Need Jatt rule of Canada

Trudeau is a pussy and wont stand up for us and is the Canadian version of Hillary Clinton.

Jagmeet Singh is Bernie Sanders and AOC with an actual backbone and would stand up to the corporations and trump.

We need a strong ruler. We need a moral ruler. We need Jagmeet Singh as the next leader of Canada and the spiritual leader of the economic populist left of the entire globe.

Attached: Canadian Sikh politician.jpg (170x252, 11.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Attached: Jagmeet is stonger,.jpg (1024x682, 93.92K)

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Strong leader with convictions all the others are weak.

Attached: Good ol boy..jpg (350x196, 28.11K)

GTFO you sikh piece of shit
Go hangout with muzzies
Fucking brown turds

U mad bro. Jagmeet handles people like you easily.

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Look dude, Jagmit supports Muzzies, that itself disqualifies him.

but canada already has a ruler, Xi Jinping, he will buy every centimeter of land and control every cent

Fuck off sand nigger, Surrey should be carpet bombed.

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he supports everyone, how is he giving Muslims special treatment?

Yeah you need a leader that'll actually pray to Allah good idea you fucking shitskin

>he supports everyone
Which means he has no real platform anyways.

isn't he a sikh ?

How is "supporting everyone" good for actual Canadians anyways?

He's a little succdem woke cuck. Get a real intersectional commie please!!


who cares

Go home Pajeet.

Trudeau lets this happen. Jagmeet stands for the people.

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S*kh genocide when?

I totally want to be ruled over by antiwhite turban boy with gayvoice.

>he supports everyone, how is he giving Muslims special treatment?
>Singh, the only person-of-colour running for Prime Minister in next month’s federal election, pledged to ban carding, tackle online racism, and boost funding to hate crime units at a panel organized by the National Council of Canadian Muslims
When has a single one of your anti racist policies helped white people be protected from niggers pajeets and chinks?


fuck off with the hypergay hyper tranny hyper victim politician

He supports Canadians not your narrow definition and wants to raise the standard of living of all citizens of his country. Like a true leader. Your ethno-nationalism will tear apart these nations.

He is, but he is still in bed with muzzies.

This country was 99% white in the 1960s census data. These people are foreigners.

Why, Sikhs' are beloved?

This guy want to kill Indians and liberate the Sikh homeland right?

Nope, he is a Canadian politician, a fighter but not a khalistani.

would snap your neck in a fight though right>

Why are Sikhs here? What's wrong with the Punjab? Is it a shithole? If so then Punjabis make shithole societies. And since Punjabis make shithole societies then why do we let them come here?

Sikhs are not native to Canada and have no founding history here and therefore are not and never will truly be Canadian yet the think they belong here and Canada wouldn't exist without them. Just fuck off to back Amritsar already.

This country had no people then lol its a new place. The country was 100 percent aboriginal in 1450 we are all technically foreigners but we are building something together.

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It was a sparsely populated wilderness with some hunter-gatherers before the people who actually build the country came. These post-1970 people are literal parasites.

This isn't your country and never will be. You are invaders and colonizers. That's just who you are. Cope more.

Go fuck yourself, shitskin trash.

fuck off nigger tired of you turban fuckheads youre not canadians

Sikhs are a strong canadian community and
have been here for a long time.

And Delta too. And New West also.

I'm convinced Jagmeet posts here, or some indian dick rider just wants attention
Either way fuck off. I'd rather vote Bloc

you incels are so tough, Can't even look ua in the eye in real life lol.

They weren't even allowed into this country which had an informal White Canada policy, before the 1970s. That's not a long time. Fuck off.

fuck off i dont want to live in a bigger third world shithole with even more people shitting in the streets

> digits confirm god is unhappy with you and your choice

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>have been here for a long time.

No you haven't. You tired to muscle your way into the country in the early 20th century but we kicked your asses back to the Punjab. Some Sikhs entered here and there but it was minuscule and Sikhs as a community in Canada was non-existent until the mid 1980s when six Guyanese Sikhs lied about themselves and gave us the Singh decision and out of control asylum claims. You Sikhs then abused this new asylum law and then abused family chain migration.

You have no history here and in your short time here you've managed to piss us off on more than one occasion with your Sikh supremacy, gave us the Singh decision, have the largest mass murder in Canadian history (still), the most successful executed terrorist plot in the West before 911, have decimated trucking as a middle class occupation, and made Surrey B.C. and Brampton ON crime ridden impoverished shit holes. What good are you really? You're not Canadians and never can be.

With that said why do you Sikhs care so much make us think you're Canadians or Americans or Brits? What's wrong with being a proud Sikh in the Punjab?

Stfu commie


You're retarded this dudes whole culture is based off hating Muslims.

Every country in the world is destined for Jatt rule

Kesur Singh, a Risaldar Major in the British India Army, is credited with being the first Sikh settler in Canada in May 1897

Fuck off shill the only reason you're posting this is to propagate confusion that we are some how less white than the usa.

Mean while in the usa white means
"A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa."

fuck your self.

Attached: shut it down.jpg (389x733, 63.41K)


sure would be a shame if you had too shut it down.

>White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "White" or report entries such as Irish, German, English, Scandinavian, Scottish, Near Easterners, Iranian, Lebanese, or Polish.[24]
>Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "Black, African Am." or provide written entries such as Kenyan, Nigerian, or Haitian.[24]
> American Indian and Alaska Native. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment.[24]

Attached: trudedope1.jpg.png (840x478, 524.85K)

>Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. It includes "Asian Indian", "Chinese", "Filipino", "Korean", "Japanese", "Vietnamese", and "Other Asian".[24]
>Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. It includes people who indicate their race as "Native Hawaiian", "Guamanian or Chamorro", "Samoan", and "Other Pacific Islander".[24]
>Some other race. Includes all other responses not included in the "White", "Black or African American", "American Indian and Alaska Native", "Asian" and "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander" race categories described above. Respondents providing write-in entries such as multiracial, mixed, interracial, We-Sort, or a Hispanic/Latino group (for example, Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Cuban) in the "Some other race" category are included here.[24]
> Two or more races. People may have chosen to provide two or more races either by checking two or more race response check boxes, by providing multiple write-in responses, or by some combination of check boxes and write-in responses.[24]

>The OMB did not respond by December 31, 2017 to these recommendations,effectively forcing the Bureau to retain the race/ethnicity definitions used in Census 2010.

Fuck off shit skin. You know you'll turn this country into shit. Just like your homeland.

Whats wrong shlomo? Worried he wont feel white guilt? You should see our huge non religious Jewish populations they love this guy for not flinching.

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you traitorous white faggots who want to vote gay liberal and brown for everything are gonna drown the world in literal shit cause poos are gonna be on every fucking contient

when the world is burning and it smells like shit
just know it was your fault

i hate you faggot gay liberal whites i wish i could strip the whiteness from your skin with some kinda ray gun and give it to someone who actually wants to be white instead of your homo-traitorian dna you MORONS

You thought this made since

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You better hope they keep us passive you're real easy to identify.

Look around everything you see white Canadians built; that's good enough for you tho. You show no respect at all instead you want to change it. You want it to become more like some shithole. The very reasons your parents left the shithole will soon vanish here. making you live in a shithole.. You get it right?

traitors get the rope