Virus rapes Asia

>Virus rapes Asia
>Spreads to America and 87% of the deaths are black
>Spreads to Europe and only kills Italians
Can't make this stuff up

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Other urls found in this thread:

>only kills old Italians


>mostly northern Italians
But I thought north Italy was white and Napoletani werent

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>87% of the deaths are black
that's good news, sauce?

Italy has very crowded small streets & no one in Italy knew it was in Italy until it was too late. I was just about to go to Rome just before it hit.

I like Italians, dont hate on them just to be edgy especially now!

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So Italians really are niggers. I can't wait to tell my wife my jokes on this topic were true!

It's made up, infection rate is roughly uniform (adjusted for population in the area; i.e. chicago and philadelphia are majority black so they're going to have majority black patients), however deaths are higher amongst blacks because of poverty + underlying health conditions (obesity, hypertension disorder, cardiomegaly, etc)

Did anyone ever ask why we retained some Neanderthal DNA?

>It's true but I don't like it so it's not true if you imagine the world being different

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Lol someone check Milwaukee's death registry? Need proof these aren't inflated numbers.
If it is true that niggers have been getting annihilated by corona-chan, then there should be similar trends in other places.

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Yea give it a couple more weeks, I heard its hitting the Jewish people's hard. We need to give isreal another 38 billion sheckles right now.

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It's airborne AIDS. Naturally it hits filthy 3rd worlders much harder.

oh im sure your wife's italian boyfriend will find them funny as hell

ah shut up.

So basically it kills every American

East Asians are immune. Which is why Korea, Japan, and Taiwan are handling this fine, due to their better health

It's unironically raping whites.

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pitiful, pastanigger. Just... pitiful

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refer to this chart whites are the 2nd most obese people in the world, of course it's gonna rape them

we all know youre hiding your true numbers..

I'm just glad the coronavirus has finally scientifically proven what we've all known all along.

Italians are literally niggers. Every single Italian is a nigger. Every one. There are no exceptions. Italian = nigger.

if it only killed niggers and muslim niggers

wtf? I believed pajeets were good with numbres
it's what I'm watching right now, even that city has 40% blacks, it could be killing them not because they're niggers, but because, as you can see in the distribution map, they're very dense in the blue part. and in this news the mayor says they're going to tell them to go home, implying they didn't give a fuck about quarantine

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>most deaths on a dense island that is home to the Anglo (White) empire are mostly whitee!! hahah whiteoids blown the fuck out!

Kek, learn to read statistics, you obese mouthbreather.

Common core must have done a number on you burgoids.

>Spreads to Europe and only kills Italians
And Spaniards

Sorry the truth hurts user.

erm, based?

Oh and Boris Johnson is literally the only head of state in the world to have to be hospitalized for this...

>Italians are literally niggers. Every single Italian is a nigger. Every one. There are no exceptions. Italian = nigger.

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>Italy has very crowded small streets & no one in Italy knew it was in Italy until it was too late.
Italy also doesn't homogenize their milk and they eat a lot of cured pork, 2 vectors for the virus to travel through

American nogs are fat as fuck.
Some of the unhealthiest people on the planet.

>it's the socio economic differences, i swear
>not the fact that blacks can't follow simple instructions and unironically post stupid shit like blacks are immune or anything...

>it is not the fault of that community

>rapes Asia
not the important asian countries retard

Seriously wtf is going on? How can one virus be so fucking based?

Fucks chinks
Fucks wops
Fucks spaniards
Oh noes it's in America!
Only fucks niggers

Meanwhile Japan, South Korea, clean Europe, and even Indians are just fine. It's fucking unbelievable.

Italy's death numbers are as high as other European countries. What they did differently is count everyone who died WITH covid as a covid death, even if they died from something else. They admitted this. Cleaning the Italian numbers reveals a covid death rate that is down by 90%.

I sense a correlation to intrinsic genetic criminality.

5:1 it absolutely demolishes gyppos.

Northern italy is also the most densely populated, it has 1/2 the entire population of the country. seriously the South is extremely mountainous and hasn't actually been relevant on the geopolitical/economic world stage since Roman times

>"It's a combination of institutional, historical and ongoing issues that cause our underserved communities to suffer the burden of disease."

(((Dr. Benjamin))) Weston would like to remind his local niggers they are the victim.

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When the virus first started to spread black were bragging about their low infection rates. Guess that changed

No, Italians are very public people & older generation spend a out of time in public because of the mostly year long nice weather & this chinkflu spades quick as quick as the common cold but so deadly!

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I sure do love living in the Northwoods

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>Indians are just fine
They are fucked, just wait for the numbers to come in the next few weeks.

needs to kill britain too, please kek


>"Because of the misinformation, people didn't take the proper precautions to slow the spread, to distance themselves, to stop having large gatherings or going out,"
So because they're idiots.
>Just 3,588 cases
>30% rate death
>still don't hit a peak
>a population of 1.3 billion
Damn, that will be a great shit.

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This makes my theory of covid19 being developed in a lab to wipe out Africans down in south Africa and whatnot sound even better. China had invested billions into africa and it wasnt paying off, including loans to the governments there. They were going to seize lands there and make bases as part of the contracts if they didnt pay the loans back, but the locals would never have it.

That's very odd because Italians are white. Wait a minute...

Sickle Cell and Diabetes.

Big if true. South Asians are only like 5% and blacks are only 3% of the population, so they're hella overrepresented. Looks like my fucking college student body xD

No one is being tested, you can't just look at reported numbers and assume they are accurate.

Das racisss

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me on the right

me no understand basic genetics

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More elderly white people than any other demographic though.
South Asians are very young so that's odd. They are also dirty as fuck and everything with their hands. No knife and fork.


>No one is being tested
Actually yes, that tells you that of 328 ACTUAL patients, 229 where recovered or discharged, and 99 dead. your country hast a 35% because hospitals in some areas are full, and you had 1 case by 1000 people. India have 3 cases by million now, if that shit spread (and it will) there will be even worst.

Only kills the asians in northern italy who make clothing with the "made in italy" label at slave labor prices.

It's most deadly to blood type A, God sure hates his chosen people

Because black people go to the doctors when there toe feel funny because it’s free for them. White people actually know how to just lay down for a couple days and then if they don’t improve to seek medical attention. I know because when I was little emergency rooms used to work and be useable. Now they are not even an option unless you wanna sit around elbow to elbow with niggers and spics for hours. You guys ruined a lot of nice systems that worked. Chinks too. White people are ashamed to use welfare that’s why it worked. Rarely used only for single mothers and I see chinks roll up in a Mercedes and use welfare. I thought you pussy eyes were supposed to have honor. Obviously not.