To discredit any realistic theories on 5G and its true implications, (((they))) are creating and pushing fake stories to sway public opinion so that anyone who questions 5G is seen as a schizo.
Other urls found in this thread:
This whole board is now full of retarded schizo-posters, go back to /x/ you retards. how could 5G cause a virus? you can isolate the virus and view it under microscope or sequence it, how does this theory rectify that?
cruise ships... south korea has had 5g for ages
the virus is real AND governments will use it for more violation of freedom and control.
5g is the least of your problems you fucking tard
physics fag from last night. It's not dangerous to humans but the the rel conspiracy is that the retarded covid 5g conspiracy is being used to distract from the fact that the real purpose of 5g is to facilitate mass surveillance.
>fake news
its just Qtard level bullshit.
kids like you forget all the Fear-porn that was sold over 3G/4G bullshit....
>hur dur its on the same frequency as your brain!
>hur dur and 5G is on the same frequency as your heart!
any proof?
nope! just some bullshit you read online.
and yet, you ALL still use the tech.
your the fucking tard.
disinformation would have been a better term to use than fake news
its the end though, if people have a news head line that suits their echo-chamber = it's real.
and when I ask them, "did you verify the story in any way?" = they all get mad.
everyone has become a /sheeple/ of thier own making.
Given that one of the major concerns about 5G is increased surveillance, due to the nature of the technology, the government infringing rights in conjunction with rolling out 5G makes perfect sense.
As an electrical engineer specialized in microwave telecommunications, this is both amusing and fucking sad
People are apes afraid of technology. No one noticed when 4G was introduced, now all of the sudden 5G, which is essentially the same but faster, is the root of all evil. It's just higher carrying frequency so that more data could be transmitted, it's still well below dangerous or harmful. Your desk lamp will cause more radiation harm than 5G ever will
>be me a few months ago
>working with my bud on some uni project
>we map the street coverage of the signal we transmit at uni building
>basically calculating the deadspots of the urban zones where telecomm networks can't reach depending on the frequency
>we are pushing a cart with a giant receiver antenna and equipment around the streets
>some old geezer stops us
>"no sir, this is 6G"
>disgruntled face look
> immediately turns and leaves
dude, those things radiate such powerful microwaves that they melt and set their own components on fire. Imagine what they do to the human body.
really scientific
Huh. How retarded are you? They are basically unconfined microwave ovens and they are so badly designed that their components are not shielded from their own shit.
Don't worry, it's only temporary. Once lazy American companies have managed to catch up to the Chinese lead the story will magically vanish and it'll be ok to 5G. You read it here.
Microwave ovens operate at the same frequency as Wi-Fi, bluetooth, 3G and 4G - around 2,5Ghz . 5G operates at higher frequencies
Your mobile phone and laptop are basically unconfined microwave ovens. Throw them into garbage immediately
shit, I replied to the wrong person
5G doesn't cause it directly, it causes it indirectly by lowering your immune system function, our bodies are electromagnetic, we evolved under very specific conditions that didn't include all of this electrosmog that we live in today. It throws our bodies out of wack. All of our cellular functions rely on electrochemical signaling.
Not to mention that you can use radio frequencies to alter people's moods and control them which I will elucidate on in the next post.
You ARE a schizo, you fucking high-school dropout.
I'm not usually an Authoritarian but you anti-vaxx retards deserve a boot on your fucking face.
Stop sniffing glue you fat nigger
Live underground. A few feet of dirt protects you from everything except cosmic rays
This is even more stupid than flat earthing. It's that bad
I use a desktop and I don't have a mobile phone.
Also 4G lte operates at 1/4 that of the frequency of microwaves.
However this argument is invalid because it's not even the receiver that really matters it's the tower that sends out the information 24/7. G5 towers have to be placed every 100 meters so you can't get away from the radiation hubs, whereas any normal cell tower is placed up on hills and on the tops of buildings where they are not even close to people and are miles and miles apart
It's proven, dumbass.
Therapeutic behavior modification program, compliance monitoring and feedback system.
Electric fringe field generator for manipulating nervous systems
Brain wave inducing system.
Brain wave inducing apparatus.
Method and apparatus for analyzing neurological response to emotion-inducing stimuli.
Multi-user remote health monitoring system with biometrics support.
Method and system for altering consciousness.
Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems.
Method and apparatus for introducing subliminal changes to audio stimuli.
Apparatus for electric stimulation of auditory nerves of a human being.
Method and recording for producing sounds and messages to achieve alpha and theta brainwave states and positive emotional states in humans.
Method of inducing harmonious states of being.
Ultrasonic speech translator and communications system.
Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors.
Apparatus particularly for use in the determination of the condition of the vegetative part of the nervous system.
Method of inducing mental, emotional and physical states of consciousness, including specific mental activity, in human beings.
>Also 4G lte operates at 1/4 that of the frequency of microwaves
>it's the tower that sends out the information 24/7
towers that emit higher frequency waves have existed for decades now
>G5 towers have to be placed every 100 meters
>any normal cell tower is placed up on hills and on the tops
unless you live in an urban area, where they are placed the same way any other telecomm tower is placed
>It's proven
by who
No it isn't "proven". The only thing that is proven that people with severe mental problems, who are invariably unemployed stoners, think 5G is going to kill them. Their shitty lifestyles kill them. So they go out in the street and take photos of guys working on copper wire
5G has absolutely no connection to anything bad whatsoever
Does anyone here really even care?
5g is just outside of what is legally considered a weapon.
it is not safe, and it has no place in our society.
fuck off shill
>5G has absolutely no connection to anything bad whatsoever
How could you ever make a sweeping statement like that in good confidence> You are obviously a brainlet.
Hold up guys, I'm, going to post more mind control patents.
No point taking to you, shill. I'll just answer you with:
5G allows for real time 3D spacial mapping and materials identification
This is all you need to know.
you do realize anyone can patent anything they want. That's why we have billions of patents. It doesn't mean per se that these devices actually can do these things. People, similar to you, have been pattenting whack products ever since the U.S patent department started existing
>how ?
>by whom
>SHIIIIIIIL! !!!!!!!!!!
The closest 5G tower to where I work is in Manchester. I work the North Yorkshire area. I still have retards who stink of weed come up to me on a daily basis and ask about 5G and why I'm installing it.
I used to explain I was a copper tech and that the nearest 5G mast was 60 miles away but now I've taken to lying to them. I tell them the 5G is hidden in buildings and lamposts. They have this twinkle in their eye that I've confirmed everything they dared to believe. I also tell them that 5G is in all new buildings. They nod sagely, because they know it too.
Without fail they look like the sort of people who appear on programmes about property repossession.
>real time 3D spacial mapping and materials identification
how, explain the process in detail please
I don't need to waste my energy posting links that I research to some idiot who will just deny them anyway. I don't need to prove what I know.
people like conspiracy theories
>FM theta-inducing audible sound, and method, device and recorded medium to generate the same.
>Method and apparatus for inducing and establishing a changed state of consciousness
>Method and apparatus of varying the brain state of a person by means of an audio signal.
>Method and apparatus for changing brain wave frequency.
>Multichannel system for and a multifactorial method of controlling the nervous system of a living organism.
>Method of inducing and maintaining various stages of sleep in the human being.
>System and method for controlling the nervous system of a living organism.
>Apparatus for the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic diseases with heat, light, sound and vhf electromagnetic radiation.
>Hearing aid for producing sensations in the brain.
>Electronic system for the stimulation of biological systems.
>Art of transmitting electrical energy through the natural mediums.
>Dual use RF directed energy weapon and imager.
>Outer space laser-microwave gun Tiangong satellite.
>Systems and methods for altering brain and body functions and for treating conditions and diseases of the same.
>Self-focusing antenna system.
Because I have worked with radar, signalling and telegraphic equipment for 22 years.
>links that I research
Hello, I am a microwave telecomm engineer. I research 5G. I can discredit any info you provide
Don't like being owned ? Stop posting stupid shit
>t. Schizo
Enjoy your essential oils
>Solid-state non-lethal directed energy weapon.
>Nervous system excitation device.
>Sleep-inducing method and arrangement using modulated sound and light.
>Method for stimulating the falling asleep and/or relaxing behavior of a person and an arrangement therefor.
>Method and apparatus for producing swept frequency-modulated audio signal patterns for inducing sleep.
>Noise generator and transmitter.
>Shadow generating apparatus.
>Method and apparatus for translating the EEG into music to induce and control various psychological and physiological states and to control a musical instrument.
>Method of inducing mental, emotional and physical states of consciousness, including specific mental activity, in human beings.
alex jones is shilling this shit hard
>how could 5G cause a virus?
easily, but I'm doubt thats happening, although the military is spraying, what are they spraying I have no idea
>I can discredit any info you provide
why did the patent holder sue the manufacturer?
You're a nothing. Fuck off.
5g is 25 times faster than 4g....5g is cancer
dont let them use 5g near your home and business or else you might get sick
yeah they are making disinformation to say that 5g causes coronavirus to discredit any realistic stuff on 5g.
do you realize this is a weak defense, since public patents are only the tip of the iceberg, the real shit is in the 6 of gagged/secret patents, and the real real shit never even makes it to patents.
I don't really care about your ignorant remarks, I don't post for you guys, I post for those who are awake and open-minded.
There are hundreds of these patents, the people publishing them seem to think they are able to effect people's minds with electronic frequencies. I mean the U.S. has crowd dispersal weapons that heat you up and make you feel like you are on fire, what else do you think they have?
You only know what you need to know. You're not that smart.
>Because I have worked with radar, signalling and telegraphic equipment for 22 years.
You know what that means? Absolutely fucking nothing.
we need moar studies on the affects of 5g on pets and people...dont trust verison sprits tmobile att or the others snake oil sale people
You realize you can stand a few meters from an unconfined microwave oven and feel nothing right? Retards like you shouldn't post
the fat kid joined
hey jamal
shut up nigger
meant for this faggot
hey user words hurts...stop it or else
He didn't even read any of them, I have and the systems seems totally plausible.
Like pain inducing riot control technology that makes it feel like your skin is on fire. Or just selectively harassing political dissents. It's evil technology that has the power to do many bad things.
The bandwidith is all old non hd TV frequencies
I can patent a device that condenses all Canadians into a fine paste, it doesn't mean it exists.
Go on, then. Tell us how 5G signal can be transmitted to cause harm but is safe at the origin point
thank for that list, saved
just 15 min prior i did a google search for "emf human behavior patent" and found nothing
but i remembered there were plenty
The retard is you.
I haven't found one person yet that can pinpoint the origin of this theory.
It was probably some disinfo campaign started on FB as an image and took off
It doesn't have to CAUSE it, it just has to damage and weaken the people it effects.
Your skin feels like it's on fire because you sleep on cardboard and have worn the same underwear since 2009
>You only know what you need to know. You're not that smart.
Like there's a secret forbidden chapter of electromagnetics that the jews are hiding so no even the people who work in the field can calculate the power transmitted by 5G
>do you realize this is a weak defense
The "there is this super secret thing no one knows about" is the deus ex of weak arguments
>I have and the systems seems totally plausible
>I, who in no way am an expert on the field, judge this all to be plausable
>Go on, then. Tell us how 5G signal can be transmitted to cause harm but is safe at the origin point.
They aren't safe any where, retard. You're obviously a shill. Go sleep next to a 5g router please.
thank you for outing yourself as a proofless retard
5G weakens the immune system
I've noticed this too. Most people concerned about 5G have legitimate concerns but the media keep pushing it as crazies linking 5G to coronavirus.
Post spoons faggot.
I learned that not only is there a radiowave frequency but also Wattage(power) transmitted through the air?
How exactly does that work?
How exactly are Hz and Watts related? (or are they?)
>The "there is this super secret thing no one knows about" is the deus ex of weak arguments
are you 5 years old? those avoid logical argument too
Fuck off retard shill. The proof will be quite obvious when idiots like you allow this shit to be placed everywhere.
Not suspicious at all that they are rolling it out under "essential work" whilst everyones is locked down and supposedly in danger. It obviously isn't essential under current circumstances as 4g works just fine. It's nothing that couldn't wait until after corona is dealt with.
You all retards realize that the frequency doesn't really matter, but the power at which it operates. You can make a 20Hz signal deadly by cranking it to some ludicrous powers. It's the "voltage vs current" story all over again. Power is what only matters
>they aren't safe anywhere
It must be safe at some point otherwise you wouldn't have a stable method of delivery. If what you say is true (it isn't) there must be a point in which it crosses a certain threshold, otherwise the controller would be dying and replaced on a daily basis.
>if people have a news head line that suits their echo-chambe
Yeah because Jew media is so honest about everything else.
>How exactly are Hz and Watts related? (or are they?)
>elementary level physics
>you all retards realize that the frequency doesn't really matter,
>frequency doesn't really matter,
imagine being this dumb.
matter literally is frequency.
>People are apes afraid of technology.
Including the places where it is made like Israel and Switzeland who don't have it in their countries.
Wow, a lucid post with facts, and of course he gets nothing but abuse from "the crew."
>very specific conditions
Yes and no. More like a restrained variable set, but most of that did not include high pulse radio frequency against our cells.
As it turns out if you have no EMF exposure at all (locked in a lead lined box) you actually are more likely to die, but too much causes cancers and other problems, including altered fear responses.
Is it not everywhere already? You told us they were 100m apart in order to work.
No problem dude.
It's not fucking rocket science dude it's just fucking radio waves. Nothing complicated about it, any layman who researches it can understand it. It's like a fucking drywaller telling me that I can't comment on his shitty job because only drywalling experts can understand his profession.
The fact is, we are putting microwave transmitters everywhere and saturating our living space with them, it should be EXTREMELY PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that it's a bad thing.
(((Science))) don't question it goy.
It's not even about being immediately deadly it's about long term health consequences due to never ending exposure time.
>drinking mercury is safe because I can survive low doses of it
No, drinking the quicksilver is never good, at any dosage.
No it is not everywhere already.
>you anti-vaxx retards deserve a boot on your fucking face
Take your vaccine goy, don't question.
If you can't see 5g and viruses its not real.
bullshit if you did know you know there is problems with it. Its not well studied. And all studies of electomanetic effects on the human body don't exist.... Kinda like the reports of cigarrettes being harmfull in the 1960's...? They dont exist. They only exist today because we dig them up.
Too much to get into, but at the end of the day. Radio waves are electricity in the air, literary. You can make a radio with no battery. The speaker vibrates due to the conversion of the electrimagnetic enegry into the radio's circuit.
The idea that free-energy is impssibu or w/e is complete bullshit. Anyone who goes into electromagnetic science can clearly see there is untapped power generated throughout the universe.
Actually is the opposite, 5G FUD is spread from the anglosphere (and only from there) because it evades mass surveillance from USA and UK.
It is not even a conjecture, intelligence services expressly told so in an official message to the EU parliament, to oppose their support of 5G technology.
So not exactly impartial then
Why is everyone home while they lay 5G then? How is laying 5G essential work?
>matter literally is frequency.
found the retard who was home schooled
imagine believing science is a jewish conspiracy
It was fun reading all of your stupid shizo comments. had a good laugh from people who don't understand basic physics but are suddenly experts on electro-magnetsim after reading some whack facebook comments
Gotta go sleep now
Hold on, if 5G did cause coronavirus, then wouldn't places like Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto have much higher cases than everywhere else? Yet America still seems to be suffering the most...
the installing of 5G may be the reason for the artificial corona panic. A virus that appears every year and is part of the common cold.
we did the studies 5g is ok guys
>most of you
>Hello, I am a microwave telecomm engineer. I research 5G. I can discredit any info you provide
Can you explain why they are rollijng it out as "essential work" whilst everyone is locked down and supposedly in danger?
It obviously isn't essential at the moment as we have working 4g, it's nothing that couldn't wait until after we've dealt with the virus.So why do it now?
die of measles and cleanse the genepool
>had a good laugh from people who don't understand basic physics but are suddenly experts on electro-magnetsim after reading some whack facebook comments
Gotta go sleep now
>appeal to authority
>somehow thinks that only he is smart enough to figure out that microwaves frying your brain are good for you
Fuckin retard.
>you can view a virus under a light microscope
Enjoy your Jew "science"
> S C H I Z O
Oh and essential oils work quite well for certain things, they aren't a cure all but they have their uses. He must be a retarded boomer.
you sound like a shill desu
Well 2.4ghz is resonance frequency of water.
WiFi litarlly boils water with enough wattage. They say WifI is so low wattage it bounces off the skin..
But the long term effects are unknowen, unstudied. When you start to get to studied you get killed. You get shilled.
There is clear evidence of cancer and DNA damage with long term exposure even to lower power waves.
I'm being genuine
I havent taken a physics class in a decade and I can only remember F=MA
The sun emits electromagnetic radiation at a level infinitely more powerful than 5G. You need to lay off the weed, dude.
>You all retards
In English faggot.