Sexual Conservatism is a Dead Meme

Why does Yas Forums worry about sexual Morality? Anyone who's been around knows all women are money loving whores. Why the hell are you guys so hung up about morality? I find it really confusing, given that you guys are so realistic about everything else
It isn't as if this is a new thing; ancient people have known women are untrustworthy whores since time immemorial.
>Ezekiel 23:20: For she lusted for her paramours, Whose flesh is like the flesh of donkeys, And whose issue is like the issue of horses.
This is well known. Why does Yas Forums, and conservatives more broadly, fight this?

Other urls found in this thread:


wow another jew

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What a fucking fridge holy shit.
Absolute neanderthal. if u sub and tell her u came from Yas Forums i get a free month of c00mies

I hate coffee now

Kill yourself coomer

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Remember to sage this shit.

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>Why the hell are you guys so hung up about morality?
There's no society without morality. West shouldn't become a nigger cesspool just because coom.

Answer me, faggot. Sex moralists are fighting a losing battle. Why do you persist?

>bad titjob
>moles everyehere
>cheap ill fitting panties
>old skin
That has to be one of the ugliest sloots you faggots have been posting lately.

No matter what you do if you cum in a White woman you are doing something right

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a face only a gentile would like.

Stfu and send her nudes

Kill yourself kike.

what a shit thread

Looks like a fucking man.

But women don't want to get married, anymore. They want to be promiscuous and scam betabux out of beta cucks. The idea you're appealing to can only work if society views women as part of a wider whole, which it does not. Our liberal society views them as individuals. Both liberals and conservatives do.

I always appreciate fellow data-posters.

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Idubbbz really cheaped out on that boobjob...

Why does Yas Forums worry about sexual Morality?

because it lets sad incels pretend they are actually abstaining.

> hmm, looks like
> listen you stupid nazi rapist cuck pedophile simp feminist roastie-apologists, polygamy is based
> isn't working anymore, time to try
> women have always been whores so why fight it i'm going to get all the women and there's nothing you can do about it
marriage worked for our ancestors

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Listen it's not all women. I've actually managed to come across what seem like some decent ones. I'm not saying they're super intelligent or don't have flaws but I've really come to see the flaws men have too. You need to be around more women idk. I'm not saying "lol incel" I'm just saying I used to think the same way until I met some good women who had been as fucked over by the world as I had.

It already is. To ignore this is to let your idealism blind you. My brother fucked 24 German girls in a month and fucked s guy's wife and his daughter while he was in the German military.
You're living in lala land.

Because of the memetic nature of the current state of reality. You are not just selling your body, but making the statement that this is acceptable.

It is not acceptable. Noting else for me to say on this.

Didn’t read. Die Jew. Die

neck yourself

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You're a weird guy Ace.

>Both liberals and neoconservatives do
...which is why Yas Forums is a Christian board

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Your post is a non-sequitor.
>Women are naturally whores, so why care about shaming them to be chaste?
is the exact same line of argument as
>Men are naturally violent, so why care about shaming them to be peaceful?
It doesn't follow at all. Of course we would care about sexual morality if we're agreeing with your proposition about women's nature. We'd be forced to care even more about it than if you were wrong.

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>copes in coomer

Kill your brother and then kill yourself

Lmao is that icucckz gf ?

This, we should instead fight to make the sex culture healthier and less obsessive.

ok Shlomo. this is one of the most Jewish posts I've read today

That definitely is not an angel


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This might be part of it, but i think most of it is misplaced idealism. I even see ex degenerates praise sexual restraint in women, as if there are any sexually restrained women.

looks fucking disgusting

He's saying we should just get over it instead of fighting a stupid and unwinnable fight at great expense.

that's idu***z disgusting gf btw. This is what those faggots are paying for. KEK

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>just be demoralized goy
gas yourself

Der Coomer...

Dude, I'm literally a Chad, which is why I'm asking this question in my original post.

what's wrong with her body
like it's just bad and I can't pinpoint exactly why, there's so much wrong

>Dude, I'm literally a Chad,

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it's the consequence of too much progressivism and projection throughout their entire lives.

okay faggot just keep crying about things you cant fix until you die

This is a fucking cope. You being Christian isn't stopping women from being whores.
Literally, have sex.

only if you're a spineless cuck. shaming thottery was the norm for centuries, it can be implemented again

I care that there are less assholes on the planet shooting at me, my neighbors, my family, raping the elderly and the infirm, and voting for assholes who keep raising my fucking taxes. Dipshit women convinced by other dipshits to do dipshit things like fuck niggers, get pregnant, and then raise a child by themselves without a sensible father in the home creates more dipshits that fuck up the wider society.
Even more pernicious is that we encourage people to becomes slaves to their appetites and people get the idea in their head c00ming the end all by all goal of life so of course retard women decide to hop on the cock carousel piloted by other retards until they hit the fucking wall and don't end up reproducing, thus fucking the rest of us over by shrinking the tax base of the nation over time and forcing retard politicians voted in by other retards and niggers who want more gibs to raise taxes on those who remain.
Yes it fucking matters that women get married and have children with fathers who give a fuck about their children, and that is why people care about "sexual morality", because prioritizing inserting tab a into slot b for shits and giggles while shitting on the idea of raising a family erodes the foundation of a stable society.

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how long is your nose? Sounds like at 10 incher from here

Basically this, unfortunately. I wish I could respect these guys more but I can't.

>what's wrong with her body
Poorly done fake tits on 5 feet tall.

I don't give a fuck OP, i'm not an INCEL (unlike most people here) and i have always hated/disliked women when it came to equal treatment (ie workmates, friends, etc.)

People who constantly have sex with many people, have an addiction and are slaves to lust first and foremost, and secondly perverted sex not only from its primary function (reproduction) but also from it's intimacy function ( bonding with partner). I don't care about the girls number unless it's a clear indicator if a spirit illness/moral bankruptcy/stds.

On the other hand, females whoring up is ultimately our fault for letting them have rights beyond their husband property.

>I'm Jewish the /thread/

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neck yourself homo. you don't have any values, you're a yes-man and worth less the dirt under my shoes

absolutely disgusting

Men have never stopped being violent in the history of the world no matter what measures were taken. Is it stupid and too expensive to continue using those measures to reduce the amount of violence? The mere difficulty of fighting a fight changes nothing about whether you need to fight it. If you get attacked by a grizzly you will probably die. That doesn't make it rational, sensible or "realistic" to just consent to death, and if you ever get mauled by a grizzly bear, take a second to notice your flailing limbs and verify the accuracy of my post.

The argument only follows if you think sexual morality doesn't matter and has no effect on anyone's happiness, which is both wrong and a different argument.

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In like a year or two no one will care about selling nudes. It was a new frontier for young women trying to make money. Now young women are realizing the easiest way to survive without having to work hard is with a singular partner who they invest time in.
Women en masse thought they could be independent of individual men while still relying on a collective of men. Once they realized $5 nudes to half a dozen guys doesn't buy you shit as an adult they settled down.

shes really gross, idubbz just needs to just toss that whore to the side

Literally just have protected sex then, see you are just an angry incel?

She’s a rectangle

She's on the cusp of being obese but also has bolt-on tits.

Not effectively, the thing to do is try to reign it in a little and establish a better sexual culture. My boomer dad grew up in a time when young attractive white people actually had fun sex with each other despite not advertising it and making a huge deal about it, unlike today where there is lots of promiscuous expression like this onlyfans horseshit but not much actual sex.

You realize that the warnings against women have been present all throughout history right? Generations grew up with tales of witches, sirens and jezebels. Whores and Harlots destroy societies

>Men have never stopped being violent in the history of the world no matter what measures were taken.
Are you fucking stupid? The amount of violence thats current acceptable now is a fraction of what it's been throughout history.

i have a wife and, so far, a daughter. they are Christians. you are a faggot and you will never have non-degenerate offspring.

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Niggers go away

You make an interesting point because I think that one reason we are all so fucked up is that we don't have a good way to get out our natural violence either, I think society should find healthy ways to accommodate both of these natural desires.


we've been at this for a while newfags, things have only gotten worse

eat shit kike

She looks above average, the titjob is executed very well, not immediately obvious that it's fake. Without it she was probably a solid 6/10, with the titjob somewhere around 7/10. The real problem is that she has some mental illness. Normal people don't have onlyfans accounts, and they don't do plastic surgery either, she has major issues. The only reason she is still in that relationship is due to idubbz being a beta who can't say no, so she will just keep making an ass of him in front of the whole world.

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okay nigger tell us how to fix this then

virgins are where it's at

They act like real people and they actually have the ability to truly love others.

In contrast to worn out and broken women that learned that they are only good for sex and that men are interchangeable money producing machines.

This is a two way street - it takes good, honest, strong and loyal men to pull it off... but if you can,... shit is most definitely cash

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Where's ops image? Fucking virgin chads.

people want to have children. some people believe it's one of the main purposes of human life. when you look at the modern scientific data regarding telogony and microchimerism it becomes evident that having more than one sexual partner for a woman means a man the dna is polluted. men contribute to this by sleeping with more than one woman also. moreover scientific study also demonstrates that women especially have damage to their oxytocin and pair-bonding ability with each additional sexual partner. this isn't some religious or biblical standpoint. it is also painful for people who fall in love to have a sexual history. it causes emotional rifts. moreover the whole situation of sexual promiscuity, both men and women alike, has created an epidemic of single parents, rampant venereal disease, unwanted pregnancy, devaluation of love and functional committed relationships all of which make society and individuals stronger. if you can't feel it in your heart and in your gut that the widespread acceptance of sexual degeneracy and promiscuity is contrary to interpersonal and societal health then maybe you just don't have a heart or a soul.

Kill all pornographers, burn fornicators, stop giving up like a pathetic shit

this is the picture they deleted: Because fuck them, that's why

i'm not the one coping.
Have sex!

just buy a an escort or something

Okay so burn almost everyone including me, got it. You see why no one is on your side?

>double coomer cope

>Okay so burn almost everyone including me,
Yes. Make extra martial sex punishable by death and it'll stop

don't you understand hyperbole? if you do not work towards a goal you will obtain dick. spineless cuck

I've dated and fucked two virgins with the intent of marrying them and both of them turned into horrible cunts once they got comfortable in how much power they had in the relationship. All women are naturally awful in countless ways, no exceptions, it's only a matter of degree.

Y-yea, hyperbole....

doesn't really sound like he is exaggerating, i doubt he has enough sophistication to follow an "aim for the stars, end up in the sky" approach

Promiscuous sex destroys your ability to be happy. Same with watching porn. It started at a young age anons. If only you NEVER had bought into it! You could have fallen in love young with someone you click with, married a virgin, and produced children like rabbits. You all need a HARD no-fap reset. That means NO PORN, NO FAP, and NO SEX. Start now or you are a nigger nigger.

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>everyone but me is a drooling Neanderthal
Lmao kill yourself

doesn't matter, he got a goal unlike you. and that's what matters in the end

That's the kind that pisses me off the most. I've fucked around, I don't demand a virgin. All I want is a woman who isn't a horrible, dishonorable cunt or so ugly I'd be embarrassed to take her outside but that's probably too much to ask right there.

Fuck this nigger thread

A significant factor in the reduction of violence is the consequences of genetic filtering:
>This process musthave had genetic consequences, since aggressive/antisocial behavior is moderately to highly heritable. A meta-analysis of twin and adoption studies estimated the heritability at 40% (Rhee and Waldman, 2002). A later twin study found a heritability of 96%, where the subjects were 9–10 year-olds of diverse ethnic backgrounds (Baker, Jacobson, Raine, Lozano, andBezdjian, 2007).
Within that frame I'd agree, we should make sure promiscuous women are genetically cut short or have reduced impact on society.

IMHO there is no idealism with the neo-puritan anti porn / anti coom crowd. Just rage, jealousy and sexual frustration.
Why do they hate porn so much? Because they are addicted to it.
Why are they so angry with women, in general? Sexual frustration
Why are they so angry with e-girl in particular? Both of the above + jealousy and anger at themselves for supporting them.

Do you have any actual reasons to believe this? I know a few people who married young and most of them are having a pretty hard time, but I know a lot of people who dated and fucked multiple people until they figured out what they wanted and found good partners and are now happy. The wrong person is the wrong person, the right person is the right person, simple as.

>Why the hell are you guys so hung up about morality?
do you actually jut not comprehend why some people think morality is important