Kung flu edition - OC youtube.com
Yas Forums humor thread
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>Introducing the wojak collection.
Things are never getting back to they were before corona, are they? We're headed towards an even more dystopian future than we could ever have imagined. Change my mind, I need some white pills right now.
Stop ur bitchin. If you are prepped and have enough resources for your family you will survive this.
And besides covid19 is a blessing.
You cunts are gonna force me to filter the word "humor" arent you?
I mean I have seen shit humor threads but not even a Leaf showing up to post the pasta?
You cunts should be ashamed of yourselves.
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
you posted it again, again.
Thank you Leaf. We all need a modicum of normality at least around here.
Who here has done an obstacle course?
lmao white "soldiers"
Imagine David Attenborough narrating.
Built for CCP
We all know you’re a subhuman hapa, seriously though, if you want to make white people feel inferior to you (good fucking luck) why not do it with your own race? Lmao are chinks so pathetic they have to use other races and pretend to be them because they are so emasculated?
plz send a battalion of these women to invade my area, i could use free sex slave conqubines.
Not everything is about race, user.
Don't you sometimes get sick of thinking about race so much?
Sometimes humor is just ... humor.
What flag is this?
Holy based banker
What a fucking chad
saint pierre and miquelon, user
Saint-¨Pierre and Miquelon
Thank you
rare -- based acadian maritimers
>has to take 8 wh*Teoids to take down one BLACK man
You have COMPLETELY misunderstood a random idea. Random is not "hey guys I found a fun link ha ha." Random is not Iltalehti's flower hat. Finland24, Demi or vauva.fi are not random. Random is a place for humans to be monsters. Shocking, insensitive, indifferent monsters they really are.
The tsunami is killing people in Asia and we are laughing. The psychotic mother realizes sick cravings in her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and ask for more. Suicide, homicide, genocide, we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unwarranted hatred are our laughs. We are cruel; we do not forgive; we will not forget; we are the real face of the internet
How dare you open your american mouth during this topic? European "people" came during a time of great conflict which is why they had the upper hand, they stole all of our resources and now you dare to talk about why your countries are so wealthy. They took advantage of us superior, stronger, and more masculine people to do they dirty work.
>came during a time of great conflict
you people always have great conflicts its like saying you shouldnt catch a fish while its under the water
nigger refer to
Oh of course your people are better, they only started two world wars which had millions killed and let's not even get into the history during medieval ages, sure kraut you Europeans never got into conflicts..
except ww1 was started by the turks assasinating a prussian prince, and ww2 was started by an austrian, not german
Exactly, started by Europeans, the superior European race demolished each other and you have the nerve to criticism Africans for being in conflicts with each other, I thought you guys had the superior IQ
according to your logic:
europeans fight each other 2 times, subhuman
africans never had peace inbetween them, constantly literally eating one another because fuck learning how to cultivate food, superior race
this is why you dont have developed countries
Two times? Is the world only a thousand years old? Let's not forget that it was your people that destroyed roman civilization that had proper sewage systems only for your people to shit in buckets. Your kind are famous for destroying everything good only to be brought back 2000 years.
what race were romans again? certainly not african
Sure, I'll let that slip they were your FELLOW Europeans, your FELLOW Europeans and you have the audacity to criticize African nations that fight against each other. You see the hypocrisy there? You are not superior by any means, kraut or if you want to be known as an European, only you were given more time.
ching chong tiny pee pee
oh btw ever heard of cars? or trains?
>given more time
>8,000 years
>Still did not invent the wheel.....
You didnt even have written words before we came to Africa! haha
we wuz kangs :(
china's comedic military history
What about the Mongolians, they're clearly aren't Chinese, even though the take over China.
Very nice straw man there kraut, keep on coping please I'll have a conversation with the adults now.
We didn't have subhuman anglo words sure, who would want a dead empty soulless language that sounds like a chalk being pressed against the whiteboard?
>black user here
no ones buyin it chang
Yup, so you are implying blacks can't be incels, I agree.
all blacks are bull and fuck women all day with their big niggerdicks yes
I like how the left has to potray that they're stronger yet in every video ever of them getting owned they're always slender or obese fucks that don't know how to fight at all getting owned
how many social credit points you earn just now?
I agree yes but we are not here for your degenerate, disgusting and insulting white fantasies.
Unfortunately the first bird gets the worm, and unfortunately for us it was the anglos.