What’s up with Bhutanese

What’s up with Bhutanese
People in mid western state acting like subhumans? Thought they were peaceful people but keep hearing stories of how they steal and rape white women

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Well considering how they did ethnic cleansing of all their hindu people not that long ago it shouldn't be surprising. Also how many of them are there in midwestern states, idt their country even has a million people in it

Tons of Bhutanese people in mid western state. I think they are nepali Bhutanese though and are mostly Hindus. Haven’t heard anything about actual Bhutanese committing crimes or raping

They are not Bhutanese, they’re Nepalese subhumans that were kicked out of Bhutan. Real Bhutanese are good people.

Those are Nepalese from Bhutan although they call themselves Bhutanese. And they’re not only in the Midwest, tons in the Northeast/New England, and even in the south (conveniently dumped in some of the whitest area of the country.)

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And yes they are weird around white women, like any other shitskin.

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Honestly feel sorry for actual Bhutanese people. Hopefully norm tards don’t confuse the two

Midwest user here. We get a lot of refugees from everywhere, including Bhutan. Haven’t heard anything about them stealing, but they are brown, hairy, and you can smell them several yards away, and that’s enough reason for me to not want more here.

Im more concerned about their passports.


Same desu, but you can’t even blame them if they do since that’s what these people identify as, and are identified as by the centers. It’s the center that push the “Bhutanese” label even more and I’m not sure why.

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It’s true though where they came from I don’t know.

I’m guessing OP is the assblasted chink from the last thread. Everyone else ITT can keep crying too.

I'd like to hear about bhutanese passport

His last name made him do it.

They're poos. You know the people that the Bhutanese tried to genocide for a reason.

Only Ngalop are Bhutanese.

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All Bhutanese people I have talked to Yas Forums or had contact with in any other way have been outstandingly based.

Extremely uneducated comment.

They are actual Bhutanese. The Nepalis are filthy squatters.

The only Bhutanese flag on Yas Forums is a tranny who keeps posting anime pictures. That aside, you’re right. OP is talking about Nepalis.

damn hes hot

He’s gorgeous. You’d never guess he’s such a disgusting creep.

All poos are creepy cow fuckers

You are one of three things:
1. Nepalis yourselves
2. degenerate gays
3. extremely desperate, degenerate women
You should feel the worst and unironically get out of this country if you are 3. Maybe go to Nepal, you’ll get plenty of attention from like men.

Calm down, I just said he was physically attractive, not that I wanted to marry him. I agree they are creepy and he needs to rot in prison for that. And idk about the other user but I’m not Nepalese or a gay man, I’m a white woman.

Tits, gtfo, then gtfo of my country bitch.

Nepalis but I consider them all poos desu.

Nepalis are just mountainpoos.

>2. degenerate gays
I am a homosexual with autism. No one will date me, so of course, I am desperate.

I look better than him. He’d be like a 7/10 in Nepal desu.

Nope, only people in the Terai are. Nepalis are mostly either Aryans or come from Tibetan ethnic groups.

Where can I find cute, but also intelligent Nepali men? Someone who I can marry?

Sounds like a sticky situation. Sorry about that.

lol its fine. i think ill either marry someone from the 3rd world who just wants us citizenship or accept the reality that no one loves me

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>i think ill either marry someone from the 3rd world who just wants us citizenship
to me, being able to hug someone for 3 years may just be the most i ever feel loved, even if its not real love :(

Tbh I’m sure there are gay Nepali guys out there, but homosexuality is still pretty frowned upon in traditional Nepali society, so you’d either have to look specifically online or probably just go there and be discreet. Lots of Nepalis would do anything for US citizenship though, just to put that out there.

>hearing stories of how they steal and rape white women
Thats just cope from kicked out """Bhutanese""" i.e. Pajeet Hindu rapists like you.

Not a Pajeet. I just needed an explanation and got it. I was doubtful when I first heard about this

no, no, and no incel.

>tfw ugly femcel and know this feel
I plan to marry a guy from a poor European country who would like citizenship and a good wife. There’s nothing wrong with it IMO. Even if it’s not real at first, I’m hoping it will grow into it one day.


Bhutanese are based and peaceful. Brown people in Bhutan are not.

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1: That's incredibly rude & hurtful, I do way more than just that
2: Most people have liked me, which makes you an asshurt outlier
Now I understand if you're sorry, and still want to be friends, that's still on the table. You just need to straighten up

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Are you actually from Bhutan or a VPN?

Pretty sure you’re His Majesty The Fourth Dragon King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye

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I know you're a newfag and all user but there is no women on the internet

False. My gf browses, and even sends me memes from here. She claims she doesn’t post much though.

Tits or gtfo

She is beautiful. Wow.

In the dumpster with your mother you retarded thot

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Pics or it didn’t happen

They are basically Nepalese hillbillies from rural areas that come over here and get gibs. They have no intelligence and can't fit into the society.



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seriously though. Why are women like this?


Like what?

They're not sending their best.

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pretty woman

Those are Nepalis they spit snuff everywhere and refuse to wear antiperspirant.
They are also dumber than brick- national iq of Nepal is sub 70.

they’re ethnical nepalis in Bhutan. Called lotsampa. Bhutan removed pajeet.

That's their king and queen you filthy peasant. Show proper respect. [spoiler]there are rumors they like to "entertain" wealthy, good-looking tourists though.[/spoiler]

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