Proof of Adrenochrome

Hey fags,

Can any of you adorable autistics provide substantiation that the alleged adrenochrome harvesting and its consumption for anti-aging and demonic realms accessing is based on even a spec of truth?

Oh and simply regurgitating Qcunt's shitposts won't cut it. I want real mechanistic theory and documented evidence pls

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Other urls found in this thread:

a thread died because you wanted to give retards a platform. sage

>Qtard muh follow the white rabbit shit
take. your. meds. boomer.


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Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong.


Could you circle those again please this time with bigger size brush and in red so my senile boomer eyes can see?

[spoiler]Also maybe something that I hadn't already posted in the OP you failed abortion nigger[/spoiler]

literal toddler brain

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Sounds hot. Can I shelve it?

anyone got the video of the general with the bunny?

I don't know about the adrenochrome stuff, but jewshave something were they try to get a goy extremely stressed for some reason. They use all their gypsy crap to do it, including doctors.

>inb4 a wild jew appears

>a company that synthesizes novel compounds to order for research produced an adrenochrome derivative for someone at some point
>therefore satanic pedos are harvesting it from children in secret underground bunkers through ritual rape and mutilation

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bump for this

looks like it's holding a blue pill and a red pill too. no surprises given how much of an occult playbook the matrix is

Let the man express himself you disgusting kike

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>not a shred of evidence to be found

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what's funny jews are so jewish they create a business out of their secret to jew the other jews

So what stops it from breaking down into useless compounds once it has left the body and is in the jewess's stomach?

Silly kikes.

1. It's not adrenalized
2. "No evidence" is a throw away as there could be evidence out there and can't prove a negative etc

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Wrong pic lol

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It's because the victim is still alive while you are drinking.

You terrorize the child, then strangle the blood flow to their brain, and then you puncture their heart and drink the adrenalized blood.

This is what happens, no you're not going to find film of pedos torturing children.
It doesn't matter if you think it works or not, they do it.

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Elites and top jews torture children as a part of occult rituals.

Whether it has to do with adrenochrome harvesting or not isnt as important.

They hunt children for sport and sacrifice them to old god they worship.

It's mostly jews. But any elite who wants in on the group has to partisipate.

Evidence is hard to find when they own the media, police, and everything else they want.

Presicely. They're doing it. There are many witnesses and it's been investigated and always shut down.

These are dangerous and powerful people. They hold the worlds governments hostage. And the ones that arent hostage are filled with their agents.

The people need to stand up in minecraft.

Look at the wiki article, it's psychomimetic which is basically autist speak for it gets you so fucked up it can't even be classes
D as a psychedelic and instead induces a straight up psychotic episode. Even dmt is a psychedelic

thank god he spoke out, I didnt want him to be one of them

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Where doesn't it belong?

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So what you're saying is that as long as the child is still alive at the moment of drinking, there's some magical force that keeps the oxidised and adrenalized blood and all the relevant compounds in tact as they pass through stomach and then certain amount of intestine before being absorbed into the blood stream, pass through the liver and then finally circulate through the rest of the system?

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>Proof of Adrenochrome

You are an Austrayin Nigger Cuck Faggot

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I love how someone superimposed a molecule ontop of a rabbit acting like it "matches". Fucking retarded. I'm all for the research but that's just idiotic.

Don't get me wrong, the government creating diseases is very old news. Has anyone thought to relate myxomatosis to this stuff? If we're talking conspiracies related to rabbits lets not forget the time the government created a disease to wipe out 50% of the rabbit population. Myxomatosis is basically a government flex in relation to what could be happening today.

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You can get it a lot easier by allowing epipens to expire. If it's such an awesome drug why aren't we seeing rampant EpiPen abuse?

>Make film about humans caught in a web of disinformation while they're secretly turned into fuel
>Machines are metaphors for sociopaths at the top of this world who only see humans as product
>Make film called JUPITER Ascending in which humans are turned into goo for the rich to look eternally beautiful

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well I'm sure glad those quotes are from otherwise I would've had to put my skeptic hat on for a minute there!

where's the video of him saying those things faggot

Adrenochrome sounds lame and unpleasant to use.

Isn't that the made up drug from fear and loathing in Las Vegas?

No it's a real drug but not like its shown in that movie.

so the memes about keanu were right and he really is as holy as they say?

this is from a bullshit clickbait wesbsite, disregard

THC is a very volatile drug, yet people get high of it
its the dosis that counts
keep posting these brainlet wojaks, they are like a selfie of you

Brilliantly summarised after I'd just read this yesterday.

Great job OP! Keep up the good work. Someone need to monitor those maniacs.

Our organisation will contact you soon. Wait for our encrypted signal.

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There are videos and the world isn't ready yet. Much like Daisy's video they will come to the light. They have to unfortunately.

That's a magicians ring, bloodstone ring. Not all of the magicians are evil. There's a 50/50 split. Same in masonry and jewery, there is a split. Some good, some bad.


Have you tried ketamine?

Garbage drug for garbage humans

Muslims use those rings to pray or something so not sure if Soleimani counts

>on the internet
You're naive. The well is so thoroughly poisoned at this point, it's not about proof, but what you're able to conclude on your own through gathered knowledge of the practices and lifestyles of the banker cartel -tier elites.
Put two and two together, realize the people who enslave the planet are actually evil fuckers, and then blood harvesting from children doesn't seem like such a big whacky theory.

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this is from a fake news website you retards

i've seen it, it's in vials like liquid lsd, inside pink gloopy substance. you can drink that or if you want to smoke it you mix it with a green powder than take out with a spoon, put the powdery purple shit looking wet powder over your preferred smoke. (for me weed, the person i do it with usually mixes it with tobacco) after rolling you let dry for a while, then really warm up your blunt with a lighter and smoke.

ancient mayans did this with penis blood and regularly smoked it during large societal occasions

it does not make you live forever, in fact it does not make you live 1 daily longer, this is common misconception, the drug just makes you look really rejuvenated after using, like litteraly glowing beauty, better than plastic surgery. the high makes your eyes very red, on my first time it looked like i was punched in both eyes with big black and purple bags under my eyes, my eyes bloodshot red.

this is similar to the white rabbit from alice and wonderland, that story being based entirely on drugs that went through france after the revolution. the white rabbit was its name and he wears a clock for its "immortality" effects and red eyes with big black bands. it always seems weary of the time almost like it's scared it's going to run out.

blood drinking has the side effect of dampening or removing emotion, this is why predatory animals don't get all sulky and depressed about killing stuff, also it's why hunting tribes, live animal eating chinese people, etc, are sociopaths/psychopaths. adrenaline disables higher brain function like emotion, emotion damping last much longer than the rush

Are these dykes actually based?

It's not just that, beauty products available only to the rich and well connected have human products in them.

Drugs, food.

A world without boundaries means people without boundaries rule the world.

There's some debate as to whether they are redpilling people or subverting Christianity. Maybe they need to do both in order for such a movie to be made. The fiction is dramatized.

If cult shit isn't real than why do pictures like these exist?

Eventually the stories start to connect on their own.

There are lies along the way but humans are actually smart and very good at recognizing patterns in behavior.

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I wonder how many people rise to a certain level, get exposed to some of the fucked up shit, and it either breaks them or they back down somehow.

What? Obviously my post implies I believe they're up to some nefarious shit. What they believe they're doing is somewhat irrelevant, to me atleast.
I assume the upper echelon of elites foster these sorts of environments because it's easier to control people who feel like they've crossed a line they cannot come back from. No doubt Epstein recorded alot of prominent people doing various things to children, and he was a known mossad asset.

Phi Beta Kappa