Is he retarded?

Is he retarded?

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No, he's based.

No but Charles Lieber is being tortured and already ratted out his handlers. Sloppy job mossad.



Come on, Donny...

Yep, he’s just de-legitimised every sacrifice men have made in fighting and dying for liberty by referencing a “virus” as an enemy, we’re in simp world now.

this is the only legitimate take from this.

his biggest asset is the fact that everyone think he is retarded

>he's based.
In idiocy.

Is he wrong?

He's talking about the international banking system.


Isn't anyone paying attention to the war beneath the pandemic?


>Isn't anyone paying attention to the war beneath the pandemic?
What's this about? There's war with the international banking system? Since when?

Sometimes I don’t think he’s always referring to the virus when he says “invisible enemy”...

This. Trump plays 4D chess from time to time but the autists can't comprehend that.

No, we ARE growing tougher and smarter by the moment. We will emerge the victors of the invisible war.

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just go back to sleep dumbfuck

>Doesn't understand sarcasm
No no, user, tell me more. What's this war beneath the pandemic all about? I'll sleep later.

he's desperately trying to psyche the public into associating him with a wartime president. If you watch the press-conferences he comes out and says "we're at war" constantly. A year ago I thought he was going to start an actual war because I didn't expect the kike puppet to attempt to lie about something this blatant. It's funny though because his approval numbers have gone up which means it probably worked.

and that's why we love him

>Trump is a stable genius
Still couldn't get into Harvard, or MIT.

>It's funny though because his approval numbers have gone up which means it probably worked.
True. Boomers fall for the most basic CIA psyops.

Could he be talking about something else? Something much deeper?

Attached: P0wnGIKjohn-kennedy-quotes.jpg (831x517, 69.65K)

you're literally a protoboomer, you have no fucking clue what the CIA does, you just repeat whatever dumb fucking shit you read on the internet and pretend like this somehow makes you clued in on anything.

Dude... Leave this forum!

Who fucking cares being president is better than both those schools combined

You must be pretty retarded if you can't follow the basic strategies Trump uses. Typical midwit.

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he's talking about moloch & its child sacrificing homicidal eugenicist cohorts

Attached: Screen-Shot-2020-04-03-at-7.37.34-am.png (1198x494, 94.95K)

>Words that were never spoken.
Fuck off.

>Could he be talking about something else?
>Something much deeper?
Perhaps; although I'm thinking that he's all about "Muh Bestest Economy EVAR!!" rather than anything else. There's just too little actual results on other fronts to make me believe that he's "bringing evil people to justice".

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Who is the guy on the right?

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we got forces in the tunnels right now

>this isn't the wartime president re-election strategy
>Trump created this strategy

okay MIGApede

YES, he is.

"after seeing what they were doing with their Masks"

Hillary knows what kind of Masks he's talking about.

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Can you guys admit he talks like a 4th grader?

>to little actual results

>prince Andrew

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There’s a literal underground war going on

>you have no fucking clue what the CIA does
Oh, but I do.
>Who fucking cares being president is better than both those schools combined
But, he still didn't get into Harvard (or MIT).
Can't make out if you're being sarcastic here.


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>You're a lefty shill.
That's so 2017 user. Keep up with the times. Upgrade your low IQ comebacks.
>he's talking about moloch & its child sacrificing homicidal eugenicist cohorts
Says a person who's familiar with the President's thinking.

He is obviously talking about the cabal. Q confirmed.

read between the lines, he is NOT referring to the virus.


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He wants to be a war president, but he doesn't have the balls to start an actual war. So he's leaning to much into this invisible enemy bullshit, to the point of going full retard. But at least he's smarter than a virus.

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The entire ruling class of Western civilization is retarded.

He cute

This. The most obvious proof of DJT being a deep state puppet is that he doesn't execute any of them.
Your landlord.

(((Invisible Enemy)))

Could you cite where he actually did that. I don't remember him saying that

>be the janitor for an entire country
>could make a lot more money in private sector, basically do it for free

I at first thought that this was a fake tweet.

Then I realized it was Donald Trump.

Fuck off chink.

Retard. Fuck off or get Red pilled

look at all of the Q niggers in the thread, the populous is fucking worse

Is OP a nigger?

who are they?

>Kennedy Jr. and wife still alive.
At what point will you fuckers realize that you're believing in more and more fantastical stuff just to keep your LARP going? At what point are you fuckers going to say "whoa, that's a stretch user." ?

>he doesnt know

educate yourself shill

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No, but you (((t_d))) faggots are for spamming this board 24/7 with your retarded false-flag threads.

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Then what is her referring to?

You couldn't even get into a junior college retard