Marriage of young girls with older men is beautiful, moral and should be encouraged by the Yas Forums

Marriage of young girls with older men is beautiful, moral and should be encouraged by the Yas Forums.

The younger, the less untouched a woman is, the more pure she is and the chances of marriage being longer lasting are greater.

Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, had him around the age of 12, married to Joseph, a mature man probably over 30 years old.

According to the will of the Most High, the only form of law that permits sexual intercourse that respects human dignity is after menarche, anything that holds women apart is a satanic plan of destruction of humanity (through the family).

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Other urls found in this thread:"average age of marriage"&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q="average age of marriage"&f=false"thirty-five is the average age of marriage"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjj7OWQmKTYAhUSJVAKHUvMD3kQ6wEIKjAA#v=onepage&q="thirty-five is the average age of marriage"&f=false

Sounds like someone wasted his youth jerking off to porn

Wow they are both built for black cock.

Okay ugly pedophile

SEETHE childless hag

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Young marriages have always been the exception to the rule. Hesiod, the most ancient Greek writer, says that a woman should not be married until she is at least four years past puberty; and Plutarch informs us that Spartan women were to marry "not when they were small and underage for wedlock, but when they were in full bloom and wholly ripe" (Life of Lycurgus). Nor did antiquity approve of out-of-wedlock relations with prepubescents. According to Aeschines, any person who molested a young boy or girl in Athens was to be put to death (Against Timarchus).

Coming forward to 1900, the average age of marriage in Germany was 27.8 for males and 25.5 for females; in the U. S., 27.6 for males and 23.9 for females (Haines, 1996). In 19th-century France, it was 30 years for males, 26 years for females.

The average age of marriage in England from the age of Elizabeth to that of Victorian was about twenty-five for both sexes. Marriages with young people were so rare there that, in the year 1839 (to take an example at random) there was not a single English marriage contracted with a person of either sex under the age of 15. Read it for yourself here:

"... According to this table there were under 15 years, none for either sex.""average age of marriage"&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q="average age of marriage"&f=false

19th century Prussia: "Thirty-five is the average age of marriage in Prussia, and, where the land is much divided, the peasants never marry before 32. Nor does the habit of late marriage increase immorality, for, apart from the larger towns, Prussia is among the states of Europe characterized by fewest illegitimate births.""thirty-five is the average age of marriage"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjj7OWQmKTYAhUSJVAKHUvMD3kQ6wEIKjAA#v=onepage&q="thirty-five is the average age of marriage"&f=false

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>ccp poster spacing
you are now aware that the pedo posters are all chinks.

They look Latino

fuck off jew

So sexy.

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ok, epstein......

God I wanna see a huge black dick buried deep inside them

This post reads like islamic apologism

Greeks are gross and degenerate and gave rise to what is now know as the NWO. They were the Babylon of the modern ancient world.

>>Over the course of American history, the most commonly observed age of consent was 10 years
>This is a lie.
Pic related

Anecdotes of 19th century european peasant life means nothing in the grand scheme of 7,000 years of human history.

>The legal age of consent means nothing
If the legal age of consent was so low then it means it would have been permited, rare or not.
>out that the age of consent laws were being abused for the purpose of prostitution, they were revised, and the age was made higher.
Why not make prostitution illegal instead?

>The most aristocratic society in history, Sparta, disapproved of young marriages
And roman girls were married off at twelve. I don't see why I'd have to take the Spartan's recommendation.
>Nor did antiquity approve of out-of-wedlock relations with prepubescents either.
Except the argument isn't being made for prepubescents

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kys incel boomer

>I have no argument so I post a string of useless buzzwords
Low IQ

These chicks a little be young, but generally i agree with you. Whats the point of whoring around till 35 to have a career and then up alone with your career and cats.

No need to be so toasty


Empirical data of the whole of society.

>And roman girls were married off at twelve

"Most Roman women seem to have married in their late teens to early twenties."

Thank you for catching the pedos red handed, glownigger

>According to Aeschines, any person who molested a young boy or girl in Athens was to be put to death (Against Timarchus).
Aeschines was a rhetorician. He was arguing for people who have sex with free boys to be put to death. It wasn't a law, and he didn't even care if they fucked slave boys.

Damn imagine fucking that tiny girl
Her little cunny must be so tight

How the fuck can you even be turned on by the left one. She needed assistance wiping her butt just a few years ago.

Whatever jew that took this photo and put it on social media needs to be jailed just as much as the OP for promoting sexualization of children.

As for the OP, hes a 100% likely a muslim migrant trying to project his own shitskin culture on us. We all know you fucking subhumans fuck 10 year olds cause pedo pig prophet mohammed said its ok.

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age is just a number. pedofelia is a sexuality

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no western girl want to marry at that age.
I'v asked even the conservative ones want to "travel and live" before getting married at 30

many 5 cent soldiers on here, yes, but why would ccp want to encourage ephebophilia?

funny the shill WHO POST IN CAPS!!!



THIS IS MY BOARD blablablabla and shit is nowhere to be seen here

ah make you think.....

Anyone who is aroused by a person under the age of 15 should be killed immediately

>Aeschines was a rhetorician. He was arguing for people who have sex with free boys to be put to death. It wasn't a law, and he didn't even care if they fucked slave boys.

When Alexander the Great was offered a slave-boy as a present, he was outraged by the gift, and turned it away in disgust. (Plutarch, Life of Alexander.) Nobody in their right mind approved of pederastic relationships with slaves either. Read the lectures of Musonius Rufus, the Roman Socrates, on sexual morality.

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There goes 90% of the population

What's with all the jailB threads over the last few weeks.
This one dude spamming or an intentional raid?

women attracted to the security of a stable life with money. something old guys, and others, can give.

bitches will take what they can get.

go figure.

Epstein and Weinstein were based.

> The younger, the less untouched a woman is, the more pure she is
Then posts an image of two sluts in tight “clothing”.

>empirical evidence of the whole societies
There were a whole lot more than just 4 societies fren
>"Most Roman women seem to have married in their late teens to early twenties."
>but noble women married younger than those of the lower classes

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What if she's 14 years and 365 days in a leap year but would've been 15 years in a normal year?

I-I'm going to say the C-word.

>Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, had him around the age of 12, married to Joseph, a mature man probably over 30 years old.

And she still cucked him.

glad to see other bright mind here


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According to Catholic tradition and the Gospel of James, Mary was engaged to Joseph at age 15 and likely was 16 when Christ was born.

There is no need to go THAT young, but a woman should marry by 21.

The one on the right is so ready for a pounding. I would lick every inch of her body and imagine the look of shock when u penetrate her young supple pussy and you start slow then slowly ramp it up untill she moaning in the throws of orgasm and jist when she thinks she cant take another thrust you dump ur load down deep inside her, filling her with over whelming joy and extasy

show flag

Tanning should be illegal

We're biologically wired to be attracted to a female form of sexual maturity.

Imagine the smell

You used someone's opinion in ancient times to claim there was a law based on it. Now you are cherrypicking a Stoic philosopher who was banished from Rome. I haven't read him, but I have read Plato, who always refers to young boys when he mentions love or desire. I have read Petronius and Virgil, both who celebrate pederasty.

Trump and every other political leader can relate.

oh and it all started after piper

inb4 404

The virgin Mary was 15 when she birthed Christ, not 12 you pedo, make sure you know your theology before blabbering online.

did nothing wrong when you really think about it critically

She's a beaner.

Yeah, with your 3 inch limp dick, right?

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Alright, you kike fucks, its definitely starting now

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>politically incorrect board
>mods delete politically incorrect threads