The common perception is that blacks are superior

You can spew shit about niggers being inferior on here all you want but most people think they are superior. It's unnacceptable to believe they are dumber but it's perfectly acceptable to believe they're better athletes like the Jews tell them. So the common belief by the average cuck is that blacks are physically superior and mentally equal. Aka whites are pathetic fucking cucks who let Jews make fools out of them.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Down goes the brown.

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>So the common belief by the average cuck is that blacks are physically superior and mentally equal.
If this were true, why do you have to post this shitty bait all day every day?

Enjoy watching your best effort at a troll post go straight to the archive with a bit of sage telling you how fucking retarded and worthless you are on the way.

That's why Africans are seen as lazy, useless retards by the majority of every race on earth?

It's not bait. I'm white and I despise blacks and Jews but the fact is most white men are fucking idiots who get made fools of on a daily basis. Millions of white women are nigger loving skanks too.


>best effort troll post
You niggers are the dumbest fuckers on this board, hands down. You think this post is made by some black guy shilling for blackness? No, it's made by some stormnigger wannabee trying to make all the other faggots like you get mad so you can circlejerk and feel smart at your "super witty banter" you dumb fucking nigger.

literally no one believes blacks are superior. fuck off.

Interesting theory

Literally almost every girl does you deluded retard.

fuck you white chan, soon enough we will get our revenge

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Shut up chink

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Yeah and neither are micks you stupid fucking jew

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meanwhile just fuck the white bitch

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Yeah she's brainwashed by Jews.

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OP is right. People think this way because they live in platos cave of cuckery. They can only accept thoughts approved and distributed by the electric jew. To have ones own thoughts is to realize blacks are absolutely retarded, and this short circuits their programming

As if that isn't thanks to kikes

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>am i a disgusting excuse for a human?
>no, it must be brainwashing!
Hahahaha cope

What's funny is when normalfags will admit that asian are naturally smarter but when you insist that blacks are dumber on average they go insane

mutt conditioning is strong

Attached: E0DE2238-E46A-4408-BC1E-89B1DC42B39F.png (743x416, 61.96K)

Said the Asian who eats rats, bats, cats and dogs cooked in gutter sludge or the kike who uses his mouth to remove baby foreskins.

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Nobody says that. You're mistaking "asian school systems teach for test taking only" with "asians are smarter." A common mistake for a fool.

>why don't women find me attractive!?!?
>is it my personality and disgusting person?

No that might be the truth but the common perception is that Asians are mentally superior.

>invent nothing of worth
>be nothing of worth

Reddit boxing fans can not cope with a white champ. They also hated both of the klitskos because they dominated darkies for two decades

No, it's not. Step outside the Yas Forums circlejerk once in a while. The only people who claim "X group is smarter" are the idiots like those on Yas Forums who obsess over a need to feel special.



Attached: chink in brazil cuck degenerate.png (1896x1750, 432.53K)


>obsession with asians
>butthurt women don't like him
Smells like cope soup

It literally is the Jew media and you know it you dirty fucking Jew. Look at Jewgle. It's full of propaganda about niggers being superior to whites and everyone on Earth is bombarded with it daily.

not so fast copelet

Hello Chink. Thought you were Jewish but you're now confirmed as Asian since you're butthurt about him hating on Asians.

What is so surprising there?

Jews and white cucks have given nigers social status, you can promote anyone and females will flock around it.

You are a stupid chinkboy. Probably Canadian.

Attached: 4chanpol asians canada hapa gooks chinks shills niggers black blm.png (2664x3736, 3.48M)

pffhahahaha since when

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He might be a mulatto, or a spic as well. There's many of those here.

Just compare their pubic hair. lol.

Attached: asian cuck reddit comparison whiteboysex.png (1566x777, 742.86K)

you are a walking, talking example of what that other user just said. it's amazing the lack of self-awareness you have

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For any of you retards that have an attention span north of 5 minutes this video is tailor made for this thread.

>Im a jew and a chink

>I've constructed a persona for you so I don't have to face the reality of my own failures

>Jews tell everyone that white men are inferior
>this somehow won't affect white men's sexual prospects

>Jews tell everyone
They don't, tho. You just desperately need excuses to not face the reality of your own failings. It's far easier to say "J0000s are why people don't like me" than "i'm a fat slob with a bad personality and poor social skills", right?

>most people think they're superior
Where? lmao

They literally do. Greg Lansky who runs blacked is a Jew for instance. Google is owned by Jews and is full of anti white porn propaganda. Mindgeek is the biggest porn network. It's owned by Jews and constantly promotes interracial sex and black power

Bullshit retarded poor niggers who are fat slobs can get sex easily. This nigger would get sex easily just for being black.

Attached: FB_IMG_1583617188593.jpg (720x960, 36.2K)

>google is owned by Jews
It's a public company you idiot. Lmfao.
Lmfao the jews are controlling your mind using a porn website? Nobody forces you to click it. You spend your entire life on a website where half of it is BBC and cuck obsession and think you got your fetish from Jews? Hahahahah

If everyone can get sex so easily, why can't you? Maybe they're better people than you.

take your med and relax. you sound unhinged.

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Kappa Alpha Theta is a sorority, she's just a drunk college girl

Jews literally spam blacked shit everywhere. The CEO and chairman of Google are both Jews.
The reason incels are so common is cause of Jews. 5 6 obese black guys can literally get laid just cause they're black while 6 1 white guys can't. All because of Jews spamming shit about niggers being superior literally everywhere.

The CEO of google is Indian you fucking idiot. The only people spamming blacked shit are you closeted cuck and BBC fetishists mad you have your fetish.
>Jews made me an incel
You made you an incel.

>The common perception
It's called agitation propaganda

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Well the Founders were Jews and they made the site into what it is. I'm sure the Indian hates whites too.

Wrong. Jews make white males into incels by telling everyone white males are all cucks with tiny dicks and then broadcast the propaganda to literally everyone on Earth.

>be wrong
>change subject
You're a fucking fool.
>the indians are also trying to stop me having sex
And you'll never improve until you learn to be responsible for yourself.

>the jews make me say cuck all the time!!!

Jew if you people aren't awful then why did the entire nation of Germany rise up against you and try to kill you off?

If you're too stupid to introspect on why you've internalized an anger at your BBC gay cuck fetish, how can you expect me to teach you history?

>He analysis of pubic hair on internet
It's time you take the control of your life, you are at the bottom of hole my friend.

Why can't you Jews just admit what you do? If you don't then Nazi Germany is just going to repeat itself.