop freaking out and panic buying, but only panic buys dumb instagram meme foods
>Former coworker is just going to parks downtown and taking selfies to look like a nature girl
>Girls in the unit above me keep inviting people over and having parties
>Guy in unit across from me has his girlfriend staying with him, wants to kill himself from her (by her own admission) complaining and arguing out of boredom

The physical preferences are not as strict as most here believe. The big issue is that western women prefer "scalability" more than anything else, even money, and most guys are autists. As a said earlier going to a country where that is not the case gives you a taste of what life is supposed to be like. In the past a man's social skills didn't matter so much, these days it's everything.

just trying to lighten the mood with everyone's favorite hobby. shitting on women

Every decision that a woman makes, every behavior she displays is informed decided by how she feels the decision or action will affect her emotional perception of herself.

This is true about voting, or personal decisions if she is allowed to do either. Women primarily want to maintain or enhance their emotional self esteem.

Would have to have been there to go back.

>Post your redpills
Women are not visual the way that we are. They are more turned on by what you say and what you do than what you look like. Women want to date men who are masculine and when selecting partners they look for men who exhibit masculine traits.

When dating, women will deliberately engineer all kinds of bullshit drama because they want to examine your reactions and see how much shit you will put up with. If you react in a way they don't like or let them walk all over you like a libshit then they'll lose their respect for you and start looking for someone else.

The only winning move is not to play. Always make sure that you have a backup woman that you can fall back on if the relationship goes south and always make sure that the woman you are dating holds herself up to your standards. If she acts up then make sure you discipline her with a belt across her ass to remind her who is boss.

i'm sorry I don't talk to people who don't even lift

none of what i said has anything to do with having game, being a player, or getting laid. it is about ending the whole system, however; the incel system that's trapped so many young men in a vicious cycle of depression, anger, and bad advice.

Don’t cry in front of her

Them feels.

Should've married a nice Asian woman

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goddammit flat tummies are my kryptonite

Get ready retards, this is the real red pill.
Women are incapable of love, we all know this.
Men will love them and in return be betrayed, used up, and tossed aside.
Men have all of this love to give and yet no woman will ever truly understand this feeling, the only thing close to love that they feel is toward their children.
These are all simple observations, next comes the solution.

Be gay.
I was lucky enough to develop the preference of the male body naturally but that's not even the point.
Being gay means that you can find a man with similar values to yourself, who is pleasant to talk to and hang out with, and that will love you as much as you love him.
Double incomes, ambitions and the advantage of having two rational actors working together to figure out solutions to life's difficulties is far superior to having a subservient waif of a woman to clean your house and put your coom in.
>but user, that is not breeding and not breeding means the jews win
Gay guys still have sperm, surrogacy is an option, there are plenty of roasties out there that would LOVE to take your money just to shit out a white baby.
Better to pay them once to fulfill their only purpose on this planet than to pay them half of your shit forever.

Call me a shill, jewish, possessed by the devil, anything you want, but THIS IS THE SOLUTION and refusing to accept it is swallowing the blue pill.

Why wouldn't she? The initial impact was in the arm.

lose weight fatty

Well I tell you what, as a coomer I was initially concerned that the lockdown would prevent thots from going out and posting bikini pics, but really we've reached the stage in the quarantine where all the sluts are coming out on Instagram posting bikini pics saying "I wish I was at the beach now" and "I can't wait until this is all over"

I’m praying for every married man right now.

Work is the only way they can really escape from their wives and their chaos addiction.

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its also easy to mentally fuck with a girl
had a rocky relationship and we broke up once, i texted her and didn't reply to her response for a day, in which she triple texted me and was mad. literally by doing nothing I pissed her off.