I unironically think this is the last place on earth where you will be able to live a safe...

I unironically think this is the last place on earth where you will be able to live a safe, decent life as a white person for the next 50 odd years

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Fuck off we're full

Well you’re about to get another white family in the next 5 years, I’m done with burgerworld it’s going to shit

Check out r/newzealand to cure yourself of any illusions that this place isn't going in the shitter.

It’s probably where America was around 1970 at the absolute worst. And life here didn’t really go to shit until this past decade.

Better than the USA but still a shit hole with an uncertain future.
I'd rather be in the USA armed than unarmed here.

My buddy lives there it’s white people for miles in all of the pics he posts while traveling around the bigger cities. You guys have nothing to worry about for decades be grateful. Would gladly sacrifice my guns to live in the countryside near Wellington or some similar setup

We do need more rednecks. All the yanks we get are fucking annoying lefties who get involved in our politics and try and tell us how to live. Also the country is mostly run by females, its an actual fucking shitshow.


This. That gerter bitch has to go. She's not even a fucking Kiwi and she's in Parliament. It's a fucking disgrace. She needs to fuckoff back to her own shithole.

It's whites for miles, but they're mostly liberal, just as bad as ethnics. I'm in the whitest part of the country and it still sucks here, climate sucks too in the white areas

Auckland is Chinese clay

They aren't White though. The Whites there are all inbred part-Maori mutts & the entire population of India & China already moved there. Ruled by a hysterical cunt of a tranny as well. Its the Canada of the South Pacific.

Wellington and Auckland, even Christchurch are full of foreigners. Don't kid yourselves. We are as bad as America and we have to stop immigration.

She's a Globalist enemy agent, but I'd fuck her.

What's Wyoming/Montana like user I'm unironically done with britianstan and like the kiwi user said would like to be a gun owner. I've heard they're pretty white?

Why is it that the people who makes these threads are always non kiwi? We’re exactly the same as every liberal hellhole, probably more desu.

You would need to go to the South Island. Most of the North Island cities are filled with polynesians, indians and chinks. Though theyre a suspicious bunch down there, you would have to lurk for at least 5 years before being accepted by people. Best part of the country by a mile, fuck all blacks its too cold for them

Yeah any place that has a women as the head of the country (i.e. as primemister in a policy making role not as monarch0 is fucking lost, Britainstan included

Think of San Francisco or Seattle. We’re virtually like that all over. I want to throw up every time I go to Wellington. The amount of hipsters and pacific islanders larping as “woke” progressives makes me want to commit sudoku

yeah, no


Completely and utterly based. Thread should have ended there.

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Live in Wellington, grew up on the West Coast. It's nowhere near as bad as you make it out to be, if you stay away from 'problem' areas this city is a fucking gem compared to home

It's rough country, terrain and climatewise. And you have to make sure you don't end up downwind or downstream of an old uranium mine, or a fracking operation, or an arionite deposit...
Still miss the Rockies though.

>fuck off we're full
yeah full of lefties, any based white brothers and sisters are more than welcome. I'd rather have them be the reason for our rising house prices than the fucking chinks.

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You're one of them

Remember when that news came out, they interviewed white people on the street, they all said it's 'wonderful' for the cameras, but were visibly horrified?


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I never got to see the actual clip, but I remember that image is like, what, 7 or more years old?

Didn't really have much of a choice, kind of got dragged up here after all the jobs vanished from the coast

We have rapid Asian immigration and out islander/Maori population is exploding. What the fuck are you on about. Our days are numbered.

>pic related
Sounds tasty.

Attached: kiwi_meat.jpg (1200x873, 184.82K)

Look at the people governing it and then think again

they're pretty good after a big night out, the egg is the icing on the cake


All that added on top of an increasingly brainwashed population and a government that is more than happy to take away our rights. We're fucked


NZ is Maori clay

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Thread over

>the egg
Oh I though they meant the meat. Do they taste different from chicken eggs?

May as well be Chinese clay these days, they own far more land than they should have and the gov is more than happy to take their money and bend over like a desperate crack whore. The increasingly "niggerfied" Maori aren't happy about it, and neither are the whites, apart from the boomers who already cashed out.

Ok I'll take the bait, it's a beef patty not an actual kiwi patty.

the meat is your standard quarter pounder patty, the egg is a chicken egg. kiwi is just marketing bullshit, they are a protected species and would never be used in food

Yeah mate, sure. Enjoy your Jacinda.

they're not very tasty according to 19thC surveyor, explorer and naturalist, Charles Douglas - ‘Being punished with hunger, I ate the pair of them. Under the circumstances, I would have eaten the last of the dodos … the best definition about roast or boiled kiwi I ever heard was a man remarking it tasted as he should imagine a piece of pork boiled in an old coffin would taste like.’

I personally suspect she is CIA desu, pushing that "white male privilege" garbage, she should be deported.

Go away whitie nz is for us chinese now

It's probably true. But like many say--they are full or filling up quick. The Elites have been staking out NZ for decades and have been building their breakaway compounds in preparation for societal collapse.

NZ is full of bunkers owned by the elites where they have and will fuck off to.

too bad 80% of them can't even get clearance to enter now, the filthy rich that invested tens of millions for their residency are about the only ones allowed in due to new border restrictions only allowing citizens and ordinary residents


America was 87% white in 1970. New Zealand is currently only 70% white. The culture is also just as pozzed as the US, if not worse. Our largest city is basically a chink colony as well.

All on top of the most stressed faultline on the planet.

almost done with my Visa. Auckland here I come!

If only Winston hadn't betrayed us. I guess that's what NZ Europeans get for putting their faith in a half Maori to represent them.

america still has fucktons of land with very low pop density. its america

do not go there.

Just no. This shithole is already part of China.


he'll probably claim "we reduced immigration like we promised" when any reduction is due to the border closure

i always confuse australian and NZ flags, can't you pacific whities have your own ones rather han this brittish shitty copies ?

Absolutely agree user.

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Welli is completely filled with chinks

How do we get rid of them bro?

Boomers still are obsessed with muh monarchy so they stopped us changing the flag
