Finland, prepper nation of the Nordics
Pay some shekels goyim, if you want to know what I'm about to tell you. JQ.. sorry JK. QRD from your best fren:
>best preppers after Cold War
>trust no-one
>largest stock of everything needed in Europe
>besides medical supplies in storage, Finland has grains, oils, machine tools, material to make munitions
>not even slightly worried yet
>other Nordic countries considered vulnerable now

Here a link to the story in Finnish which you may G translate:

Apparently all other Nordic countries expect Finland to provide when SHTF.
Thanks a lot assholes lol.
Benis :DDDD

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Other urls found in this thread:

I didnt know you guys were like that. Got a newfound respect


>Apparently all other Nordic countries expect Finland to provide when SHTF.
Norway have stockpiles too. Food went into secret stockpiles after the Swine-flu, and there are an untold number of US-Norwegian military hospitals in bunkers around the country.

So far none of it has been used, and it doesn't look like they will be needed.

>Apparently all other Nordic countries
Denmark don't need stockpiles of food, since they can just stop exporting, but I don't know how their medical situation is.

It's basically just Sweden that is fucked both ways, already running low on medicines and PPE, and only enough food to feed 50% of the population.

>and it doesn't look like they will be needed
Good to know, honestly. Now if only ((())) would shut it down asap. This stock was not open to public not even back when Chernobyl blew up and most of the dust landed in Finland and Sweden. It's really meant for wartime only. So lame. But if things get worse we will come for your stock piles, Norway.

What went wrong?

This whole thing seems like a nothingburger. My city has had the virus for over a month and not a single person has died yet. 10 in hospital.

In the coming weeks the US is going to admit that the FEMA stockpile doesn't exist

>those are some nice medical equipment you have there, why don't you give us some?

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you fuckers made a seedbank in the fucking arctic, why is finland called the prepper nation of the nordics, fucking journos

Is everyone ok at Ylilauta?

they dissolved their entire emergency supplies after cold war ended, donating most of it and the rest was shipped to landfills, yolo

Feels good man (btw no vpn I promis)

half died of alcohol poisoning. too much koskenkorva

finland is actually nordic coutry, we aren't a scandinavian country, are you literally trying to say that finland isn't located in the north?

you are an oblast of Russia, how could you be nordic?

fucking retarded american cunt

sometimes the outside world even forgets we exist fren

Soviet archives are such an interesting read.
I don't know if they are real or just some KGB decoy but in their files they got everything figured out so the US DOD didn't even bother securing anything else than top brass and enough of the military that they can continue the fight for the top brass.
All this Cold War stuff is so cool. They don't even make movies about it because maybe lot of it is still in use.
Have you ever read the book Teheran? When Alex Jones talks about the breakaway civilization, I can totally relate to that.
We were supposed to go to Moscow this summer to talk to some guys who know some guys.
They know a lot about the Cold War era strategy but I suppose most of it is still active and restricted off civilians.
Most Cold War stuff shown in museums is still insanely cool. They've got the Sputniks and Vostoks and all that stuff in museums too.
Your FEMA stockpile is probably too old to be effective today.

Finland is not a part of Russia you dumb retarded american cunt

Make Finland Russian again! lol

okay Pekka Ivanovich

Keep on dreaming faggot

Finland is a half Slav/half Gook nation. A country of hapas. Don't you dare call these mutts Scandinavian.

>Have you ever read the book Teheran?
Sorry, this book is called On Wings of Eagles by Ken Follett. Finnish tranlations man...

>Zhang says your country isn't white

Finland would never end up in russian power

>Sweden that is fucked both ways, already running low on medicines and PPE
Don't worry we have an endless supply of Virtue Signal Points, Nosebook likes and Handhjärtan. That will last for decades.

we beat soviet ass in 1939 we can do it again in 2020.

now look up Mikko Koivu

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also the only western nation to stop the pandemic
1.1% daily growth rate

Fuck off Hitler, you don't know what you're talking about.

what would Russia gain from this?

Fuck off, Satan

m8 I've been in Suomi for years and I never saw so many blond and blue eyed people
it's crazy

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Good on them.
We have 3 weeks worth of medicines and 3 weeks worth of grains.
There's already talks about making a state pharma manufacturing, and the rest will probably follow

dumb retarded american cunt


we'd fuck them up real good and this time there wouldn't be any forgiveness from our side

>US-Norwegian military hospitals in bunkers around the country.

Make canada british again. Kill all the frogs!

As if. I still can't understand these retards who think the USA would sacrifice herself in a full nuclear war with Russia for some tiny NATO country. Not fucking happening and every American I've ever talked to admits this. NATO is a joke and these tiny countries like Estonia and Iceland absolutely believe in it.

finland doesnt even exist


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You do realize it's the other way around? Western russians are actually finns who adopted a slavic language back in early 1000s.

Before that they were all finnic tribes there.

lol seems I have found a weakness in Finish identity

Garbage thread, garbage OP

Not gonna lie, wish I was a Finn right about now

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>We have 3 weeks worth of medicines and 3 weeks worth of grains.
Outside the stockpiles.
China want salmon and probably Russia too, so both PPE and grain will be available. My guess is that that Denmark will sell us grain and sugar.

Making stuff others want in a crisis is probably just as important as stockpiles.

this. Finland is totally not a lie created by us finns to keep all rich americafags out of our beautiful country

>why is finland called the prepper nation of the nordics
You might just be that, it's just that Norway is not lost either.

I can't find any info on any field hospitals in news articles about it.
Just vehicles + ammo, enough to keep 16k soldiers fighting without additional supplies for 1 month.
>That spike today

Anywhere I can read more on the stockpiles?

>My city has had the virus for over a month and not a single person has died yet.
It was known from the start that the big danger was overwhelmed hospital from too many getting sick at once, and that don't seem to happen here.
>This whole thing seems like a nothingburger.
When you get the infection rates under control, it all looks like an overreaction.

I guess that happens when you have to live next to Russia

>Anywhere I can read more on the stockpiles?
Norwegian State broadcast.

Found this earlier..

Based, the taking of Karelia is just a taste of things to come

So how many niggas boutta die to Corona-chan in your "wealthy" country again?


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Somalians are 8x overrepresented in COVID-19 cases in Oslo btw.
Wondering how much this is about Vitamin D deficiencies, which are more aggressive in darkies in northern climates.
Do Finns take Vitamin D supplements?

Your dark-skinned brethren are going through a tough time, I'll admit

It used to be enough for a nuclear war, and that is gone, but Norway have enough for a pandemic like Coronachan. It's not like any vital production have stopped in the first world.

Vegetables and fruit is the only thing where there will be shortages in the first world. It's the shithole nations that will starve. Even Sweden will probably be fine.

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>Do Finns take Vitamin D supplements?
Eat fish. Deenz is meme for good reason.

>do nothing
hospitals get overwhelmed and shit hits the fan
>do something
its a hoax

sadly most fail to understand this

We have that stuff in our milk and every finn who isn't a flaming homo drinks milk

[laughs in #2 exporter of produce]
We just need to build a dike around the rest of the country now

hahahahah bbahahahaha heres a taste of what you got last time you came...have some OC :))

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been taking a shitload of Vit D3 since this started.
Would check bloodlevels but don't want to get coronacucked by an infected doctor

I do in the winter. It's added in milk also. Only retards skip vitamin supplements in these waters. It's in our DNA to survive here, most immigrants can't take the harsh environment. Do Norwegians eat a lot of mushrooms?

bullets for bolshevik land thief

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This is what every normal country should do. How the fuck European countries and the USA don't have medical things for pandemics an emergencies like this? It's like one of the first thing I country should have, being prepared for emergencies like this. No, we have to buy the fucking mask and other thinks in fucking China and shipped them here.. think about it. The USA doesn't have even factories to make basic medicine... think about how incompetent are the people that have been in power all this decades.

>been taking a shitload of Vit D3 since this started.
If you eat fat fish (salmon, mackerel, deenz) a couple of times per week, and use real butter, you're good.

I eat one multivitamin pill a day to be on the safe side. It's probably more important to get enough exercise in the first world if you eat relatively healthy than supplements.

I'm looking at a map right now. Looks like the Finns got owned, literally, by Russia.

My Russian buddies will be building dachas on top of the mass graves they bury your Finnish buddies in :)

Sweden is so far gone that even when the government asks people and companies for help to develop things to help fight the virus they blabber about ‘equality’ ‘gender’ etc.

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>Finns got owned, literally, by Russia.
And what year is that map from?

>Do Norwegians eat a lot of mushrooms?
Not traditionally. Norwegians only used to eat food where the calories gained outweigh the cost of producing the food.