When will this nightmare end
When will this nightmare end
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Why would they have even thought to have tested for corona?
Because it coofed
It was coofin and a handler tested positive
Sacrifices are required for lord kek. Be proud to give your life for his glory. Praise kek.
Because jews lie a lot.
Who was the mad lad that stuck a 1 foot q tip up its nose
Lions coof?
Since when can humans transmit it to animals?
Big Cats have it rough.
That bitch Carole Baskin did it!
so how long until humans spread it to rats or some other mammalian vermin which spreads it even further?
Since the start we knew dogs and cats could have coronavirus but they are asymptomatic and there is no proof they can give it to humans. But if they can transmit it then we will never get rid of it as the animal pool will always keep it around
we're fucked. tigers are badass and if they can get it, it's over.
>After developing dry cough
Transmission to feline already have been reported, and believe it or not my retarded fellow, a fucking tiger is worth more than a house cat, it,s quite a fucking big investment for a zoo
Coofing tiger hidden dragon
>When will this nightmare end
2 more weeks at the very most. Economy is still destroyed, but most people will realize that they have effectively zero chance of getting this thing. The health crisis just never materialized. Now that the dust is setting a little bit we can compare this to an average flu season and see how insignificant Coronavirus actually is.
If dogs and cats can transmit it to humans we're fucked
Cope harder
i think you meant psyop
>does not understand the implication of animals that live closely to humans (mainly cats and dogs) acting as vectors for transmiting coronavirus
Why is it always an American?
Tiger king
Corona = crown
Follow the synchronicities
>how long until
It may already be happening. We just haven't looked hard enough at the wild life since we are too occupied with ourselves.
Also you forgot fish.
Its over.
f for humanity
kys fucking retard
>no sense of humour
>meme flag
Checks out
if this is true its unironically over
my gold fish is very sick now, I don't think he is going to make it. He keeps coughing really bad and the pet store is all out of medicines because people have been hording it
Oh i'm sorry, did I hurt your little feelings bitch?
>animal to human transmission
If this is true and someone survives it, well...
Mutants! Mutants EVERYWHERE!
Remember that accurate prediction from that user who talked about how the virus could mutate in bat populations in Brazil? That it could then turn into a 15-20% kill rate instead of the 2% it is now.
Its fucking happening.
That's what it gets for fucking meth heads
Maybe that fuggin bitch Carol Baskin'll git it now
I don't have this in english, but 20 years ago a covid virus killed off about 90% of the salmon in the fisheries in the faroe islands.
so they got tests for the fish after that, which they have used on people today. So some of those infect and kill fish
Well there are plenty of zoo bats
We barely have any cases here.
And our bats are wild, instead of the chinese, that eat and fuck bats on a daily basis.
But anyway, if I do get the chink virus I will definitely coof on some wild bats before I die
Zoo bats are treated.
Our bats have their own coronaviruses, but until this day, none of them have ravaged the world like the chink virus
Memeflag harder, Israel.
Do you think there's ever gonna be a monkey flu there?
All mammals have the ACE2 receptor site that the virus binds to thus all mammals are susceptible to this virus.
I made this call 2 months ago.
You do know that most of top health insitutes across the world say that this is currently the deadliest infectious disease in the planet? It's climbing to other types of deaths
But anyway, of course the son of a chinkanious chink that immigrated to Canada MUST KNOWN the answer
We really have almost no chances to start a pandemic like China did, even thought that worthless negro went full bonkers and ate that monkey, nobody here would do such thing.
poor kitty!
Ah, well, at least the memes made it worthwhile.
New York or New Orleans will let us know soon enough
Its a Chinese doomsday virus. Why isn't China being punished? If Iran had done this, B-2's would be circling Tehran right now
Yes. As an Eco-Fascist I would save the animals before I'd save you retard.
oh shit, buckle up buckaroos
good point, saw a news story the other day about rats becoming more bold and visible as they're actively looking for food now that most restaurants are producing much less food waste.
Did I ask you save me faggot?
no one is being tested. cdc.gov explicitly states most cases are "presumed positive"
>presumed positive
Is that a greenlight for them to do whatever the fuck they want with you or what?
Cool response, faggot.
If this virus begins to infect livestock like pigs, chicken, cows, ect. as well and start wiping them all out, this might actually be the beginning of the end for everyone. Even worse if somehow this thing also could potentially also affect plantlife as well, ensuring within a year tops we're all screwed.