The curious case of Bill Gates

Normies are getting redpilled on gates foundation. How long until gates gets killed in runescape?

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fuck, 2:33 not whatever it started at, i thought current time meant whatever my fucking mouse was at

I hope he dies afraid and alone.
Not taking a vaccine or any chip and if you try I'll shoot you in Minecraft.

I can't wait for this motherfucker to be tried for his crimes

If Bill Gate come to my home and say stick needle I knock him out!

He is right. He either knows this gonna cull a fuck ton of people or governments are going to have to sacrifice people dumb enough to believe them.

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That will never happen. He's going to be fucking with us for another 3 decades. Just pray that he dies soon; many people don't get out of their 60s alive, but if they do, they tend to live for decades more.

> redpilled on gates foundation
amazing how there is no proof to all great "claims" though.
>hur dur his vaccines are killing everyone

>Normies are getting redpilled

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His security must be off the wall. Nobody will even get close.

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Go to bed Steve, you’re not welcome here

Read the comments here, made me very whitepilled

What is your first language?

lol leftist faggots think major leftist cities aren't the main target. The left will be the first ones to pull their pants down and let the goverment shove their massive cock inside their arseholes without questioning it.


he looks like ellen
and they both look like soros

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Love it

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Gates is just a frontman/scapegoat, the real people behind it don't exist.

I wake up they say microsoft bill dead

You are so fucked, everyone knows "Runescape" is code for Minecraft.

He looks like Woody Allen.
You're going to let woody Allen be in charge of the totalitarian dystopian dictatorship?

when were you when bill gate is kill

This flu was obviously unleashed on the population on purpose to finish up the Gothard Tunnel satanic ceremony


Snipers. No matter how much protection a person has, snipers is always their weakness. All a sniper needs to do is be a certain amount of stories high enough to take a clear shot of the target.

>pie to the face
ha nerds

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How are the related?

he is helping fight the invisible enemy

yea, bill gates can fuck off.
He is a computer nerd that retired and gave his shit to indians.
Now he wants to larp like a politician and the (((news))) is eating up (((gates))) overstepping bullshit.
He isnt a leader, he isnt a politician, he has no authority, and his field has fuck all to do with biochemistry.
Just because he peddled sterilizing vaccines laced with infertility causing drugs in africa, he suddenly thinks hes a biochemist world president, but hes fucking not.

Look at the state of windows from 95 to 10, its a complete shit show that is ridden with bugs and security flaws. Do you really want this hacks hardware inside of your body, or his code to be in control of your identity? no, you dont.

I seriously saw a normie meme about bill gates being behind covid 19

>redpilling works
When will tards like you learn...


Explain to me, a retard

>he isnt a politician
just wait

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What a waste of digits. Bull fucking shit. Gates has ZERO chance and it's way too late to jump into Election 2020.
What are you, 20 years old?

I could unironically see this happening.
Id vote for sanders over trump
but Ill vote trump over gates

That's the one thing this retard Gates forgets...
Even normies shudder at the idea of a chip implant. The very thing he helped usher into the mainstream (the internet) is the very thing that spreads the information that thwarts his bullshit plans. Normies already don't trust Bill Gates because they automatically associate him with Microsoft and Windows.

There's no universe Bill becomes the dem nominee. Even if Biden croaked they'd get Hillary before Bernie.

>What a waste of digits. Bull fucking shit. Gates has ZERO chance and it's way too late to jump into Election 2020.
>What are you, 20 years old?

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You are definitely 20 and your name is Jacob.

lol the pie guy looked exactly like Brett weinstein

Gates dad worked for thomas watson the founder of IBM and a eugenicist who provided IBM data management machines to Hitler. Hitler decorated Watson in 1937. When IBM was broken-up because of monopoly laws Gates dad took over the Cold Harbor branch of IBM, it was devoted to eugenic studies. Bill Gates is a front for those eugenic practices AWA the technology developed by IBM, funded through the Thomas Watson Trust

>You are definitely 20 and your name is Jacob.

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Sory I slow IQ 67 world scary look 4 truth get more scare

Mandalay Bay

Nice retort idiot Jew.

Fauci and Brix got a 100 million dollar grant from Gates, Fauci hangs out w/Gates AWA leading Dem pols and others in the Globalist Club

Reddit = 90% shills

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i would destroy this dried up coug its not even funny

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Trump puts these deep state fuckers in the lime light because he knows we will dig into their past.

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sauce on pic?

>Memeflag posts his own memeflag post

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inject the chip, goy
no no the chinese aren't doing any tracking of their citizens digitally or instituting social credit. this can't be used to monitor wrongthinkers in anyway nope. that's fake news. it's not possible. bill gates is nice friendly rich computer man.

people dont trust jews

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Nobody wants this man. This is an agenda, full force. He will go down in history as evil and gauche.

Fuck off you fear mongering shit


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>fear mongering
Keep drinkind that kool-aid. Get chipped and vaccined aswell

Built for BBC

Go back masturbate to Ben Garrison

They don't care if you want it or not any more than they'd care if a dog wanted it or even understood it, they think it's for your own good and their own good so they'll strap you down t do it or kill you in the process.


Vicinity of Obscenity in your eye! Terra Cotta, Terra Cotta, Terra Cotta pie!

It has been already speculated that the name of the founder, Bill Gates, is a code much as "Adam Weishaupt" was a code. Apart from being the name of a magician in Aleister Crowley's novel, "Moonchild", Gates is a reference to the Unknown Superior and the gateway between ordinary reality and the Invisible World; Lovecraft himself referred to Yog-Sothoth as "the Gateless Gate". By the same token, IBM can be said to stand not for "International Business Machines" but rather for "Iacobus Burgundus Molensis", or Jacques de Molay, the last overt Grand Master of the Knights Templar, whose name was borrowed by the Bavarian Illuminati for one of their ciphers. One must also not forget that a Microsoft network administration tool currently under development is named Hermes, after the god of alchemy, and that a line in Umberto Eco's novel, _Foucault's Pendulum_ reads, quite clearly, "Microsoft-Hermes"

>Hitler decorated Watson in 1937.
Source on this?

Honestly this. You can’t get honest opinions out of that place. Just shills uptoking shills

Judging by those shoulders I would say an alligator

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