
This is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Attached: boriscrop21.jpg (625x400, 41.18K)

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Are you upset that you’re not as good looking as him?

10/10 in Bongland.

>This was* the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

One word seems of in your sentence.

Kind of what I expected

why does he look like a watered down version of trumph

true bong representation would be a nigger muslim tranny commiie fag murdeer rapist pedo

Pretty Chad ngl, must be because he was born here

Attached: 1584303881187.webm (790x434, 1.91M)

well at least he was not a commie, right

No u

>spend five years playing both sides of brexit to become PM
>die 6 months later

why are brits the ultimate cucks?


>both sides
No, he was always a leaver.

looks like an orc

Attached: HERD.jpg (518x676, 493.8K)


born for BBC

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post a picture of his gf.

it's sad that his new child will be born without a father desu.

Hopefully not for much longer. Just a few more days of this moron lads.

And I'm glad we've got him.

Classic British friendly challenge with a head-butt to the bollocks.

He's quintessentially english, the perfect head of state for the isles.

Literally peak of human body performance.


Attached: 2020-03-31 01_48_02-King of gaffes_ A list of almost everyone Boris Johnson has insulted - world new.png (929x703, 1.33M)

he looks like the guy in THE PIT OF DESPAIR from the princess bride.

not for long

I like the mason symbol on the tennis racket

Like an actual bull

>Football? This is my game now.

“The pit of despair” is incidentally the city he works in.

why do foreigners envy our prime minister??

Boris seems like a top lad

>This is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

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not for long

He was a king among men

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Reminder of Boris' true colours:

well his grandfather was a Muslim, he’s part Turkish.

>Igore mad! Want food!

I’m under the impression that if you shake him, his head will stay perfectly stabilized.

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i'm sure they'll give him some chloroquine and he'll be gooder than new

He's dropping his left so bad. Wouldn't last a minute.

He has no true colours, he's a fucking chameleon with no conviction on anything.


Attached: 20191111_120911.jpg (2560x1440, 1.44M)

He is in ICU on a ventilator, and has been since Saturday morning after getting into difficulty friday night after his last broadcast.

Raab will chair the emergency meeting tomorrow.

screencap this before mods delete it.


>says Paweł, forgetting his 3 sisters are all married to British men in the UK


boris the bull

alpha chad.
dont be jealous.

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now that makes him highly representative sample of the population.

The Captain always goes down with the ship

Attached: BORIS.jpg (2000x1000, 330.06K)


Find me a more based lad on this earth. Pro tip you can’t

who makes these awful edits

the most primest of all prime ministers *salutes*

He'd batter you, even on his death bed.

is he dying?

That's the hobbit that kept the crypt in the Princess Bride.