I'm 100% convinced the kikes did not anticipate Hydroxychloriquine's success

They are making no sense with why they're so opposed to it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


and sure as fuck don't listen to Maxine Waters. That bitch is full on fucking nuts.

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It's just a stimulus response to anything said by orange man.

No this is more than that. Look at how all the media is losing it over this. How Dem Governors tried to ban it from being used. How Fauci keeps shilling against it.

Boomers on twitter said it works on real people but kills jews.




>fishtank drug that has already killed people
>wtf why is there pushback? it's DA JOOZ!!!!11!1!
sigh, there is no magical low cost cure. We're just gonna have to quarantine ourselves in for the next 18 months so we can flatten the curve when the vaccine arrives and have it mandated. It's the only way to save civilization at this point.

You are absolutely correct. It's fucking insane. Pretty sure some countries straight up banned it.

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>Pretty sure some countries straight up banned it.
No. Other countries are using it everywhere. india is using it as a prophylactic.

Archive that shit


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Next time call her a Nigger, then archive.

I don't get why black people started calling Donald Trump by the number of his Presidency. Is it supposed to belittle him by saying he's just the 45th guy in office instead of using his name or calling him the President?

Really hoping thats satire and im just not picking it up. Otherwise you are a dumb motherfucker.

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Anyone have the archive of Pic related?

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Always think it makes Trump sound super awesome. Like a colt 45.
The man, the myth, the legend... 45.

Oh i know. Lemme find it. I think France banned it. I'm saying it's not just a few crazy Americans instantly reeing about it

do americans really name their kids with numbers ?

France is using it.

Do Israelis think they're actually super clever and that they're gonna maek it out of this year alive? USA China and Russia will kill you.

>Not calling him .45

She calls him 45 in order to not name him, thus not giving credence to his presidency. However, she's too stupid to realize that by saying 45 she's referring to the 45th president. Something tells me she's not too bright.

I forget all the details, but France attempted to shut it down via their health minister, but it turned out he had ties to a pharma company producing one of the so called vaccines. Someone made a post about it previously. Im sure someones got an infographic somewhere.

If shit doesnt go bad then theyve killed the economy for no reason. They MUST btfo blumph and the alt-right!


lmao go ahead and take it then

Why do you use that pic as evidence of the lunacy of Q?

Dude fucking whacked a bad ass criminal. That’s kinda cool regardless.

>maxine waters doesn't know how a flu and fever works


Whatever the dumocrats say
Believe the exact opposite
Every time

thats president Trump you fucking bitch.

I hope so. We need to ship kikes over there and make sure none escape.

Lefties can't bring themselves to address him as "President"

if orange_man_say(X)
then X=bad
Goto 10

>I hope so. We need to ship kikes over there and make sure none escape.
NOPE. We need to give that land back to the Arabs. Zionism is over and you're a degenerate kike.

Fauci isn't directly saying not to use it, he's just too cowardly to stray from a purely scientific / no culpability standpoint if usage of it is found to be harmful in some way. He may very well be against it for ulterior motivations, but he's sly enough to not outright say it. Hopefully he's not the final say on the matter because even if he has good intentions his push for a standardized testing process will take far too long to reach those that may benefit from it now.

Yeah i just found it. They absolutely banned it immediately then reversed their position.


No you fucking loser. Fauci wants to have this country shut down for over a year until his buddy bill gates is ready to push his vaccine. Kys.

keep telling yourself that

How the fuck do you project such insane motivations onto the posting of a funny picture you absolute fucking retard schizo. Jfc.


I hope that baboon gets chinese aids.

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Hence my skepticism if you bothered to parse what I wrote, user.

I personally like the conspiracy theory surrounding it and the iron/ferritin stuff blocking pedophiles from the cure. I don't care if it is just bunk, its hilarious.

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>somebody says drinking more water might have health benefits
>start slurping down the water in the local pool

>The kikes
They are the ones promoting it you retarded fuck. It was a jew doctor that wrote hannity and the same doctor trump is pinning his hopes on. You retarded fucks are dancing to a yids tune.

Because they want everyone on remdesivir at $15k per treatment rather than a $30 generic.

Because there were some calling ”O” Zero

But people were and are stealing shit from hospitals, Cuomo even said so... until Trump said it

I'm beginning to think this was supposed to lead to a worldwide mass vaccination standard that no one can opt out of, which would then be the camel's nose letting global law supercede national lawn as a matter of global security. In order to seal globalization, they've always needed a lynchpin enemy. Alien invasion, cometary threat, pandemic - anything. They wargamed it out and determined that a pandemic was the most feasible with the most plausible deniability and the least cost. They would get a double whammy by using global companies to play the savior narrative with NGOs like The Gates Foundation flexing their muscles and rising above national floundering, while exerting maximal control over the public and possibly - if it lead to an uprising - having their excuse to squash 2A.

They assumed that, even if a viable treatment emerged, their control of the media would enable them to squelch it. Given that alternative media is rapidly growing, they saw their window of opportunity as potentially diminishing, and with Trump's reelection on the horizon, they timed the pandemic for maximum impact before the window closed. Insiders like Fauci would ensure maximum panic while trusted news sources among the right wing, such as Drudge, were recently purchased and coopted to ensure full fear among as many as possible, with mentions of effective therapies totally ignored.

What they didn't count on was Trump using his podium to repeatedly tout an "unproven" treatment. The result is that Trump is single handedly forcing HCQ through the govt pharma complex against every imaginable headwind. And he's winning.

Trump is pinning his hopes on many people, mainly Didier Raoult, one of the world's top scientists researching viruses.

They want to prolong this whole shit show as long as possible, all the way up to the election. This is their last desperate attempt at getting rid of Trump.

hahaha fucking based

also the central banks watch out for bitcoin
your central bank digital fiat is being laughed at hardcore even by dumbass altcoin tards

Trump was grabbing pussy, loeffler was insider trading, the jews were jewing, the nigs were nigging, and you know what the disenfranchised minds who understand the power and reasoning of a free market created a system with built in security that adheres to our current technology levels

it's checkmate and these fucks won't forfeit until we knock the king down

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What a stupid nigger

>this bait
Not bad, you earned a (You)

>I'm 100% convinced the kikes did not anticipate (x)
>t. says goyim #252130941 for the umpteenth time

>oh you don't believe in this untested cure for the virus? You must be a kike.

Seething kike

We'll wait 18 months for proper testing retard, is that was this crazy bitch is asking for?

Just imagine Hillary won, we'd be under a stay at home order until the vaccine came out. She'd jail anyone talking about hydroxy and zpack.

>fishtank drug that has already killed people
So it would be the opposite of covid? In the sense that it killed people

maxine waters, a cunt with an expiry date on her forehead

What a freak.

45 makes sense now. The reference was not labeled in her programming.


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>already being used in asia and europe to treat it

I've used the hydroxychloroquine + arithromycin with great success. Currently on day 2 of the 5 day regimen and can breath again.

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Imagine being mentally stuck in 2016.

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There's some evidence that it causes damage or death to darkies but is tolerated better by whites.

Peach Foe Fi !

I'll take the Corona vaccine after I'm dead.

No kidding.
Imagine being some flyover hick who still thinks Trump isn't a kike.
Old boomers living in 2016.

This, I'd rather take Ivermectin which kills the virus confirmed. 7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/anti-parasitic-drug-kills-covid-19-in-lab-c-955457

The USA will withdraw from the region, China will threaten to kill you, and then Russia will formally provide you with protection from your semitic cousins in return for becoming their jock drying rack in the middle east.
>After all, what is a squabble among semites other than a waste of air and time? I am sure the ashkeNAZI's running Israel will be able to reason with the displaced judeans in Palestine.

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on top of all this anti HCQ shilling the press is mercilessly trying to create a public schism between members of the task force, they want maximum division and they want the american public panicked by division on television among leadership

fuckin jews

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>kills the virus in a petri dish

stop making us look bad Juan

Because it's less characters and Twitter has taught people to write like retards

She's afraid to @ him. She can't stand against his white power.

I admit your bait is masterful in hitting all the Jewish talking points.

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That fagit Fauci's bullshitting around it, and Trump exiling him, confirmed every suspicion I had.

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Huh, that's a suspicious post

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