I'll start making these threads with updated data as the CDC release more info, but the information that's out there right now shows plenty.
Chart Data source: cdc.gov
This chart was created in libre office by doing a simple chart wizard and loading up the data. Pic is a trimmed down set of data that doesn't run all the way back to 2015 in order to be more easily readable. As you can see, Pneumonia deaths are having a huge dropoff.
Coronavirus is not a hoax in that it doesn't exist - it is a hoax in that the panic response and hype generated by the media and governments is irrational, and people aren't getting real data. Instead, they get FUD shoved down their throats like a goose is force fed for foie gras. I don't know why this is all being done, but it is. These threads are meant to examine the clashing between what the kike media is spewing and the raw numbers.
Fuck (((CVG))). This is now CHG. Corona Hoax General
Other urls found in this thread:
Here is a chart with a longer timeseries and weekly overall deaths of all types included.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Bump for potential.
Fuck bill gates, fuck nu-pol, fuck janies and fuck (((them)))
嗨 老头
>flatten da curb
I'm pretty convinced most of Yas Forums is bots and agent provocateurs. I'm just a normal dude who is sick of his wife being panicked over nothing, and want to at least share some information and observations that aren't retard level debates.
Happy Hoax! MSM at the epicenter in Italy passing off dummies on ventilators, the doctors refer to the dummies as patients, the doctor is lying or the entire video including the interview is a drill, this proves its a hoax/psyop
the doctor says these patients are dying all around her, but they are all dummies, an entire room of them on ventilators, then they blur the face on a rubber dummy(to add realism for gullible NPCs)
Bumb it
>I don't know why this is all being done, but it is.
My theory is pretty simple: it's just mass hysteria. It's hysteria that's affecting everyone from the top to the bottom. There isn't some grand conspiracy here like some nutters think, it's just that even the people in powerful positions have been swept up by the delusion and are acting irrationally as a result. And also the way that a mass panic works is that even if you see through the bullshit, you have no choice but to publicly go along with it or else you get crucified and burnt at the stake like a witch. Imagine if a politician were to point out it's not much worse than a normal flu season, and how he'd be eaten alive by literally everyone, with emotional appeals like "he wants to kill your grandma!!!"
As you can see, we're seeing not only a massive reduction in all weekly deaths, but an obvious decrease in pneumonia related deaths.
Pneumonia is a common catch all for death cause much like Cardiovascular Disease. This stat dropping points to the obvious: What used to be a death classified as something else is now all being lumped under Corona. Either due to the tests being ambiguous or the symptoms of Corona being so broad that any death that checks off one of those boxes is now a Corona death.
The most obvious observations for now is mass hysteria, nobody in the hospitals, manipulating data to make it look worse and pic related begging to install chips on your blood system, while he avoids vaccinating his own children
Is there even any proof that we have a shortage of medical supplies for hospitals aside from jew hospital admins stealing shit and marking it up for resale?
This. But remember that """"leaders"""" are just (((their))) pawns. The rockefeller, gates and rothchilds couldn't care less about our pleb fag """leaders""". They are disposable cattle, too.
crisis actor works for coronavirus detection company
The "avoids vaccinating his own children" meme is getting boring
Holy shit, that "actor" is not even trying anymore. He is so blatantly lying is painful to watch.
Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds
Who is paying the corona flat curvers? Are they democrats flooding the internet to make republicans look bad? We’ve had numerous people in /cvg/ with confirmed cases of covid. Shit, I even got infected and I live in flyover country.
Why does the CDC say on the other hand then that pneumonia is on the rise?
Only influenza related pneumonia is on the downward trend and that is simply because currently no one is testing for it
Wow this place is gay as fuck. I'm gona run away before I catch it from you
Where is the proof that they are medical dummies?
so it doens't bother you that we're seeling hughe stocks of our maskss to other countries?
Never 4get.
5/5 tldr local new door post of lady stoking panic about sick brother, says it’s covid. Days later turns out not to be covid.
>cell signaling
I have no idea how they even got that chart. Here's the data plugged into libre, looks exactly like the data from table 12.
As Dr Wolfgang Wodarg says, the way this works is, first you manufacture a contrived pandemic by intentionally testing everybody who is ill for coronaviruses. Then you inflict absolute tyranny on the general public, who, owing to media panic-mongering, actually beg for it. Finally, like Italy and China, you stop doing the tests, and claim that your authoritarian measures have solved a problem which you created. And you permanently keep those measures.
The coronavirus is also masking the 2020 economic crash, which Austrian economists knew was coming this year.
The mantra of "We must flatten the curve" is like "Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction" or "Assad is gassing his own people" or "most of the world is going to be underwater soon."
Twelve Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic
Ten More Experts Criticising the Coronavirus Panic
Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University points out that the only true-case study which we have of the coronavirus shows a death-rate as low as 0.05%.
If you believe it's a hoax why are you here mad as shit? Go outside and live your life.
SARS-CoV-2 is not significantly different from that for common coronaviruses that have been around for years. THE common cold and other respiratory infections renamed and with the statistics skewed to make it look more deadly than it actually is.
Normal flu's fatality rate is calculated from ESTIMATED CASES, which includes assumed millions of people that will get it but have little or no symptoms and don't go to the hospital.
"Coronavirus" fatality rate is calculated from CONFIRMED CASES which includes only people with symptoms grave enough to make them go to the hospital, which obviously results in a higher death rate. Thus these absurd 1-4% fatality rates instead of the normal 0.1% for flu season.
On top of that, the test kits for coronavirus are experimental and often give false positives. People with severe respiratory infections are often being tested multiple times under the argument that the virus is hard to detect and thus false positives are more likely, resulting in an extremely inflated death rate.
Use your brain. If you believe any of this "deadly virus" shit you have been memed. You fell for a massive scam.
I'm mad as shit because my wife is panicking about this as a result of having a newborn. Reason has not been effective in trying to assuage her fears.
Its literally from the CDC weekly influenza chart that came out a short while ago. My guess is you're using influenza related pneumonia cases which are on a downward trend
>Go outside
Do you even know where you are?
“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three.”
60% of people have one health issue or more
fuck them amirite
How do you explain the excess death rate? If this is simply numbers being shifted around then there shouldnt be more deaths than usual, the opposite is the case
Once you have understood the hoax, as always, follow the money.
All of big tech/pharma of course massively profiting from this while small businesses get fucked
>The coronavirus is also masking the 2020 economic crash, which Austrian economists knew was coming this year.
This is the theory i currently believe the most
>I'm mad as shit because my wife is panicking about this as a result of having a newborn.
I seriously hope you aren't sperging out at your wife with Yas Forums virus conspiracy theories.
The chart I posted was from the data source the CDC cited in that graph.
Here's more information to understand this hoax.
Please take your time to read it.
"Excess death rate"
What happened in Italy and Spain was that the ensuing panic from fake media reports caused nursing and medical personnel to stay at home, leading to a lot of old people dying of dehydration etc
All of them of course counted as "Corona" deaths
take your anti-schizo meds
i believe “take your meds” would suffice here. first day goldstein?
Makes sense considering the CDC keeps track of influenza related pneumonia. The graph shows the downtrend they even refer to in your screenshot
It looks like that graph is the % of all deaths that are P&I related, which makes sense because the weekly deaths overall are at an all time low, which given the P&I rate being normal-ish, although reducing much like overall deaths. So still nothing alarming.
Thanks user, it’s the best researched source
>What happened in Italy and Spain was that the ensuing panic from fake media reports caused nursing and medical personnel to stay at home
Nursing homes and people in home quarantine arent tested and arent added to the stats. Only france did that two days ago and it led to a death spike
>"take your meds"
It's like clockwork.
The problem with Chinese shills is they are incapable of innovation. Much like all Chinese people
They claim this shit every other year. When it doesn't happen, they say it is because of XYZ and then push their guess back another year or two.
You posted a graph of total deaths. How can someone not be counted?
Do you even know that in the stats in most countries everyone who dies and is infected literally is counted as having died because of the virus?
Hundreds of thousands dying is not nothing.
The problem is coronavirus is common as fuck. I don't think they test for covid-19 specifically. They test for coronavirus. It inflates the numbers dramatically. So it's either a hoax or they try to drown something real in a noise of a common virus testing. Say some bioweapon escaped and it's a coronavirus. It doesn't have low death rate, but you can make it almost a nothingburger when you dilute the data with regular coronavirus. The panic could be they don't know the extend of penetration of this virus, so they have to make sure that thing peters out. But the point is the statistics, testing and everything about this virus is so full of shit, it's unusable for any analysis.
Of they wanted hysteria why wouldn’t they have more deaths than three times the flu?
One in four doctors in the NHS is "in sick or in isolation" because of the panic about the virus. It is no wonder that hospitals are overwhelmed, if indeed the reports of their being overwhelmed are entirely true. There are conflicting accounts even about that (see the /EHG/ threads).
Some other thoughts:
1) Italy, the cause celebre of the overwhelming of medical infrastructure, had an outbreak of tuberculosis before this all began.
2) Panic about the virus causes many people to flee from cities into the countryside, overwhelming health resources in areas which are ill-equipped to handle a large volume of people.
3) Mass hysteria, induced by the lockdowns and the media, causes many people to flood into hospitals who ordinarily would have stayed at home.
4) Hospitals are already overwhelmed during flu seasons every year, especially bad seasons. We simply don't hear about it all day on the news.
Yes flu includes all estimated cases and deaths, covid doesn’t. So we are under reporting the cases and deaths from covid.
If you want accurate numbers use South Korea. They test everyone and show a 3% CFR
glad to see the board waking up
How about showing at least 12 months worth of data so we can compare this year to last year's flu season. Derp. Deaths are always higher early in the year, every single year, this proves nothing. Here's a graph that actually shows a relevant time period. Uh oh...
Total deaths in New york are around 150k that makes 410 a day. Covid already killed 3000 iirc
Check out the graph, it makes a difference between confirmed covid cases and deaths without confirmation (but why else would suddenly so many people die)
Only in hospitals but I know you refer to comorbidities which is correct in my opinion. Just because someone is 60 and has diabetes doesnt mean he couldnt have lived another 10 years or so without the virus
Lmao any proof of that? The cope from nothingburger is unreal
Pic related, Icelandic statistic, one of the few admitting that of those infected, 4 have died
Most other countries saying they died because of it - no way to maintain stats
>1 post by this faggot
No. The only complete data set we have is from Diamond Princess. CFR was 1% for an aged population.
This is a falsehood. Their predictions have been very precise. First of all, Mike Maloney predicted the time-frame in which the housing crash would take place exactly, as did Peter Schiff. In the mean-time all the mainstream economists, almost universally, were deriding them.
Since that bubble was reinflated, almost every Austrian has said that it could not carry on past 2020.
Peter Schiff in 2018, predicting a depression for 2020: youtube.com
Harry Dent predicting for 2020 in 2015: (timestamps 39:02 and 53:42) youtube.com
Ron Paul in 2018, predicting for 2020: "A 50% correction will spark depression-like conditions that may be ‘worse than 1929’"
Mike Maloney in 2014 (timestamp 10:25, "Before the end of this decade")
It literally shows you the black line as the yearly average
The flu killed 37,000 americans last year
That's 100 people per day
By contrast, just yesterday America had 1,400 deaths from Covid-19
> 252124701
Iceland has strict social distancing and even they admit that they expect a surge in death because they're behind the curve
In other news, I have this rock that protects me from tigers...
>that they expect a surge in death because they're behind the curve
I suggest you go to the gas station and never come back.
A cruise ship that’s quarantined isn’t the same as a country of people.
You don’t want to use your brain do you? It’s about deaths FROM Sars-Cov2 vs deaths with Sars-Cov2
Get this in your head mountain man lots of old people die every fucking day all of a sudden they are counted as Sars-Cov2 deaths
Peter Schiff has been saying the economy was on the brink of collapse since the last crash over a fucking decade ago. Anyone could have told you a fucking business cycle is unlikely to last well over a decade without a downturn. He predicted nothing. A meteorologist calling for rain every day isn't a brilliant prognosticator just because it eventually rains. lol if you listened to their advice and went short in 2012 or bought gold at $2k/ounce.
P&I deaths were nearly 4k/week in 2019. You're seeing an increase in deaths labeled as Corona, not an increase in deaths overall. These are two very different things.
Have the two weeks ever been wrong? 81% of all corona deaths were in the last two weeks
You're right, the cruise ship probably has a much higher population density so will have a higher death rate, not to mention the population was aged, pushing the death rate even higher.
It might be happening. But it is just harvesting it is called. Killing people likely months before they likely would have died. So we will probably see a drop in mortality over the rest of the year. The annual run rate will probably be the same as other years. In the end this will have been completely statistically nothing.
>Make a claim every other year
>It's right once over a decade ago
Clearly he is psychic
Because they have sars cov2
You dont understand that there is an extreme excess death rate. How do you explain the sudden spike in deaths that is 2-4 times more than average at that time of the year?
Just because someone has comorbidities, doesnt mean the death can be counted to be caused by them
Because deaths from the flu are evenly spaced out throughout the year...
It was a closed population. That's the data what we have. And Iceland. Everything else are useless numbers repeated by the media to scare people.
>So we will probably see a drop in mortality over the rest of the year
Bruh in the UK they're saying ~4000 have died from this. So far this year ~150000 have died. There isn't going to be a drop in mortality over the year because the numbers of dead are actually fucking nothing.
Its agents provocateur you pleb
Do you really think there was even a single day last year where there were 1,400 deaths from the flu? America had over 600 deaths yesterday JUST in New York
You ever wonder why there are no Italian or Spanish flags claiming Corona is a hoax
You have no proof of that. People that have severe symptoms get tested. You could claim that people with mild symptoms aren't being tested, but saying that people that are dying from covid aren't getting tested is idiotic.
I hope every single brainlet hoaxposter on this board dies to this virus before we're through.
If it's a hoax.... wouldn't trump know? Why does he keep having news conferences and sending all this equipment everywhere?
Don’t forget there is far more movement outside a cruise ship and that the cruise ships were all quarantined in there’s rooms. And No the population density is not higher than nyc
>massive reduction in all weekly deaths
Niggers can't murder people when there's a lockdown.
South Korea is still the gold standard. Highest per capita testing.
So as expected. Really only lethal to 65+. Everyone younger actually had a drop off. Likely from decrease in accidents that would typically kill a younger person.
How many died two weeks ago? Now how many died today?
>The annual run rate will probably be the same as other years. In the end this will have been completely statistically nothing.
The US had its first week of a spike, we'll see how it turns out.