White men except barely ever having sex and having to chase crumbs of pussy while Latinos and blacks have a constant sex fest. White men are a joke worldwide. We are by far the least respected race.
White men accept cuckold conditions
Even if its true, who cares about what lesser races think about us?
This isn't r9k, incel.
They are literally taking over our lands and our own women prefer them thanks to Jews.
Whites are the most desired race you stupid nigger
Just because you're a fucking loser doesn't mean that everyone else is.
Whites are literally dying out due to low birthrates and being geographically displaced.
I've never jerked off in the corner while niggers fuck my wife but other white guys do. Clearly I'm not the biggest loser.
Because more intelligent people have less kids, every culture experiences this.
Women are trash even without jews
Jews are just the smelly shitcherry on top
I don't fucking care, I hate this world and everyone in it.
This even the asians they keep mocking for dick size are the fastest growing minority
So dying out and going extinct makes you more intelligent? Yep you're proof that most whites are pathetic cuckold retards.
God I hate being white
I've been around enough of you white bois to know 99% of your ''jokes'' are about us black men and our huge dicks
>White men except barely ever having sex and having to chase crumbs of pussy while Latinos and blacks have a constant sex fest
Yeah, you aren't white. No white person that I have interacted with has severely disrespected the English language as much as you have
Not having 10 kids and living in squalor in a government subsidized trailer until you die of obesity makes you more intelligent, yes.
Why do you think you know how much sex white men are having?
This site is a good indication
But whites can't even have enough kids to maintain the population and are literally dying out. How is blacks having 10 kids stupid if white cucks will just pay for it?
Because the 10 niglets will become part of the subservient working class while the elites profit off their labour.
I'll start giving a fuck about getting some pussy and starting a family when western civilization stops being so stacked against men.
>Degenerate behaviour is value
Why does everyone have to fuck and/or breed all the time? I dont give a shit if we are barely at 1:1 reproduction rate, we came from much smaller numbers and would have no difficulty staying as we are and focusing on our legacy. This low IQ idea of needing 14132412 children stems from poor living conditions where they compensated for high infant mortality rates.
Shut the fuck up coomerbrain
We dont do jokes from where i come from
It will never stop being stacked against men unless you do something about it. Shit doesn't just happen.
White boys are weak these days.
anglo mayos love talkign about cocks and dicks and balls and schlongs
is coffee good for you?
Redpilled and based
It's a shame """"they"""" stopped a bunch of dating apps from publishing their data on this.
I see girls on dating sites say they want blacks only. I've never seen a girl say whites only. Not to mention girls who respond to blacks will actually put out for them
Fuck off you dumb gay ugly mud bloods. We are objectively better than you in every way.
Sick anecdotal evidence nigger. Only porn addicted faggots and delusional niggers believe shit like that,
They didn't even see their faces in this survey iirc
Stay in denial faggot. I know what I've seen. Go on a dating site. You will see girls of all races with profiles that say blacks only but I have never seen one that said whites only. Literally see for yourself, faggot.
It's pretty much the norm to want whites if you're white so it goes without saying. How many men do you see stating no fat chicks or no tattoos on their dating profile?
I know this guy is a meme and pretty low-IQ but listen to what they talk about at ~29:10 about white guilt and the allowances of white men in particular:
These two based blaxx are at least honest about the flaws in the black community to the fullest degree and I think they raise an interesting point here about whites. And as much as we may not like it, it makes a big difference to have black people saying this too rather than just us. At least give it a glance
So you're inferior to a Chink?
I have never seen any that say that in my life. Lots of asians that say they like white guys though, for whoever is feeling desperate enough.
Literally go on a dating site. I've seen several profiles like that. I've never seen the equivalent for whites.
Fake, no way Aus has higher IQ than NZ
Animals are in a constant sex fest too.
Let them hate so long as they fear.
All the poor lations and niggers really have is their "respect" and fucking stupid trashy white girls.
That's fine with me, they need something to occupy their time.
As for the old White boomers who enjoy watch their wives get fucked by niggers, maybe the husbands are literally just bored of sex and they need really deviant shit to get off. Watching your wife fuck a nigger doesn't really get any more degrading, does it?
I'd rather my grillfriend fuck a dog, at least they're loyal, useful and I trust them.
I fucked a negress once but in my defense, she was light skinned and hated other niggers.
Then why don't you do something about it,FED?
I pay my taxes.
You work for me .
Stop dicking around on the computer, trying to entrap people with justifiably reasons.
Maybe it's an American thing, something like that would stick out in my head for sure if I ever saw it and I can promise you I haven't.
Unironically, are you sure they're real people? We know the jews will stoop that low.
They have a point
That dick is small
Most animals rarely have sex.
>me black
>me proud of being a fag
Oh please. Plenty of European whores say they want refugee dick on sex sites.
You're retarded and probably short
Surely if it's so common you can go find a real example right now
Jews ruined everything. They are destroying everything we’ve built and dishonoring our legacy
women dont have to say whites only its a given
>download tiktok
>99% of white girls are with white guys
Really makes you think.
I've seen 1 profile of a white girl stating she only dates within her race. I'm brown, yet "white" with green eyes and brown hair, so i figured i would try to hit on her.
It didnt work and i got ghosted, but i still told her it made me happy to realize there are still women with standards.
I've seen at least a dozen "black boys only" profiles though. Don't let the cope fiends lie about the situation we are facing.
And you let them do it cause you're a weak bitch.
What do you recommend we do about it user?