You seething incels done goofed
Other urls found in this thread:
Gud jub kraut.
With a quick google search, here's her social media accounts. Just fill in "social media" before the "/"
Facebook: /JuliaEbnerwbg/
Twitter: /julie_renbe?lang=gu
Instagram: /ebnerjulia/?hl=de
Her IG profile says Passau, a town in Bavaria.
Her educational profile:
>Julia holds an MSc (Dist) in International History from London School of Economics and an MSc (Dist) in International Relations from Peking University. She completed her undergraduate studies with a BA (Hons) in Philosophy and a BSc in International Business.
Keep in mind, Peking University is in Beijing. She's literally trained by the chicoms.
Also, here's her butt.
Reposting because thread died
At ~35min:
>but in that channel they were talking about challenges that matter to me as well, on an emotional level. I was also in quite a vulnerable position at the time when I did this particular investigation. So they were for example addressing double burdens in modern lives of women today or the challenges of the so-called hook-up culture, online dating apps. These were things that seemed like a challenge to me and the way they provided really easy solutions and formed some kind of community where women helped each other, I can see how this can be appealing
This bitch doesn't see salvation when it's starring right at her
She's a great shot.
That's not her though.
Didn't check the other social media.
The original from her IG.
When you google her name, her profile comes up with her IG accounts.
She works for the Institue for Strategic Dialoge (Partially financed by George Soros).
I guess she lives in Bongland.
These links are automatically created. Just look at the face of the women in the social media profiles.
>"post a picture of your wrist to prove your white"
>online trolling campaigns using military terminology
>Tinder for nazis
Yas Forums is a goldmine of lolcows
Im taking some notes as i go
>shes seething that she cant legally ban gen ID
>she got tits or gtfo'd on discord
>English Defense League
>white supremacist
>she got fired for calling the EDL white supremacist
holy shit shes retarded, does she think libel is journalism?
and this is concerning?
hahahahahaha oh man
>female politicians leaving politics
if you cant take the heat get the fuck back into the kitchen
Don't forget, lads. The west is at war with the east and the only real opposition are the nationalists who want to put their own first.
9/11 was the catalyst and from there we had Syria and Libya fall apart which led to the migration crisis.
The west is trying to balkanize the muslim world into ethno states to Israel's benefit.
Jews are bringing them in to destroy us in the process and fan the flames of racial division so we'll support them in their colonisation and oppression of the Palestinians.
Left wing journos like the slut in OP support all of this. And Tommy is controlled opposition.
reminder that these people have names and addresses
I'm gonna ravage and utterly destroy her lol
There was such an effort in Germany in 2018. It was propagated via government TV to form a pseudo-gassroots movement called "Reconquist Internet". It was advertised in a late night show by Jan Böhmermann (think of John Oliver).
One of the organizers behind this pseudo grassroots-movement was Julia Ebner, who works for and is paid by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (financed by George Soros among others).
The movement fell apart after a few weeks and there was next to no activity left on their discord channel.
Anybody interested in her and her parents full doxes?
>she is here right now
>reading this thread
She went from cute to obnoxious REAL quick.
Sure, do it.
>You seething incels
yes, very much
Schieß los, user.
We already had this faggot thread
Whatcha doin', Ebner?
You are a Satan Cock Sucking Nigger Jew Faggot sandshrew beaner Transvestite Banana Boater
Fuck off Julia
Jesus and you call our women ugly.
>financed by the international jew
Imagine my shock
God she's so cute and fragile I wish to have her on my bed, frightened like a deer in headlights and suck the farts out of her anus
this fucking gif kek
New Game: Go to her facebook page and edit her posts with "inspect element".
Also, take pics because of course it doesn't ACTUALLY edit the post.
post funny shit she says or fuck off
she's cute but every episode of fuck white people is the same. not interested, sorry.
so far its pretty much her just being mad that internet racists are: cool, funny, innovative, smart, and motivated
wtf guys you forgot to invite me to the discord raids!
literally who
i'm from austria and i literally never heard of this "scientist" before....
its just another lefty echo chamber faggotry girl with no real jobs and some contacts higher up who give her some boost in front of a hidden agenda.
also typical cunt, tries to come around as muh serious internet extremism scientist and at the same time is too retarded to secure her 5 year old social media content - very professional
dont waste your time on this shitburger - its fucking nothing
she's cute
holy shit this video radicalized me
The more I witness, the more I realize that there is no other solution other than violence. 90% of humans are unable to be rational and change their views based on evidence. Gradually I began to despise them. And I would consider myself center left just two years ago.
>new intervention models
I want a qt austrian gf to try and de-radicalize me
just before 35 minutes she talks about a "female misogynist group" then goes on to describe how women of all different types supported eachother and helped eachother.
>every single (((European government))) openly engineering the genocide of its natives
>"whining about "extremism"
QRD? what does she say about us? gimme some quotes
>if you are white you don’t get to collectivize in your own interests ever in any circumstance
Here is the summary:
People say mean, bad and awful things on the internet and the Jewish matrix doesn't know how to oppress it properly.
If she had some intellectual honesty she would admit that a kike like Soros partially funds her, and that alone shows that the Alt-right is right about the Judlein.
I do like her jackboots, and she looks like Ann Frank.
Ah well, another White person who has betrayed her people for a few shekels.
If she does happen to read this, and surely she should do an AMA here, I want to tell her that censorship only makes the censors look scared of an ideology they know they can't refute.
>(((International History)))
Insert seal of soloman trademark at the end of that degree
She's not Austrian. She's a tiny hat.
Who is she??
list ISIS, literal islamic extremists who behead people and torture children
then right wing americans(blaming charlottesville death on them even tho the antifa blocked a c ar in and caused a panic)
then she lists "even far more extreme group: trad wives
what the fuckkkkkkkkkkk how are trad wives worse than ISIS. lmao
she's missing something.
there's no telos behind what we do here. we're here to look at the world and understand it as honestly as we can. we take that truth and sharpen it into the most honed rhetorical delivery we can. ideas are constantly battling one another here. there's nothing centralized, nothing planned. we just find a certain personality type and say 'hey, listen to this, do you think this is merely a coincidence?' and we wear down their conditioning and slide the first redpill down their throat. then it's off to the races after that. we're a primordial entity, just a chaotic mass seeking humor and truth. you either understand it or you don't. she doesn't.
even better
literally who and why should i care
An hour nearly. Of a woman bitching. I have endured longer.
>Talks at Google.
shhh we're the cool guys now. dont fuck it up
well said
The fore name of the talk is, going dark.
She realy is a pol user.
She a cutie.