DEAR Americans

it's time to fuck off from /pol

Attached: 2560px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png (2560x1536, 2.36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What has upset you hans?

Still sore about world war 2 hans? Poor little boy

Get the fuck out

Attached: D5E97E3A-6D57-4DE7-9EFD-B1CE72A72D01.jpg (750x883, 479.67K)

I actually agree with this.


>Jaywalks until your autism makes you explode

Dear Americans, this is a false flag to make us look bad.

hahahahahaha blow me

Attached: 1529166919486.jpg (255x255, 11.11K)

we should invade them while their country is destabilized by the virus. Sieg Heil.

Attached: 6F5D968B-E0DA-4F0D-8A39-5DF1F613183D.png (479x345, 152.78K)


Attached: sIMG_8871.jpg (2400x1600, 451.13K)

firearms from your mens corpses will make great civilian collection pieces

i like you hans

Attached: fren.png (618x480, 135.31K)


It’s working.

Attached: AA30CA5D-AEBE-4CD1-8653-B22D11877B69.jpg (731x757, 88.53K)

Fucking do it. PLEASE do it.

Attached: B6AF6712-A645-4871-A2ED-2019C372F62B.jpg (1024x874, 85.4K)

>to make us look bad.
You're 1700 years too late user

fuck bro, who uploaded my moms nudes?
now we're never going to beat australia
please stop posting my mom, for the sake of America

says the swarthy German

Attached: Ben.jpg (136x185, 9.46K)

agreed. they also need to stop occupying other countries.

Yas Forums's servers are in America. YOU fuck off.

OP is right fuck off already

Apologies, fren. Won’t happen again.

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Make me, bitch.

Attached: therules.png (509x468, 299.16K)

it says so in the title

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whiter then you muhammed

Turn your proxy off Jose

OP is a faggot and your anus smells like Muhamed jizz. You’re an embarrassment to your ancestors and I look forward to spilling “German” blood for the right reason for once. You aren’t German. You’re European Union cuck scum. There is no good white blood worth saving there, you willfully ignorant slave nigger.

Attached: 86630C49-AD22-4326-8D71-D1CA44AC0E3B.jpg (992x992, 114.67K)

You fuck off russian rape baby.

Attached: ECoomzzmbie.jpg (1080x1920, 115.18K)

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why? but i love you Frederick

she's cute

Do we need to squash your a country a third time Muhammad?

Yeah go build your own site and see who wants to hang out the the Germans.

Attached: germans.jpg (985x481, 231.32K)

stop that, germanistan =/= the reich =/= the empire
don't be inaccurate for haha points


>that pic

Attached: Germany.png (850x3000, 146.81K)

you are fingerprint with no influence
we own this site bitch boy

Attached: Germany Blows.png (1393x1286, 480.99K)



Yes, but I'm scared of her.

Attached: 45ac1e1502bf8f9287202fae8cab3cc5.jpg (515x810, 56.73K)

Dear humans, don't trust those two jews

Ok turkey brown fag, you are the mexicans of europe.

ugly fag left his other wig in frame
the utter state of memeflags

Ich will Ihnen glauben... aber warum? Wer ist der Täter und warum will er das?

Ihr versehrt mich, desu. Ich wünsche euch beiden alles Gute. :,^(

ach so...

90% of shitposters are american. they are ruining this site

¡¡estoy de acuerdo. Sáquense de aquí!!

I hate Americans so god damn much.

>no fun allowed
pee pee and poo poo to you too foreigner

Attached: 1564275425353.png (1544x1260, 190.53K)


Fick dich weg du Homofuerst!

Lurk 2 more years

Wrong flag, Vile Shlomo.

Attached: Palestine.jpg (667x397, 31.12K)

That’s hurtful.

Attached: E45C9DB5-DEA4-4481-AB72-520F8F67C3DA.jpg (1024x493, 116.62K)

>.005 pounds sterling has been added to your account
your mom's munchie box births bongs, my mom's birthed freedom

Attached: 1529378214233.png (431x556, 187.41K)

Ugh, right in the feels.

Attached: EuroLogic.jpg (1575x757, 269.81K)

Attached: 8F5C1872-15B5-4791-9068-376C65A59439.jpg (400x505, 30.73K)

>Americans develop eugenics
>Germans adopt it
>Americans develop internet
>Germans adopt it
>Americans develop hamburger
>Germans name a city after it
>American develops 4chinz
>Germans say gtfo
Why are they like this?

Why? I love you.

Dear Americans are robbing our masks

Attached: image001.png (327x419, 228.79K)

zey test our mettle mein fren, like a rival in ze silly japanese pokemons und ze young boy animes

But why germanbro? I love your country.

Retards, don't you ever look at the board advertisement banners at the top of the page?
>90% of shitposters are aussies,. They are ruining this site

>I hate Australians so god damn much


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Fuck you achmed

Invent something, anything, and exclude Americans from YOUR platform, nigger.
>they also need to stop occupying other countries.
Never met an American who disagrees with this. Nigger.

Attached: 589757DF-0BA7-478B-B28F-E5E98D68CBFB.jpg (603x1024, 151.58K)

Und bedeutet "Americans" Nordamerikaner, Sudamerikaner, alle Amerikaner, oder Amerikaner aus den USA? Bitte, Sie müssen genau sein, weil wir nicht eins Volk sein, wie Österreich und die Schweizer sind Deutsche aber sie sind nicht Deutsche aus Deutschland.

Americans will gladly abandon Yas Forums if you take all of our Negroes. I mean you might as well, you have taken in half of Africa and the Middle East and let them impregnate your women, muddying up your once pure Aryan blood. Just say yes Hans, it's a win / win.

clicking on web advertisements is epic fail

but you're completely right, it went over my autistic head

>Retards, don't you ever look at the board advertisement banners at the top of the page?


Attached: EE7FDD83-437C-4BC5-9C74-8E03936CCA1F.jpg (500x731, 229.8K)

Jew detected

They aren't literal advertisements, they don't link outside of Yas Forums
Absolute brainlets