Manifest Destiny

It makes complete economic and cultural sense for Alberta and Saskatchewan to secede from Canada and join the US

Eastern Canada is fucking the west and it needs to separate with Wexit
The Eastern Canadian’s whole thing about having to accept every thing American is scare tactics when your an American possession or a territory you have your own laws and your own election system. Just similar currency and military protection. As well as, as a state you have more power than the federal government.

Most trade is done with the US and it would exponentially increase if they became states

You’d have the first and second amendment unlike the simps of the east

You’d see an oil and investment boom, lower taxes, increased jobs and trade, the protection of the US military and so much more

Anyone arguing against Wexit is a Canadian government shill or a liberal that doesn’t want more conservative US states

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Wexit means an independent Western Canada, free of rule from the east. We don't want to be part of your declining empire, you dumb mutt.

This absolutely needs to happen for the survival of these provinces


California can be Canada's Alaska!

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Just do this with Greenland, Baja California, Northern Mexico and maybe...Cancun...I dont know.

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>t. mutt sellout

Independent West is my preference, but I don't think it's realistic. I'd take this ten times out of ten rather than sink with the rest of Canada.

Ah but you do need us
You think you’ll have enough investment and resources on your own?
You’ll at the minimum need to be backed by the US dollar and military

Based leaf
I’m ready to call the west burgers

Attached: NeoUnitedStates.png (1200x620, 120K)

>UK, Ireland, Aus, and NZ
>Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea
Absolutely haram.

Why do you want Taiwan? Just curious.

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Come home, white man.

Wouldn’t it have been nice

Why not Panama too?

Why isn't Ontario included?

Because Ontario is where every bad thing in Canada comes from. It should be carpetbombed.

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Ching Chong Chang

How embarrassing.

Because its filled with a shitload of faggots and poos, it's lost like Quebec and BC

Why the fuck would you leave the western states so fucking huge? Dumb.


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We should probably annex BC since you numbnuts decided selling the chinks a bluewater port in the western hemisphere was a bright idea.

Truth be told, I wouldn't mind that.

Not enough of a difference in mindsets to warrant a separation

Ching Chong Ding Dong

this so much

You'll be saving America too. This is probably the only real way to prevent ruin

I used to live in Quebec and wouldn't mind more of a unified North America. Using the United Nation's designation, of course, which does not include Mexico into North America and instead places it in Central America with countries like Guatemala.

This is also how I learned geography while living in Quebec. Mexico was never considered "North America."

Don't you have a mart to shart in, mutts?

Minus Greater Vancouver and Montreal, BC and QC, respectively, are pretty based.

From Anchorage to Havana it should all be American

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I like America, but no, I don't want to be dragged into having mutts run into our lands and face all the problems USA is facing. AB, SK and Manitoba are like the last bastion of white people in Canada.

We know you speak German, which narrows it down to 4-5 countries. Drop the flag

Shouldve conquered all of Mexico back during the Mexican American War but Polk was a cuck

Show me the receipt on that sale retard.

Also why does this never include Manitoba? It has access to the ocean and a northern port which will be vital in the future, has so much fresh water it’s hard to quantify, has insane amount of untapped resources in the shield, and it can grow millions of tons of wheat, onions beans, corn, mustard seed ect ect. Also Manitoba is PC right now and tends to lean away from liberals, either voting NDP or PC.

It would be pretty funny to tell B.C. (the province that has been fucking us the hardest), sorry fuckers, you gotta drive around.

and the train has to drive around too.

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I find it strange that is your question to this, Canadian citizen.


hmm even HUD probably couldnt stick niggers that far in the middle of nowhere... still if your politics are as cucked as american republicans its not gonna help any

Annex Canada before a war with China. Hey I’ve seen this somewhere before.

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Fuck you then. You're stuck with being part of Cuckcanuckland. Enjoy.

Very true

Here's how it starts to play out. The Bank of Canada is going to start taking distressed assets off big bank balance sheets and buy bonds to improve liquidity. Canada FinMin going to try to pump out cheques to workers and SMEs, but will fail because of Canadian bureaucracy. Massive stagflation. Prov governments start defaulting because no one buys bonds. Confederation starts to rip apart at the seams as feds have to start bailing everyone out. Regional grievances manifest. Inflation or hyperinflation. Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal start looking more and more like early 1990s yugoslavia. Military deployed to urban centres? Enjoy the ride boys. We're looking at anarchy coming to a neighbourhood near you as the ideology of the last 50 year collapses upon itself.

I want to leave canada so bad but keep my land.

Nice GET user

I agree, fuck Ontario and Quebec.

Looks good to me user
Greater America here we come

>Alberta and Saskatchewan to secede from Canada and join the US

we are going to have to change Sasquatchion to something more western like New Idaho or something

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Toronto* dont lump the rest of us with them

I would love Manitoba to join as well
I just think it’s less likely until Alberta and SK joins

Highly based

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das good land

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Attached: Athabasca Falls, Alberta.jpg (2285x1714, 1.14M)

The way I see it
The territories would most likely end up joining the US down the line and there’s basically no one that lives there anyway

“Protection”, as if the US wouldn’t defend Canada in any realistic invasion by any other country

some major Canadian cities there though

Attached: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (2018).jpg (1920x1281, 516.75K)

Attached: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada night aerial.jpg (3187x1793, 829.26K)

Canada yes
An independent Alberta maybe not

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