Attached: _111278883_boris.jpg (1024x576, 60.65K)

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It's over for brexitfags

Did he death?

Goodnight sweet prince

What ?


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he was admitted to the hospital.........chang virus, and if, god FORBID, he passes..........Sadiq Kahn becomes the new king of the UK via rule of the royal line of succession

Attached: 8409849.jpg (968x681, 112.93K)

It's fake

He has strong constitution

Ok, then OP's concern was warranted !

ooooooooooooo SOMETIMES

- Erasure

He'll be replaced.

BREXIT postponed forever

Attached: 2Q==.jpg (225x225, 10.49K)

Bory better pull through, if he passes and we have to watch the Royal Parade for Sadiq with everyone singing Allah Save The King during the call to prayer I think I might fucking KILL MYSELF

Are you a limey living in the US ?

Does Boris have the holocough?

Attached: 7C6E3585-A737-446C-AF63-055CC952ECF6.jpg (248x408, 14.06K)

yeah, i got stuck here because of chinky flu


unlike the Republic of the United States


I feel for ya, Anglo bro.
Assuming that you are not a Brexit remoaner ! :P

user posted he was already dead an 1 hour ago

this would be a logic move, they now need a big influencal name to die from covid to make sure people fear and believe it, too many people pretend that nothing its going on

also he a perfect target since he made them weak and lose their control power in the uk with brexit also also they must be piss at him for just giving the idea to the others country of the union since now others country are thinking of leaving it

man if he dies, Huawei are going to get banned so quick by Lord Protector Raab.

Attached: dominic-raab-toshimitsu-motegi_6a8bafa6-4a69-11ea-8b8c-fba542a06006.jpg (1200x675, 77.52K)


Haha this is the best outcome.

S, Spit on his grave.
I really hope that this lying BRITISH SWINE fucking dies from it.
Get him Corona-V.

I hope they give that lying British swine Boris Johnson extra large dose of NOVICHOK.
Fuck him and his life.
I hope he dies like a rat.

Attached: British Swine.jpg (1024x576, 184.71K)

Checked. Hoping this becomes true through the power of my mind!

he's had it for over a week and still has a fever.

i had the fever for 12hrs.

idiots have quarantined the mild strain while the deadly strain spreads through the hospitals.

you non-immune wankers need to catch the mild version quick.

fuck no, i want the UK to become like the wild west with guns and (((asian))) bounties

Not sure about that. Can we get a Muslim to confirm how Britain government works.


dw anons, he will develop herd immunity

It's over.

I really felt like Boris had put things together perfectly, politically speaking. We need him now.

Your ancestors should have came here long ago, like mine did.

Stop crying eurocuck

You fucked up Ting Tongue

1 down, 2 to go

fingers crossed they all die

Attached: idiots.jpg (980x590, 75.85K)



Listen herd, it's only a flu!

Sacrifices must be made for the herd, and he's ready to be on the frontlines. What about you? Scared?

Please do not use such vulgar language

Brown mummy PM when?

Attached: Priti Smirk 7.jpg (640x960, 92.71K)

Fuck off shitskin!

Attached: Help meeeeeeeeeeee.....png (980x742, 630.53K)

they were always going to get rid of him. he's a useful idiot, hes anti commie and he would have opposed greater lockdown measures and the uk going full authoritatrian

I hope im wrong i really do not want another unelected prime minister

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Jew guard change over
>So exciting!

Attached: Drum Beater.webm (640x360, 641.58K)


All British swines with bad teeth should die from CoronaVirus.
That will be like 90% of their population. Fucking ugly looking inbreeds British pieces of shit.

Attached: piece of shit.jpg (1280x960, 74.54K)

The thing is : if he was a regular guy people being 30 and 40 would have a priority over him in hospitals and he could be left to die. Here he has a chance of survival.

This, Boris knew the risk, and he truly believed herd immunity was the best course. He's leading the charge. He will die an honourable death.

Oh God Please yes. Die mother fucker.


If he dies a jew, who was apparently raised "anglican", becomes prime minister.

muh herd immunity tho

>Turk being replaced by Paki
The absolute state of Britain

Not yet. We're not quite at that stage yet. Maybe in a week or so it could get like that but atm we don't have to do that.

>Fat pajeet mummy PM when?
I was betting on a another (((chosen)))) raaab

Attached: BeatriceGrant.webm (320x568, 954.42K)

based oldest ally.

Bolsanaro's a goner

Ahh, I understand
You got a tiny peepee

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Lol corona loves fattiea. 70 percent of the people that need ventilators are obese.

That fat fuck will be sucking a tube for the next week and then its a 50/50 shot he loves or dies.

Peak Brit right there.

ThIs useless parasite bitch should die also from CoronaVirus.

Attached: drunk English pig .jpg (480x480, 39.16K)

He's a half-jew. Jewish father. I actually wanted him to win the last conservative leadership contest, despite the the jew thing. He's really not that bad.

We, the civilized people, sympathize with you people that have now lost the leader. When you see our flag, know that we think about your sad country, and know that we truly feel sorry that you have choosen the path to hell instead of being in the immediate warmth of the true European nations. For scientific reasons, we hope some of you will survive this terrible crisis. With love, your EU overlords.

Attached: eulove european_union_eu_official_blue_flag_heart_sticker-re15a785ad3384ddc8beabd1fdafb8252_0ugd3_8byvr_540.jpg (540x540, 25.49K)

Jesus is British and he loves Boris

t. Shekelstein & Greenberg

If he’s going to the hospital his lungs are permanently fucked, best case

>Meme flag
Also, she's German

Yeah, he's going on a ventilator for sure.

If du.bs he will not survive this year

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lucky bustard

Looks like the reptiles will go full zog and not bother to put a cryptojew

>Yeah, he's going on a ventilator for sure.
I hope they will pump NOVICHOK in it.
Is Boris Johnson that lying British Swine dead yet???????????????????????

He won't make it till Friday

>He has strong constitution

lol why, because thats what your headcanon says?

Never trust a Jew. They're always entirely bad.

Boris will SHINE

Anyone saw the queens speech? I swear shes dead and that was just an hologram. Dat whore really has heartless eyes

roll for fatality