I told you in February this would happen

Are you really that surprised about the tigers? Did you forget about the threads discussing military buyouts of livestock? Sometimes we can't be more specific for fear of exposing ourselves. You would be surpsrised what you hear when all you have to do is listen.

Attached: Isaidallicould.jpg (1920x1657, 1.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>You would be surpsrised what you hear when all you have to do is listen.
check this out, Dont sleep on this info

Interesting. I will be plugging various related phrases into gematria converters as well.

What sage advice do you have to a Dunkin’ Donuts delivery driver?

>Dunkin’ Donuts delivery
What sort of witchcraft is this ?

I've drank a lot of coffee but I can't put a number on how many cups would be worth my life.

Here's a theory. Food shortages are coming. Livestock will be slaughtered, and we will eat the grains and so.y that they would have eaten.

military can construct nuclear silo housing 4 ton rockets 5000 feet from a farmers field without being detected but they cant buy live stock without hiding their identity. Yeah not too sure about this one.

Any new info you can leak?

There are many differences between when those silos were built and now. One of those being the internet. Another being that some of us want this to get out.

I know this won't be a surprise to many as I've been trying to say this for weeks as well. We were at war. The war is silent. Not the enemy.

>We were at war
Does that mean it's over? Why the past tense?
Also what does it mean that the enemy isn't silent?

The captcha police are coming. I can barely get a post to go through. Attempts to track in progress. I'll stick around as best as I can. If I fall you must rise. Godspeed anons.

It was a mistake. I've been drinking. There's been a lot to swallow. This was is just starting. Trump has been trying to sound the alarms with "we are at war with a silent enemy". The enemy is obvious. It's the war that is silent. For now.

Lots of talk about bunkers, particularly bunkers that are super luxurious with underground farms and accommodations for live stock.
they took "award winning" cattle user, only the best cows for the turbo elite to sip on the best milk while the rest of us die from this bioweapon

I'm sure they've got some in their bunkers. They won't last long. The bunkers are known. This was to ensure our troops are fed in the upcoming conflict.

>The enemy is obvious.
Not to me, unless you mean China. As Americans, we have so many enemies, unfortunately.

The (((((government))))) has its ways

They're deliberately destroying the supply chain.
>Not allowing prices to be raised to prevent over purchasing and encourage production
>Shutdown access to rivers, lakes, parks to prevent fishing/hunting
>Dumping milk in sewers, while limiting milk purchase.

China will have a lot more enemies in the best case scenario when this passes over, But China will probably get away with this Scott free and people will still fall for China’s bullshit

someone should look into italy data to find out what they did with theire stocks

There are factions within China willing to play ball. They've had enough of the CCP. CCP is (one of) the main enemy. Very friendly with our deep state. The war declared on cartels and China will become one in the same. Think about the trafficking flow. China delivers drugs. Cartels bring them humans and move the chinese drugs from VZ through South America to the US

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

Attached: Destroying supply chain.jpg (480x360, 35.92K)

It's the jews. Don't misuse the info.

Welcome to the ignorance that is /nupol/. The righter you are the more stupid shill faggotry your post will get. We've all been right about everything but the same 10 person crew of faggots enters and shits all over every thread. I remember the livestock thread. How many of these did you get when you posted it?
>take meds
>nonsensical ad hominem
>brigade brigade brigade
>scat/loli/pony responses

The more you get, the righter you are. It's made Yas Forums more tedious than Reddit, and is why I've started gaming a lot more now, and coming here a lot less. It CAN be done. Vintage games are better than "Yas Forums".

When is this going to get hot as far as the public goes? Normies have no fuckin clue what's happening with China

>Give me control of a nation's money
and I care not who makes the laws. -Mayer Amschel Rothschild

You'll catch the most flak when you're over the target

What happens to Viruses when I cook my Meat? Oh yeah the heat kills the Viruses in the Meat. I don't eat Red Meat anyways, I do impossible burgers and white meat. As long as it doesn't infect the Fish I'll be okay

If this is done right most won't know until perp walks are happening. Even then they will not understand the true extent and sacrifice of which was required. As long as everyone is locked down it prevents most mass casualty events from happening.

And what will you do when there is no meat to buy because it's all died before it was ready for the slaughter? You should just hope water doesn't become a carrier...

BD, is that you?

But in May shit is okay.

So why would I believe a fucking gay ass nigger LARP

Negative. I am just a fucked up experiment who sees probably a little bit more than I was supposed to.

If there may be problems with the meat, then the cattle should be tested, slaughtered and the meat preserved by freezing and canning. Use that prime breeding stock to replenish the herd.

Maybe this is a good time to unburden yourself of what else you weren't supposed to see.

Any proof on your claims? More people you know of or just the two you mentioned? Any reports? Anything?

It's not about problems with the meat itself. It's about future meat and dairy products being in shortage because cows and other livestock are dying en masse

I wasted those digits for questions.....

Praise kek for biggest happening of all time!

My parents are still milking their cows. No one's tried to buy or take them yet.

August 2028. Omega event. Described as the death of a sister reality. After advancements in quantum computing we begin communicating with a sister reality with a timeline similar to our own. Despite the energy technologies we have at our disposal there are those who feel it is not enough. In attempts to split quantum bonds as we did nuclear bonds we experience the complete loss of one of our two existences. This begins a chain reaction severing bonds between infinite realities as existence begins to crumble. It begins and ends with a big bang. I am haunted by this vision

Excellent get user. I may not have the answer you want but it will not go unnoticed.

You don't buy "award winning cattle" to eat, you buy to breed. A single cow like that can be 5-6 digits on there own. They would only do this if they where concerned about maintaining a reserve healthy population for when it's over

Not sure you understand the level of secrecy involved in those silo's. I farmer a few hundred yards away would know there was construction, but they wouldn't be allowed on site, and they where encouraged to not ask questions. But it's not like they built them in total secret without locals knowing anything at all was going on, and who would they tell anyways? Newspapers would get in trouble for disclosing that info, not that they likely would in the 60-70's.

>buy $50,000 dollar cows for troops to eat
kek, they are happy feeding our troops cold war MRE's. These aren't slaughter cows.

What is happening in china now? We rarely get any news anymore except the stuff the ccp publishes. Has it gotten better? Worse?

Best case scenario it's for strategic food supply, worst case scenario it's for actual control of the supply chain. I've seen a few anons post about the second possibility in the past.

Nigga just say it goddamn why do you larping faggots have to use sublission messaging and riddles like we in some bluesclue scooby doo type shit

why are you faggots talking publicly in code? just say whats going on or stfu

BS, no spook came asking to buy my fatass cow of a wife and her dimwit calf of a daughter.


I guess that my point is let's salvage the meat before they die, and dehydrate the milk rather than dump it.

>wife and her dimwit calf of a daughter.
How much you wanting for em'?

They're not eating these prize dairy cows user. They're using them to preserve genetic material and for the production of dairy products. Though others animals were taken that are likely to be used for consumption. This is just the specific incident I have seen.

I lied. I do have one answer to a question you asked. I knew of 4 farms in addition to the poster I responded to. In Pennsylvania, Idaho, Alabama, and Kansas. Two through direct contacts, two through viewing. Sometimes it's dead on. Or in the instance of the 3 kids being busted by feds in the fall for shitposting, I called 2 of the 3 states and was only off by a bordering state on the 3rd. Sometimes I'm off by as little as a single digit. Sometimes it's years.

This will be no surprise but China's numbers are much much worse. We may soon see a revolution worse. The mandate of heaven has been revoked.

4 minutes of captcha just to post this.

I'm not sure that I'm following you there but someone here probably can.

Cats gave us SARS1 so this shouldn't surprise anyone

Like astral projection?

It's a good indicator.

1.We don't have enough freezer space in the country to handle butchering and storing it all at once.
2. price of food wood skyrocket, panicks.
3. Butcher all the dairy cows, we run out of dairy stockpile in a couple of months. Now it's 2 years to breed next generation of dairy cows, and a fraction of whats needed.

Yeah that's what I was pointing out that these are for genetic stockpile basically. If they really intended to build "bunker farms" cows aren't the way to go. The NASA plan for mars colonization would be vegetarian>rabbits/chickens>goats Goats can be milked and eaten, and are less calories to raise than cows

This has been one of the most haunting recurring visions I've had. If I see something this extreme once I'll dismiss it. But it becomes more vivid and real each time I see it. As much as I hate star wars, I would compare it to what is experienced with the destruction of Alderan. An uncountable number of voices screaming out at once and silenced in the same instance. Immeasurable loss.

Yes. Though two were discovered through contacts after I was shown where to look. Pittsburgh and Idaho.

You may remember me from hits such as picrel.jpg

Attached: 1566220419363.png (1920x1920, 2.65M)

Whenever I start to see less and less cattle by the day where I'm at, then I'll know it's real. But right now there are just as many cows in my neck of the woods as I've ever known to be.

And what do you see for the rest of this year? A Great War starting in summer? Like NATO+allys vs. Russia/Iran/China/NK?

>Cook food to 185 degF
Corona effectively destroyed
I never ate anything other than well done

Any advice to gain knowledge/mastery on RV?

I got a pretty good hit before but would love to learn how to handle it/get better

If you put the frogs in the pot and bring it to a boil they won't try to jump out as they would if you just tossed them into a boiling pot.

It may not be this year but China will split. The CCP is losing their mandate. Russia will side with free China as they've been back stabbed by the CCP. Russia and the US will work together and without deepstate and Chinese influence we may see some peace in the ME. Aside from the Israel situation. They will be left to their own devices. Even Israelis will wake up to the realization they were pawns of their government. Pride is a bitch.

Seems logical. Good luck out there.


Attached: brainlet.png (645x729, 69.93K)

>The mandate of heaven has been revoked

Attached: i want to believe.jpg (367x550, 22.06K)

>frog cliche
So be it. If it gets as bad as you lead on, I will finally be able to torture my ex to death without recourse.

What do you know about the fed? How different will America be after this? Will this country still be governed by the dollar or are we looking at a radical shift in power and correspondingly the way we live life?

Sleep deprivation was how I began to do it more easily. Setting alarms every 30-45 minutes over 3-4 hours to interrupt sleep is one method that made the right state of mind to blur lines of consciousness. Having a white noise to focus on as I was drifting away. Once getting to the point I could hear and smell the world outside me while seeing in what seems like a dream state. I've even gotten to the point where I can move my arm or foot without breaking the "dream state". If I try to force myself to see something I won't be as accurate as I am if I let myself be shown but I am getting better with it. It's easy to differentiate between a dream and a viewing. The viewing feels like something I can only describe as an "eternal truth". Something that has never been a question in my mind but something I've known my entire life, something I can smell, hear, and taste. The most intense deja vu ever. I think the key is to let yourself go