Chinese men post-corona

How will this crisis affect perceptions of Chinese men? The entire virus is the fault of adherence to Chinese culture, using wet markets to buy wild animal meat, most likely for Traditional Chinese Medicine reasons related to sexuality. This is the same Chinese culture where men would brake every woman's foot for a thousand years so she would have a "lotus walk" that excited the Chinese man's libido. Their most prominent country, China, has a political system that is not envied by anyone right now. How can there be any positive perception of Chinese culture at this point?

That's not even considering non-cultural physical traits like Asian men being generally short compared to other major racial groups. They're hairless and have the stereotype of small penises.

In China, despite there being a huge gender imbalance, many Chinese women want nothing to do with Chinese men and seek "cute mixed babies." Sperm banks with Western donors are extremely popular, with Danes leading the choices among Chinese women.

Are we witnessing the last days of the Chinese male?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>sexless mayo

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lol catalonia libtard

Hopefully in our lifetime they'll be treated like the dogs they sell at the wet markets.


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Keep in mind the problem with Chinese infects their y-chromosome. Chinese women all want to be reunited with white men after we became separated after leaving Africa. Whites veered north toward the Caucus and who became Asians kept east after kidnapping some women. The hash steppe gave them slant eyes and short noses, but they are still rightfully ours.

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>in China, despite there being a huge gender imbalance

you just posted cringe

What do you mean? There are more men than women in China. WAY more. A "sex imbalance" would be more accurate, but then that might infer an "80/20 beta/chad" type point.

WWII was a mistake

True, but there's still way more men in China than women. A staggering amount of baby girls have been killed in China in service for furthering a family's surname.

Jesus Christ the entire article is a fucking girly whine fest

>I-I’m a chink, please give me a crumb of white p-pussy

chinks are eunuchs

That is literally what he wrote, you retard

That is literally what I wrote, you retard

were they sexualized in the first place?


>What do you mean? There are more men than women in China. WAY more.
then you:
>True, but there's still way more men in China than women.

When has anyone thought positive of Chinese culture?

His photography is pretty non-masculine too. I don't really hate Asian American guys compared to other races, but they produce a lot of cringe.

Chinese men should just take over SE Asia. Any problems with Chinese culture or phenotype, they're still better than true ladyboys who create corrupt shitholes.

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Asian males are still sexualized -- but only as femboys.

Hopefully Asian-Americans realize after this there's no point in playing the "model minority" role and stop being racist towards other minorities as well as being ashamed of their own cultures.

Trust him to stay forever quiet

CNN lies. Asian men have beautiful bussy.

>anyone finding asians masculine or virile
They have always emulated whites because their own culture is feminine.

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fuck bugs, subhuman, rice apes

fuck chinman chinkettes belong to us

they can still have the ugly ones

You know the out of Africa theory has been debunked right?

They have the tightest assholes I’ve ever been with and are super kawaii uguu~~

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Asian men make the best traps. They're half women already.

It's all about acting like chad, even if you aren't actually chad. My weird looking jap-german hapa roomate was a real cunt slayer, dating a no-name model (but hey, still a model) while I was locking myself in my room with malt-liquor and online games because I had given up on life at that point.

But eventually you give up on being a total loser because it's so depressing, so you just learn cues from other fake chads and become a fake chad yourself... my new hobby is seducing and eventually fucking the female manager/assistant manager at all the different shitty jobs I run into.

Not at all. It perfectly explains everything about humans including why dogs hate niggers since wolves are not found in Africa. Not sure how Yas Forums got convinced that a theory that presents blacks as less refined by evolution as a theory to oppose.

Yeah, that's no surprise. MMA has proven that Hapas are a huge step up physically from pure Asians.
>robbie lawler
>bj penn

>4 77 followed by 5 77

>my new hobby is seducing and eventually fucking the female manager/assistant manager at all the different shitty jobs I run into.

what a fucking loser, you'll never have a future.

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>most likely for Traditional Chinese Medicine reasons related to sexuality
>the same Chinese culture where men would brake every woman's foot for a thousand years
It was female family members who did it, blaming men for it would be like blaming men for FGM.
>China, has a political system that is not envied by anyone right now
It's envied and emulated by totalitarians worldwide
>foreign sperm
If the above mentioned government would have any sense they'd outlaw it.

You have to be human to be a man.

God damn I love being white!

>female family members did it
No shit, else no man would want them.
>hurr they had free choice, they just had to be social outcasts and no chance for upward mobility through marriage

I didn't say that, I said it takes two to tango. Men too raise women, women too raise men.

>How will this crisis affect
China is only going to be more powerful after this virus.
>Are we witnessing the last days of the Chinese male
Lmao Whites are going to go extinct before Asians do.

There's also the advantage of white languages being healthier for your eyes. No white man should ever attempt to learn Asian characters; they are purposely hard to read because that gave the calligraphers more social prominence. In modern times, it's an undeniable fact that reading Asian characters produces myopia, hence why 60-80% of Asians need glasses.

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By it being debunked it shows we are not as closely related as science once to us we were , it explains that white Europeans may have developed from completely different stock than those from SSA.

It always made little sense to me that we all evolved from the same ancestors yet there are so many huge differences in the races that goes far beyond just looks and color, our genetic makeup is so different that environment alone could never produce all these differences

Asian males are very popular with the white girls who love KPOP and anime. Other white girls prefer black males over whiteboys

I might be one of the most affected, being from SEA but I will gladly become a wizard if it kills the CCP.

Plus Andriod Sex bot Ftw

I change my mind. Japanese live-fish Sashimi is nothing compare to that cursed land

When can we raze it to ash pol

>the desexualization of the gook boi
nobody sexualized asian men.
asian males were already desexualized with their tiny needle dick and 5'4" stature

Err thier still some of us sane people in SEA, mind you dropping in a rescue vessel before you torch the place.

Hell, I will even tell you where to burn. Just try to avoid friendly fire.

chinese are the biggest cucks on earth. their culture and history has become married to the CCP and PRC. they know nothing except absolute submission to government authority. it's embarrassing and shameful that the chinese allowed their culture to become so thoroughly cucked. chinese men are literally small, weak, submissive, timid, and have tiny cocks. this isn't even contested, it's scientific fact.

You probably have trouble conceptualizing how small past human populations were and how long tens of thousands of years really is. A group of a few thousands humans living in a valley would have any desired gene spread very quickly, let alone after thousands of generations.

Another part of the story are the other hominid groups, like denesovians and neanderthals. Those groups never mixed with black Africans.

You can take all of them. They are all wolves anyway.

Just gimme a sex-bot and genetic technology. We will work our better neo-female race...somehow

There are 2 types of Asian men:

1) the good boy: on the one hand meek, subservient to figures of authority, on the other prone to scheming

2) the bad boy: defiant like a rebellious 12 year old, loves bullying other people, ill-mannered when among his peers, prone to scheming

I won't argue with that

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Yeah, and SEAs are super friendly, but you gotta admit you guys have an entrenched corruption problem. I've seen it with Filipinos in the U.S. and in the Philippines. I don't know how much of it is purely Catholic culture or something but you'd probably be the first to point out the problems of SEA.

>I don't really hate Asian American guys
I didn't, but they seem desperate to jump on the already derailed SJW train, and it comes off as utterly self oblivious

It's the opposite. You never encounter the attractive ones with whites. Why do you think when people spam WMAF here, it's to make fun of them? They never look good.

Racial realism is a hard to swallow thing.

Just as an example, I'm just paler than your average latino mutt. They had given me shit since I was a child over it.

Whites consider me a lesser being off course, but they are quite less arrogant about it. Fuck shitskins and insectmen.

>Are we witnessing the last days of the Chinese male?
Whites are going extinct before the Chinese are.

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Here's a great article on why it's debunked btw

Agreed...Mainland Chinese who is happy pressing those asshole deserves almost no sympathy.

And any Chinese descend still refusing to accept the fact need to get a grip. Sadly, where I come from that appear to be a minority.

Feel like I am the only sane man in the family.

What the fuck kind of kike is writing this garbage?

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Americans are a mistake

asians are litterally half the world population we're going to be fine. whites on the other hand....

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hnnnnng oh fuck that tight yellow traditional submissive pussy

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daily reminder robots, yellow women are your only chance for starting a family and at a chance at hapiness...

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This is true of Western whites.

Show me a single U-19 Western national soccer team without a mutt. Neither China nor Korea has a single one.

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Is that why they don't win?

>Unfortunately, many researchers clung to the idea of a single migration out of Africa
That's a problem of the English language. Metaphors and proper nouns can have different literal meanings. I simply said humans left Africa. Your link doesn't dispute that. I am aware of recently developments regarding other homind groups, but you thought I was referencing the 70s "Out of Africa Theory" not simply that humans left Africa.
>tfw my town has a "Joe's Plumbing Service" owned by a corporation, not Joe

I do understand that as well as ghost DNA they have found in blacks that they can't identify. The fact still remains though that more and more scientist are saying the out of Africa theory was just some crap that a couple anthropologist came up with fairly recently in the grand scheme of things but is now being disproven every year with new fossils found and ways to study them, I'd be more than interested to see proof stating otherwise as I try to keep an open mind always

>Mayo reference.
Nigger thinking.

Truth be told, that team looks fucking ugly as sin.

We will recover
rape baby

Oh shut the fuck up The Asian worse quality is their hypocritical humility. Speak like a humble farmer while going on the warpath to boil half the continent.

Your ego are so massive you think you are the center of the universe. News flash: No one care

And yes I know you are trolling

>Ugly slanty eyes.
>Nigger noses.

idk what to say
if your Asian American male
which I am and I'm married to a Chinese woman and we have sex every day
I'm uncut she's not on birth control
I cum inside her pussy every day
I'm pretty happy
I don't even watch the media or own a TV
in b4 white hot rage
I'm law abiding and sane

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It talks about in the article that many scientist are coming to the conclusion that there was no one cradle of human life and very likely evolved in different environments

That article is even worse than I imagined.

You dont understand anything. State in your own words what findings dispute the out of africa theory and how? You can't

Theyre not destroying theyre race for the sake of a sportsball game.

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>asians are litterally half the world population we're going to be fine.
Asians literally have the lowest fertility rates in the world.

Stop! Stop them from going out. I am speaking as a motherfucking Chinese descend from Thailand. Don't let them migrate to the west at all cost!

Hell, even I am sick of them there. They don't need more boost to their ego.

Because it's still pathetic even if they're objectively attractive. To quote one real Australian woman; "he couldn't even get a real girlfriend, he had to get a gook."

Base supreme...unless they don't count teen pregnancy.

My country pioneer that front as usual. So screen cap my advice: if you have a chance, burn our education institution first.

If I am lucky, I might even get to see it.

where do these 2 billion chinks even cum from ?
mass Jewish cloning ?

Because Asians aren't nigger-tier about having kids. Single moms aren't a thing in East Asia.

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