Own your factories

>literally controls all of America's manufacturing capacity

Remind me again about how you're the richest and most powerful country again, America? What power do you have that isn't in the form of an aircraft carrier? (Which has the flu btw). While America resorts to literal piracy to get its masks and medical supplies china makes them on its own and makes enough for the world too. American medicine? Made in china.
You wave around your dollars like they're anything more than pieces of paper to be accepted at the mercy of the Chinese manufacturing beast.
A war with china? It might go well at first. But your numbers aren't replaceable. Your capacity to make ships and be a war time economy have all been given to China in exchange for iPhones and plastic shit. You don't own the industrial capacity or expertise to build ships like you used to. Your intellectual property and secrets are long since in Chinese hands.

You probably think I'm anti America at this point. Well I'm not. But I encourage you to look at the reality of the situation. The world is slowly starting to realize what they've suspect. America has lost its mojo

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They only manufacture low-end shit like t-shirts and plastic toys. America still produces things like jet engine parts and components for communication satellites. Man, I thought Japs were supposed to be smart. Guess I was wrong.

the whole reason there was a usa china trade war was because chink chips used in f-35 were failing.

How many jets you got? Like 5. I bet china could make that in a day.

Patriotism and independence has been worn down generation after generation. The usual culprits are involved, starts with J and ends with EWS

The thought of China and US nuking each other gives me the hardest boner ever.

lol, 90% of China is a backwards, bat-eating shit hole. The only good parts, like Hong Kong, were former European colonies. China is about to lose control of its outlands because they are pissing off too many muslims by jailing them. The Han core will lose its buffer zone and history will repeat itself, like it always does.

All I'm hearing is
>Lalala, this problem will solve itself. Everything is okay

Typical American laziness


Sure. They work at the factories. We own the factories and the ideas. We create. They do not, they steal like rats scavenging the crumbs of civilization.

>we own the factories

If it's physically located in China you don't truely own it.

>The Han core will lose its buffer zone and history will repeat itself, like it always does.
You mean, Hans will be there and there will be no such thing as USA?

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Any crisis is an opportunity. China took advantage of them better than others
1. China has effectively prepared for a new generation of biological warfare. We conducted exercises and showed the world a master class and inefficiency against China.
2. Conducted a census of the population. Quickly and efficiently.
3. Tightened the digital dictatorship. Control of social networks and all communications.
4. We created a system for quickly calculating all the social connections of the desired individual: who contacts them, who was traveling in the car, where they were, and who they communicated with.
5. All illegal immigrants were identified and many were expelled from the country.
6. Many foreigners were expelled in a soft regime. They themselves sought to evacuate. The rest were identified and brought under control.
7. We have worked out a mechanism for mass and abrupt blocking of the entire country.
8. They showed the world what China is capable of. Putting 1.5 billion people in full quarantine and putting masks on all of them is powerful, just like building a mega-hospital in a week.
9. The whole country has been taught how to maintain hygiene.
10. They passed a law prohibiting the use of wild animals for food, which is the norm for many provinces.
11. They showed the world how dependent it is on China
12. They froze production chains around the world, triggering a global crisis.
13. The use of drones and automated tracking devices is being massively introduced in the police and response services.
14. The creation of mass thermal imaging systems with automatic calculation of specified anomalies has been worked out.
15. The algorithms for working with face recognition cameras have been upgraded due to the fact that people wear masks.now, a person's gait is also taken into account in identity recognition.

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Eurasia cant even rule itself much less the world.

You are a weak, lazy, low-IQ cowardly bitch.

China isn't going to collapse on it own, it has to be pushed you stupid fuck.

16. Automatic product delivery systems are being created massively and quickly.
17. The electronic concentration camp system has been developed.
18. Protests in Hong Kong have stopped and the influence of the Chinese government there has grown.
19. The main thing is that while the world continues to fall into a crisis funnel, China is already out of it and ready:
- buy up cheaper assets
- help financially weak States by increasing their global influence
- play on the decline in oil (already abandoned Russian contracts)
- create new alliances and alliances.
And everything that happens, after completion, will lead to the renewal of the world order.
China seems to have won
Its containment measures have been effective , and its economy is strong .
China has won. It destroyed Europe and the United States. It is now a world leader. Soon everyone will be bowing to China.

Its condition is the best of all countries, its economy is not affected, its competitors are destroyed. This is a sure victory for our brothers over the Western faggots
i'm the proud successor of the Mongol greatness, as well as China. We are brothers in blood and spirit. Both we and they are heirs to the Mongol Empire. We have the same blood and the same history.
You may not like China, but you can't deny the facts. But the fact is that capitalism is crap, socialism won

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COPE harder you pathetic, shit-eating reddit nigger newfag.

>They only manufacture low-end shit

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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests Democracy won the Vote Paper Tiger

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You need to be tortured to death for being a brown-nosing, race-traitor cuck.

Russians are such sick, chink-brown-nosing filth.

They will betray you the second you stop being useful to them you vile pussy.

t. Zhang

When will you Asians realise that without the Western demand you would have no economy right? You are literally working for the West for cheap.

What does she look like without that makeup?

China don't have enough nucelar weapon by itself thats why they count on us and our brotherhood help
And we won't let them dawn, if USA dare to attack China half of our nukes will go in to most populated cities and the other half straight to Yellowstone

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Aren't there some online English classes you should be teaching Zack?

This is an old world view faggot. In reality we've been duped by kikes into locating our industry in a hostile foreign country.

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Like an insect.

China steals about 600 billion in intellectual theft every year from the US alone, so that number makes sense.

Ethnic cleansing against chinks needs to commence all across the west against filthy chink monkeys like you.

If there is any doubt that these yellow monkeys aren't a bunch of low-key invaders these posts should dissipate them rapidly.


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>What power do you have that isn't in the form of an aircraft carrier?
nukes and financial instruments.

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They were close and then they got Corona'd now their opportunity is gone. No one will ever buy Chinese again. Close your borders and prepare for the mass wave of Chinese refugees and news of starvation, wars and collapse. The chink will be nearly extinct in 20 years.

Speaking of insects, lying to he world by not promulgating your infection figures once again proves how deceitful your country is, Chink. Every other country knows you're full of shit, much like every other user here knows you're a PRC shill with a VPN. Mortien yourself you silly, slant-eyed cunt.

Chinks are not our brothers and never were ones, and sure they're going to pay, for what they did in 1969, for Manchzuria, everything.

Lol, it's over Bruce, and you know it.

>Low end shit

Including but not limited to:

>Every single fucking phone
>Most parts in most PC's
>Every single shitty gadget zoomers have (xbox's and stuff)
>All cables and internet routers
>Most 5G towers that are being built in the west
>Entire railways in various countries
>Hinkley nuclear power station and they have their eyes on contracts for various others too

Not to mention we're in this entire fucking mess because Director-Nigeral of the WHO is China's bitch because they built him a railway and offered to build him an (unfinished) dam when he was in charge of foreign affairs in Ethiopia

But they're not a threat u guys muh muhreens semper fudge nothing can beat Americas military might (hence why they're not going up against it directly fuckhead)

china is based as fuck and amerifats are coping HARD
>b-b-b-bbut the numbers are faked!!
>look, they removed this reddit post!!
fucking retards, you gave up your manufacturing base and now you're a financial economy. look at history. look at spain. look at england.
unironically, china numba 1
at least they're not mutilating their children's peepees cause some ancient jew said to lmao

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You can tell exactly when the chinks ran out of testing kits in the graphi.

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>ITT. Coping mutts and all of their 3rd world minions

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based Nip is correct, and probably knew well what we should have known all along...

you can't trust the chinks


>you gave up your manufacturing base and now you're a financial economy
What does this mean in English?

>exporting shitty knock offs to 3rd world from hellscape factories
>this is progress

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It means most western economies except countries like Germany and certain places in North America are entirely propped up on a never ending bullshit cycle of people selling coffee to each other and office jobs propping each other up magically, like the entirety of New York

i'll wipe my ass in the factory you ordered you masks from, cracker.

>china russia brotherhood

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>ching chong we look bad, too many infected
>ok stop testing now

You are confusing them with japs.
Japan is our mortal enemy, and we should destroy it as soon as possible, we are still at war with them, and we never been a good friends
But china is our brothers and we were always united against our enemies and especial against japan

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>not the same person
>is wearing makeup
r u retarded?

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Not sure about the ethnic cleansing part...I have a great deal of respect for 3rd and 4th generation Chinese-Canadian people.

But yes mister burger the disinformation campaign has really ramped up and I think at minimum a new cold war is firmly upon us and we should start cutting economic ties.

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You can't reason with americans. They think that just because china was a retard filled shithole it would have stayed that way forever. Whenever you try to raise some concerns about their rising economic influence they always post about the crumbling buildings, man eating escalators or some other inconsequential shit like it matters in the grand scheme of things.

I bet this image was created through Chinese state funding

I fucking hate China. The world has to decouple their supply chain from China after this and boycott all Chinese goods.

Cracker? Is that what the PLA suggested you say to insult Americans?

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Kek. They can't even feed you without outside money, chink. Capital investment and production are being shifted as we speak. Vast manufacturing resources in the US (and all first world economies that you used to serve and then screwed over) are being repurposed. The mighty engine is spooling up. You are neither energy independent nor food independent. We're going to watch you starve in about 3 years. We're going to watch it like a shitty reality show on TV. The autistic will keep track of the famine and it's attendant carnage on Live Leak and such so as not to miss any of the gory bits. The Great Chinese Famine of 2023 will do spectacular ratings. You'd better salt some bat heads and put them away, chink. You're going to need them.

t. zainichi

its as simple as us not buying cheap shit from you,
gg micropenised chink