nytimes.com/2020/04/05/world/europe/coronavirus-finland-masks.html Pay some shekels goyim, if you want to know what I'm about to tell you. JQ.. sorry JK. QRD from your best fren: >best preppers after Cold War >trust no-one >largest stock of everything needed in Europe >besides medical supplies in storage, Finland has grains, oils, machine tools, material to make munitions >not even slightly worried yet >other Nordic countries considered vulnerable now
I didnt know you guys were like that. Got a newfound respect
Jordan Wilson
Elijah Sanders
>Apparently all other Nordic countries expect Finland to provide when SHTF. Norway have stockpiles too. Food went into secret stockpiles after the Swine-flu, and there are an untold number of US-Norwegian military hospitals in bunkers around the country.
So far none of it has been used, and it doesn't look like they will be needed.
Levi Harris
>Apparently all other Nordic countries Denmark don't need stockpiles of food, since they can just stop exporting, but I don't know how their medical situation is.
It's basically just Sweden that is fucked both ways, already running low on medicines and PPE, and only enough food to feed 50% of the population.
Andrew Evans
>and it doesn't look like they will be needed Good to know, honestly. Now if only ((())) would shut it down asap. This stock was not open to public not even back when Chernobyl blew up and most of the dust landed in Finland and Sweden. It's really meant for wartime only. So lame. But if things get worse we will come for your stock piles, Norway.
Logan Nguyen
>Sweden What went wrong?
Ethan Gray
This whole thing seems like a nothingburger. My city has had the virus for over a month and not a single person has died yet. 10 in hospital.
Jack Baker
In the coming weeks the US is going to admit that the FEMA stockpile doesn't exist
Henry Barnes
>those are some nice medical equipment you have there, why don't you give us some?