Is America okay bros?

Is America okay bros?

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It hasn't been okay since the 60s

You weren’t even alive in the 90s faggot keep it shut.

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this is the most boomer response imaginable, post war america is what we claim to hate but we want to go back to peak boomerdom? what the fuck is wrong with you guys. Peak America is 1845-1849.

Not with Republicans at the wheel. We are doomed

Nah, man we're pretty fucking far from okay

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no houses are filled with rotting body's 69% of the population is already dead survivors are eating the last of their toilet paper

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Okay faggot

The only people who experienced peak America were the guys that landed on the moon when they were on the moon
They had the most freedom anyone ever had
The moon has no laws

Cities are burning and people are looting as we speak...

Having the best health care system on Earth, YES... we are fine. On the contrary, that shitty third world health care isn't helping you much is it limey?

I used to admire America but not anymore. You brought this on yourselves. You fucking obese retarded kike dick suckers you have become nothing but a fucking joke of nigger, tranny and faggot praising weaklings fuck you and die already. Let china and russia rule the world now, you failed the west

The gayest post of the day guys

>Let china and russia rule the world now, you failed the west

Ruled by third world shitholes? I don't think so.

> Actually distributing propaganda about American healthcare


I dunno if we’re gonna make it but the memes and kek’s are worth it

Yeah, fuck off. It is certainly better than the health care they are getting in Europe. Dumb fucks preaching "Free health care!! It's free" only to realize they can never afford to cope with a mini-pandemic. We are winning big here faggot.

So, Europe can take their free health care and dumbed-down educational system and shove it up their ass.

I can still get ground beef, but the moment I can't grill burgers the boogaloo begins

we might be fucked, bro.

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Grow some balls beta


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Today is Sunday, what's on your menu today? Niger dick, Kike semen or Tranny pills?

> highest death count in the world by a mile
> highest case count in the world by a mile

WINNING BIGLY I don't pray, but the idea of you dying to the rona is making me reconsider my stance on religion

Cringe boomer post


Yes fellow freedom chicken.

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Damn, you mean they didn't teach math at your school? Highest death toll is in Spain and Italy you fucking dumb retard.

We're plugging along. Kinda sucks but I think we'll make through.
How you guys doing over there?

Ok faggot

We a-ight.

actually, no.

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Ever heard of “per capita?” Stop making us look stupid on the internet ameribro

>thinning out degenerates, parasites, and brown people
I'd say we're fine.

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Dumb fucks don't know basic math. This is shit that you learn in grade school.

Not the shitty parts. The average pollack probably isn't the kind of person to live in a concrete jungle with niggers.

Apparently not everyone learns it

all good. covid is only killing niggers, beans, and hasidim

Are you?

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Actually, I'd say boomers are more intelligent than low IQ dumb fucks like you.

Now, the limeys certainly have more than fucked up teeth to worry about.

mines pretty damned good. stop being poor

This is the most chinese post I've seen all day

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Yes we are fine. People are freaking out. But they’ll feel stupid at the end of this. Personally I’m shopping in a gas mask. Not even sure if it works. It’s been in my garage for years probably doesn’t work. But I’ve got rubber gloves. I’ll probably wear those. And wear a bandana around my hair. Probably a poncho or a trash bag. Make people feel like maybe they’re not doing enough. Maybe if they don’t look like me they’ll get corona. Also take watered down aloe Vera in an old hand sanitizer bottle and squeeze it all over everything. People can only be driven so far nuts before they relent and accept the inevitable.

what's it like being a rapebaby on a mobility scooter?

He lonesome
Very lonely at the top

> my healthcare is good because I pay more than developed countries

Well if yours is good, we must have the greatest in the world! What a fucking cancer of society you are

There is no such thing as a "developed country" in Europe. They are all third world countries.

lel. stay poor and die faggot. were going to be so much better off when you leeches die in the gutters

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hopefully not

France is a literal third world country, England is a literal third world country.

I will take things so ignorant you wouldn't say in their host countries for a thousand. Please die of coronavirus

Just trimming some fat right now

lol, no

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get used to cooking your own meals and changing your own oil, monopoly guy.

oh bb my insurance is as good or better than you, have an 8% 401k match and am enjoying a bonus at my job during these trying times, while experiencing a lower workload and working from home.

Some humans are willing to see the needs of the many rather than only their own .You are the scum that needs a purge, but you probably don't meet many people out in your bunker do you?

>France is a literal third world country, England is a literal third world country.


>what we claim to hate
Look at this glowing stormnigger trying to speak for Yas Forums.

We're ok.

We have a shelter in place order..
Can't go out unless to work or getting supplies.. Or outdoor exercise.
So everyone is out fucking off..
I work in Atlanta, I drive past the parks and there's people everywhere.

The flea market was closed, that's probably best, I wouldn't have gone. but it made me sad.

People are trying to be normal without being stupid; about half of that is working.

How are you?

You sad fucking excuse of a man. You'd justify the experience of being skull-fucked if it were in the service of "limited government", "American Exceptionalism" and "rugged individualism". Our health-care system is a joke Our educational system is a joke. Our way of life is a joke. And that's why every 1st world country from Canada to France to fucking Lichtenstein laughs. They laugh at nothing more than a military-industrial complex which has relieved the burden of protecting themselves, so they can in every other way flourish, whilst America clings to muh freedoms.

How can you claim to promote a right to your own life, if you don't institute a government monopoly on healthcare to protect it, just like a government monopoly on violence. Stupid fool. This virus should be no more than a slightly worse form of the flu, yet is somehow worse in the US than anywhere else. How does it feel to have laughed at Italy, when now we're doing worse!

You idiots will never learn.

except Im married and know how to maintain a car. ever gapped a set of points on a motorcycle or rebuilt a motor? I was doing it before you were born you mincing faggot

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This as soon as we gave niggers more rights.

stay jelly nigger

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Most of it yeah. City niggers are in trouble though. The virus is hitting the cities especially hard as of now. And people in small towns are starting to force anyone who doesn’t belong to get the fuck out. So most rural areas should be ok

>And that's why every 1st world country from Canada to France to fucking Lichtenstein laughs. They laugh at nothing more than a military-industrial complex which has relieved the burden of protecting themselves, so they can in every other way flourish, whilst America clings to muh freedoms.

No, they laugh because they know that their shitty third world countries are inferior. It's a facade.

The educational system in Canada and most European countries is UTTER SHIT. The health care is even worse.

This is why "white" nationalism is a total fucking meme in America. you fags literally can't shake the boomer/jewish stench off of you and your "fuck you I got mine" attitude isn't reserved for "shitskins"

>You sad fucking excuse of a man

I can promise that I contribute more to society than you do you fucking low IQ subhuman faggot.

Aún así te morirías por vivir aquí corki


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losing morally and intellectually and then calling the other person a jealous nigger faggot. You are why conservatives in this country are all going to die and it is glorious. This whole exchange makes my dick wiggle

We're fine. Take some ibuprofen, chug some water and be right as rain by tomorrow morning.

Yes, but my mind is racing, I don't like what's happening one bit

post more eagles


Yeah pretty much. The year of 1965 opened the floodgates to Latam, Africa, and Asia.

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If all you Euros would stay in your own fucking countries, we wouldn't even have as many sick people as we do now.

You fuckers hate the US, but you all want to come here Kek... Geez that makes a lot of fucking sense huh?

Just like all of the subhuman French speaking filth that comes down to Florida from Quebec. Why can you fuckers stay away from here if it is so bad?

Im doing great. I have a shit ton of savings, I hardly talk to people anyways. Been dieting and loosing weight. My immediate family is fine. My extended family is almost all democrats and have gone nuts, I have an aunt that got mad at me because i dont want the facemasks she hand crafted and probably wants to send me in the mail.
I have only long term dated 4 women, 2 were horrible, one was bad and one was pretty nice. I am somewhat spiteful to various degrees how most of the relationships played out, but I think most of them are screwed over economically.

The US is projected to exceed the per capita infection rate of Italy and Spain, so I wouldn't be as arrogant as you are being here.

America fucked up. You are probably the only country in the world where the response to a pandemic is somehow a partisan issue. Add to that that the fact you for some reason have a media personality/celebrity as your president - it's the perfect storm. Americans have always sort of lived in their own little bubble. Goodbye bubble.

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china is being hit the hardest. not even CCP officials know the true severity of the outbreak. china will always project strength when they are at their weakest. worst comes to worst, america can feed itself. china cannot.

Trump lied.
The Eagle died.

same. the wife and I were just talking about how much we're saving by eating at home instead of dining out for nights a week (I know it's inefficient but wer can afford it). We're down about 25% on monthly income but our expenses have gone almost to zero

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You’re obviously a bluepilled self hating faggot. Begone reddit.

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> reeeee

the fat boy screeched from behind his waifu pillow, realizing he wasn't prepared to be called out on his bullshit in the Yas Forums safe space

That's an awful lot of self-aggrandizement and delusions of grandeur Arthur for a country which has the highest obesity rate of any 1st world country, the poorest educational standards, a worse problem with the pandemic than Italy, highest national debts, most exorbitant healthcare costs, reliance on Visas for educated workers, etc.

They laugh because you spend billions of dollars protecting them for free, whilst you get nothing in return, but I'll tell you this, not every civilized nation is so awful to its own people.

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Oops.. Sorry..
Meant this one..

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