/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2965

► Detected: 1,270,653 (+69,170) ► Died: 69,376 (+4,686) ► Day: 87 (-02:52:12)

— 4.3 billion people put under lockdown —
— 208 countries and territories infected —
— 3.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,425 different strains have been sequenced —
— 62 vaccines and 298 treatments announced —


Boris Johnson, UK prime minister, admitted to hospital

US underreports amount of deaths, investigation confirms

REHVA experts unambigously mention airborne transmission

24 year old in the US has died to coronavirus

A tiger has tested positive for coronavirus

Cruise ship "recovered" case reinfected in Japan

N95 masks can be reused if dry heated at 70 °C for 30 minutes

South Korea leading expert recommends wearing masks

Under 1 year old in the US dies to COVID

"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

Wuhan biolab sold lab animals as wild-caught to wet markets

Over half of China shuts down: 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

WHO says Italy testing too many people

Many "mild cases" might be HCoV false positives

China underreports number of infections and deaths

22:29: 199 new cases and 3 new deaths in Florida
21:45: First death in Barbados
21:23: 132 new cases and 4 new deaths in South Carolina
21:14: 69 new cases and 1 new death in Oregon
21:00: 62 new cases and 5 new deaths in Greece


► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that it's not lethal.

Sauce: youtube.com/watch?v=s7s9rM5swGg

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Godspeed Corona chan!

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Ok serious question, should I start prepping now?

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>Dead: 69,414
lol, still only 69,414.
How many days has it been stuck at 69,414? Four days? Five days?

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People post this like they deserve a fucking award

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Daily reminder to take your meds

>Average age of death is 80
>99% have underlying conditions

When I say NOTHING,
you say BURGER


Don't be fooled, look at the r/covid19positive subreddit. The death rate is 100% for all.

in dust trees

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Most boring happening of all time

These threads were comfy and real in February.
Serves me right for not heading /innawoods/ in February.
So many shills. So little time.

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>almost 2000 patients treated, 7 deaths, several studies corroborating his claims, whole world using his treatment
/cvg/ BTFO

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How can the rates still increase that much many countries are on their third week of lockdown? The virus only needs two weeks at best.

Why is the virus so racist?

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Dr. Trump with his cure drugs, and a light at the end of the tunnel! WAIT TRUMP THAT'S A TRAIN

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Because a shit load of countries have weak ass lockdowns

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Coronavirus opened a credit card in my name.

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holy shit, people still believe in this virus? You niggers are dumb as fuck, this is just an excuse to get everyone chipped and crash the economy


>0 infections on Yas Forums
>an entire board dedicated to being pozzed on reddit

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orange said anything about boris???

Kek, I actually work for Johnson and Johnson, but I'm not high enough level (or in that side of the industry) to know about the pharma side.

People are probably breaking it. Like those kids on spring break. It sucks, but just stay home for a few weeks, niggers.

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Trump says 1.6 Million tested so,
>1.6 million tested
>336k positive
>1/5 people have coronavirus
So that means approximately 50 MILLION infected at this very moment.

Consider now the what, 10k dead? To 50 million infected? It's nothing. In fact, it's 0.02%, as I have predicted in many prior posts.
/CVG/ BTFO, meme virus BTFO, happening cancelled.

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But those in Italy for example are pretty radical and yet the cases are still rising. And they were one of the first lockdown countries in general, since early March.

lmao I thought this was Chomsky

why can't it be all of that?
When did depopulation get removed from the NWO menu?

Corona is clearly worse than Spanish Flu

I love how these stupid schitzo threads always mention the 5-10 young people who have died because they don't have the relevant statistics to scare people.

Fuck off schitzo.

>some guy warns about /ptg/ raid
>shortly after nothingburgerfag activity increases dramsticaly
Thanks for warning whoever you were, but it doesn't make them less anoying

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Theres a /chg/ for you gaggots now. Stay out of /cvg/


That’s what the corona virus would say.

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So this is the power of the highest IQ community

>bitter NEETs dream of a real, actual happening completely foiled by one old quack doctor

I was about to call you a retard and say of course it is until i watched it. Lmao its someone else.

>a fucking leaf

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Why couldn't New Yorkers just stay inside?

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30 min / 56 C, so sauna works for airways too to some extent?

The tests aren't done randomly you fucking cretin.

Looters have taken over MLK parkway exit in Jacksonville, Florida. National guard has been deployed amid Roman candles and Molotov cocktails being used.

yeah first thing.

Post your comfy quarantine vidya.
>halo 1 pc online
>risk of rain 2
>madden nfl 20
>imperator rome

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What is funny is all essential workers are wage slaves making an average of 13 us dollars per hour. Keep wage slaves slaving for maximum profit. What a shitshow.

["The lion sleeps tonight" sounds in the distance]

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Press S to spit on jews and infect them


Can't wait for jews to start dying en masse and people start complaining about Corona being anti-Semitic

the virgin jew fears the Gaul White Druid

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don't call it a "lockdown" if people can still get in and out of their city freely

madden nfl 20
nba 2k20

yea, like they would leave a deadly bioweapon in the viral ecology. News flash, vaccinations as a concept don't actually work, and germ theory is completely bullshit.

They dont need a bioweapon to depopulate, they can engineer a famine very easily. I wouldnt be surprised if supply lines got arbitrarily restricted under the pretense of a virus.

Look around you, this shit has been around for months, we would have seen massive damage done in all local communities. this is a load of bullshit and im confident enough to lick every streetlamp in town to prove it

I started playing The Binding of Isaac agein

Look. Understand.

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I thought Jews were meant to be smart? This is why muslim countries are getting destroyed. Mass gatherings for religious services.
So the Jews are no different to the muslims.

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Also daily reminder

he following are the CFR's for NYC as of April 5, 2020 at 9:45 AM

0-17 0.18%
18-44 0.53%
45-64 2.36%
65-74 6.88%
Over75 15.32%

Obviously this is a changing number and this is a snapshot.
It asumes all the sick will get better and no new cases
Data from herewww1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data-archive.page

Black people think they are immortals and don't think it's serious that's why

it's gonna jump from cats to birds and into pigs then to chimps and humans and kill everyone, based on my calculations

Someone needs to buy food or soap and paper.

Japan and India yet to weigh in

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1, literally 1 0-18 death in NY and the little defect had a pre existing condition

This is the biggest nothingburger of our time, once we get IgG/IgM levels on most of the populace we'll find out this wet fart of a virus probably has a kill rate of .5

been playing Blasphemous all day user

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Based american niggers fighting the police state. They're not going to become slaves again.

You have to remember, Jews literally worship a volcano demon.

Link fag

currently outside are shitskins playing basketball in their driveway

Unironically not a bad time to. The initial phase is over normies are adjusting to the new age - so panic buying has eased. Just get stuff that keeps and that you d use anyway - but covering a month or two of poor supplies. You or I don't know if it's peaked or if there's gonna be multiple waves. Nothing wrong with a bit of insurance.

>make rules about how to deal with the virus
>non-whites don't follow rules
who'da thunk

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>Not having 2 weeks supplies of food, soap and other supplies

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India will be glorious. Pajeets aren't as totalitarian as chinks so they won't hide it and will have even harder time preventing new cases

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They post everything they're told to expecting a fucking award.

This is the best evidence so far that this virus was made in a lab. No wild-type coronavirus could jump hosts like that

Does anyone have that 'Zero White Deaths' meme?
Been searching for a while.

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>mlk parkway
shocked that there would be any crime, i only ever hear about violent youths there. idle ruffians

worst case scenario: it's a nothingburger and you have a supply of canned food you can just eat anyway
No real big downside. I have a good half a year of supplies here too

Here is hoping that your calculations are correct, you based math user

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RV user here-two weeks ago I was doing what I do when I heard WIM HOFF. I'm not one to quibble so I went BACK to Wim Hoff and restarted my work with his method. It's part of a ancient system of medicine.

Anyway I wasn't sure why until I saw this guy. DO WIM HOFF's METHOD, work your way through the stages. They have a free app-everything about it is free. DO IT.

Here's why, this guy is RIGHT I looked at this last night and he's 100% right. Corporate medicine will prevent any changes in the ROTE method of treating something they won't listen to this guy and the Italian doctors that also say this. SO you're on your own-

Frontline Doctor says Wuflu is NOT pneumonia

part 2

The virus attacks haemoglobin, leading to hypoxia (and lung damage as a secondary effect).
It seems that patients should be left on CPAP for as long as possible.


this doctor says covid isnt ards, but more similar to hypoxia, and the damage to lungs people suffer is from ventilators putting too much strain on lungs rather than disease itself

same as this doctor


still no evidence that current ventilator protocol improves the death rate.

It's a brazilian huehuesopher who also believes the Earth is flat: Olavo de Carvalho.

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america btfo

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They can't. You are talking about Germany or something.
Italians get controlled by the police, they can only leave alone, and only go to the doc or buying food and wear masks and gloves.

>only 2 weeks

Bix Nood

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>can't wake up

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There was a meme? I only saw people saying it.

Rumor has it that japan will declare state of emergency tomorrow

>bad hygiene
>no healthcare
>million people per square mile
Once it gets out of control in India we will see some shit

>beep beep

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So a front line doctor who is in the heat of everything RIGHT NOW-and is sharing his observations and the Italians back him up-this is NOT pneumonia which is why using all the typical pneumonia treatments makes people sicker- is not a good source of data-but some retard sitting behind his keyboard is-right.

I'll believe the doctor. NOTHING--not one usual treatment for Pneumonia works. NOT ONE. ONCE a person gets bad enough to go on the vent they only go directly downhill once on the vent.

Not only does communfucking sense say something is wrong-his idea of using the vent but on a different setting and treating it like altitude sickness is correct!

Cocoa leaves--might even been a good treatment. What are they used for? ALTITUDE sickness because they help lung function.

Researching-and merely chewing the leaves cures "hypoxia" when the person already has purple lips. The doctor mentions purple lips / skin!

>Olavo de Carvalho

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Reminder that nothing burger fags lack critical thinking skills.

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Oh Gary!

this is all i'm seeing
looks cozy

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300 IQ HERE.

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right well last i heard, in the west so far, was a 20% chance to come off the vent if you go on
don't recall where i heard this, probably an interview

ppl who stay inside all day trying to tell me whats real outside yea right Virgin


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It's slowing down. Nothingburger.

so stay home and eat cocoa leaves is what you're saying

I am in one of the hotspots in my country. Things are pretty comfy and people are in good spirits so far,once the savings start drying up thats when SHTF. Now is not our time for happenings,we will be the next and best season(end of May by my estimates)

Reminder that Mr. Olavo de Carvalho lives ISOLATED in his farm at Virginia or Georgia.
The more nocive type of "nothinbuga", the one that prepped his whole life and say to people go out and catch the virus.
He is BASED about the intrincic evils of Marxism.

I wish we had an effective treatment.

>slowing down
>4 billion in isolation

This is gonna kill us all isnt it. Welp Yas Forums you finally got your happening you always wanted.

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>One of Bolsonaro's most prominent ideologues, the writer and former astrologer Olavo de Carvalho, has said he "cannot refute" Flat-Earth
the absolute state of nothingburgers

This might be the reason the gov. has been buying entire herds of cattle and moving them.


yes I think we do on some level at least. There's a reason the gov. was buying up entire herds of cattle and moving them.

See thousands of dead farm animals? The initial thought was-it was due to no feed-but the Chink farm animals are on pasture for the most part.

LAST MESSAGE CHANNEL on youtube PART 9 hook it if you don't want to sign in. EVIDENCE that animals were dying in droves from this.


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Are Americans AMERICA-FUCK-YEAHing corona? What were the numbers yesterday?

I don't care about rumors, its exciting enough without speculation
I wish I knew more about how much people travel in India, I heard they have a lot of communities that are quite distant from population centers

does anyone have the coronachan meme mega link
need like 10 more transparent img

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does police hit you with a stick if they see you outside?

>this is NOT pneumonia
Maybe it's not, point is once you can't breathe there's not much other treatment than a ventilator

There are stories of whites in 20s dying without conditions in US all in in news.

Some of them unironically think it's a plot to fuck dumpf

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