Any teachers here?

What is it like trying to teach black students?

"Nationally, black students are suspended three times as often as their white peers; in Minnesota, it is eight times as often."

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I'm looking for an image similar to this one for you, it tells the tale of a lawyer's experience with them.

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I've had some experience, the problem with most of the ones I taught is that they don't want to learn, it's really hard to keep them interested. Strangely enough they all lived in two parent households and their parents got very mad at their kids when they got in trouble, the parents were nice and just wanted their kids to succeed but the kids just didn't care at all. They wouldn't open their books or look up at the board, ever.

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Correction, this image is the lawyer's story, the image I'm looking for is of a teacher.

Non-racist here that knows a teacher. She said that they were little shits but she actually felt bad for them. I don't think that they're just genetically dumber, I think that they are born into a really fucked up culture, but I'm not the teacher so that's what she said

Edfag here.

Well meaning liberal dipshits are now worse for black people than the kkk in education.

They are dumber, but only one standard deviation. The gap is much bigger, and is probably the cultural aspect.

Thank you so much, this is what you're looking for OP!


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That's actually a very well-written piece. I enjoyed reading it from start to finish. Thanks.

I was raised in the inner city schools. If I ever address a school board, I would have a ton of fucked up stories to tell.
>If only you knew how bad things really are.

Theyll get their ass beat by other blacks for acting white, talking white, doing homework etc.

I work in a school
if black kids were punished fairly you wouldn't have detention centers big enough to hold them all

The problem isn't so much the individual as it is nigger culture. Niggers believe intelligence is a sign of weakness and "whiteness" and ostracize any of their kind that tries to claw their way up. It's a crabs in a bucket situation. They think an intelligent black is a snooty oreo Uncle Tom yes massuh who have betrayed their people and culture.

More than that. All counties with a black majority average at 70 or less. That is the retard threshold...
The reason why it is higher (around 85) for "african americans", is because all the interbreeding and the fact that the slightest skintone will deem you black, never the other way around...

As a Minnesota resident I can tell you emphatically this is because the inner city blacks are not held accountable for their actions. Pandering politicians dont want to seem racist so they let them run wild.

All schools that are predominantly black are absolute shit because all the tax paying white people move away. I knew a white kid that went to a predominantly black high school and he learned how to fight real quick.

Whenever ee played a black school, in sports we knew they would talk the most shit, play the dirtiest and cheat the most. Thats just how it was.

Any fucking idiots that think they are suspended more due to anything other than their shit behavior is a moronic liberal only making the problem worse.

we truly live in a racist society.

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I'm a tutor and about 80% of my kids are black or Hispanic. No difference at all among the races. Of course they have to pay me so these are the more affluent type. Culture makes a big difference. If a kid is stealing cars at age 10 their life is already ruined forever.

Perhaps, I was surprised to learn that the single mother stereotype isn't that much of a thing here, probably because our nig gangs are mostly underage blokes who aren't fathers yet.

Based pic
It is not ALL the niggers that are like that. Only criminals. And I bet 99% of niggers with fathers are noy so bad with that criminal shit.

Hispanic isn't a race, retard. These kids must be pretty dumb if they're being taught by a dumbo like you

If a family has money for the private tutor, 99% probability black kid wi;; be the same as white.
Problem with blacks is ALWAYS a problem with criminal marginal blacks.
Educated, well-payed blacks are NEVER a problem.

The most wealthy black neighborhoods have more crime than the poorest white ones. Every liberal is more dangerous than the most hostile invader.

>I don't think that they're just genetically dumber,
Their culture couldn't into the wheel.

Because they misbehave the most. What kind of retarded question is this?

>Look up videos of classroom fights and disruptions
>95% are niggers
>Other 5% are whites fed up with niggers
Can't imagine what whites in America had to deal with going to school with niggers

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That's THEIR problem, though. It's nigger shit, not white people shit.

>Any fucking idiots that think they are suspended more due to anything other than their shit behavior is a moronic liberal only making the problem worse.
You described the progressive movement succinctly

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Those are single nucleotide polymorphisms, not genes


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The answer is right in front of them but they’ll never admit to it

>Non-racist here
>retard here

They're punished for acting like criminals and are judged by the content of their shit level character.

"Don't start nuthin', there won't be nuthin'." - Will Smith

SNPs can be genes dumb cunt

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Will Smith inadvertently used correct, if confusing grammar. Think about it and you'll see what I mean. He accidentally used double negative in both portions of his statement, thus self-correcting his own idiocy by accident.

You're right. Actual Spanish people from Spain are white. The brown people that we refer to as Spanish in America are just Conquistador rape babies from the jungle.

>The answer is right in front of them but they’ll never admit to it
It's easier to blame the system than the kids.

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>All schools that are predominantly black are absolute shit because all the tax paying white people move away.
Absolutely wrong. Inner city shitholes spend more per pupil than the surrounding white suburbs. It's not much more, only $100 or 200 more per year but it's not because they don't have enough money. They're just dumber and lack impulse control.

another edfag here. I teach at a school that's like 75/24 hispanic to black. I would say that there are behaviors in the classroom/school that would shock anyone from a middle class background or higher. The vast majority of the egregious behavior probably comes from 5-7% of the student population - probably 90% of whom are black. It's odd because they fight like hell to stay in school (the bad actors outlined above) - generally opposing suspension/expulsion with every effort available to them, but they are - for the most part, absolutely opposed to doing any learning at all. The rest of the students are generally well behaved and some of them are somewhat competent (a few really are quite intelligent). One thing that I can't get over is that our district places lower standardized test score expectations for black students than every other group (and this is a super-blue district). To me, it seems like getting the bad actors off of the campus would be the best way to make education actually worthwhile for the 90 plus percent that are decently socialized and willing to do some work.
I'll also say this- black kids are fun to teach (when they act right); they appreciate a good joke and having controversial discussions. I think the real problem with public schools is that they bring down the service to the majority of students in hopes that a small few won't get shafted. The same goes for the special education agenda.

Really? Sounds like bs for me though. I am white btw.

Well, there ARE some people who need help, not shitty ungrateful niggers ofc but still.

>I don't think that they're just genetically dumber, I feel it with every fiber of my being, like how sharks can sense electricity.

And besides, the "wealthy black people" are not wealthy because of their ability or productivity, but because of the proficiency of the educator / trainer. Just like dogs can temporarily be domesticated while being under the influence of skilled masters, so goes the same with a small percentage of niggers. But once the influence wanes or vanishes, the dog and the nigger alike return to their former states. Infact, subsidizing "developing countries" or in the case of Africa - continents, is no different than feeding raccoons.

Teaching non-whites is a pain in the arse. I'd say you'll get 1 or 2 non-white kids per class that are actually capable and willing to learn and the rest are too fucking stupid to even try.

Their attitude and behaviour is also trash most of the time even the good kids can be right cunty for absolutely no reason. The worst are almost like psychopaths who will have meltdowns if they're even punished for doing something wrong.

I have no idea how they pass through the school system other than the whole thing collapsing if they actually failed students and kept them back.

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I think it really is the culture, a culture that's so fucking stooped in its own piss that it ferments. Kind of like 'liberal' white America. The circlejerk is real, and it really is a matter of lacking responsibility and self-awareness due to having it browbeaten into you that you should do what you want and it's good if it feels good. That's partly genetic too, also among whites, but a lot of it is the monoculture part, the tunnel vision of liberalism.

That is exactly what the conservative world view says.

>Can't imagine what whites in America had to deal with going to school with niggers

Agreed, I have been saying this for years. The countless videos of blacks assaulting and robbing whites. The non stop excuses for their terrible behaviour. It truly must be exhausting having to share a country with them. I actually feel bad for the average white American that have to live around blacks.

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Being a prosecutor in the US looks like it would be fun

>I don't think that they're just genetically dumber, I think that they are born into a really fucked up culture, but I'm not the teacher so that's what she said
It's both.

Everyone knows they are a lost cause.
Yet we continue to waste billions of dollars on them.
This is our punishment for our worst mistake.
This burden will always be with us.

Fine, I’ll bite. Describe the shocking behavior. That’s the only thing any anons want to hear, anyway.

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Fuck, that was a good read.

Niglets are uncontrollable little monkeys. They are loud, violent, destructive, and only understand violence as a consequence.

nigger lover

>but but I know this one smart nigger
There's a generational return to mean you fucking moron, ofc you'd only be qualified to tutor niggers

They're dumber, which is why they continuously cultivate bad cultures.

Went to a Minnesota high school. All of the students getting suspended were either mexicans, somalis, or whiggers.

You want to believe that because it makes you feel better. But it's not true they are just violent morons that are terrifying to live around. It really is that simple.

I had a black teacher once, she was mean to me because I was white, and I could barely understand her, some ooga-booga language

High school teacher here. I know you guys hate spics, but they are respectful to elders for the most part. White kids can be spoiled, but generally do ok.
Basically, there’s niggers and then there’s everyone else. Asians yeah tend to do better whatever. There’s not that much difference between achiever white kids and them.
The niggers are just a lost cause 9 times out of 10. And the more of the, you get together the worse it is.

Not him but yes it's been proven that rich LA niggers commit way more crime than the poorest whites in Appalachia.

Every class is a group project where you are required to carry a minimum of 2 nigs named booboo and baybay. The more gifted you are the more assigned nigs you accumulate. It's a Dystopian nightmare.

I imagine it's like trying to teach long division to a room full of 20 pitbulls.

>One thing that I can't get over is that our district places lower standardized test score expectations for black students than every other group (and this is a super-blue district

Liberals are the true racists.

It seems to me that growing up with extreme neglect and in a dangerous ghetto where everyone will prey on you causes severe and permanent mental illness. It's like how neglected children who never learn speech as toddlers can never be taught to speak. The synapses of the brain have developed wrong and it can never be fixed.

This is why ghetto blacks are have terrible impulse control, poor speech patterns, high belligerence, and inability to consider others. They have become feralized, and there is no known way to undo the damage.

They then go on to have children in their teens with no capability of forming a stable family and raising a well-developed child. The children are neglected and the cycle begins anew.

You have a self-propagating subgroup of what are effectively violent mental patients. The only real solution, sadly, is to sterilize its members to prevent propagation. Then drugs must be used to pacify them until their population naturally dies out.

Blacks will still exist in America. This is not meant to be a genocide. However, those remaining blacks will be normal people with normal mental health. They will be no more inclined towards criminality than any other suburbanite.

You are absolutely wrong. Minneapolis was forced to close many schools and consolidate because of drastically declining enrollment. Whites moved away and blacks continued to drop out. This left many schools,s without enough funding to operate.

And when funding was/is tied to success tjese schoo,s get even less money because test scores continue to get worse. And the politicians never admit its the kids and their families. Its always the man, or the weather, or the curriculim. Its never that they simply dont value education or rules.

Weird, I just read that a few days ago. Seems like a lot of white teachers are going through the exact same thing, but only a handful are willing to admit it.

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Black kids absolutely loathe reading and writing. Ironically most of mine would rather do math than read. I’m starting to think the English language isn’t very compatible with their brains.

My best friend was a respected high school teacher with 2 masters degrees from NAU He has PTSD so bad he can't teach, can't hold down restaurant jobs. He even worked food service jobs at his Alma mater while living in his car. Niggers are bad news.

English is the most refined and efficient language I think.

>I think that they are born into a really fucked up culture
No matter what culture they're born into they're never the rocket scientists. Occam's razor, they're a poor breed.

Did they attack him?

Maths is racist

What HS?

Bullshit, niggers aren't going to pay tutors to educate their niglets.

Harrison Bergeron came true, but instead of having to tape sandbags to your hands, wear ugly prosethetics, or have a radio beeping in your ear, your innate skills/talents determines by how many niggers you have to put up with.

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It’s because their less educated less well behaved cause fights and problems
There black culture doesn’t focus on critique discipline kindness like whites Asians or Indians
It’s not rocket science we all know why
There’s a reason all our inner city schools are 95% black , nobody wants to be around them

Physically no, but there's only so much oogabooga a guy can put up with.

BULLSHIT. Niggers are subhumans like chinks. I grew up as poor as it got, and went through extreme poverty until adulthood, and I elevated myself out. I'm white.

A third of black american men have felonies.

>> why are black students punished more

Because they cause more fucking trouble. God damn how hard is it to realize this??

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One of my friends went to public school in new orleans in the 90s and he said the black kids (which was all of them) would smoke in the halls and even piss on the wall in the halls with zero fucks given and no one would say anything to them. It was basically an insane asylum with no staff

Hello Borat, very nice

I work in a school as an elementary teacher, K-5 mostly. The demographic breakdown goes something like: Hispanic 50%, Black 30%, White 10%, Other 10%. Other is mystery-meat mutt types, and a few asian kids.

Little black kids are very racist, especially towards other races but ESPECIALLY towards each other. They're the only kids that make fun of each other's skin tone, literally make fun of each other based on the color of their skin. No other ethnicity does this from ages 5 through 14, at least. None.

The amount of them receiving free food on taxpayer dime is staggering. And they waste it. They drink the "juice" shit and then throw away the cheese stick and whatever the entree was. They just waste it. Then they complain in class later that they're hungry. They complain a LOT, and usually loudly and suddenly. Everyone's education suffers.

I've dealt with parents a lot, and I stand my ground like any man would. Your child has a bad grade because they basically are a shithead, and I need your help at home (discipline, consequences) otherwise your child will just hate me and get an F and no one wins. And then, of course, nothing changes. Little Trayvon might raise his grade up to a D, though, just in the nick of time.

Hispanic kids for the most part, honestly, are far better than black kids when it comes to academics AND behavior. They're terrified of me calling their parents, and cry when I even suggest it if they step out of line with me. That's what it takes - you NEED that strong family connection with REAL consequences or else why the fuck SHOULD they listen to some fag trying to teach them shit?

The white kids mostly come from yuppie "I moved to the city because I'm not racist and I watch Ellen Degenerate" families. I pity them, but I also went to a school much like the one I work at, and so I know most of them will come out okay, and racist.

Simple as.

Cheers m8

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> She


I think its no surprise Dutch Jews sold us dumb africans, because they didn't want to sell us smart Nigerians, as their 3000 year plan is to destroy white society


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>you need to pop a Truveda just to have a conversation with them

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idk man the Nigerians I have met were pretty fucking stupid

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>Instead of being weighted down physically you are drowned in nigs and weighted down emotionally

Book was prophetic tbqh

Not a high black population in Shakopee. White kids whose parents wanted out of the cities and asians and Mexis working at Mystic Lake.