What if we started posting "I like trump" as a response to far left postings in reddit and twitter. No more than that. Then the left wing people all get mad and say angry shit which makes them look bad. And before you say MIGA, the purpose of this is not to show support for Donald Trump. It is to expose the left as the continuous aggressors, as they are the aggressors but like to act as the victims.
Alright kids listen up
I like trump
I like Trump.
I like trains
Yas Forums isn't a fucking cult. You need to leave.
It's true, you cannot insult someone who has already been insulted with every word in the book
Unironically not a bad idea user. Don't give up, I'd be on board.
It would be funny for the salt alone, but most dont wish to go to reddit or twitter
This works and im bored
sounds good, except i never go to reddit or twitter
>somebody found my super sekrit clup
I never said it was
I like turtles
But we don’t like the Zion Don
Also who the fuck likes Drumpf?
I like Trump.
Shut up Schumer lover
It's not a bad idea.
It has to be in context though or platforms will just remove it for being 'off topic'.
I've got an idea. Instead of just doing 'I like Trump' blindly which would also be easy for it to be automatically removed like the NPC images was do it within context
So if it's about Trump's handling of Covid say
I think Trump has handled covid-19 well.
If it's about him being stupid:
I think Trump's smart
If it's about him being a bad president:
I think he's a good president.
Just good, short, simple shit that will rile the lefties up and make them waste a ton of time responding to you. When they respond, you can again just say another stupid simple thing.
'But I disagree. I think he did a good job'.
No actual info. No actual point.
Just pure positivity and good vibes, so I'm sure liberals will love it.
I like Trump
I like Ike
I don't like Trump
It is good to go to reddit if you want to be fully informed, it is useful to see both sides of the issue to fully understand it. Both reddit and Yas Forums are selective/biased in how they present their information
yeah fuck twitter though, but twitter is probably the platform that this would work best on
I like trump
i like trump
>Expose the left for their continuous anger
That only works if you have an audience to sympathize with. That's a long dead and milked cow newfag
>“Please remember to practice PureThink while online”
>just PureThink
>how do you practice PureThink?
>is PureThink a thing?
Trump is Trump. Im not working for his campaign. Since hes gotten elected the freedom of the internet went to zero. He never lifted his finger. The tax cuts were bullshit. He did start pissing off china though.
If you act chill they will act like pic related.
It will eat them alive
I like trump
>expose the left as violent and irrational.
this could have looked like a good idea 4-5 years ago. but now you should realize that nobody cares anymore. antifa could be gunning down trump supporters in the street and leftists would celebrate this as a good thing. leftists would approve avery act of violence against trump and his supporters. there is nothing to expose anymore
yes exactly, that is a good way to approach it.
I disagree, I like Trump
Maybe in 2016 they would've, we've tried the
>Show them something benign and let them screech
And especially with Trump they're just going to list off everything bad starting with corona.
Dumbest thing I’ve read on here in quite some time. Take a lap
>based kike poster
I like trump
Why do you think anybody would care about any of this
I disagree, people can be converted. It has to be done in very small increments. Demonstrating that their side is the aggressor is one of the increments.
He didn't say Yas Forums is a collective. He only used the word 'we'. Fuck off retard.
Let them do that then
I think Trump is a good leader
>People need to be converted
To actual redpills, not voting for another neocon. Pic related is all that results. Why don't we convert people into actual reality and not "trig the libs" 2?
Expose the left to who,exactly?
Lol...there are none left bruh
Maybe its the campaign trying to revitalize the “grassroots” support it had in 2016. They cant meme though.
Ok, you're not going to get anywhere. You're just going to see people saying I like trump and someone listing why they don't. That doesn't build support that's just pretending to play the victim which they can call out
Go try it for yourself
Pretty easy to do the same thing with just Marx instead. Not sure who would get more mad, the libs or the boomers.
They think throwing Q in and completely 180ing on all their promises will work. Not a finger lifted on censorship, gun control, demographics, war, just "trust the plan" while more and more is done against us.
This is kinda funny and its guaranteed to get an angry response, hilariously. I'll be on twitter replying to angry liberals.
That can only be done incrementally, exposing their side as the aggressors is one of the increments
Don't even say "I like Trump" just say "I think Trump is doing a decent job."
It makes you sound reasonable, you don't sound like a huge MAGA fan, but it should still cause a disproportionate response from your average leftist.
Could just say “I like Joe Biden”
Just as fucking worthless of a meme
i like trump
We've been doing that for years. you're missing the point. Nobody will care if you don't have an audience and playing the victim as anyone on the right doesn't work.
I don't have social media because I'm not a faggot
that is a good way to phrase it
say that to "I like Ike"
I like Trump.
>Give an actual argument and response
>Shill responses and the same tactics of 2016, not realizing that 2016 was a hijack of previous movements that were actually causing anger
Here, I know you want the attention so it's your last (you)
I like trump
There is no "playing the victim". If you go around responding "oh all I said was my opinion and now suddenly you are attacking me" then you are entirely missing the point.
This is actually a decent idea, its simple like IOTBW but sure to trigger rage.
>I like trump
I like trump
Trump was always a concession. We voted for Steve Bannon. It was his platform.
I like Bernie
Sock puppets get you exposure. But memes are the magic. Look at Bloomberg. All the money and airtime in the world is no substitute.