>Personally thanks us all for not leaving the house
Was it kino? Was the nationwide clappathon a sign of growing Americanisation?
This thread is non-political by constitutional convention
>Personally thanks us all for not leaving the house
Was it kino? Was the nationwide clappathon a sign of growing Americanisation?
This thread is non-political by constitutional convention
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My brother did one of those gay clap things and he turned black and fat. Remember to avoid clapping to avoid catching burger-19.
fuck you zoomer queen, make room for DA REAL QUEEN OF DA BOIS
When will she die?
I'm a burger watching BBC, but I approve of what she said.
Didn't that guy play robocop?
Go to bed Charlie.
>Was it kino?
No, the setting is random, it just looks like a rich granny giving a video greetings, nothing glorious or royal there.
You mean she should be on the throne with her crown and jewels and royalty accessories ?
Hmmm yes, very hitchcockian
>the nationwide clappathon
what is this?
here in France, mongoloids clap every evening at 8 pm for the doctors and shit, but mostly just as an excuse to scream like retards for a couple minutes while they spent half their day outside
I fucking hate cities so fucking much
uggo granny
The Queen's a silver spoon commie that's let first her empire and then her nation crumble into dust as she dicked around with 5 star chefs and her pet horses.
I predict that she will die from the 'rona this month
>The Queen's a silver spoon commie
Holy shit the mental illness in this place
It's the same in the UK, we've done that shit too these last two Thursdays, even in my little town.
Women are hardier than men when it comes to this and even geezers her age have like an 80% survival rate.
Not to that point but something that makes you think "oh yeah this is the Queen". Here it's just like that friend of my grandma who lives in a cosy appartment in Paris.
she cute!
>here in France, mongoloids clap every evening at 8 pm for the doctors and shit, but mostly just as an excuse to scream like retards for a couple minutes while they spent half their day outside
It's the same thing.
fucking retard.
kek the lamp behind her is probably worth as much as your car user.
>tfw up for a knighthood for being a neet
If the queen mum asks me to stay in me flat, I'm stayin in, simple as.
>Celebrities you could take in a fight
>Here it's just like that friend of my grandma who lives in a cosy appartment in Paris.
That's unironically the reason we still have a monarchy. She's the national grandmother.
I wish we never left the UK. Must be great having a national leader.
Yeah I said "rich". It doesn't make it royal,
not really any difference. The rothschilds and clintons are royals in america by everything but name.
Canadian here. It feels good living the best of both the old and new worlds.
>invest in Bitcoin
what did she mean by this?
Her mom lived to be 101, almost 102. I can see another decade in her easily, especially if they pull out every stop in her health care.
Phil turns 99 in a couple of months.
You are not respecting the lockdown, user?
Boris will be fine...right?
She wasn't bad in her prime.
When I told Boris he would be on the priority list for the ambrosia vaccine he was so willing it was almost pathetic.
>t. dying in 3 weeks from going outside to buy guns and enjoy freedom
Except the Queen would get elected, kek.
Off topic
>clintons are royals
the delusion. actual rich americans see the clintons as hillbillies.
If corona kills you, you probably were on your way out anyways
>Dying from a flu
What the heck? How did that get in there...
all the roasties got their instagrams, it'll probably die off now
user, I...
are you aware the whole word is dying with laughter watching americans think it's a hoax or not serious? there will be a half a million dead by the time this is over, if not more.
how's that third world reality check going?
Season finale of The Crown?
Name fast
Im English and have always been torn on the Royal Family, the whole aesthetic is kino but they are satanic pedophiles who killed Diana
never could make my mind up
No one cares what third worlders think lol
sorry, i live in an actual first world scandinavian country. enjoy your mcdeath mcretard!
>are you aware the whole word is dying
Yes thankfully yuros are dying at a higher rate than anyone aside from chinks and Iranians
diana paid the toll
>first world
wrong! america leads in infections and deaths. try again without trump's dick in your mouth.
who's getting shot, who's getting eaten? Where are nuclear bombs going off? It's still nothing. Just a lil comfy social distancing.
Cast them
>the show will end around 2000
>we won't get a kino final season set around 2020 with Meghan Markle playing herself and everyone dying of the virus
>who's getting shot
americans, despite a quarantine
>who's getting eaten
what? you expect people to eat each other during a pandemic?
>Where are nuclear bombs going off?
doesn't surprise me a retard american wants to nuke a virus
clock is ticking ameritards!
Do americans really?
google it, you can cry about the end of your country later.
Scandinavians genuinely are sad.
You shouldn't have sold the virgin islands to the yanks. You could vacation there.
europoor here, how is america not expected to have the highest rate?
coronavirus hits more developed countries harder and they have one the highest populations in the world
She is the wealthiest person on Earth
brits are so damn cringy
Because population density. In reality the only place with large infection rate in the US is new york City because they live packed like sardines. All other major cities are significantly lower
NY is in Europe now?
Why the fuck would a male get pierced nipples?
black girls Fuck like crazy, I miss my ex
>how is america not expected to have the highest rate?
aren't they supposed to be #1 country on earth? THE world's biggest super power? have a really smart president who can do anything?
this just shows it's a third world shithole with no infrastructure to handle a pandemic. what good is 700 billion military budget when they can't protect their own people from a virus?
I almost met up with my black ex just to try to fuck her but she lived 20-30 miles away with no car in some ghetto so i bailed
Ah, I'm so glad to live in nowheresville, DK, where no-one cares about clapping or singing or any of that demonstrative 'look at me I'm such a good person' bullshit.. :)
>there will be a half a million dead by the time this is over
imagine actually thinking this
what an alarmist crybaby
I bet you won't even admit to being this wrong
well the virus hits you harder the more successful you are which is why both us and the US are fucked
>higher flows of businessmen and tourists flying in and out constantly
>interconnected towns and cities with working infrastructure
Maybe technically when you include assets that are definitely never being sold.
that's some hillary supporter level mental gymnastics there champ.
Pretty inspiring speech tbqh, feels like something from WWII
t. American
When will the Chinese stop trying to kill us?
Higher flow of chinks*
how so?
How the fuck did William get with Kate?
does the royal family even hold any real power over there?
you're citing reasons why people are getting infected. that's completely separate from being a 3rd world shithole with no healthcare infrastructure completely unprepared to deal with a pandemic, the way the USA is.
Influence, which is a form of power. Wealth, which is a form of power. Connections, which is a form of power.
Can they rule by royal decree? No, but so what?
not to mention their infection rate is higher because the american population is too stupid and stubborn to follow guidelines against spreading it! lmao
>no healthcare infrastructure
Stop getting your information from Yas Forums memes bruh
>more infections
>not correlated with more deaths
No country is prepared for a pandemic except a totalitarian government that has no problem trapping its entire citizens. Also its harder when said country lies about the virus for 3 months
>ywnb be Philip
Feels bad
>No country is prepared for a pandemic except a totalitarian government
just google how every hospital is struggling to save people and running out of supplies already, bruh
How about you link one?
I would die for my QUEEN