/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2963 - WEBM EDITIONS

► Detected: 1,268,738 (+67,255) ► Died: 69,329 (+4,639) ► Day: 87 (-03:49:18)

— 4.3 billion people put under lockdown —
— 208 countries and territories infected —
— 3.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,425 different strains have been sequenced —
— 62 vaccines and 298 treatments announced —


US underreports amount of deaths, investigation confirms

REHVA experts unambigously mention airborne transmission

Boris Johnson, UK prime minister, admitted to hospital

5 year old in Britain dies of coronavirus

19 year old in Britain dies of coronavirus, no previous conditions

Incubation period up to 24 days, longer than expected

Virus causes damage to heart, kidneys and liver

NIAID chief mentions risk of ADE during White House briefing

Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"

Italy warns that cats, ferrets and dogs can get infected

Infected in India only discovered post-mortem

China burning bodies without testing or registration

"Germany omits most deaths with other pathologies", Spanish biologist

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

Spain doesn't report cases discovered post-mortem

21:23: 132 new cases and 4 new deaths in South Carolina
21:14: 69 new cases and 1 new death in Oregon
21:00: 62 new cases and 5 new deaths in Greece
21:00: First death in Haiti
20:59: 764 new cases and 15 new deaths in Massachusetts


► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2:

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.nothingburger.today/Videos/_zMisc/Tunisia - 20200404 - 1246520058425176064.mp4

This is god's retribution for tiktok

>insectoids (not china) are handling this outbreak the best

are they the superior race?

All hail

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>Let's all crowd around real close and breathe in as much of that smoke as possible


enjoy the vid

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You pathetic bootlicking retards never fail to make me laugh with your “cvg” threads and your exaggerated statistics that don’t hold up to any scientific standards stay in fear lmao

has there been any positive news at all?

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can you backup your claims?

>Covid deaths
99% are with comorbidities with an average age of 79. Any death with covid was ruled as a covid death in Italy, which they only test the sick in hospital.
>Muh death rate
Research, SKorea, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Austria etc show that 80-90% of cases are asymptomatic. This brings total fatality below 1%.
>Case # skyrocketing!
We are testing more, it only makes sense. This also brings the mortality rate lower.
>What about the testing methods?
With a false positive rate of 80% reported by the FDA, it tests for the same genes in the common cold.
>But this country has a high fatality rate!
They only test the people who are hospitalized. When compared to the flu by hospitalized, flu has a mortality rate of 10%.
>Muh stockerinos/get to work goy
The people who are the freest from stocks and Jews are small businesses being destroyed from this while mega corps thrive. 45 million unemployed. You think it'll get better?


What are they spraying?

Based Detroit bus driver died

Fuck bros, i was so close to finishing my COOM addiction before this self isolation shit, my life was going so well

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No, its over...

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Still waiting for that EBOLA-CORONA chans team up double trouble duo gangbang in Africa anons
How are the Afro numbers looking lately, how many test have the Afros done lately? do you even have test or still unaware of how many infected already? kek


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>m-muh (((approved))) standarts
based retard

Yes, she keeps geting stronger

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>queen talks
>boris dies

what kind of shit karma is this??

1,107 dead in the US so far

this whole event is positive news, what are you talking about?

Threadly reminder that the ride never ends.

Thread theme:

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I finally baked a bread that resembles a bread. Does that count?

w..whats going on bros?

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same, I had a 1 month nofap streak until coronachan

/PTG/ ASSAULT INCOMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no hope

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I don't remember

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Boris Johnson is in hospital

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I can’t wait for it to come out about it being a bioweapon. I can’t wait because war with China is afoot and I get to see chinks get vaporized.

Did ShillTube take down the video already or is it still up on there?

>globohomo is dying
>tribulations that precede the 2nd coming

seems like good news to me

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>He didn't sacrifice his entire family to her

1400 died just in the last 24 hours

YES thank you, I'm glad there's good news

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I can't find any

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Let's just coof on them

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Notice that the Western world starting taking Covid seriously the exact moment that ok boomer tiktok came out.

correct pasta bro, its over...

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Shit is getting out of hand. We have a giant spread out country. This is going to go on through the summer.

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Trump needs his fix of ranting and invective
He's stuck in the White House going stir crazy

Based Panadero

— 62 vaccines and 298 treatments announced —

whats the world record of deaths ina single day in one country?

Her story will be recalled for thousands of years, she will be the face of our new world religion.

Attached: Corona chans story .webm (960x540, 2.81M)

My cats been coughing and his breathing is rather loudly
If he has it I’m gonna kill all the chinks

>Boris Johnson, UK prime minister, admitted to hospital

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Does anyone have that Italian Boomer webm?

not even the nothing burgers remain huh...

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trump and his goonies are planning how to escape the country and start over with new names

What's the Florida status?

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>Died: 69,420


Every country just taking turns carpet bombing every part of china

This is merely thee First wave anons
history has proven, pandemics always have at least a second wave
how worse do you anons think the second wave will be, 2x, 5x, 10x worse in terms of deaths?
>tfw experts also suggest even a third wave could occur in the year 2021

>I've been proudly shaking hands with covid patients
>"boris johnson has been admitted to hospital for persistent covid symptoms"
Who could have foreseen such an outcome?

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at least 1 or 2 have to work, surely?

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bro why would you let your cat outside when you know cats can get the fucking airborn aids

I learned how to use spices in pasta

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At least 12,350 people have now tested positive for the new coronavirus across Florida, the state Department of of Health reported Sunday evening, an increase of about of about 800 cases since a report about 24 hours earlier.

Miami-Dade has the largest number, 4,146, of total cases. Broward has 1,886 cases and Palm Beach County has 1,000.

As of Sunday evening, Palm Beach County has recorded 49 deaths, the highest number in the state. Broward has had 40 deaths, and Miami-Dade County 31.

On Saturday night, Palm Beach County had reported 25 deaths, Broward had 32, and Miami-Dade County had 31.

I'm a potato

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Lost the link
But fortunately found the webm

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florida is fucked

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The most positive news is that this will roll out universal basic income and if you don't want to work you don't have to. It's showing us how some jobs are not needed.

This is a war against the poor
this is that and nothing more
It started at Wuhan's front door.
Bio warfare a few blocks over

This is a war against the poor
This is something we can not ignore
Pay attention a bio-weapon
an their answer for the cries for change

This is a war against the poor
for the world to endure
Stay Strong Wuhan
First to endure this war against the poor

Wuhan Doctors and Nurses brave and true
Your as heroic as our boys in red and blue,
Our police and firefighters
who died in a blaze as our towers fell
People of Wuhan , commonwealth of China
Stay strong
we are seeing it all
You are heroes all
in this war against the poor

Dr. Hawking
Remember, he said
We must keep talking,
to win this war against the poor
Julian where is he in this war against the poor?
Behind some locked door with nothing but a concrete floor
They shoot the messengers in the war against the poor

We should have vaporized them the moment we know that they burn dogs alive to eat.

Did Normies really think they were going to get away with their evil world of infinite financial growth and casual sex?

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>florida is fucked
naw, it's too hot in florida. spread is slow.

I didn’t know honestly


For the truth you see is the bane of the enemies of the poor.

Our power to communicate is the power over their will
Yas Forums faggots
who would have thought your words would hold
so much weight against this war against the poor

Satire bites
Momus fights
his weapon is truth with a bite
only good souls can endure
his mask, a mirror
information the poor's only weapon
Against the enemies of poor

So here we are
a precipice of change
As they war against the poor
with this new viral culling floor

But we know we can endure this war against the poor
information never dies,
we have knowledge of there lies logged away in files tucked away in USB drives

Commonwealth of the world stay strong
Don't fight even when our governments might
we have more in common with the other commonwealths of nations
than we do with the elite that walk in dimly lit halls
that determine our futures for us

Human rights are out of sight in the war against the poor
Thats something we must endure together
talk please talk
of only
because with
We will win this war against the poor.

thanksnever mind just answered my own question

pretty sure this has shown us that western economies were like 80% nonessential bullshittery

Hope your cat will be ok

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Listen faggots
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
Total nothing burger

you got infos on which are currently top tier ?

arent you doing the same, upside down poland?


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give it time... they will show up eventually..

Getting wasted on my homemade booze. Life's good

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>PRC shilling rap
that's a first one for me

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How many vaccines have been started?
62? 63?

heh, who's the loser now

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Will Los Angeles become like New York soon?

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I live with a smoker and holy fuck smokers are retarded. I asked them multiple times if they wanted to stock up on cigarettes weeks ago and they said they were fine. Then today they flip the fuck out and declare they're going to go buy cigarettes even though theres around 100 cases in our city

I went with them to make sure they bought the cigs and left quickly, I really hope I dont get infected because the retarded relative I live with cant plan 1 week into the future go 6 hours without nicotine without losing their fucking mind

Daily reminder that if you live with a smoker, they WILL 100% have no ability to percieve future events and you will have to make sure they are stocked up on cigarettes yourself, because braindead retarded smokers literally can't see three days into the future

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The worst part is the lockdown isn't at federal level it's the states deciding it. So as the states with the initial outbreak get better and lift restrictions, they will probably get reinfected by people traveling from states that have active hotspot infections.

Tell that to Ecuador

If that happens expect most supplies to be unavailable for a long period of time.

Almost all industry is located in China.

Corona-virus in Antarctica when?


In Best Korea cranial lead injections have been extremely effective

We can get away with casual sex, it's the infinite growth on finite planet mentality that really fucks everyone over.

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Don't worry Iran is doing fine :)

Where Is the link for 3400 strains sequenced ?

Thank you bro
Makes not even sense providing sources here though, it’s like their brains are switched off

Let's see where we are after a year.

Even in the less extream scenario, where she isn't our only God and we squirm at her feet asking for another day of life on her world, I hope she gets to have the same fame as plague doctor has now

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"I don't have money anymore, I can't pay for groceries!"
This shit is real. My neighbours only eat a bowl of pasta at lunch and nothing else.

Why are stocks not free falling like a month ago?

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Their mayor downplayed the situation and told people to go on as life is normal in march. In Feburary he encouraged people to attend chinese new year at chinatown. La and other cities mayor knew shit was going down so they kept their mouths shut and shut shit down as soon as fedral gov acknowledge the problem
>LA will be hit hard but no where near as bad as nyc

Only the chinks among us, we're almost entirely Muslims and don't eat dogs.

Bill Mitchell is their champion he leads the nothing burgers and normies to their doom.

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>12,000 cases 200 deaths in miami
no man, you are just lagged behind nyc in time, I hope I am wrong

It's obvious that more people are suffering from the lockdown than the virus itself. We could at least relax the measures.

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Can't they restrict interstate travel?

So let's get back to this list after a year of corona.

Words that will live in infamy if he dies

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We like playing life on hard mode.

no, but it will get like New York

Thanks user hope so too
Hopefully I’m just paranoid

>naw, it's too hot in florida.

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Its gonna be a slow decline from here


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That looks like a jar full of cum. Not that I know what one would look like, of course.

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it’s not because they are smokers, most people in generally cant think ahead
i hope you arent too attached to them, corona might cleanse them

Is this retard your husband or what? You should just left them to die.


>my family is retarded and I'm so out of shape and sickly the world scares me
Nigger I been bought cartons and don't project your bullshit onto the rest of the world.

>low time preference and living life from impulse to impulse without any strategy or planning
>"lmao dude i like a challenge xD"

a-all those piss jugs

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I can get behind this.

The yellow menace is destroying western civilization. Wake up sheeple.

Who is the next country's leader to be hospitalized after receiving mild symptoms? My bet is on Merkel.

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What else do you expect from someone inhaling literal cancer every day?

>Why are stocks not free falling like a month ago?
normalfag invenstors are sure it'll be over in just 4-8 weeks bro, just buy the dip, we'll be back to normal soon, Govt will prop us up until then and it's back to work my friend

tl;dr haha brrrrrrrrrr


Imagine trying to do that. Imagine the number of people that would require

I want writefag back...

Well, it's an experimental wine made from whey. Looks like fermented piss, but tastes decent.

chaos is a laddah, laowai

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now fuck off

Best fit graph for US deaths please

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nothingburgerfags ?

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Can you translate spaghetti bro? Whats going on here?

I hope we see the EU die

We will see normies full on panic when they realize there are people intentionally spreading corona chan, because they worship her and know she will spare them.

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Based and raptar pilled


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>Why are stocks not free falling like a month ago?
Literally the fed is pompin et
it is crazy how some memes can become reality eh?
but regardless, the inflation and printing of more money for bailouts can only get the global economy so far
if you've checked the dow or other markets, the so called "V" recovery was a huge scam, as you can clearly see we are in an "L" economic trend now at least for the next decade

Cum jar

>i did it mom, i've sure showed those shills how we roll in /cvg/

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best korea always has best solutions

translation pastafreind?

Did the RC car approach you guys?

archive.nothingburger.today/Videos/_zMisc/Tunisia - 20200404 - 1246520058425176064.mp4

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yo prep the nukes homie

Does Europe prevent travel? Do they have checkpoints and roadblocks between countries?

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I'd be comfortable if the nothingburgers came back, It scares me that they're quiet..

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I am certain the fed itself has been directly pumping the stonks just to lull people into the dead cat bounce