what is taking so long? why can't it just fucking Happen already? why are modern day happenings so fucking drawn out and boring? jesus christ i want like actual fucking happening NOW.
What is taking so long? why can't it just fucking Happen already...
So do I
I feel that, fren
Itll never "happen" we will slowly devolve into a brazil situation. You better get a good job or some way to make money that is literally the only thing that will save you unfortunately.
These are the good old days. Much worse is coming.
Unfortunately, watching a happening in real time means you can't fast forward through the commercials.
No, it isn’t, you faggot. Back to /cvg/ with you.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really don't have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 2 rolls per day. If you have a family of 17, that's 603 rolls a week. Over 8459 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it
For fucking real jesus. I walk outside only once a week for trash and laundry. It’s like im in house arrest or some shit bruh.
Worst fucking happening ever.
why won't it happen though? look at the last 3,000 years prior to 9/11. it was happening nearly DAILY up until 9/11 then it all stopped. after that we got mini happenings nothing truly major. why is that? did we shift timelines after 911?
What were you expecting? Flaming corpse piles in the street and mad max raiders?
No, the apocalypse is just everyone getting fired and becoming a NEET.
I had a dream/premonition the other night that there is going to be another Ted Kacynski style terrorist. It'll happen right as the virus is ending and the culprit will be a professor and Trump hater.
How does that have anything to do with the coronavirus
When the dinosaurs all died off, it took many, many years. It did not happen overnight.
Don't worry user, we all die sooner or later no matter what so enjoy the ride as best you can
>happening NOW.
k burger, w8 for it
Fauci said this might come back in the fall and be a seasonal virus as well. Things are not going away anytime soon. This is the new normal for a long time user. We finally got our happening now it's time to deal with it
Too many people want things to continue as they are, too many people make money off the system we live in, too many are trying to get deals moving so they can climb the ladder. People have families and kids they want to see grow up. Theres too much inertia for everything to just fall apart like you dream of. Things could get better, humans ebb and flow just like anything in the universe.
Good point, you have to think about how much 'nothing' there was during WW2 no matter where you were. You just can't have crazy shit every day for any long period of time.
You guys have to do something
I always see this retarded cope being spouted around that "once white people become a minority they will become more ethnocentric"
No, that's a retarded cope. Brasil used to be 50-60% white, now it's muttland. The same thing will happen to you guys if you do nothing.
Face it: whites are not as ethnocentric as other races and are very empathetic. This is an advantadge in some environments but at the moment it is a massive disadvantadge.
We need to be more like the orcs.
Who said anything about the corona virus
Every happening is drawn out
The fucking Mongol invasion took place over 200 years you dumb nigger
>No, the apocalypse is just everyone getting fired and becoming a NEET.
Eh, too optimistic. Pic related is more likely.
I don't think that's quite true lol
You came so close to amazing digits lol
Dude we are at the start of a once in 100 year happening. What kind of happening (short of 9/11 or Pearl Harbour) are you expecting? The World Wars were multi-year happenings. Most happenings are actually quite boring. This one sucks because it fucking sucks and is the skiest happening I can think of, I agree, but are you hoping for a scenario where YellowStone, Campi Flegrei explode at the same time a comet hits and WW3 starts? because that's going to be the shortest happening ever - for us.
Surely the point of a happening is that you at least get to enjoy the happening before we go back to the land of no happenings again?
I think we can assume that's what he was talking about, what other major happening is there right now?
Ok point the way brother. What are your ideas
Just wait, we're less than a couple months from the real happenings.
I think most of us are hoping for an actual societal collapse
It's like modern warfare. 99.9% of the time is boring mundane stuff until sudd-
***you're dead***
It’s happening again and again and again and again here in Burgerland. Tomorrow will change all that
What is your point dude, theres shit happening all the time, everywhere
I hope normies wake up. I’m getting restless in my comfy mountain isolation zone. I want normies to take the bloody mess perk pill and blow each other’s head’s off so I can be entertained
the fun thing about exponential growth and multi-stage infections are that retards only see them coming when they are already there
Sorry I forgot to add that you’re a giant queer
Bad thing to wish for bro, you should hope people find a way to work together and figure this out
I genuinely hate this happening so goddamn much. I was finally starting to live again after a decade of shut-in NEETing right before this virus hit. And now I just have to watch this slow, torturous death. It's not even exciting. Just slow and depressing.
You know what to do.
Nope, fuck normies
You sound really earnest and gay
Fuck you too bud
I think a good start would be not being a pussy. It makes me sad to admit this but so many other whites are massive pussys.
We are just too civilized. We care too much about our job, our living conditions, we think too much into the future.
We literally have to dumb ourselves down a bit in order to win.
Maybe i'm saying this because i'm in Brasil but shit heres works diferently
Someone insults me i'll kick their ass. I've gotten my ass whooped but the point is the principle.
If my "wife divorces me and steals all my stuff", you think i'll be paying fucking alimony like so many western cucks? No, i'll burn that shit to the ground and move to the Bahamas. I'll go to jail before anyone get's a penny of mine.
We need to beat up who insults us, we need to create "gangs", etc
Not advocating for violence here, we just need to stand up to bullshit
look it up. extinction events generally take place over hundreds, if not thousands of years. We are in one right now, and i dont mean coronavirus. We, as humans, have caused one by taking over the planet, and destroying ecosystems through the very nature of what we are.
It was a joke
A lot of truth here. Our own empathy, compassion, spirit of collaboration and sense of fairness and justice has been weapon used against us. Other races hate and cheat outsiders with impunity. White majority nations need to re-establish isolationist and protectionist policies.
This is the week you normies really start to break down. Gonna be fun watching the collapse.
Omg 20 people are dead calm down
Retarded faggot
Why should anyone take seriously the politics of someone that wants society to collapse?
The dinosaurs were killed by a giant meteor. I'm sure it at least took some days but not generations.
youll know it when youre getting scalped by abdul and jamal faggot
Shutup pussy i'll fuck ur mom
Finally, years of NEET training will come to fruition.
Chad and Stacy will be kneeling before me, begging for my priceless wisdom.
Roasties will be publically executed and chicken tendies will be given to all goodboys, free of charge.
I'll give your mom the coronavirus and you won't even notice because "stuff happens everywhere"
Elaborate faggot
nothing is going to happen. we will sit in our homes for another month or two and go back to work. q will be an obvious larp and we will have just wasted trillions. again.
Trust the plan goy
Nah, the suffering needs to be as long and drawn out as possible, otherwise it won't leave the correct impact.
Nigger wut?
I’m not interested faggot
Why does that phrase trigger you so hard
>month or two
Fuck I hope not
Oy vey. Stop asking questions
I'm just casually being a dick for fun, not trying to seriously bully you, fren. But I do have a minor pet peeve about these guys who say things like "um excuse me can we keep all corona-related content to the /cvg/?? Thanks." when basically every single political event is somehow related to corona at this point. Currently it really is THE happening so if someone talks about happenings, you have to assume it is on their mind.
Do you mean that is too short or too long? I hope and believe this thing will go on for a very long time.
Too long. Businesses need to open back up
>implying we couldn't rebuild our electricity grill in 4 years max
Solar flare would be literally a nothing burger