We are hitting the Great Filter and it's called the Jews.
We will never be a Type I civilization
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actually its called monetary based society. to advance to type 1 requires a society that has advanced beyond money and learned how to be self sufficient while also advancing technology.
OPs picture is a literal hellscape
muh jews
Shut up Israel. Men are talking, not rats
>it's called the jews
No it's called humans, because we're all fucking retarded
It’s actually brown people. Don’t worry, the ancestors are returning to cleanse them.
t. Hereditary Duke of Luna
based thread of the day
Yup. They prevent society from progressing as a collective. They’ve always been the great filter
actually you’re a faggot. This isn’t politics, this is sci-fi trans humanist nerd shit
>It’s actually brown people.
Brown people wouldn't be an issue if they stayed in their home countries.
If that's what your ideal version of the future looks like, you can face the wall too right next to the kikes. Take your cultureless soulless hellscape and fuck off.
isn't it weird how every one of these sci fi ideas like a rotating space habitat or nuclear fusion was invented in the 40s-70s. there isn't any technology that will be invented in the next 100 years that wasn't dreamed up back in the 40s-70s
Skyscrapers unironically suck though. It’s why DC is such a unique and pleasant major city to be in
Absolutely true. They will be removed.
That doesn't look comfy at all...
It looks cold and lifeless..
Gib comfy city plox
if there's any good from all this it's darwinism getting to reap the retards of this world
Luxury Gay Space Communism is a fantasy utopian dream. The only way you get to that is by removing human individuality and freedom.
We were well on our way to creating a space faring civilization but the jews and Globalists put a stop to it so they could have greater control over the future space program.
Google "solarpunk" and tell it's not based AND comfy
We're already a Type 2 civilization. Most of us just don't know it yet.
We live on the cool, crusty surface of a very young, growing star. The crust is, in effect, an organic Dyson Sphere. The oligarch class harvests the energy of the young star, however inefficiently, to enslave the planet's indigenous population -- that is, us. The implications are... profound.
You're really not supposed to know this.
It's almost like someone has been purposefully slowing down the progress of human space flight
>not wanting to live on the citadel
Don't forget chinks. The Walmart brand kike.
You are... a fucking retard.
>We live on the cool, crusty surface of a very young, growing star
This would feasible if planets and stars were the same thing, but they aren't, the only time the earth will ever be a star is when it is consumed in the Sun's death at the end of its life cycle
Browns aren't really the problem.
The shits had mighty and grand civilizations.
>old school Chinese empires
>even the moores
At one time.
It was the subversion of the Merchants who seek to destroy humans achievements.
Every country collapsed after kicking out the jew..
Because it was too late.
the Marchant is the enemy to mankind.
That sounds like the jews but with extra steps, dumb shit
so its the jews.
This is fantastic
>Literal gay space communism
No thanks
OP here. The picture is not the point, its just a Hollywood illustration of an advanced civilization.
pathological altruism is at fault
no other race or people is the white man's burden
we do not have to lift all boats
we do not have to launch "humanitarian" missions
we do not have to be refuge destinations for the world
we do not have to fix the problems of other races
none of this is our responsibility
our only responsibility is to look out for other whites
if we do not jettison this pathological altruism we are dooming ourselves.
How do you get past the exchange good?
It's a serious question, how to you turn your work into all the things you need and want?
so basically the jews?
Maybe not the way you imagine, but we will get there.
>not wanting to raid the Citadel with your Cerberus buddies for that prime asari pussy.
Nope. Same thing, just at different stages of growth. The Earth was once a moon of Sol, when Sol was a planet. Eventually, when Earth lights off, the moon will be a planet. Jupiter and Saturn are closer to being lit stars, with many potential planets each.
This will explain some things:
you have been totally deluded
civilization is the problem
our Great Filter
Western Whites could easily rectify this with a bold new religion.
Holy hell that's awesome.
Thanks user.
magical faggot fairy dust, obviously.
The only way to get past the exchanging of goods is to assign some arbitrary value in effect you have to disregard individuals and the value of their labor. That's the only way communism or socialism can ever work, without the human element
>that prime asari pussy
>space racemixing
That just looks like Jew York. How is that desirable?
Pic very related.
The Earth is growing but you don't have to make that huge logical leap to "The Earth will be a star"
Found the kike
But the robots will refuse to work too if we give them an artificial intelligence, and without one they will just be advenced tools in the hands of human workers, humans who won't work hard if they don't gain something from it.
Cerberus did nothing wrong until Bioware realized their players were starting to sympathize with them
In Mass Effect 1 it was essentially stated outright that the human government was funding them behind the scenes, by 3 they go full retard and sell out humanity to the reapers because how dare you like nazis goy.
SR-71, 1964
Time stopped.
I fucking love Mass Effect
If we killed everyone below 100 IQ we'd reach Type 1 Civilization within 200 years
Of course that won't happen because we care about people's fee fees too much and we're going to end up killing each other over whose sandnigger religion is the most based and childrapepilled