>be a roastie
>share your vagina amongst the chads in your university
>say it was just a phase after university and get engaged without ever mentioning it again
>fiance finds out, rightly gets disgusted and starts leaving you
Women dont understand how disgusting their sex lives are to normal men. If the real sexual past of women that are married today became public and known atleast half of them would end. This doesn’t even include the extra evil ones that trick their husband to raise another mans child. The man has no idea, estimates are around 10%. The roastie question needs to be solved but things will get worse in the decade to come
On the roastie question
Other urls found in this thread:
>I don't know if I should call the cops
Call them, tell them you should be arrested, buried up to your neck in the sand and have rocks thrown at your head until you die
She's only slightly more sluttier than the average white woman.
>”I was in COLLEGE”
For fucks sake, yes. COLLEGE. A place of higher education, not an excuse to just fuck 24/7.
>COLLEGE. A place of higher education
user remain serious
I need whitepills on white women immediately after reading this, please! All I want is an honest and wholesome woman and a family someday, stuff like this is really depressing.
Sounds like he might have let it go eventually, but the fucking bitch was still friends with them all on kikebook. Holy shit. Also, slide thread.
Unironically this. Faggot kikes and their useful idiot pet Democrats and liberals have completely destroyed colleges. They're nothing more than indoctrination camps at this point that stick and carrot you with a degree for a job that doesn't even require one.
Why should we concern ourselves with the opinions of the holes?
all social media is dating only a simp lets their woman have any social media
good, fucking disgusting whore should be thrown out into the street so she can keep getting railed and gangbanged by niggers
they know or they wouldn't try to hide it.
Any good replies or were they all other whores and whiteknights?
Hoping to just stumble upon "one of the good ones" is a recipe for disaster. Don't let luck decide for you. The only thing you can do is make yourself as thoroughly attractive as possible in every ways so that you have your pick of women (rather than the other way around like it is for most men) then pick one of the good ones. Protip: The good ones are all early 20s. Good girls in their 30s are already married. If they're 30 and have good values but somehow are single, it's because they used to be sluts and are now having an epiphany that their good looks are fading and this is their last chance to get a great man to commit to her if she doesn't want to be stuck with a beta.
Do not compromise. Guy in the OP already made a mistake by taking a non-virgin but at least now he seems to be reversing course and about to dump her like he should.
This reminds me of LA Noire parodies
>So you were fucking in the bar and on the sidewalk
>People don't under stand it but it happened a lot back then
> but I was in college
so she doesn't even admit guilt?
no remorse or regrets?
so she's a piece of trash.
For real, I wanna see the whole shitshow.
The regret comes after the Chad leaves her useless ass.
> she's friends with them on Facebook
lmao what the actual fuck
This is reality son. Every single one of them.
You know how sweet and caring your mommy is when she brings you that platter of warm tendies? Back in her day, she had multiple niggers spitroast her during a "ladies night" .
Promiscuity = cervical cancer. Actions have repercussions.
Cancer doesn't care about your feels either
Holy shit patrolled
VagFax would immediately make the birthrate 0.1 as all the TradCucks get BTFO.
Needing them to be a virgin is retarded, less than 6 partners by their 30s isn't bad at all, 3 or less in their 20s. The ones you need to void are the ones that have one night stands or a lot of short relationships
Mods cleaned up comments though
The good ones are all taken. That's the hardest red pill to swallow.
Exactly, the woman was 28 and unmarried. Non-whore decent women have the option to get engaged and start families earlier.
yeah, it's a good story
this one is good too
roasted right!
Nice buzzword you brain dead normalfag
Well, it's supposed to be.
>3 by their 20
What the fuck???
Any comments you recall that were particularly good?
20s you autistic faggot, why even bother replying when you blatantly misquote my post?
>3 partners is too many for a 28 year old
"Needing them to be a virgin is retarded" are the words of a normalfag. Stop compromising.
lmao. why'd she have kids with the boring guy in the first place
>needing them to be a virgin is retarded
Okay cuck. You realize that men enable these whores by not being selective like you are suggesting.
Most of the comments are calling her out. It's surprising.
gonna post this since this is a college thread....
This is a guide I wrote on How to Get Into College Parties you Weren't Invited To. Also, AMA
I'm trying to spread this guide around
This is why honor killings are a moral grey area for me.
Plebbit was surprisingly based on this roastie. The only people defending her "phase" were other cunts feeling ashamed.
The rate goes up to 70% by the 3rd child that at least one of them is not the husband's child, let that sink in.
>I need redpilled on women
Sure thing, I mean I'm talking to an amazing virgin right noe
>I need redpill on white women
Wew lad.
I don't give a fuck because i fucked just a much in college too. If shes a good cook and shuts the fuck up and listens then i don't care.
Look up Better Bachelor and dig into his videos from before the corona outbreak when he started going full blown "let's gather together and laugh at how girl power and women's sexual liberation crumbles at the first sign of trouble".
The takeaway is, you do you. Take care of your hobbies, build a project, do whatever you want. Be a bloody libertarian, because nothing else is guaranteed to work anymore. 'Reformed' college sluts are lying to themselves, they can't cooperate on a household budget and raising non-faggots. Church girls lose all restraint within a 2-month period at 19 and are average Karens following that - Iraqi tanks have withstood more attempts at penetration than them. Arab and Indian girls are mega whores, one Indian friend of mine has to deal with knowing all of his friends shagged his sister on her Euro trip. I mean, I could have as well, but short chubby indian fleshlights aren't my thing. Bugwomen aren't any better, the white man is for an Indochina woman what a white woman is to a black man. Subcultures that use heavy white makeup and dark clothing are outright red flags, you don't need that toxicity in your life. Fathers have no authority and mothers don't think in terms of national politics when raising kids, what you're basically looking for is a female raised by /sig/ and r/whitebeauty, which are 98% male fora
true, I can accept that, you shouldn't get too picky otherwise you can miss out on life, but if the whore has over 10 it's fully damaged goods unless you're like 60 years old and just want a warm bag of bones to help you die
tardation runs deep with the pot roast
this one I got here, I don't have sauce
>not being selective
>won't consider sluts that sleep around
>have a very low amount of partners i'd accept in their past
So many mongs on here, do you know how rare it is for a woman to have less than 3 partners in their 20s?
This is why I don't date women with college degrees
You are setting yourself up for delusion and inevitable misery. Everything you have been told about women is a lie. They have no loyalty, and in a society that lets them run amok they will behave like the worst degenerate sluts imaginable. Left unchecked they will destroy a society. The only thing worse is the thirsty beta white knights that enable them.
Clearly a larp. There are signs throughout. They laid it on way too thick
At reddit they don't think it is wrong to whore around, they just think its wrong to lie or hid from him in the first place tho.
60 years ago it was normal. It’s a social trend, those things change.
I don’t think that promiscuity is good Tbh, BUT if you leave your finance when you love them and both of you are compatible with each other because of their sexual past you’re a HUGE asshole.
>she thought trannys were anything but mentally ill perverts
kek, i love reading about normalfags realising the truth
Okay - dont be a cunt, get to know a wonan before you commit to her and TRUST YOUR GUT. You need to miss a few times before you find a good one, dont fall for blackpilling demoralization shills.
And dont read stories on the internet, they hold zero bearing on your actual life.
She's actually less slutty if it was confined to her "college days". Most women (not just white) start getting dicked down by dozens of guys around 16 and don't "settle down" until around 30.
Do what you want autist, I don't care