This Place is Garbage

not because it wasn't a great place for free speech but because of compromised and incompetent admins

>Yas Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
>If you look at site statistics you will realize that Yas Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Yas Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Yas Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Yas Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.
>You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Yas Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Yas Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

after trump election it went to utter shit, cause of the larpers and shills ,early 2000s is where it was at

I know. But is it better to contain it, or destroy it and risk it spreading further?

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Not bad coffee

>30 min long youtube video from some low t cuck

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But is coffee good for you?

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Destroy it. Everyone meant to learn or trade any real intel has it all now and is spreading it IRL. Anyone still here on this box toy is like me, just here for occasional LARPs. Nobody pays me to teach children and that's all that's here now. Let the CCP mop em up and dox them; we actually dangerous niggers are lonnnnng gone :)

Place is garbage
Thanks jannies

nuke worthless (((fluoridated))) muttfags USA

This used to be a NATIONAL SOCIALIST board.

Now it's just Faux News watching boomers and chink shills regurgitating media propaganda 24/7



I honestly only come here to post bbc threads.

>I am very smart
>anons don't recognize just how brilliant I am

So much talk about who Trump will get rid of first yet the only thing he killed was this place.

See you tomorrow loser

i only come here for the coronachan and sometimes to kill time, not like its hard to realize a lot of people here a bunch of retards that abuse double standards and have some sort of "superior complex" for no reason

Why its faggots like you mostly that come here to shill and slide that fucked it up.
Where do you normally post? What groups do you discuss things with? Do you talk to like minded people as yourself at reddit subs, discord or other discussion forums?
Do you normally make constructive posts and discussions on Yas Forums or do you normally make threads and posts like this one? How long have you been here for and posting?

>The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Yas Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin
poor nigger

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ur a fag


The other half is low IQ, astroturfing shills arguing for the exact opposite of the stuff you're so butthurt about. Every once in a while, someone with a brain makes a quality post.

this is a politically incorrect board. shit thread and sage

Someone needs to make info-graphic about sucking cock, also its not the jews, its the (((irish)))

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post proofs of compromised jannies

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Well how do we fix it?

>Every once in a while, someone with a brain makes a quality post.
quality threads DO get created
but compromised jannies go out of their way to keep dogshit threads alive and pollute the gallery

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>Well how do we fix it?
Its simple

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>unironic racism
shut the fuck up bitch

Sup Yas Forums I've been posting on here for about 4-5years. I thought this place was a place with like minded people oh how wrong I was.
It's constantly grim, and disappointing. I see emasculated Zoomers, Boomers, White Females spam/meme blacked, and Chinks, Turks, and Poos
Spamming it. It's disheartening that the jannies do nothing about it, and there is no actual discussion anymore. So I'm done with this
"movemnet", It's over.. pointless the right is too emasculated, and their isn't any real fascists left. people spout on about fuentes
when he is just a emasculated zoomer that is too pussy to say nigger (i thought he was based until he said "get over ur genocide").
>muh defeatism
Fix the problem then, I can't spam >asian >male shit constantly, and post whitepills when the people lurking just see blacked spam
>muh muh ur a shill
That exact mentallity is what is making us lose because we can't accept truth sometimes
>your here forever
No your not.. not when there is just a deep dark hatred for this place because of the fucking emasculated spam shit
>filter it
nice meme

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Now this is based

This place is totally pozzed now.
The Yas Forums of 2015 is dead.
After the election, we were targeted big league. The shills now outnumber the regular posters. On top of that, the attention we received in the media also attracted a lot of boomers and edgelords.
Enjoy your 10,000,000,000 "hey white boy" and BBC threads.
Enjoy your 10,000,000,000,000,000 "why do white girls" incel threads.
Enjoy your 10,000,000,000,000,000 pizzagate threads.
Enjoy your 100,000,000,000 "are x white threads"

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Unironically true. Nowadays, even Reddit is better than this shithole, at least there the average IQ reaches 3-digits.

Yas Forums died when moot sold Yas Forums. If the community hadn't weakened then, trump shills would have never taken over in 2016. This place has been garbage for a while. And there is no alternative.
Mostly yes, but there also were a lot of libertarians/ancaps, lefties, pro establishment. There were some really interesting discussions before trumptards hopped on board.

Oh boo hoo, redditor

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Have fun faggots. You've already lost and are too dumb to realize it.
This place used to be funny. This place used to have some intelligent posters. This place used to influence the entire internet.
Now you can't do shit.
Have fun talking to shills and boomers and incels. Thats all thats left.

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Here is your big blackpill for the day: The left has won the internet. They have censored us off of every major site and left us to this containment zone/internet ghetto which they have flooded with complete shit.
The board is useless now. Complete shit. Just "hey whiteboy" posts and incel threads and pizza gate conspiracy theories. Its all fucking trash. All the intelligent posters have disappeared to god knows where.

They won the internet, and because of this they will win everything.
Sorry for the blackpill, but thats all I feel anymore when I visit this dung-heap.
For a few years Yas Forums was really great. Thanks for the memories.

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>post proofs of compromised jannies

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>compromised jannies

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I can't stand muh karmapoints system though. It judges for me whether a post is good or not. You can't have anything else but echochambers on plebbit.

Lol this cuck is so fucking butthurt.

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I remember Yas Forums senates and straw/pol/s used to have a shitton of different parties represented.

There hasn’t even been a strawpoll on Yas Forums in half a decade

>Here is your big blackpill for the day: The left has won the internet
user you're glowing. nice kike demoralization shill

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Hi Shaun!

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>Lol this cuck is so fucking butthurt.
being such a nufag you can't spot pasta

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Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video


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Is coffee good for you

As more people flooded in, the aggregate IQ dropped. This always happens.

It really depends on the sub though. Some subs are literally cancer, but most of the times if you don't commit fallacies or just be unnecessary edgy, you can have actual conversations and not get downvoted just because of your opinion differs from the rest.


>not get downvoted just because of your opinion differs from the rest.
you're talking about *reddit*?
the place that notoriously shadowbans, hides, and suppresses anything that isn't the consensus groupthink?

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yea this place is a dump because of fgts like OP

In a way it’s expected. The Yas Forums of Old was a legitimate threat to jews. It’s so diluted now that the jews don’t even care.

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He was talking about you, moron.
If this place was created by idiots like you, every other thread would be the same.
Of course it would still be not pol correct, but it also would be taken down in no time, because the only answer to the question: why are you antishitmate? Would be: this guy told me it's correct thing to do. And than noone would even care about your sorry ass behind the bars. Do you get it? Are enough people replying to your posts? When in doubt - shut up!!!

>not the jews
>"The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Yas Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin."
Off you fuck back to discord/plebbit, you pathetic nigger. You're just butthurt because you're seeing less and less people sucking your zog emperor's cock on the board.

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Okay but is coffee good for you?

first year philosophy student detected.

OK..bye ..filthy jew.

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> i like being jannied by jews
nice larp, fag

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>This used to be a NATIONAL SOCIALIST board.
Yas Forums is and always will be a NatSoc board. Clear away all the shit and you'll find a solid core of decent NatSoc anons who're still here.


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you can hide 95% of the garbage with a filter of 30 words and 40 image hashes
thats how retardedly scripted all the MAGA faggotry shill spam is

give the filter

For your viewing pleasure

>you can hide 95% of the garbage with a filter of 30 words and 40 image hashes
>thats how retardedly scripted all the MAGA faggotry shill spam is
yes...filters only allow you to navigate the gallery
THREAD life is artificial.
there are paid-for campaigns endlessly shilling on every board. This one is no different.

Attached: fuck-janny-scum20 at 05.50 PM.png (1364x756, 880.17K)

ok you won.jewboy, and I cant thinl of single area where your team is winning. Hollywood, banking, government, institutions, cuture are losing everything and you're not getting back and China is burning so you can't go there. Bread and circus is over you fucking hooknose. Get fucked, and wait for the new normal when the economy then government collapses and we all know what comes next - dictatorship - photo attached

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Agreed it's full of kids with no life experience but 6th dan in google-fu.

>lol don't post on pol it's all losers that notice things
yeah. sage faggot

Attached: slidethread.jpg (1024x1024, 260.96K)

>I cant thinl of single area where your team is winning
the jew cries out in pain as it strikes you

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This board went from race realists and people who advocate races stick to their kind/ their own group, to “lol I hate nigs”

>doesn't know how to sage
>criticizing the shit of pol is a slide thread

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Yas Forums is pretty much contained at this point, I see little spillage on other boards, at most it's just a few autistic shitposters but for the most part Yas Forums is fine.
Yas Forums itself is a lost cause though, way too many boomers and tourists from twitter/reddit/etc.

>This board went from race realists and people who advocate races stick to their kind/ their own group, to “lol I hate nigs”

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Der Coomer...

>for the most part Yas Forums is fine.

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>Yas Forums is fine.

Attached: anm01.21 PM.png (806x285, 83K)

we used to have literal nigger hate threads newfag

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>this place is bad because people wrong think

until jannies starting banning those

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Bruh moot was threatened into making this board for containment because we turned all of b into one massive “deepstate Illumanati niggers are kill BTFO super based redpilled edition general.” So he had to make this so the aforementioned evil faggots could honeypot us and astroturf us easier.

Hence “politically incorrect” but this place was always about doing away with the rule the world idiots. It’s just that they have to shill so hard to kick the can of their demise down the road. Why? Because if the “4chenz autists” were left to our own devices we’d gather all based anons from every board and single handedly BTFO the entire global elite niggers evil faggy schemes. Bruh world militias would from and even state militaries/intel agencies would have general boards for the purposes of scraping humanities eternally vigilant natural born militia.

People say the shills are here for deepstate optics. And all their efforts, and we are still BTFOing those evil faggots.

They’re here because they’re terrified of us....

“Deepstate SUM OF ALL FEARS.
Public awakening.

They never thought she would lose.
Now they ALL LOSE.


GG Illumanati, you tried your hardest. But your evil faggotry blinds you. We win.

BBBC in Germany baby ... btw u hit a hard point ....

Is coffee for you?

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>And all their efforts, and we are still BTFOing those evil faggots.

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You know what you are doing when you make those posts.
You are not fomenting fruitful discussion, you are trying to start a shitstorm about an unrelated topic to the board you are you posting in.
If you want to discuss IQ and its relation to race you cannot do it in 3 fucking lines, make a well thought out post and I guarantee you it won't get deleted, but you didn't, you were trying to start shit and nothing else.

>Occam's razor
If you think occams razor is a useful tool you are absolutely dumber than sll the people you described. You are so fucking retarded. Go back you moronic dunning-kruger piece of shit.