So who here DOESN’T have their garden going yet?

Hunger pangs will strike soon and hard. By August you might suck a dick for a single tater.

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Those beets will outgrow the container retard

humanity is my garden.

Assuming i dont already succ for taters?

you can't eat marijuana you moron. grow some real plants, faggot.

This. Prepare a piece of land to transfer them. Otherwise pretty based

Waiting until mid may.
I got snow last year thinking i was good after 2 weeks of 60's.

Those are peat pots, meant to be planted directly into the soil. My wife and I started them all in those little peat discs which inflate when watered.

>being this dumb
have you really never started plants before? do you really go seed into ground like a backwards savage?

I live in the PNW and only a couple hundred feet from the ocean, it's already in the 60s most days here.

You'll need to learn canning to have food during winter

I do this every year because my home grown veggies are much better than the trash you can buy.

You don't need to start beets indoors; they can be planted right in the ground as soon as you can work the soil. Same thing with cabbage or broccoli, if that's what I'm seeing there. If the upper left are peppers or tomatoes, they can't go out until after danger of frost. Good start!

Just planted some stuff today. Kinda late but it's been too rainy until now.

I only have 1 pot of beets and I do, otherwise the slugs and snails will destroy them. Once they're a certain size they aren't bothered at all by a small amount of molluscual nomming but when they're this small a single small mollusc can eat a sprout in less than an hour.

Slashed and burnt my cover crop the other day. Year 3 since escaping the urban concrete disopia.

Seeds in the planters.

Squash hold up the longest if you are not caning/blanching/freezing

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I got powder mold last year on my squash, I think it was because I used straw to cover the ground by them. It was the first time I did this, cut down on watering a lot but the squash all failed. Luckily you can buy squash for cheap.

Use a slacked lime and copper sulfate solution. Increase space between plants

I have potatoes, carrots and asparagus going

I've been stacking toilet paper tubes. Fill a plastic salad box with them on end and you can use them as a starter.

I've got 40x40 for staples and veggies for canning already started planting today.
Ive also planted a 10x10 grove of Chicago Hardy Figs and already have Mature cherry, apple, and pear trees. I thought about laying out another plot for grains but not sure what to plant.

That's a great idea.

I'll just night raid someones garden whenever im hungry, fuck prepping

I can’t plant outside until May 24th.

No sense starting plants now that will just turn into little runts by the time the danger of frost passes

looks like half your shit has blight. you suck nigga.

Haha, you’re going to be mauled by a dog and then choked to death!

Nothing has blight, the plantlets are just a little wilty from being handled a bit during the transfer. You probably don't have a garden at all, do ya?

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>you might suck a dick for a single tater.
I am much more likely to shoot you in the face for it.

Lol no gunz detected

do some companion planting to keep away pests. like rosemary keeps slugs and snails out your garden an sheeeeit.

That's next month's project.
The weather still sucks here.

oh fugg thanks

Going to home depot tomorrow... can someone give me a check list ?

I am allowed 4 marijuanas by the state and I only have one so far.

Yeah I bought this home just last year, I'm still in the process of doing the yard and everything. The place came with an apple and an asian pear tree though, that's nice.

What is solar power motion detection lighting and a pupperz.

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I just have a nice high fence, it works fine. Nobody comes back here except the two neighbor cats and they never hurt anything and are my lil buddies anyway.

my fault for making assumptions mang. i got blight on some kale i started indoors like 5 years ago and it looked like that. i start all my shit outdoors after that. i worked on an organic farm for a while in the fields and the green house and plant a large garden every year. I'm still learning and fuck up something every year.

i was kidding about the you suck thing. sorry that was childish of me.

* i even planted catnip in my next to the house garden which is mostly chives, blueberries, and wild onion transplants to attract the lil neighbor buddy cats so they will keep rabbits and squirrels and birds away

That would be great if I HAD FUCKING TOILETTE PAPER

>tips pith helmet

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Hahah you are a retard bro

plant mullein, it's nature's toilet paper, also known as indian tp or boy scout tp
>big fluffy leaves as big as a square of tp
>softer and more absorbent, yet provides an actual shield layer against liquid touching your skin unlike normal tp
>100% natural

simply pluck the leaves off when they get to size

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I already do this. Its nice coming home with a trash bag full of fresh produce for free haha

LOL, Not already sucking dick for single taters.

They're probably using your garden beds as a giant litter box.

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I started making a whole bunch of homemade booze back in January, tell you what you give me that entire tray of beets or you have to go back and spend time with your family sober.

Looks like you niggers finally realized I was right

fertilizer and peas, get your taters from the store and let 'em go to eyes or plant ones that already are, you can cut up a tater with eyes as long as there is one eye per piece and make multiple plants out of it, clones.

Peas and taters are a complete protein and you can live off it as long as you like, both will grow in adverse conditions as well.

Nah I don't ever see them poop over here, they poop at home. And the soil is never disturbed either. They're good lil buddies.

A bit behind here. Windstorm knocked off one of our trays outside and then the cats rummaged around in the fallen sprouts making things worse. Was sad. They were growing good. Had to sort them out, many were lost. Had to start a lot of them from the beginning.
But I am kind of a newfag to this, so.

I can grow whatever the fuck I want when I want. The key is the jiffy/burpee just add water shit balls and have thousands of the GMO seeds. I'll have bjs for days compared to your little patch. Here's a tip. Plants need water, not dirt. Hydroponics is also a good way for a head of lettuce in a few days

>eating lettuce
lettuce is literally a net calorie loss and is full of anti-nutrients as well, which leech phosphorus and calcium from your body

literally you will die trying to live off lettuce

you need pease and potaters son

Here's another tip, before the west raped everyone for their land to grow for sugar cane for our fat asses, sugar beets provided the Russian and slavic lands with 50%+ of their sugar. Bitches love sweets

Yas Forums was having gardening threads years ago but at some point it looked like we were having too much fun so the jannies started pruning or deleting them

The USA aggressively pursues sugar beet production and has for generations. Cuba has all the cane it can use, lol. It runs its buses on sugar. You sound like a chankoro 'student.'

Swiss chard and egyptian walking onions grow all year round, hardy and even invasive if you don't keep em in check. But produce crazy healthy greens

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what should I grow and any book recommendations?

Fuck yeah!

I'm already getting sprouts. Started early because I listen to Harmlessyarddog.

I have Okra, Broccoli, pumpkins, green beans, Black berries, Malabar Spinach, lemon grass, onions, and my most prized experiment, indoor grown dwarf limes (Calamansi). I got some of the Calamansi seeds from a Filipina. Been growing them all winter under grow lights.

A quarter of my back yard is utilized.

Any tips for composting? So far I've just thrown scraps to the chickens.
Would composting the waste be more efficient?

What do you eat and what is your soil like?

If it's too cold used root based plants like carrots and potatoes. If you are down south, grow something good.

What plants will you use with it?
My lime trees and Malabar spinach like decaying organic matter. Some plants want more normal soil.

I have a bed of walking onions and it has expanded rapidly, I have to use some basically weekly now to keep it in check. Same with the wild onions. They're not 'ramps' but the kind with the little white flowers, the type which has a near identical deadly cousin which lacks the oniony scent and flavor.

pease and taters are a complete protein and will grow anytime anywhere

nice, I planted some of my own home bred peas, this year I finally had enough for a full bed of them, they are midway between shelling and edible pod types, they lack that hard inner structure but will dry out and each pod has full, cube-shaped peas, it's awesome

i will select the best and cross breed again after this crop against another variety I have called f141

Just don't inject the whole marijuana at once. I had a friend who died that way.

Excellent idea selecting the best seeds.

Eugenics is something every farmer need stop practice. Select the seeds of the strongest and most productive for next year.

bumping for a comfy farming thread

Tomatoes peppers, and cabbage

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>Needs to practice.

Fuck autocorrect

How does it work. Do you just stick the potato seed in and it keeps growing potatoes. or do you have to keep planting seeds>?

What plant produces the most amount of produce?

I have some 20 gallon fabric pots as well as a regular garden bed, any ideas what I should plant in the fabric pots? I did weed last time (OG Kush) and that was a mistake because my plants were about 7 and a half feet tall at their peak, and it went over the fence line.

>85 IQ: panic buying food
>100+ IQ: planting a garden

I was inspired by a monk who also bred peas.


It's not time to plant yet, can't plant until end of april.

Berries are the most notable for me. Store bought ones taste absolutely nothing like the ones i grow around the yard.

Best for self-sustenance are corn or potatoes

Lettuce and spinach grow quickly. Bush beans (like Blue Lake green beans) grow vigorously and they will grow anywhere. Don't have to start them indoors, they're direct sow.

Mendelson the German Geneticist monk?

I've just gotten started so only potatoes, carrots and sweet peppers but I plan to add more variety.

Hardcore. I am Impressed.

do it in my backyard if you want a bullet in your head.

I'm at an elevation of 10,000 ft and growing season is short, does anyone have suggestions for short season crops? I was gonna do beats, carrots, cabbage, korabi, lettuce and potatoes. Any other suggestions. Planning on starting zucchini and cucumbers indoors but don't know how they will work.

>he doesn't live on a farm
never going to make it

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no you won't, you'll starve.

>not having a cellar always laid back and replaced is it's depleted
hehe this nigga never took home ec

Anons can you recommend some good literature on farming/gardening, land and fruit tree maintenance, etc?

Got my cannabis seedlings going

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Amateur. Fucking meme pots. Cardboard pots are terrible. Too many seed per pot. Everything stung out by lack of light. I am living at 54 degrees north and I will be eating my first new cabbage of the year in 2-3 weeks. I have been eating fresh lettuce and salad leaves all winter. first spring leaves are ready now. Cauli will be ready in a few weeks. Just finished off last year's potatoes a few weeks ago.
I grow on about a quarter of an acre and in one polytunnel, I buy practically no vegetables.

What does everyone do to prevent weeds overtaking the garden?

I am already getting some and I have to pull them by hand.

Yeah, considering farmers tend to have guns.

You're much more likely to get shot entering some one's property. you raider fags are pathetic.

good way to get beat down

Grow your own vegetables by Joy Larckom is the bible of veg growing,

The Vegetable Gardener's Bible: Discover Ed's High-Yield W-O-R-D System for All North American Gardening Regions Paperback – February 15, 2000
by Edward C. Smith

thanks guys, I'll definitely check them out